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Schedule-induced drinking and food-magazine contacts were examined in rats receiving either true- or pseudodiscriminative conditioning. Schedule-induced drinking was largely confined to S? following true discrimination training, but when SI and S2 were unrelated to food deliveries (pseudo condition), drinking occurred after food ingestion. A stimulus generalization test for drinking yielded an excitatory postdiscrimination gradient around S? after the true discrimination and a flat gradient after the pseudo discrimination. Additional observations showed S? drinking to be closely related to the amount of food consumed during the immediately preceding S+ trial. These data suggested that both the predictive feature of S? and postprandial stimuli can control schedule-induced drinking. It was argued that these variables represent two general processes—induction and selection—both of which are necessary conditions requiring further study. Magazine contacts during S+ did not distinguish the true from the pseudo condition and were not influenced by test stimuli during a generalization test.  相似文献   

Evaluations of the interim term or 4-1-4 program at various colleges have been generally favorable. A detailed evaluation of the Rider College interim study program (ISP) based on faculty and student reports was also generally favorable but indicated that the more non-traditionally oriented courses, such as travel or off-campus study, were rated higher than the more traditional offerings, such as lectures or library projects. ISPs which required little time or effort on the part of students were rated poorly. Many of the faculty felt that the program had given them a deeper involvement with students and had allowed them to offer material they may not have offered during the regular semester, or to teach in a different way.  相似文献   

Basic evaluation research of interim programs conducted to date has employed three of four conceptual models. In the present article, the authors (1) identify these four conceptual models, (2) briefly outline significant studies that have been conducted using three of them, and (3) explore the possible advantages of one model which has not been used or reported in the literature of higher education. It is hoped that some insight into the possible ways to evaluate interim programs was provided, that further thought about objective evaluation programs was initiated, and that creative ventures into areas not yet researched were stimulated.  相似文献   

马克思的革命理论是马克思主义理论的重要组成部分之一,以往政治家和学者对马克思和恩格斯的革命理论,大多冠以“同时胜利论”,然而,在马克思和恩格斯的原著中并没有关于“同时胜利论”的明确表述。准确她说,马恩的革命理论表述为“同时发生论”更符合原意。这不仅因为在原著中能够找到佐证,在实践中也和列宁后来的“一国胜利论”有一定逻辑关系。今天,正本清源,也同样具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

It has been reported that increases in volume drunk of a solution, prior to poisoning, lead to greater learned aversions. However, this effect may be due totally or partially to differences in time spent drinking rather than to amount drunk. When duration of drinking is held constant, rats differ spontaneously in how much of a solution they drink. In 29 experimental groups, varying in procedural details, the correlation between amount drunk on the training day and percent preference for the solution on the test day (the opposite of aversion) was positive in 16 cases, negative in 13, and usually low. Regardless of whether volume drunk affects taste-aversion learning under some conditions, evidently it is sufficient to control duration of drinking rather than volume, since the spontaneously occurring variations in volume have only slight, if any, effects on the individual differences in learned aversion.  相似文献   

文章着重阐述数学统一观的两个基本特点,即各学科之间的交融性以及数学思想的包容性和整体性,结合数学教学,强调数学统一观对学生数学素质的培养及认知能力的提高,都有着重要而深刻的影响与作用。  相似文献   

行政效能监督是国家赋予行政效能监督机构的一项重要职能,加强行政效能监督实际是一个依法行政、依法监督的过程,如何规范化是当前研究的重点。  相似文献   

我国现阶段法律执行的状况距离“有法必依”还相去甚远。探究“有法必依”现实缺憾之主要原因在于:缺失了社会认同的法律文化根基;司法权的弱势及法律的权威没有形成;法律规则本身存在先天缺陷;执法和司法等运行方面存在的不足导致法律作用的削弱。在这诸多原因中,法律规则的后果缺失是其重要一端。据此,在制定规则的指导思想上牢固树立权利本位观念,在制定规则的技术上健全法律后果,从根本上增强法律规则的执行力。  相似文献   

会计是一门实践性、操作性都很强的学科,面对新的经济形势,如何培养高级应用性会计人才是职业教育的一个挑战,会计模拟教学是强化实践教学环节的重要手段,本文就如何加强会计模拟实验教学,提高学生的职业技能提出了一些设想。  相似文献   

