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The German Democratic Republic's sports system, often termed a ‘sports miracle’, produced outstanding results in international sport. Drug abuse aside, this system appeared to be based on a robust and symbiotic relationship with mass sport, which was amply provided for by the state. Using unpublished letters sent by GDR citizens to the state authorities drawn from the Federal Archive in Berlin, this article sheds light on the miserable state of mass sport, particularly in the last decade of the state's existence. Although great numbers of East Germans took part in some form of sport or the other, elite sport – and the privileged facilities and equipment that went with it – was effectively hermetically sealed off from wider society. The impressive upward trajectory of GDR sport – in terms of international titles and Olympic medals won – went hand in hand with the decline in standards of facilities and availability of equipment for the masses.  相似文献   

运用体育情报学的研究方法,对国际田坛资讯进行了多年的跟踪研究,试图从历史的、科学的和专业的角度对亚洲女子马拉松竞技项目的发展和实力进行分析。本文对亚洲女子马拉松选手在过去7届奥运会上的表现(1984-2008),亚洲女子马拉松选手在世界锦标赛中的表现,亚洲女子马拉松选手近8年在五大赛(波士顿、纽约、芝加哥、柏林、伦敦)中的成绩以及1979—2000年亚洲女子马拉松选手进入年度世界排名前10名和2001-2010年亚洲女子马拉松在世界年度优秀成绩(即2小时30分以内)进行了统计分析,以便在此基础上取得一些启示,为中国女子马拉松成绩水平的提升出谋献策。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(4):526-549
This article about doping and anti-doping measures and policy in West Germany in the context of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich is part of a research project about ‘Doping and Anti-Doping in West-Germany’, supported by the German Government. The intention of this paper is to describe, analyse and discuss the process of changing relationships between state (including various governing sports bodies) and sport (including the German sport associations and federations) in West Germany in the context of the Munich Olympics, and how doping and anti-doping was dealt with in national and international high-level sports. The paper is based on relevant archives and documents from governmental and sports organizations, as well as on the current German and international state-of-the-art of doping (and anti-doping) research.  相似文献   

In the context of increasing commercialization of certain sports its influence on the incidence of doping in sport is often discussed. Economic incentives should influence the decision of individuals in two ways. On the one hand the amount of prize money is mentioned and on the other hand relative influences which relate to the unequal distribution of funds depending on the ranking in the competition. Based on the consideration of prize money payments in international senior competitions in two independent survey years the level and distribution of prize money in competitions will be presented. The absolute amount of the prize money explains a significant proportion of the variance in the doping affinity in the observed sports disciplines (36?%). Unequal Payouts depanding on ranking, show no significant relationship to the doping affinity. The results thus provide indications on revenue opportunities through successful participation in competitions and some empirical evidence on economic arguments in connection with the doping debate.  相似文献   

This paper coins the term ‘football patriotism’ to describe the open, expressive handling of national symbols (e.?g. flags, anthems, national colors) in the context of international football events. Based on a representative online survey of the adult German population (N?=?1092), which was carried out in the course of the 2016 UEFA EURO, this paper presents, for the first time, empirical findings on three essential questions: (1) Which proportion of the German population was involved in which forms of football-related patriotic behavior? (2) To what extent does this proportion vary between different social demographic groups? (3) Which political and ideological attitudes are associated with football patriotism? The results illustrate that roughly 15% of German adults were involved in three or more different patriotic actions during the EURO. This proportion was lower among older, East German and immigrant respondents and higher in families with children. Football patriots positioned themselves less often as politically ‘left’ and endorsed patriotic and nationalistic statements more strongly.  相似文献   

自1995年国际体操联合会开始举办首届世界健美操锦标赛至今,我国几乎参加了全部该项赛事,混合双人的最好成绩已从1999年世锦赛的第18名上升至2006年的第5名,我国混双项目已经呈现出较强的上升趋势。以三个周期FIG的规则变化及2002-2010年五届世界锦标赛混双项目决赛前三名及我国选手成套动作为研究对象,探求影响我国混合双人项目成绩的主要因素,为提高我国混合双人项目的竞技水平,在世界大赛中取得更大的突破提供理论参考依据,并对当前竞技健美操混双项目的发展趋势进行了初步探讨,探寻国际竞技健美操混双项目难度动作的选择与均衡性发展,为竞技健美操的教学与训练提供参考。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(4):569-594
In ‘inventing’ and exporting modern sports to the world, the British influenced innumerable people. However, by the inter-war period, there was a general anxiety regarding British decline. The reasons were threefold. First, British health and fitness experts underlined the low physical standards of their people. Second, it became evident that Britain's leading position in international sport was under threat. Third, the fascist states seemed to be doing particularly well in this area. How could the British Empire last without strong men to defend it? Perhaps part of the solution might be found overseas in just the place where the present ‘danger’ came from. This paper studies this reversed influence and shows how German influence affected British fitness policies in the 1930s. In a period marked by appeasement, sports meetings, official visits and a large amount of cultural propaganda resulted in the sharing of British and German experiences. However, the attitude of the British was complex and their determination to go their own way limited the effectiveness of German influence. By the time the war broke out, the British had distanced themselves from German organization and values once again. The brief flirtation with fascist forms of physical culture was over.  相似文献   

