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In this rejoinder, I argue that explanations made in Croucher (2015) [Further development of integrated threat theory and intergroup contact: A reply to Aberson (2015). Communication Monographs] for odd results are not theoretically relevant, represent highly unlikely outcomes inconsistent with the reporting in Croucher (2013) [Integrated threat theory and acceptance of immigrant assimilation: An analysis of Muslim immigration in Western Europe. Communication Monographs, 80, 46–62], and are likely not the result of a unique sample or target. First, I demonstrate that arguments regarding negative contact are not applicable to the present work as Croucher (2013) [Integrated threat theory and acceptance of immigrant assimilation: An analysis of Muslim immigration in Western Europe. Communication Monographs, 80, 46–62] measured positive contact. Next, I note that arguments regarding use of pairwise deletion are theoretically possible, but practically would represent extreme situations that suggest substantial issue with the dataset. I also note that Croucher (2013) [Integrated threat theory and acceptance of immigrant assimilation: An analysis of Muslim immigration in Western Europe. Communication Monographs, 80, 46–62] made no mention of the amount of missing data or approaches used to deal with missing values. Finally, I highlight that the use of an adult sample and Muslim targets is by no means unique within the integrated threat literature and that findings from studies using similar samples and targets remain at odds with Croucher (2013) [Integrated threat theory and acceptance of immigrant assimilation: An analysis of Muslim immigration in Western Europe. Communication Monographs, 80, 46–62].  相似文献   

Guided by the intergroup contact hypothesis and intergroup contact theory, the authors examined US Americans' (N=403) communication experiences and relational solidarity with their most frequent Japanese contact and associations with their attitudes toward Japanese as a cultural group. Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) results showed that both communication frequency and quality had an indirect effect through relational solidarity on affective, behavioral, and cognitive attitudes, demonstrating the critical mediating role of relational solidarity. Results also revealed that communication quality was positively and directly associated with the attitudinal measures. Implications of the findings are discussed with respect to prior literature on relational communication in intergroup and intercultural contexts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether workplace reproaches differ in their level of perceived face threat and to examine the relationship between perceived face threat and a variety of outcomes. One hundred and four full‐time employees completed a survey asking them to describe in detail a time they were reproached by a manager. The survey included scales measuring perceived face threat, interactional fairness, anger, communicative competence, and satisfaction with the outcome of the incident. As predicted, we found that reproaches differ from each other in degree of perceived face threat. In addition, perceived face threat was negatively correlated with interactional fairness, communicative competence, and satisfaction with the outcome of the incident, and positively correlated with anger.  相似文献   

This study examined the frames used in the news coverage of the U.S. immigration debate during election years. Stories from four major U.S. newspapers, the Los Angeles Times, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the St. Petersburg Times, and The New York Times, were content analyzed. The analysis revealed that the conflict frame was the most dominant frame in the news coverage of the U.S. immigration debate whereas no significant changes in the framing of the U.S. immigration debate were found over time. The human interest frame was more likely to have a pro-immigration tone compared to other frames. The findings of immigrant characteristics showed that the “illegal” characteristic was the most frequently used to identify immigrants.  相似文献   

This investigation seeks to extend Wilson, Aleman, and Leatham's (1998) revision of Brown and Levinson's (1987) politeness theory by focusing on the relationship between face threat and refusals to requests. Results support that (a) when requests are refused, threats to the negative face needs of the requester are more prevalent than threats to the negative face of the refuser and (b) depending on the obstacle underlying the refusal, there are differences in type of threat present to the requester's positive face and the refuser's face needs.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):266-276
Competence and benevolence are two personality prototypes that have emerged in research on voice and personality. While traits comprising these prototypes have been described, there is incomplete information about the interaction effects of speech rate, pitch variation, and loudness during impression formation processes. Five hypotheses and three research questions were advanced to examine main and interaction effects of the three vocal variables on the two personality prototypes. The main effects hypotheses were significant for both prototypes. Rate and pitch variation were the most influential for competence and benevolence, respectively. For competence, one interaction effect (rate by pitch variation) was significant. For benevolence, two interaction effects were significant (pitch variation by loudness, and pitch variation by rate). The results are discussed in the theoretical framework provided by implicit personality theory and the structures of the two personality prototypes.  相似文献   

