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This paper discusses the factors influencing the integration of digital archival resources in China. The integration of digital archival resources as discussed in this article refers to the way in which information contained within dispersed digital archives within a country, or a specific area such as a province, city or county, can be successfully integrated, classified and restructured around specific topics and actual needs in order to realise optimal social sharing and utilisation of digital archival resources. There is little Chinese published research regarding what factors influence the integration of digital archival resources. This article, therefore, uses Charmaz’s Constructivist Grounded Theory approach and draws forth the theory that archivists’ cognition on the integration of digital archival resources and the context (which consists of the organisational culture of archives, archives management systems, and the laws and regulations on archives disclosure), influence the integration of digital archival resources, and these factors interact with each other. This theory can also be illustrated by the model: cognition–context–action. This research can provide some recommendations for the promotion and sustainable development of the integration of digital archival resources in China as well as other countries.  相似文献   

Academic integrity has long been an issue of concern to the academic community, and in recent years has attracted attention worldwide. As the country with the world's largest research output, especially as shown during the recent pandemic, China is actively working to combat academic misconduct. To explore China's initiatives and actions in this regard, 75 Chinese official policies from the national level were collected, analysed and reviewed. Based on the policy text, this study examines the construction of the academic integrity system in China. Through grounded theory and text analysis methods, six parts of the policy system were identified: current status, goals and objectives, polycentric governance, cultural-cognitive measures, normative measures and regulative measures. The results show the specific measures taken by China with regards to each part and indicate that an academic integrity system has been formed in China.  相似文献   

The current study explored a whole-network approach to measure the impact of institutional completeness at an individual-level with regards to [Kim, Y. (2001). Becoming intercultural: An integrative theory of communication and cross-cultural adaptation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.] a theoretical model of cross-cultural adaptation. A new construct of ‘ethnic entrainment’ was proposed as a way to bridge the different levels of theoretical constructs in the model. The analytical challenge of verifying the influence of institutional completeness (a group-level construct in the model) on individuals’ communication patterns was partially overcome in this study by measuring the degree of one's structural embeddedness in various ethnic community networks (i.e. information, emotional support, and tangible help exchange networks). A community member survey (N?=?172) was utilized to construct social networks of a Korean immigrant community. The research tested hypotheses generated from Kim's theorems on the relationships between ethnic group strength and host/ethnic interpersonal/mass communication. Three out of five hypotheses were supported through hierarchical regression analyses.  相似文献   

A mid-sized university library system conducted a large-scale mixed-methods research project intended to understand better the student library experience and ways to enhance it. One aspect of the project included a detailed and iterative analysis of interview data. Using a grounded theory (GT) approach, researchers analyzed empirical data from student interviews and identified patterns of behavior. The results of data analyses suggested that students used knowledge and interactions from library class to inform them of how to study academic content and complete non-research tasks and vice versa. As a result, researchers generated an inductive (emerging from the data) theory that asserts that some research and study activities are mutually informative. The article describes the approach used to develop the theoretical construct in hopes that it will provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between research and studying behaviors and how academic libraries contribute to the greater academic landscape in ways not previously recognized.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative illness that can yield a host of well-documented physical and psychosocial challenges; however, the impact of the disease on the identity of persons with PD (PWPs) is not well understood. Based on a constructivist grounded theory approach, data gathered from in-depth interviews with 47 PWPs were analyzed using constant comparison. The resulting theoretical structure related to identity and communication states that (a) PD threatens identity in several significant ways; (b) PWPs communicatively manage threats to identity; and (c) communicatively managing threats to identity is a complex, varied process. Results offer a theoretical understanding of the ways in which identity, communication, and PD are linked, and can inform interventions and care for this population.  相似文献   

Sexual orientation disclosure can result in both positive and negative consequences. Utilizing the theory of coming out message production (COMP; Li & Samp, 2018), this study explored when and how disclosure messages predict more positive reports of psychological well-being. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual participants (N = 251) reported their experiences of first ever coming out to others in face-to-face settings. Results showed that when people’s disclosure goals become more salient, they tend to perceive greater desire to change their current outness levels toward the disclosure receivers, which in turn predict higher degrees of disclosure. When people are highly motivated, their perceived relational power over receivers also positively predicts degrees of disclosure. Regardless of receivers’ reactions, greater salience of disclosure goals and higher degrees of disclosure predict fewer depressive symptoms and higher self-esteem. This study supports COMP and provides practical implications for when, to whom, and how individuals first come out.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]社会化问答社区已成为网络用户获取知识常用途径之一,也是网络环境下重要的社交方式。探究用户对社会化问答社区的刻板印象以及矫正消极刻板印象,对社会化问答社区的运营发展具有重要的实践意义。[方法/过程]选取知乎作为研究对象,应用扎根理论方法,通过数据资料收集、三级编码等过程,结合图式理论,构建社会化问答社区刻板印象内容模型。[结果/结论]研究发现社会化问答社区刻板印象内容包含用户属性、平台属性、社会属性3个维度,其中用户属性包括用户水平和使用原因,平台属性包括管理体系和社区氛围,社会属性包括知识问答和社交营销。用户门槛低、内容审核机制不严格、消极现象明显以及软文广告较多是用户产生消极刻板印象的主要原因。  相似文献   

