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Ever since OpenURL linking was introduced in 2000 by Herbert van de Sompel the link resolver has played an important role in providing users with access to the online resources they have rights to. From the start, one of the criticisms of OpenURL linking has been that it is not 100% successful—sometimes the user is presented with a link to full text, but that link fails. In 2010 a new National Information Standards Organization (NISO) workgroup was created to tackle the issue of OpenURL quality. This column will discuss this NISO initiative and look in detail at the proposed “Completeness Index” that promises a means of measuring the quality of OpenURLs being submitted by various content providers. The article will also discuss how some OpenURL quality issues may be more perception than reality and how librarians can configure their links and link resolvers to overcome these negative perceptions.  相似文献   

Selden Lamoureux   《期刊图书馆员》2013,64(3-4):281-287
As libraries continue to increase the amount of content purchased in electronic format, the convention of signing a license agreement for each electronic product has become overly burdensome for both libraries and publishers. The delays inherent in this process have also created barriers to access for patrons. The NISO Shared E-Resource Understanding (SERU) working group was formed in 2006 to develop a best practices alternative that will allow libraries and publishers to avoid licenses for some types of electronic resources by agreeing to the “Statements of Common Understandings for Subscribing to Electronic Resources” outlined on the NISO web site (http://www.niso.org/committees/SERU). This report summarizes the history of the project and outlines next steps for libraries and publishers.  相似文献   

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO), in partnership with the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP), released a Recommended Practice entitled Journal Article Versions (JAV): Recommendations of the NISO/ALPSP JAV Technical Working Group on 23 June 2008. The article describes the background to this work, some of the key decisions made regarding scope, and the recommended nomenclature and definitions. It also refers to other work in this area.  相似文献   

Nearly every major publisher offers open access content of some sort, but open access metadata standards are non‐existent amongst content providers. Users, librarians, content providers, and technology vendors who offer OpenURL resolvers and discovery services all stand to benefit from standardized ways to indicate what content is open access and what is not. Additionally, all stakeholders would benefit from a standardized method by which one can ascertain what form of open access any content may be; indeed, there are many definitions of open access. There is ample evidence that every publisher handles their content metadata differently and this creates inefficiencies in the scholarly information supply chain and leads to user confusion. Many initiatives are currently working on solutions to these problems including the NISO KBART workgroup, NISO's Open Discovery Initiative, and NISO's very recently created Open Access Initiative. There are also pre‐existing concepts based on services, such as CrossRef's CrossMark service and discovery systems that hold promise with respect to open access content and metadata.  相似文献   

中国科技期刊文档格式标准化任重道远   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对于科技期刊的电子文档数据的存储和传输来说,文档格式的标准化是其基石.文章阐述XML作为科技期刊电子数据交换的统一格式的原因和历程,概述美国科技期刊电子文档化标准NISO JATS的发展历程及其组成和结构,介绍我国科技期刊文档标准化状况,并对制订有关标准提出建议.文章呼吁同行能在借鉴美国科技期刊全文标记实践的基础上,开展中文科技期刊文档格式标准化的研究,为中文科技期刊的按需出版、在线发布、全文数据库建设和数据共享打下基础.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]系统介绍美国NISO推荐实施规程ALI的背景、内容、应用及其在开放获取信息交流模式中的作用和影响。[方法/过程]通过翻译ALI的内容,解读其作为一套完整的标准化元数据在为开放获取资源提供可视化标识,在促使用户及时了解某一特定内容的开放状态和再利用权限,以及平衡出版商、作者、下游用户之间权益方面的作用。[结果/结论]ALI对我国构建统一的、标准化的开放资源元数据元素,同时对消除作者的版权顾虑,平衡各方利益,消除其中的法律风险有着重要的借鉴意义,可促进我国开放获取运动规范化发展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探讨美国图书馆需求驱动采购(DDA)的标准化发展,介绍美国国家信息标准协会(NISO)出版的《图书的需求驱动采购推荐实施规范》(NISO DDA),为中国图书馆DDA标准化建设提供参考。[方法/过程]通过文献考察,介绍NISO DDA产生的背景、规范的制定过程、规范的要素、作用以及NISO DDA应用中面临的挑战。[结果/结论]NISO DDA为DDA走向标准化和可持续发展奠定了基础。它对保护图书馆、出版商、经销商、电子图书数据库集成商等各利益相关者的利益,以及对各方在合作共赢的基础上规范化采纳推广DDA提供指南并起到积极的作用。同时,DDA的可持续发展继续面临着挑战。图书出版链中的各利益相关者仍然为DDA的可持续发展及标准化建设积极探索。  相似文献   

数字参考服务的试用标准Q/ATP评介   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍美国国家标准化组织(NISO)发布的数字参考服务试用标准--Q/ATP(Question/Answer Transaction Protocol,即“问答处理协议”)的主要內容,协议中的数据结构表。并对协议中的主要模型进行图示说明,对该协议的主要特点、发展前景进行了简要评述,并提出了在实际应用Q/ATP时需要注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

This article examines the complicated process of journal title transfers in the electronic environment. A detailed look at summary title transfer data from the past two years outlines the untimely nature of the title transfer process. Also addressed are how two National Information Standards Organization (NISO)/United Kingdom Serials Group (UKSG) Working Groups, Knowledge Bases and Related Tools (KBART) and Transfer, are working to address some of the problems and streamline the process. Last, an automated and standardized method by which electronic holdings data could be processed is proposed for future work.  相似文献   

