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Promoting the development of educational leadership in higher education is essential for strengthening the quality of teaching and learning. Additional research is needed to conceptualize educational leadership, especially within informal roles. We analysed how faculty members in an academic development program conceptualized educational leadership. Five key characteristics emerged that inform the development of educational leadership capacity in postsecondary contexts: affective qualities, mentoring and empowering, action-orientation, teaching excellence, and research and scholarship. Three characteristics of academic programs aimed at developing educational leadership were also identified: funding and resources to implement a change initiative, building interdisciplinary communities, and embracing identity.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the findings of a study that examined the conceptions of academics regarding the nature of ‘leading’ and ‘managing’ learning and teaching in six Australian universities. These data were considered in the light of institutional systems and documentation regarding the leadership and management of learning and teaching and the contemporary literature on leadership and management, particularly in higher education. The research found that there was congruence between academic conceptions of the roles of leaders and managers in HE and those found in other contexts. In contrast, there was considerable variance and significant gaps between these conceptions and HR and professional development practices. The paper reports findings that have significant implications for more systematic and explicit professional development for University leaders and managers of teaching and learning. In addition, it argues that changes are required to the prevailing approaches in the current HR systems and policies in order to effectively develop, support and recognize effective leadership and management practices as they relate to learning and teaching.  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, the tertiary education sector has adopted new administrative management approaches, with the aim of improving accountable and strategic focus. Over the same period, the question of how to build leadership capacity to improve learning and teaching and research outcomes has led to discussion on what constitutes academic leadership. While both these advances are needed, what is missing is integration between the two such that academics and professional staff are engaged collaboratively to achieve learning and teaching and research outcomes that are accountable within a strategic focus. This article builds on research into the use of distributed leadership to build leadership for learning and teaching that resulted in the design of a conceptual framework for distributed leadership. Based on this conceptual framework, it proposes a conceptual blended leadership approach to engage academics and professional staff working in collaboration.  相似文献   

This qualitative study was designed to examine teachers’ and principals’ perceptions of the impact of a graduate program designed to prepare teacher leaders. Impact was investigated through interviews with 20 graduates and 6 principals. Using Mezirow’s concept of transformational learning, the study documents perceived transformation of teachers’ frames of reference: two related to teaching (adopt an inquiry stance; learn to view oneself as an autonomous professional), and two related to leadership (adopt a leadership stance; view student learning as a communal responsibility). The study includes implications for the design of graduate level teacher education programs to enhance their impact and effectiveness.  相似文献   

美国大学系主任管理和领导角色探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在美国,系是大学最基本的组成单位。因此,大学系主任几乎负责与教、学、研及向社会提供服务有关的各项活动,通常扮演管理和领导的双重角色。其主要的工作包括开发师资、组织管理本系的各项日常活动和事务、领导本系的整体发展以及从事教学科研工作。显而易见,美国高等教育能够达到今天的水准与系主任的贡献是分不开的。中国高校正在面临、或在不同程度上进行内部结构和职能的调整和重组。尤其是许多大学纷纷成立学院。因而,对系主任管理领导角色进行重新定位具有深远意义。相信了解和借鉴国外的成功经验定有裨益。  相似文献   

This study explores the practices of Kuwaiti school principals acting as instructional leaders during education reforms, using qualitative content analysis of standardised open-ended interviews with 28 randomly selected school principals. The results showed that principals faced obstacles related to the deeply-ingrained centralised structure in the Ministry of Education, whose mandates conflicted with the stated goal of building principals’ capacity. There were variations in instructional leadership dimensions, including defining the school’s mission, managing the instructional programme, and creating a positive climate for teaching and learning. A gradual, planned decentralisation is recommended to improve educational leadership practices in Kuwait.  相似文献   

Creativity in teaching and leadership continues to be a topic of interest in education. This article focuses on comments made by a school’s leadership team as part of a larger study in which a mixed methods case study design involving the school’s leadership team and staff who taught Arts (either as specialist teachers or generalist classroom teachers) was used. The research took place in a 6-year-old Preparatory Year to Year 9 (P-9) school in a growth corridor in metropolitan Melbourne. Staff members in the school provided responses to a questionnaire, participated in focus group discussions and were invited to maintain journals during the course of the study. Comments made by members of the school’s leadership team are analysed in this article using perspectives of pedagogical leadership and relational power. The article finds that the school's leadership team models and encourages experimentation with new ideas across the school as the team promotes the development of collaborative professional learning approaches in their relatively young school. The article concludes that professional learning communities (PLCs) within the school will be well-placed to pursue the collaborative approaches modelled by the school’s leadership team to ensure that a school-wide focus on student learning continues.  相似文献   