加强民办高校党的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了民办高校党的建设,认为民办高校和其它社会组织一样,党的组织的存在和健全是非常必要的,党组织应该发挥对学生的思想教育的职能.  相似文献   

一个国家合理的高等教育结构是本国高等教育的层次、科类、形式、分布、投资等结构的优化组合。当前,政府对高等教育结构进行宏观指导和调控的目标是:使我国的高等教育结构有利于增强高等教育人才培养与社会需求的吻合性,有利于杰出人才的脱颖而出,有利于满足国民对高等教育的各种需求,有利于我国高等教育市场体制的建立和完善。为了实现这一目标,政府的指导和调控必须具有科学性、宏观性、前瞻性和可操作性。  相似文献   

文 [1]得出H .Guggenheimer不等式rnahna+rnbhnb+rnchnc≥ 3 (n≥ 1) .①文 [2 ]将式①加强为rarbrchahbhc≥ 1.②本文将证明两个更强的结论 .命题 1 设△ABC的高和旁切圆 ,外接圆 ,内切圆半径分别为ha、hb、hc,ra、rb、rc,R ,r .在n≥ 1时 ,有rnahna+rnbhnb+rnchnc≥ 3 2R -r3rn.③引理[3 ]  设p为△ABC的半周长 ,则有∑ara=2p( 2R -r) .④其中“∑”表示循环和 .命题的证明 :由三角形中的恒等式aha=2pr等和式④ ,以及不等式 an+bn+cn3 ≥a +b +c3n 知rnahna+rnbhnb+rnchnc=∑rnahna=∑(ara) n(aha) n=∑(ara) n( 2pr) n ≥ 3( 2pr)…  相似文献   

海关作为国家行政执法机关,依法行政是国家、社会和当事人对海关的基本要求,是依法治国的现实需要。海关既是依法治国的主体,也是依法治国的对象。立法、执法实践要求海关执法程序进一步完善、规范和统一,要建立起符合WTO规则要求的执法程序体系。  相似文献   

加强政府投资工程管理的探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建国以来,我国政府投资工程项目管理方式随着投资体制改革进行不断发展,虽取得一定成效,但也存在不少问题。通过分析目前我国政府投资工程项目管理中存在的问题,并借鉴国外政府投资工程项目管理的先进经验,提出改进和加强我国政府投资工程项目管理中的建议。  相似文献   

曾岳生 《怀化学院学报》2006,25(12):150-152
论述了加强基础课教学的重要性,分析当前基础课教学面临的问题,提出加强基础课教学、提高基础课教学质量的对策和措施。  相似文献   

云课程是基于云计算技术的教育应用而出现的新的课程形态。面对实践领域日新月异的新格局,课程与教学论学科需要自觉加强云课程问题的系统研究。在理论上,需要进一步关注课程形态及其演化问题,深入剖析云课程概念、结构和功能,把握云课程的教学机理。同时,需要在战略层面明确云课程建设的政策导向、目标定位和基本机制,努力促进产学研协同创新。  相似文献   

物理演示实验有助于学生理解物理学的基本概念和基本现象,是物理教学的一个重要环节.为加强演示实验教学不仅要明确其重要意义,还应编制统一的实验目录、筹建演示实验室,并充分发挥其功能和作用.  相似文献   

高性能复合砂浆钢筋网加固法是一种综合效益较好的加固方法,适用于对混凝土结构及砌体结构的加固补强。通过工程实例说明了加固钢筋界限配筋率计算公式的运用以及高性能复合砂浆钢筋网加固法在实际工程中的应用。  相似文献   

素描和色彩教学在造型艺术、设计艺术专业人才培养中发挥着十分重要的基础作用,当前,素描和色彩教学依然存在着一些值得商榷的问题,需要引起重视,可从内容设置、训练方式等方面加以改进,从而提高专业人才培养的质量,并在教学中予以纠正。  相似文献   

通过对钢筋焊接网片施工技术的具体介绍,阐述了钢筋焊接网片的施工要点。技术经济指标分析说明,钢筋焊接网片新技术的推广能节约原材料,缩短工期,降低工程造价。  相似文献   

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