Traditional rhetorical theory tends to adopt the rhetor's point of view, emphasizing invention of rhetorical messages, rather than the audience's reception and interpretation of messages. The audience is ordinarily conceptualized in humanistic rhetorical theory as a target, a source of expectations to guide the rhetor's invention, a means to accomplish the rhetor's ends, or even an obstacle. We argue that a more complete view of rhetoric should include the audience as a potentially active part of the process of persuasion. Accordingly, we propose to supplement our traditional theories of rhetoric by sketching a complementary view of rhetoric as the process of an auditor's processing and responding to messages. The inspiration for this conception, Petty and Cacioppo's Elaboration Likelihood Model, is sketched, and implications for rhetorical theory and criticism are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the factors influencing the integration of digital archival resources in China. The integration of digital archival resources as discussed in this article refers to the way in which information contained within dispersed digital archives within a country, or a specific area such as a province, city or county, can be successfully integrated, classified and restructured around specific topics and actual needs in order to realise optimal social sharing and utilisation of digital archival resources. There is little Chinese published research regarding what factors influence the integration of digital archival resources. This article, therefore, uses Charmaz’s Constructivist Grounded Theory approach and draws forth the theory that archivists’ cognition on the integration of digital archival resources and the context (which consists of the organisational culture of archives, archives management systems, and the laws and regulations on archives disclosure), influence the integration of digital archival resources, and these factors interact with each other. This theory can also be illustrated by the model: cognition–context–action. This research can provide some recommendations for the promotion and sustainable development of the integration of digital archival resources in China as well as other countries.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):133-153
Functional theory defines value-expressive attitudes as attitudes that are formed to aid in the achievement of one's values, and social-adjustive attitudes as attitudes that are formed from the desire to affiliate with others. The current investigation argues that both functions are based in a person's values, with the social-adjustive function being a specific form of a value-expressive attitude. Contemporary approaches to this theory have argued that these attitude functions can be inferred from scores on the self-monitoring scale, thus eliminating the need to measure the values underlying these functions. The current investigation argues that the success of studies using the self-monitoring scale to infer these functions should be due to the covariance of the other-directedness dimension of the scale with the values underlying those attitudes. Overall, the findings of the investigation indicate that the formation of these functional attitudes depends more on the match between the value-content of the persuasive messages and the extent to which the message recipients hold those values than their level of other-directedness. Other-directedness did not covary with the values that underlie value-expressive and social-adjustive attitudes, but did aid in the reception of the social-adjustive message. Thus, the research using the self-monitoring scale to infer functions cannot be fully reconciled with the conceptualizations of value-expressive and social-adjustive attitudes.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to explore the role of negative emotions in the framework of the situational theory of problem solving (STOPS). First, we tested the validity of the original STOPS model with a sex crime issue in the context of Korea. Second, we tested the mediating role of negative emotions in the relationship between situational recognition and communicative action. The result suggests that STOPS is a useful model with a crime problem in the Korean context. Also, our proposed model shows that negative emotions serve as another aspect of motivation, and emotional experiences might precede subsequent cognitive activities. Especially, negative emotions show a stronger effect on situational motivation than communicative action. This study also found that negative emotions people feel about sex crimes directly influence their communicative action. Among different types of publics, the active and aware publics show stronger emotional responses than do the latent publics and nonpublics.  相似文献   

Power operates not only through ideological and institutional control, but also through everyday interpersonal communication practices that sediment what is and ought to be. However, critical theorizing about power remains scarce within the sub-fields of interpersonal and family communication. To answer questions about operations of power in interpersonal identity work, performative face theory is set forth, which places Erving Goffman’s theorization of face in conversation with Judith Butler’s theory of performativity. Performative face theory suggests that discursive acts cited or repeated in negotiations of face constitute and sometimes subvert naturalized identity categories. Four theoretical principles are provided and an empirical example of childbearing identity is presented. Finally, implications of this novel critical interpersonal and family communication theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of fact-checking, little is known about who posts fact-checks online. Based upon a content analysis of Facebook and Twitter digital trace data and a linked online survey (N?=?783), this study reveals that sharing fact-checks in political conversations on social media is linked to age, ideology, and political behaviors. Moreover, an individual’s need for orientation (NFO) is an even stronger predictor of sharing a fact-check than ideological intensity or relevance, alone, and also influences the type of fact-check format (with or without a rating scale) that is shared. Finally, participants generally shared fact-checks to reinforce their existing attitudes. Consequently, concerns over the effects of fact-checking should move beyond a limited-effects approach (e.g., changing attitudes) to also include reinforcing accurate beliefs.  相似文献   

