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石磊 《文化交流》2005,(6):40-42
认识周子清的人会说,“喏,他就是那个《白蛇传》里的许仙呀!”周子清的荣誉大都来自婺剧,他的名衔很多:国家一级演员、中国戏剧家协会会员、浙江省导演学会会员、金华市曲艺家协会主席、金华艺术学校副校长等等,但他时刻未敢忘记自己是土生土长的浦江人,一个地道的山里娃”。今  相似文献   

阿呆 《文化交流》2009,(7):49-52
酷暑八月,新浪门户网站上,一名安徽长丰62岁农民作家的博客大曝冷门,以4620064人次的点击率入“名博”序列,他的文章经常被推上首页。什么博文能够吸引如此众多网友的眼球?  相似文献   

A polyfluorinated compound was studied as a material for the specific protection of calcarenite. Water capillary absorption and vapour permeability measurements were carried out in order to evaluate efficiency as a protective agent. Particular attention was given to characterising its resistance against bio-deterioration induced by microorganisms such as blue and green algae. Chemical surface modifications were induced by UV-irradiation in a specially designed climatic chamber and were investigated through comparative tests on untreated and artificially weathered samples using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). This paper discusses the potential use of the compound studied as a specific coating material for the protection of calcarenite.  相似文献   

今年11月25日,中国美术学院将举办顾坤伯教授诞辰100周年画展及座谈会,纪念这位卓越的美术教育家、中国山水画一代宗师。顾坤伯1905年生于无锡,21岁在上海美专毕业后留校任教,1957年经王个移、诸乐三、朱金楼推荐,由潘天寿院长特聘到浙江美术学院(今中国美术学院)执教。他以深厚的基本功和对传统的深入理解,逐渐形成了清雅俊逸的风格和高超的笔墨技法,堪为画坛风范。这幅画,是顾坤伯先生与其入室弟子孔仲起1958年的合作。画面生动,韵味悠长,风貌极具时代特征。此画曾一度流失,后孔仲起教授设法以大画换回,珍藏于室,日前展示给笔者激赏,相互…  相似文献   

This paper combines perspectives on nonprofit organizations, clubs and club goods, demand for performing arts, and demand for charitable contributions to consider relationships between nonprofit organizations in the performing arts and their patrons. A broad view is taken of factors influencing demand for club goods, charitable donations, and for the live performing arts. These are integrated in a model of demand for the outputs and services of nonprofits in the performing arts. Data from a single institution is used to test hypotheses. Conclusions are drawn for organizational policy and economic theory.  相似文献   

James Drever 《Minerva》1971,9(3):406-410

许仙 《文化交流》2009,(3):88-89
1944年8月,欧洲战场,巴黎成了最重要的目标,节节败退的希特勒下令:“巴黎绝不能沦入敌人之手,万一发生此情况,他们在那里找到的只能是一片废墟。”巴黎解放那天,他还在念念不忘地问:“巴黎烧了吗?”  相似文献   

叶梓 《文化交流》2008,(2):88-89
知味观·味庄是地处杭州西湖风景区杨公堤的一家餐饮企业,开业三年多来,在社会效益、经济效益和品牌效益上都获得了丰收,今年上半年被杭州市政府授予了"杭州市劳动模范集体"的荣誉称号,由企业选派的选手参加省、市及全国各项大赛共获得金牌23枚.党和国家领导人以及国内外社会名流、广大消费者在品尝了精美菜肴及感受了温馨的服务后有"江南忆,最忆是味庄"的美誉.……  相似文献   


This paper proposes a novel approach for understanding money users’ relation to monetary governance institutions. It first describes the stakes involved in monetary governance from a neo-chartalist/MMT perspective. In a second step, it discusses existing contributions on the relation between money issuer and money users, highlighting the literatures on central bank legitimacy and the social construction of money. It argues that neither allows for an analysis of the relation between monetary institutions and money users that takes the latter’s knowledge seriously. It then argues that the concept of moral economy can enrich scholarly analysis. Moral economies of money are defined as collective practices in which money users articulate demands as part of an understanding of money as a public good. Finally, the paper deploys the moral economy of money perspective to reconstruct the changing relation between institutions of monetary governance and money users since the Great Depression in the U.S. It shows how New Dealers silenced a moral economy of money, discusses fragmented moral economies after World War II, and the partial reemergence of such moral economies after the Great Financial Crisis. The paper concludes by discussing political implications and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   


The three East African states, namely Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, are currently working towards a regional confederation. This task poses challenges of implementation. The main stakeholders have called for unity of purpose, philosophy, and strategy in order to achieve mutual compatibility of values among these politically independent and socioculturally diverse entities. This paper examines the language situation in the three states and the central role that language plays in the social, economic, cultural and educational aspects of political integration. We conclude that the search for a regional identity needs to be driven by practical policies that promote rather than inhibit interaction of East Africans. We also demonstrate that the existing ethnolinguistc and national identities can be harnessed to complement the unitary efforts towards regionalization.  相似文献   

1986年春天,全国科学技术奖励大会在北京人民大会堂召开。在发奖仪式上,有位满头乌发,衣着整洁的科学家和已故著名“两弹元勋”邓稼先一起,作为领奖代表并肩走上了主席台。他们代表成千上万的无名英雄,隆重地  相似文献   

从本期开始,<文化交流>杂志改双月刊为月刊,这对海内外153个国家和地区的读者朋友们来说,是一件值得庆贺的喜事.……  相似文献   

早就听说杭州翠苑住着一位富有传奇色彩的画家,他陪侍过蒋介石、宋美龄夫妇,又在欧洲迎接过中共的三位主要领导人;他拜师学画,与"第一夫人"宋美龄出自同一师门;他曾为加入德国国籍而奔忙,后来却又为放弃德籍、重新获取中华人民共和国的"复籍证书"喜极而泣.……  相似文献   

正"真没想到,今年持续40℃的高温天气,帮我烤热了泥茶壶销售市场,我10天烧一窑,还是供不应求。"早晨5点,满头大汗忙完装窑、准备点火的武义泥茶壶制作第五代传人吴万能,说起高温带热的泥茶壶市场一脸的喜悦。吴万能家住武义县王宅镇孙里坞村伍仙亭自然村。为传承祖上传下的这把泥壶,他整整坚守了37年。在当地,这种用泥烧制的茶壶,俗称"西瓜壶"。过去,农民到田里干活都会提着装满茶水的"西瓜壶",天气越热,  相似文献   

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