Firefighters are routinely exposed to situations involving contact with deceased or injured children, burned and seriously injured bodies, and high-uncertainty calls. Thus, many firefighters suffer debilitating consequences including depression, dysfunctional drinking, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Using an identity tensions framework, we sought to understand the challenges firefighters encounter as they cope with exposure to traumatic events. We interviewed 27 members of a rural fire department and used a constant comparative method to analyze their responses. We found trauma was induced when occupational identity intersected futile situations and those involving children; tensions emerged between traditional and newer, emergent firefighting cultures; and firefighters experience tensions in negotiating how and when to express emotion. Based on these findings, we offer a number of practical implications centering on an occupational identity tensions framework to encourage reflexivity in firefighters and moving beyond older, enduring stereotypes of what it means to be a firefighter.  相似文献   

The authors discuss methods and challenges of supporting branch academic libraries overseas that are not staffed onsite by librarians or permanent staff. The authors present their two-pronged approach of creating a virtual presence carefully customized to the needs of the students studying abroad along with specially and highly trained student workers. The new program, grounded partly in theories from education and business management, is shown to have substantially improved both library services for our study abroad students as well as library student workers’ performance.  相似文献   

主题科学传播在选题策略和传播渠道均存在其特点。选取我国新型冠状病毒肺炎学术成果交流平台2020年1月27日至7月19日网络载文作为典型案例,收集单篇论文的阅读量、题目、期刊、作者信息及网页访问量构成,定性分析论文学科属性与传播主题的关联,定量分析全球访问量的国别特征、构成及趋势。高阅读量论文的选题呈现以下3个特点:与中心事件强相关、与关键问题有结合点、研究对象较受关注,单篇阅读量较高的论文类型为论著、指南共识、述评专论。网络传播中以直接访问与外部链接引流为主要渠道,引流来源以自建网络平台、文献数据库、主流搜索产品(如百度学术)为主。随着疫情形势变化及观察时间窗延长,访问量增幅较大的渠道以微信公众平台及社交媒体为主,新增渠道包括不同出版平台资源中心外链及大众新闻媒介。除我国外,访问量较高的国家为美国、巴西、印度、日本、意大利。主题科学传播中传播迅速且较受关注的论文选题兼顾学科关联性及公众关切,传播渠道以网络为主。随着时间推移,即时通讯及社交媒体传播增速较高,更多境外网络访问、出版机构互链及国际学术组织数据库涉入,科学传播的受众角色更加丰富。中文论文的国际推广应注重传统平台及新兴渠道的均衡发力,凭借国际化资源中心及社交媒体平台主动传播。  相似文献   


Research shows that autonomous individuals have greater psychological well-being and high-quality relationships. The present study, from a communication perspective, aimed to understand the dynamics between child autonomy, communication competence, and parent-child relationship satisfaction. Participants in this study were 169 parent-young adult child dyads. Results showed that autonomous children reported being more communicatively competent, and both themselves and their parents reported greater satisfaction. Further, mediation analyses showed that child autonomy was positively associated with children’s satisfaction with parents through their disclosure competence, and child autonomy was positively associated with parents’ satisfaction with children through child conflict management competence. Overall, the findings revealed that young adult child being autonomous was beneficial to both themselves and their parents.  相似文献   

This investigation seeks to extend Wilson, Aleman, and Leatham's (1998) revision of Brown and Levinson's (1987) politeness theory by focusing on the relationship between face threat and refusals to requests. Results support that (a) when requests are refused, threats to the negative face needs of the requester are more prevalent than threats to the negative face of the refuser and (b) depending on the obstacle underlying the refusal, there are differences in type of threat present to the requester's positive face and the refuser's face needs.  相似文献   

知识资源论--关于知识资源管理与图书馆学的研究对象   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
柯平 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(6):58-63,113
20世纪80年代以来,图书馆学研究领域不断变化和扩大,研究对象的讨论取得了一些进展与突破。文章提出了从信息资源管理到知识资源管理研究重心的转移,从四个层面分析了图书馆学研究对象。作者以知识资源论为基础,提出了图书馆学的研究对象是知识资源,作者还就围绕新的研究对象对图书馆学研究提出一些建议。  相似文献   

