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王林 《襄樊学院学报》2014,35(10):51-55
考察20世纪英美主要小说理论论著在同时期中国的译介概貌、译介背景及译作对中国小说理论与创作的影响。20世纪中国对英美小说理论的译介主要集中在20、30年代和80、90年代这两个时期,是特定历史时期和文化语境下译者个人或国家有关机构引进和学习异域小说理论的重要举措。研究认为,翻译目的和特定历史时期的意识形态会影响小说理论翻译选题,20世纪英美小说理论的译介对中国现代小说理论建设和小说创作都具有重大的影响。  相似文献   

元小说的突出特点就是作家以小说的形式反思小说创作并不断地暴露自身的虚构性。格林《恋情的终结》叙事的元小说特点体现在对自身虚构的清醒意识、对小说创作的探讨和开放式结尾三个方面,增加了小说的深度。  相似文献   

家法之说始自汉代,且与学派、地缘的因素交织,中经魏晋、唐宋,至清代而大盛。清代乾嘉以后讲家法,既包括古文经学与今文经学的区分,也包含吴派、皖派、扬州学派的地缘关系,还包括师承、治学精神、态度、方法上一以贯之的某种主张。家法重根底、别门户、开风气的传统,使得学脉绵延,学术因争鸣而繁荣,研究趋于精密,但谨遵传统、严守门户又会妨碍学术的会通与发展,并使门派内的研究趋于僵化或繁琐。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的到来,大量的农民工进入城市.随之带来的是这个弱势群体的婚姻家庭的改变。问题的不断凸显.逐渐引起作家、社会学家的关注。文学作为虚构文本,试图通过感性的、虚构的艺术形象反映社会变迁带给这群底层人物的不幸。与此不同的是.非虚构文本在追求真人真事的基础上运用艺术的加工.赢得了虚构文本与社会学文本之间的“中间地带”;而社会学文本则对真实性有着严格的要求,需真实、客观、理性的再现这群乡下人进城后家庭结构、婚姻观念的转变。三种文本对此问题真实性书写方式的不同。  相似文献   

本文认为纪实才是小说叙事的本质属性之一。文章吸取了新历史主义理论的精华,一方面解构了所谓的历史真实,传统的历史叙事都是文章所说的一切叙事皆是纪实的纪实范畴,把司马迁的史记与西方的历史都划入了纪实;一方面文章恢复了小说真实的本义,将普遍定论的小说就是虚构的伪命题,进行了重新阐释与建构,恢复了小说叙事的纪实的本质属性。换句话说,文章提出纪实是小说的本质属性的论点,就是对现代小说理论界存在的"扬虚构贬真实的隐行偏爱"之理念进行纠正。  相似文献   

论勃朗特文学创作的视觉艺术渊源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从故乡荒原风光的长期潜移默化、维多利亚时期绘画艺术的熏陶以及三姐妹不同风格的绘画实践三方面的影响,分析探讨影响勃朗特姐妹文学创作的视觉艺术的渊源,以有助于读者更好地欣赏勃朗特文学作品的审美价值并理解三姐妹创作风格的异同。  相似文献   

王安亿用“抽象性语言”显示了自己对极微小平凡的事物保持审美态度的才情;用自我命名的小说叙事方法,带来了小说艺术的一场革命,用双层对比的小说结构,隐喻了对人类生存的双重悲悯。  相似文献   

Conversation is one of the most commonly used languages in novels.We can know about the fictional world through the characters’direct speech because communication between fictional characters is the device used by the author to communicate with his readers.This paper aims at studying the features of Conversation in Modern English Novels.  相似文献   

在中国古代经史文化谱系中,子部小说因其“小”而被主流文化所轻视,处于“子书之流”的文化边缘性地位,这反而让子部小说获得潜在的虚构空间。但子部小说本身比附经史的价值诉求,又在一定程度上限制了小说的虚构能力,使之无法与现代小说相衔接。  相似文献   

小说评点熔批评、欣赏及理论于一炉,它在中国学批评史上占有特别重要的地位,是中国小说理论的一份宝贵遗产。本从小说评点的形态、小说评点的特征以及其理论意义和价值,作了初步探讨。这对建构具有我国民族特色的小说美学,对丰富和发展我国的学理论,将是十分有益的。  相似文献   

Fictional materials are commonly used in the classroom to teach course content. Both laboratory experiments and classroom demonstrations illustrate the benefits of using fiction to help students learn accurate information about the world. However, fictional sources often contain factually inaccurate content, making them a potent vehicle for learning misinformation about the world. We briefly review theoretical issues relevant to whether learners process fictional sources differently before exploring how individual differences, learning activities, and assessment characteristics may affect learning from fiction. This review focuses on our own experimental approaches for studying learning from fiction, including learning from short stories and from films, while connecting to a broader educational literature on learning from fictional sources. Throughout the review, implications for educational use and future directions for experimental research are noted.  相似文献   

《大教堂》完整地体现了雷蒙德·卡佛的艺术理念。文本通过重点分析《大教堂》的外在形式与内在构建两方面考察卡佛的小说构思,进而探索这两方面彼此互动所产生的共鸣效应。这种解读方式不仅有助于我们重新理解极简主义小说的艺术特征,更有助于重新反思极简主义思潮的精神品质。  相似文献   