Professional learning communities (PLCs) have gained considerable attention in education. However, PLCs are dependent on how group members collectively work and learn towards shared goals on improving teaching and learning. This would require leadership to support meaningful and productive interactions within PLC contexts, and hence, the importance of teacher leaders. In this article, we report on an ethnographic case study involving three PLCs investigating how teacher leadership supports PLC conversations using an intervention framework provided by the research team. The findings showed that teacher leadership has potential in supporting PLC conversations along three dimensions of its construct.  相似文献   

大学教师的公仆型领导角色研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"教师成为公仆型领导者"是美国新兴的教育理念。在大学教学中引入公仆型领导理念,符合当前我国大学教育的需要。大学教师应把领导者和服务者的双重身份合而为一,并以服务先行。本项研究结果表明,教师的公仆型领导行为有助于提高学生对课程的满意程度、学习意愿和信心,并有助于提升教师在学生中的声誉。研究结果为在我国大学教育中贯彻公仆型领导理念提供了实证支持。  相似文献   

大学生领导教育自20世纪80年代以来在西方国家兴起并日趋活跃,最终蔓延到全世界。培养大学学生的领导力是加拿大高等教育的重要内容之一。目前加拿大共有12所高校开展本科生领导教育,其中卡莫森学院、皇家山大学、圭尔夫大学、新布伦瑞克大学、滑铁卢大学和约克大学等6所学校在本科生领导教育方面具有代表性。这6所学校在培养机构、使命、目标、计划、内容和方法上同中有异,异中有同,各有特色。鉴于此,通过介绍和比较加拿大6所高校面向本科生的领导教育计划,以期对于我国高等教育的发展有所启示。  相似文献   

A schoolwide language assists the mapping of subject content, supports teachers to discuss teaching and learning issues and enables a shared understanding of school leadership to emerge, so that student learning is improved. This article presents findings from a mixed methods study investigating Leadership for Learning (LfL) in independent schools in the state of New South Wales, Australia. By being intentional about the language used for learning and leadership, schools are more likely to establish LfL as a community-wide activity that is inclusive, collaborative and distributed. These findings also reinforce the critical role played by school principals in leading learning.  相似文献   

以素质教育为核心的教育改革对学校管理带来了冲击与挑战。它要求教师转变传统的教学观,学习新的知识和教学方法。校长是学校管理的关键人物,其领导实践对于帮助教师发展具有重要作用。本研究采用质性研究方法,尝试揭示两位校长在真实情境中帮助教师发展的领导实践全貌与过程。研究发现,促进教师发展的校长领导力主要具有以下三方面的特征:(1)以提升教师专业知识与技能的工具取向为主;(2)以转变教师认知、情感与态度的文化取向为辅;(3)在规范教师教学行为与激发教师改革动机之间寻求平衡。  相似文献   

建设中国特色社会主义事业迫切需要造就一大批教育家型校长。而拥有独特的教育理念和个性化的办学思想是教育家型校长的重要特征。本文主要围绕中学校长"凝炼教育理念和办学思想的必要性、理念的内涵、以及如何提炼教育理念和形成办学思想"等方面进行了论述。  相似文献   


In this paper, we investigate how a Benchlearning program for principals in Norway and Sweden supports changes in Norwegian principals’ leadership practices. The program design builds on principles for practical action research. The aim of the program was to inspire changes in the principals’ leadership practices that encourage innovative school practices. The program includes learning modes such as theoretical inputs, sharing experiences, school visits, training, and trialling of new leadership practices. Drawing on data from participants’ reflections on their learning and changes in their leadership practices, we identify transformations that have been realized and the ways in which the Benchlearning program has supported the transformations. The findings indicate that the program can be seen as a systematic and disciplined process, a ‘meta-practice’, that supports changes in the principals’ leadership practices, their understandings, and the conditions of their practice. More specifically, the findings show that the theoretical inputs and practical learning modes stimulated transformations of the principals’ thinking about leadership practices, what they do in practice and how they relate to others. In particular, the study suggests that the principals’ active participation in trialling new leadership practices in their own schools stimulated transformations.  相似文献   