From a contact theory perspective, links between variation in young adults' perceptions of communication with their grandparents and attitudes towards older adults are examined. The analysis pays particular attention to variation in communication with multiple grandparents, and finds links between that and perceived variability in the older adult population as a whole. More variation in perceptions of communication with grandparents is associated with perceptions of older adults as more heterogeneous. However, variation in grandparent relationships is associated with more negative attitudes towards older adults on measures of attitudinal central tendency. The results are discussed in terms of intergroup communication processes, contact theory and possible interventions to reduce prejudice in this and other contexts.  相似文献   

From a contact theory perspective, links between variation in young adults' perceptions of communication with their grandparents and attitudes towards older adults are examined. The analysis pays particular attention to variation in communication with multiple grandparents, and finds links between that and perceived variability in the older adult population as a whole. More variation in perceptions of communication with grandparents is associated with perceptions of older adults as more heterogeneous. However, variation in grandparent relationships is associated with more negative attitudes towards older adults on measures of attitudinal central tendency. The results are discussed in terms of intergroup communication processes, contact theory and possible interventions to reduce prejudice in this and other contexts.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how communication research can be strategically applied to address environmental problems in modern societies. To accomplish this goal, this research advances an integrated communication model based on psychological reactance theory and the theory of planned behavior to explain negative attitude change that can occur when people are exposed to water conservation campaigns [Liang, Y. J., Henderson, L.K., & Kee, K. F. (2017). Running out of water! Developing a message typology and evaluating message effects on attitude toward water conservation. Environmental Communication. doi:10.1080/17524032.2017.1288648]. The data fit the hypothesized model, synthesizing message-, social-, and individual-based processes to predict their effects on behavioral intention towards water conservation. Interestingly, data show that (1) combinations of message strategies affect reactance differently, and (2) subjective norm and perceived behavioral control negatively correlated with threat to freedom. These results point to the practical implication that environmental communication to promote voluntary water conservation are effective when campaign messages are designed to reduce threat to freedom, induce social norms, and increase self-efficacy. We call the documented research process strategic environmental communication, which focuses on the joint application of evidence and theory towards addressing environmentally motivated problems.  相似文献   

Organizational identity (OI) has traditionally been defined as those core, distinctive, and enduring features unique to an institution (Albert & Whetten, 1985). However, organizational research (e.g., Ashforth & Mael, 1996; Cheney & Christensen, 2001; Vaugn, 1997) published in the last decade has prompted that Albert and Whetten's (1985) definition of OI be recast to emphasize message transmission and organizational values among its core properties. Subsequently, this paper advances a revised definition of OI, describes a content analytic method for OI assessment, and then applies it in a case study to determine the communicated values comprising the identity of a specific organization, the United Church of God, an International Association, during its first five years. Results of a longitudinal analysis indicate that United's identity reflects the following values: (a) during its first year of existence family security, obedience, mature love, helpfulness, and ambition; (b) during its third year of operation family security, helpfulness, ambition, obedience, and true friendship; and (c) in its fifth year family security, ambition, helpfulness, obedience, and wisdom. Based on these results, three findings are advanced regarding United's OI. The implications of this study are addressed in terms of what they mean for United and for OI inquiry in general.  相似文献   

祝建华 :本文描述的“传播机体”理论是“媒体依赖”理论在全球化和新媒体时代的继承和发展 ,用于分析媒体、个人、社群乃至社会各层面之互动关系。陈力丹 :鲍尔 -洛基奇是前任《传播学研究》的两主编之一 ,她与德弗勒的合著《大众传播诸论》1 5年前就在中国出版了中译本 ,因而被我国传播学界知悉。她在理论传播学方面与时俱进 ,现在已经将她早年论证的“媒介依赖论” ,以美国洛杉矶不同文化区域的传播生态作为研究对象 ,发展到了现在的“传播机体论”。本期发表的是她发言的理论部分。  相似文献   


This experiment (N= 476) investigates how individuals evaluate political candidates who use informal communication on social media. We use expectancy violations theory (EVT) to predict that informal communication will lead to negative evaluations. Our results suggest that politicians’ use of informal communication on social media leads to expectancy violation, which decreases perceived credibility and lessens intention to support a candidate. This effect was not moderated by sex (male versus female) or age (young versus old) of the candidate, nor of participants being the same sex as the candidate. These findings suggest that political figures should use informal communication on social media with caution.  相似文献   

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