内在于文本的叙述者通过其叙述行为创造出一个虚构世界,故事的虎构世界的四维时空内演进。叙述者既不在他自己所虎构出来的时空之中,也不在文本外的现实时空之中,是无时间性主体存在。这样叙述与故事之间的关系就不是时间性的了。经验性阅读和批评混淆了不同的故事,进而造成了分析的失误。  相似文献   

翻译与权力虽不是一个全新的话题,但是从翻译的小说转向及其颠覆性的角度来探讨翻译的权力则是个比较新的视角。文章以一篇论文为切入点,分析了翻译的小说转向的特征及其对翻译理论研究的促进作用,以及翻译的颠覆性如何反映翻译中的权力关系。  相似文献   

The professor has appeared as a fictional character since the middle ages, and several professorial images may be found in academic fiction. An analysis of fictional images reveals that authors most often depict professors who have no ambitions to gain power, whether economic, personal, political, or philosophical, as estimable characters; but authors condemn professor characters who attempt to exert power in order to gain money, relationships, position, or knowledge.  相似文献   

作为叙事文学范畴的“虚构”,可进一步区分为题材意义上的虚构和叙述方式意义上的虚构。在“非虚构文学”(传记文学、报告文学、新新闻小说等)这一看似矛盾的概念中(因为自亚里士多德以来的本质论诗学中,判定叙事文学的文学性的根本性的标准无疑是虚构性),其“非虚构”当是就题材上说的,其“文学”(虚构性)则是就叙述方式上说的。由于它在叙述方式上,主要采用的是显示、场景叙述,故其虚构性是不可避免的。过去有关这类文体是否容许适当虚构或其虚构性的限度如何把握之类问题的讨论,由于未区分题材学上的虚构和叙述学上的虚构,致使其讨诊在文体理论的建设上收效甚微。  相似文献   

This study investigated Korean and U.S. preschoolers’ personal and fictional narratives, their classroom book environments, and their teachers’ attitudes about reading aloud. The participants were 70 Korean and American 3- and 4-year-olds enrolled in 2 university lab preschools and their 4 teachers. The structures and content of the preschoolers’ personal and fictional narratives were analyzed. The teachers’ attitudes and practices about their language and literacy curriculum, including books provided in the classroom and selected for reading aloud, were examined for associations with preschoolers’ narrative productions. Research Findings: The content of preschoolers’ personal narratives and the structural levels of their fictional narratives differed between the 2 Korean and 2 U.S. classrooms. The classroom book environments in the Korean and U.S. classrooms also differed, with more fictional books displayed in the 2 U.S. classrooms than in the 2 Korean classrooms. The 2 Korean and 2 U.S. preschool teachers also held different attitudes about the use of fiction and nonfiction for read-aloud story sessions, and U.S. teachers allocated more time in their school day for reading aloud than did Korean teachers. Practice or Policy: U.S. preschoolers may profit from a greater balance between fiction and nonfiction books in the classroom. Korean children might benefit from more exposure to fiction and fantasy along with more practice in creating fictional narratives.  相似文献   

Media consumption can influence viewer perceptions and attitudes. Recent research on media’s effect on college students has failed to address gender differences. Using Mere Repeated Exposure Theory (traditionally used in marketing research), this study aims to answer three research questions regarding college media consumption and college perceptions: What types of fictional college media do college students consume? How does college media consumption differ by gender? How does fictional college media consumption relate to perceived college expectations? Results suggest that college students who consume high amounts of fictional college media are more likely to have positive attitudes towards partying and socializing in college. High consumers of college media, however, do not believe that college media influences their college perceptions. Men are more likely to socialize in college and are more aware than women that college media influences their college perceptions. Women are more likely to believe that college is difficult regardless of media consumption.  相似文献   

Television criticism frequently focuses on the deconstruction of individual representations in texts, a practice that privileges specific characters rather than relationships among characters. This paper examines the usefulness of fictional television relationships for adolescent sexual identity formation by examining Dawson's Creek for its construction of gay character Jack McPhee. Jack's sexual identity is constructed and modified through dialectical tensions in his relationship with Jen Lindley, ultimately allowing him to express sexual identity in terms of acceptance rather than in terms of political or legal rights. This difference in narrative form illuminates potential differences between the formation of adult and adolescent sexual identity. Examining ethnographic work on gay men and their use of fictional media combined with a close reading of Dawson's Creek for sexual identity construction, this paper ultimately argues that fictional representations could serve as a template from which gay adolescents enact personal relationships. It also calls for critical media scholars to examine positive aspects of television representations.  相似文献   

言语行为理论的提出,打破了逻辑一语义学的真假崇拜,赋予语言“以言行事”的功能。然而奥斯汀通过引出“严肃/不严肃”的二元对立,又将无法有效述行的虚构话语给边缘化了。德里达以解构主义惯有的游戏式作风,颠覆了这一组等级对立。他对非严肃虚构话语的关注,对意义开放性的强调,呼唤着人们重新审视文学这一边缘话语。  相似文献   

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