数字信息技术的发展、开放获取运动的深入、读者对数字资源使用方式的增加及有关法律的修订等,均对数字资源许可政策提出了新的要求。自2014年以来,国外图书馆数字资源许可政策出现了新一轮的修订潮,美国、加拿大、英国及澳大利亚的多个较早从事数字资源许可政策研究的图书馆联盟先后更新了其数字资源示范许可协议或指导原则。文章拟从这一轮新修订的数字资源许可政策中,选取部分有代表性的政策文本,通过纵向和横向的梳理比较,重点关注新旧政策的变化,分析修订的背景、原因及作用,总结国外图书馆数字资源许可的最新发展动向及经验,并探讨其对我国图书馆的启示,以期助益我国图书馆数字资源许可的实践。  相似文献   

Z39.50协议的发展与在中国应用的思考   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在简单介绍了什么是Z39.50协议,以及该协议在国外的产生、发展情况后,重点阐述了该协议 在图书馆自动化系统中应用的方面,提出在目前情况下,更多的应用是在客户端,客户端Z39.50协议功能的 使用是系统选型时首先需要考虑的问题,同时对选择新系统时应注意的其它方面也提出了建议。  相似文献   

Seven years after the Digital Library Foundation's (DLF) pioneering 2004 Electronic Resources Management Initiative (ERMI) report, challenges with electronic resource management (ERM) system implementation, interoperability, management, and workflow issues remain. In 2009 the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) formed the ERM Data Standards and Best Practices Review Steering Committee to undertake a gap analysis of ERM-related data, standards, and best practices with current and future e-resources management needs in mind. In this session a member of the Steering Committee presented an overview of the project and focused on initial results of the review, including mappings from the DLF ERMI data dictionary to a range of other current standards and best practices. This presentation was based on the draft of an unpublished discussion paper authored by the members of the NISO ERM Data Standards and Best Practices Review Steering Committee.  相似文献   

Since its inception in 2002, COUNTER has given hope to many librarians charged with collecting usage data for their online collections. This hope turned to optimism in 2007 with the release of SUSHI (Standardized Usage Harvesting Initiative) as a NISO standard (Z39.93). In 2009 release 3 of the COUNTER Code of Practice for Journals and Databases takes effect and with it are some significant advances that will turn hopes and optimism into realities. This article describes the changes and their implications.  相似文献   

美国图书馆统计标准NISO Z39.7-2002评析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着电子资源在图书馆中应用的日益广泛,国外开始注重研究关于电子资源的统计指标。美国国家信息标准组织对关于图书馆统计的标准NISO Z39.7及时进行修订,本文主要介绍该标准关于电子资源方面的统计指标,供国内同行参考。  相似文献   

Yes you can, but you don’t have to eat only fish! All you have to do is follow the progress of the Protocol for Exchanging Serial Content (PESC) Working Group. The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) charged this group with delivering a recommended practice that will improve the interactions among libraries, archives, indexing services, content aggregators, publishers, and content creators, all needing to exchange serial data and work with digital files of serials. It will help them process a wide range of files that may be text based, image based, text with images, or some other combination, coded in a variety of file formats such as XML, EPUB, HTML, PDF, or ONIX. Laurie Kaplan discussed the PESC Working Group’s approach to this challenge.  相似文献   

虚拟参考咨询服务规范研究及其应用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
介绍和评析了国际常见的虚拟参考咨询标准规范,包括《IFLA数字参考咨询指南》、RUSA《虚拟参考服务实施与维护指南》、《QuestionPoint成员指南》和《K12数字参考服务信息咨询专家指南》,以及NISO推出的技术标准之一《问题/答案流程处理协议》、VRD制定的QuIP(《问题交换协议》)、KnowledgeBit、AskERIC的网络资源选择标准等。通过对这些规范的分析并结合虚拟参考咨询服务开展的实践,探讨了虚拟参考咨询服务规范制定的必要性、制定原则和内容以及应用发展等。并以CVRS(CALIS分布式联合虚拟参考咨询服务系统)项目的规范制定为案例,介绍了《CALIS虚拟参考咨询服务规范》的内容。  相似文献   

美国国家标准协会(NISO)发布的《连续出版物内容交换协议》(ProtocolforExchanging Serial Content(PESC))可以一定程度地解决连续出版物的内容在出版商、出版商代理、发现服务组织方、转换供应商、存档服务商等不同的组织间大批量转移交换过程中格式不统一、交换困难、内容缺失、效率低下等问...  相似文献   

随着电子信息资源的迅速发展,电子服务的使用在图书馆迅速增长,为了规范测量电子服务的使用状况,国际图书馆统计标准ISO2789、美国图书馆统计标准(NISO)Z39.7-2004等均增加了电子服务使用统计。笔者在此主要探讨这些统计标准中关于电子资源和服务方面的统计指标,具体包括数字图书馆资源与服务之统计、数字图书馆电子资源使用之统计项目以及各项数字图书馆服务的使用统计等内容,以期为国内图书馆制定电子服务使用统计标准提供参考。  相似文献   

ANSI/NIS0 Z39.56-1991 [SIC] is the only accredited standard for identifying serially published materials in a machine-readable context. This standard is currently under revision. This is an unusual NISO standard in that it was envisioned for established formats but has been eclipsed by new developments in the industry that were barely imagined in the 1980s.  相似文献   

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