Middle leadership is a dynamic area of policy in Scottish and Irish education to build leadership capacity. This article reports on a critical policy analysis of sequential sets of Scottish and Irish policy on middle leadership to identify codes of meaning. Two aspects are reported: (1) constructions of the purposes of middle leadership and (2) key themes in changing policy paradigms. While there is a development of policy ideas from delegated tasks to management functions to leadership for learning, there is little on the practice of leading learning. The findings are reviewed to identify issues related to middle leadership professional development.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a small-scale longitudinal study of ‘local’ leadership roles at two UK universities. The research explored perceptions of the leadership provided by a specific group of staff who held roles for enhancing learning and teaching. Based on ethnographic design principles, the study was based at one UK higher education institution with another as a comparator. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and focus groups with ‘local’ leadership role-holders and their colleagues. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with academic managers. Analysis of the data was based on grounded theory and thematic analysis. The discussion and conclusion suggests that, to maximize the impact of these roles, the leadership aspects of them should be made explicit, recognized by colleagues at all levels and supported by leadership development. Further investigation into local leaders’ career progression may provide valuable insights for the relatively limited body of knowledge and practice of leadership within professional teams.  相似文献   

In China, the university-school partnership (USP) is a community of continuous professional development (PD) for teachers, involving teacher educators who visit schools. This study explores teachers’ personal factors, school working conditions, and principal leadership in order to explain differences in teachers’ learning when they have participated in the training program. Using a one-group pretest-posttest design, 375 teachers from 12 primary schools in Shanghai participated. Their learning performances are measured by changes in their teaching quality as evaluated by their students. Results of regression analyses show that teachers generally receive higher scores on teaching quality after the program than before. Three factors are significantly and negatively related to the changes in quality: teachers’ educational level, the extent to which teachers feel emotional pressure in their profession, and the support from their school principal. Implications for school leaders and policymakers are discussed.  相似文献   


Learning and teaching leadership by Associate Deans has struggled for effective acceptance in universities for decades. Various Government reviews, policy changes, and reward and recognition systems have been implemented to encourage universities to focus on learning and teaching leadership, and to assure quality outcomes in a changing global landscape. The role of the Associate Dean was created to lead learning and teaching strategically in local university contexts. Despite many recommendations to support the role, it has been reported for almost three decades that Associate Deans struggle to bring about change in the enhancement of learning and teaching. So, have things changed for the Associate Deans, are they more equipped to lead learning and teaching in university contexts now? In this article, through interviews with 25 Associate Deans, and through a Bourdieusian lens, we explore the Capital they possess in their leadership roles. Such Capital is considered against 35 Hallmarks identified in the literature as key to fully equipping Associate Deans as learning and teaching leaders. Both individual Capital and Capital deriving from how the Field is enabling or inhibiting Associate Deans are explored. It is revealed that many Associate Deans may not have the Capital necessary to fully equip them for their leadership of learning and teaching role, and that the traditional university culture, or Field in which they operate, either purposefully or unconsciously may be contributing to inhibiting their leadership. This article provides a timely opportunity to pause and contemplate the Capital that is required for Associate Deans in their role. It highlights for university administrators and leaders what is required for Associate Deans to be fully equipped to fulfil the role and to lead the learning and teaching change that is necessary for universities to thrive.  相似文献   

培养工程领军人才:麻省理工学院的工程领导力教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
麻省理工学院的工程领导力教育以领导理念为指引,以领导能力分解为前提,以综合项目为实施载体,以工业联系与资源为保障,着力培养21世纪的工程领军人才。围绕麻省理工学院高等工程教育创新的实践,分析其工程领军人才培养中工程领导力的理念与目标、能力分解指标体系、课程与教学计划,以及工业联系与资源保障。通过论述与评析,以期为我国高等工程教育的改革和国家中长期教育发展规划纲要中要求的卓越工程师培养目标的实现,提供一些来自发达国家的经验。  相似文献   

Middle leadership roles in higher education have been identified as important for institutional effectiveness yet fraught with tensions, and those in middle leadership roles often feel unprepared and unsupported. This study of the responsibilities, skills and competencies, and support required for heads of school in a New Zealand university, drew on a survey and interviews with heads and focus groups or interviews with a range of stakeholders. The research found that while heads found satisfaction in their role, they also faced challenges associated with people management, workload and impact on their research careers. There was widespread agreement among stakeholders about the capabilities needed for the role and an awareness of the barriers to effectiveness. Suggestions for making the role more appealing include reducing workload, providing learning and development programs, clarifying the balance of professional and personal competencies required, and encouraging the distribution of leadership.  相似文献   

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