张连涛 《冰雪运动》2010,32(6):14-17
短道速滑裁判员在比赛过程中,依据竞赛规程和竞赛规则担负着判定运动员(队)成绩、胜负和名次的重任,没有裁判员就不能正常进行比赛。裁判员管理体制、裁判员职业素质、比赛环境是影响裁判员临场执裁能力的主要因素;提出建立有效的裁判员选拔、培养与管理体制,加强伦理道德思想建设,提高裁判员的职业道德水平,加强专业理论和技术学习、精通熟练短道速滑竞赛规则理论,多参加比赛实践活动,积累经验提高临场能力等多渠道培养、提高裁判员临场执裁能力,从而使更多的中国裁判员出现在国际赛场上。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、归纳分析等研究方法,简要回顾女性参与竞技体育活动的历程,分析女性参与夏季奥林匹克运动的现状及存在的问题,主要表现在:女性参与人数不断增加;夏季奥运会女子项目设置更加均衡;运动成绩的性别差距逐步缩小;女性逐步进入国际体育组织的管理层;国际相关组织的支持力度加大;打破传统宗教对女性的束缚。在体育领域实现男女平等的进程中也存在隐忧,并结合现代体育发展的趋势,针对当前存在的问题提出具有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

探讨我国单板U型滑雪运动员人格和赛前情绪类型的基本特点及其关系,采用卡特尔16种人格因素量表和赛前情绪量表–T,对我国43名运动员进行调查,结果显示:(1)运动员的人格类型主要有普通型、兴奋敢为型和敏感紧张型。运动员的赛前情绪类型主要有混合型、自信型和淡漠型。地方队的混合型和淡漠型运动员显著多于国家队。赛前情绪为混合型的运动员没有取得过国际名次,自信型运动员取得的国际名次最多。(2)普通型和敏感紧张型运动员的个体失败焦虑显著高于兴奋敢为型运动员;敏感紧张型运动员的社会期待焦虑显著高于兴奋敢为型运动员。(3)从个案看:该项目优秀运动员大多属于兴奋敢为型和自信型运动员。结论:兴奋敢为型和自信型的单板滑雪U型项目运动员焦虑更少、成绩更好、更易成功。  相似文献   


The Super Bowl has played a central role in the diffusion of American football in Germany, as interviews with the ‘founding fathers’ of ‘gridiron’ football clubs and analysis of German media accounts reveal. American football and the Super Bowl have also played an important role in the construction of traditional German Amerikabilder – images, ideas, and symbols associated with America. German media rarely covered American football until the late 1970s. At that time, brief highlight shows of the Super Bowl on German television and broadcasts on the American Forces Network significantly contributed to the diffusion of American football and the emergence of an American football league in Germany in the late 1970s. In the process of covering the Super Bowl, German journalists reproduced Germany’s double-headed Amerikabild: America as a model of modernity on the one hand, and as a violent, cultureless society on the other. The press further invoked historical clashes between German Kultur and the dreaded Zivilisation of the West. This exploration of the social processes surrounding the reception of the Super Bowl in Germany employs the theories of cultural globalization, migration, and electronic mediation developed by the anthropologist Arjun Appadurai to explain the complexities of contemporary global cultural flows.  相似文献   


We propose a new performance measure for table tennis players: the mutual point-winning probabilities (MPW) as server and receiver. The MPWs quantify a player’s chances to win a point against a given opponent, and hence nicely complement the classical match statistics history between two players. These new quantities are based on a Bradley-Terry-type statistical model taking into account the importance of individual points, since a rally at 8–2 in the first set is less crucial than a rally at the score of 9–9 in the final set. The MPWs hence reveal a player’s strength on his/her service against a given opponent as well as his/her capacity of scoring crucial points. We estimate the MPWs by means of maximum likelihood estimation and show via a Monte Carlo simulation study that our estimation procedure works well. In order to illustrate the MPWs’ versatile use, we have organized two round-robin tournaments of ten respectively eleven table tennis players from the Belgian table tennis federation. We compare the classical final ranking to the ranking based on MPWs, and we highlight how the MPWs shed new light on strengths and weaknesses of the players.  相似文献   

为了探讨和揭示优秀女子职业网球选手击出制胜分时存在的规律,运用文献资料法、录像观察统计法、数理统计等方法,以WTA年终总决赛的女世界优秀网球选手15场比赛录像为研究对像,对世界优秀选手制胜分手段进行了全面的分析。结果表明:优秀女子网球运动员正手后场斜线的制胜比前场直、斜线和后场直线都更多,而且斜线的制胜分多于直线;反手制胜分主要以后场球为主;内角ACE球和外角ACE球相差不大,胜盘中ACE球和内角ACE球比负盘强。  相似文献   

"快易网球"是国际网球组织对网球教学经验进行研究分析以及总结的基础上,增加了一些趣味性比较强的创新元素,也是一种相对科学和创新性的教学方法。本文以我国高校网球教学的现实状况及其存在的问题为入手点,对"快易网球"在高校网球教学课堂上的运用策略进行了分析,旨在为我国高校网球教育教学水平的提升奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