公众科学项目旨在借助群体智慧和大众参与来推动科学研究,实现科技创新和科学普及的有效结合。目前,国内外对公众科学项目运作过程中各行动者之间的关系网络及流程机理缺乏深入研究。本文借鉴行动者网络理论,采取开放式访谈的方法,对公众科学项目的运作机制进行实证探索。本研究邀请46名公众科学项目相关的参与者进行访谈,通过对访谈资料的分析,归纳出公众科学项目运作机制网络中所包含的行动者,根据行动者网络转译的四个步骤对公众科学运作过程进行分析,梳理各行动者之间的关系,并确定第三方管理机构为核心行动者。研究发现,公众科学项目运作过程中主要存在个体认知差异、任务设计困难、技术支撑不足、制度缺乏、协调困难和成本限制六个障碍,各行动者的收益主要包括声誉、自我提升和价值实现。针对所存在的问题,本文从招募培训、任务设计和数据管理三个层面对公众科学项目的运作机制提出了相关建议。图2。表3。参考文献36。  相似文献   

Academic integrity has long been an issue of concern to the academic community, and in recent years has attracted attention worldwide. As the country with the world's largest research output, especially as shown during the recent pandemic, China is actively working to combat academic misconduct. To explore China's initiatives and actions in this regard, 75 Chinese official policies from the national level were collected, analysed and reviewed. Based on the policy text, this study examines the construction of the academic integrity system in China. Through grounded theory and text analysis methods, six parts of the policy system were identified: current status, goals and objectives, polycentric governance, cultural-cognitive measures, normative measures and regulative measures. The results show the specific measures taken by China with regards to each part and indicate that an academic integrity system has been formed in China.  相似文献   

The Sewol ferry tragedy was a major event in South Korea in 2014. This study examines the agenda-setting links between a Korean online newscast (Naver) and a Korean online community (Daum). Although each portal initially focused on different crisis attributes and stakeholders regarding the ferry tragedy, their agendas became more alike over time. Notably, the cross-lagged analysis shows significant influence of the online community (Daum) on the online newscast (Naver). This study also expands on Son and Weaver’s [2006, Another look at what moves public opinion: Media agenda setting and polls in the 2000 U.S. election. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 18(2), 174–197] theoretical model for a stratified agenda, providing a more nuanced look at attribute agenda setting.  相似文献   

知识共享的可能性:一个博弈分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
将组织的知识共享实践理解为员工之间在提供和保留知识的选择中相互博弈最终达到均衡的过程。首先分析知识共享的博弈特征,然后运用不完全信息动态博弈理论对知识共享的可能性进行阐述,并得出组织的知识共享行为是可能发生并有效维持下去的结论。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the role of the European Directive on re-use of public sector information in the current trend towards opening up government data. After discussing the PSI directive, it gives an overview of current policies and practices with regard to open government data in the Member States. It is argued that the success of the open government data movement in some Member States can be related to the confusion or ignorance about the relationship between traditional freedom of information legislation and the re-use of public sector data. If future information policies decide to follow this trend, they should always ensure that existing rights on freedom of information are not harmed.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 试图通过质化研究发现影响国内图书馆未成年人服务满意度的因素,以此作为确定满意度指标体系和提升服务水平的前提和基础。[方法/过程] 以实地访谈和扎根理论为资料获取和观点归纳的方法展开研究。实地访谈用以获得未成年人用户对图书馆服务的真实评价与理解,在此基础上采用扎根理论作为理论归纳的方法,从经验数据获得理论解释。[结果/结论] 未成年人图书馆服务满意度影响因素包括图书馆归因范畴和未成年人用户归因范畴;前者包括资源因素、环境因素和服务因素,后者包括用户认知因素、用户能力因素和用户行为因素。未成年人用户归因范畴的因素(用户行为、用户能力和用户认知)是图书馆自身因素之外影响服务满意度的重要因素。"图书馆归因范畴"也通过影响"用户归因范畴"中的因素实现对图书馆服务满意度的间接作用。  相似文献   

The number of Web users whose first language is not English continues to grow, as does the amount of content provided in languages other than English. This poses new challenges for actors on the Web, such as in which language(s) content should be offered, how search tools should deal with mono- and multilingual content, and how users can make the best use of navigation and search options, suited to their individual linguistic skills. How should these challenges be dealt with? Technological approaches to non-English (or in general, cross-language) Web search have made large progress; however, translation remains a hard problem. This precludes a low-cost but high-quality blanket all-language coverage of the whole Web. In this paper, we propose a user-centric approach to answering questions of where to best concentrate efforts and investments. Drawing on linguistic research, we describe data on the availability of content and access to it in first and second languages across the Web. We then present three studies that investigated the impact of the availability (or not) of first-language content and access forms on user behaviour and attitudes. The results indicate that non-English languages are under-represented on the Web and that this is partly due to content-creation, link-setting and link-following behaviour. They also show that user satisfaction is influenced both by the cognitive effort of searching and the availability of alternative information in that language. These findings suggest that more cross-language tools are desirable. However, they also indicate that context (such as user groups’ domain expertise or site type) should be considered when tradeoffs between information quality and multilinguality need to be taken into account.  相似文献   

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