Official rankings are the most common measure of success in professional women’s tennis. Despite their importance for earning potential and tournament seeding, little is known about ranking trajectories of female players and their influence on career success. Our objective was to conduct a comprehensive study of the career progression of elite female tennis talent. The study examined the ranking trajectories of the top 250 female professionals between 1990 and 2015. Using regression modelling of yearly peak rankings, we found a strong association between the shape of the ranking trajectory and the highest career ranking earned. Players with the highest career peak ranking were the youngest when first ranked. For example, top 10 players were first ranked at age 15.5 years (99% CI = 14.8–15.9), 1.2 years (99% CI = 0.8–1.5) earlier than top 51–100 players. Top 10 players were also ranked in the top 100 longer than other players, holding a top 100 ranking until a mean age of 29.0 years (99% CI = 27.8–30.3) compared with age 24.4 years (99% CI = 23.7–25.2) for top 51–100 players. Ranking trajectories were more distinct with respect to player age than years from first ranking. The present study’s findings will be instructive for players, coaches, and administrators in setting goals and assessing athlete development in women’s tennis.  相似文献   

Head-to-head records are often used in round-robin contests for breaking ties between athletes or teams that are equal on points or wins. In this paper, I argue, on the one hand, that tie-breaking systems of round-robin soccer contests should give more importance to overall goal difference than to head-to-head records. On the other hand, I also argue that even the mere inclusion of head-to-head records in the tie-breaking criteria of a round-robin soccer contest is problematic.  相似文献   

A regression analysis of competitors' tournament results in relation to their world rankings was proposed to identify the effect of home advantage in international ‘grand-slam’ tennis and ‘major’ golf tournaments. The results provided little evidence of home advantage in either the grand-slam tennis or the golf tournaments held in 1993. The only possible evidence of home advantage was found in the Wimbledon tennis and the US Open golf championships. Even these findings can be explained, at least partially, by (1) the availability of information concerning the low world rankings of the British tennis players competing at Wimbledon, and (2) selective entry, allowing only the world's top-ranked foreign golfers into the US open golf tournament. In both cases, the lower ranking home competitors have a greater opportunity to perform above their anticipated world rankings. Therefore, provided entry into tennis and golf tournaments is truly ‘open’ to both the host nation's representatives and foreign competitors alike, home advantage does not appear to be a major factor influencing the competitors' performance in such competitions. These findings may be explained by the relatively objective nature of the scoring systems used in tennis and golf, unlike the subjective influence of refereeing decisions on the results of team-games such as soccer.  相似文献   

This study analyses the global marketing strategy developed by FC Bayern Munich, one of the most successful football clubs in terms of athletic achievements, financial performance and number of worldwide supporters. It aims to shed light on the efficacy of the club’s management in addressing the demands of the existing stakeholders as well as its rapidly expanding global fan base among other aspects. To achieve these goals, an in-depth analysis based on the study of technical reports, official websites, commissioned consultancy studies and surveys has been conducted. A series of interviews with academics and supporters was also conducted. Findings reveal that FC Bayern Munich has already taken strides towards addressing the needs of its original local supporter-owners as well as those of its global fans. Other points discussed include strategies to increase the target market, to become more international and to close important deals and sponsorships.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法,从总体、不同场上位置及不同名次段等方面分别对第19届世界杯全部运动员和主力运动员的年龄、国际比赛场数和二者的比值等指标进行比较分析。结果表明:世界杯参赛运动员的平均年龄在增长至27.4岁左右后趋于稳定;本届世界杯主力运动员的平均年龄稍大于总体平均年龄,参加国际比赛的平均场数、K值与总体差距较大;场上不同位置运动员的平均年龄有显著性差异,呈现出守门员>后卫>前锋、中场的特征,而国际比赛场数特征却与之相反;守门员的K值最大,其他位置运动员的K值较为接近;不同名次段运动员的平均年龄无明显规律,主力运动员国际比赛平均场数和K值的排序与球队所在名次段相一致;球队成绩与K值的相关系数为0.547(P<0.05),说明高水平球队主力运动员在一定时间内相对稳定,较少出现主力运动员频繁更换的现象。  相似文献   

在意大利,国家法律和体育法体系都在对抗兴奋剂的蔓延。国家于较早时期便开始打击兴奋剂,1971年第一部国家层面的法律将使用兴奋剂的罪行引入国家法律体系,同时,第一部关于使用兴奋剂的体育规则出台。尽管意大利国家法律对反兴奋剂的斗争给予了特别关注,并通过了第376/2000号法律,但关于这一方面的判决却很少。此类判决的缺乏一方面是因起诉体育犯罪存在困难,另一方面由于体育作为一种非必要的志愿活动,并且自决原则在健康选择中被给予了越来越广泛的肯定。然而,意大利体育法规则体系提供的布局是完全不同的。事实上,随着国际体育法规则的演变,特别是《世界反兴奋剂条例》的发布,产生了一系列的判例。  相似文献   

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