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American impact on modern sports in Latin America overlaps geographically and chronologically with the European, especially British, impact. Principally baseball in the Caribbean basin, more recently basketball and volleyball across the hemisphere and occasionally American football in more limited areas illustrate a north-to-south movement executed by businessmen, educators, missionaries, military personnel, returning travelers (often students), sports entrepreneurs and television. Often initially supported by promoters of development within Latin America, this transfer has altered local recreational patterns and attracted Latin athletes to pursue careers in North America, provoking accusations of cultural imperialism and exploitation.  相似文献   

王深 《体育学刊》2011,18(2):31-36
体育运动之美从身之动的主观体验来把握,可分为3种不同水平的审美体验:一是源自运动中肌肉系统产生的并伴随着情感体验的"运动快感";二是建立在第一反射运动快感基础上,源自对技术动作"内模仿"的"运动联想";三是超越于二级反射的感觉共鸣,是一种心灵走出感官与运动意义相融相忘的"身心通感"。只有从身体的外在形态转向对身体感觉与体验的关注,并致力于为身体的各种感觉,尤其是运动感觉在运动中的充分滋养与发展提供美学依据,体育美学才能实现真正意义上的人文关怀。  相似文献   

人文体育观渐入--现代体育"异化"的反思   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
曹卫 《体育学刊》2003,10(4):1-3
采用献资料和逻辑分析方法,通过对人理念的讨论和理解,认为在“生物体育观”指导下体育实践有其局限性。主要观点:体育是人产物,应“以人为本”。“人体育观”体现了时代发展对“人”的呼唤和人不断认识自我的强烈意识。在进一步认识体育和对现代体育“异化”的批判中,都需要有一种人理念来统领其发展方向,这就是人体育观的渐入。  相似文献   

现代竞技运动中异化现象的类型分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
从政治干预的异化、社会舆论的异化、兴奋剂的异化、金钱的异化、暴力的异化、权利的异化六个方面对现代竞技运动中异化现象的不同类型进行了分析,指出了异化现象对于现代竞技运动健康发展的危害。  相似文献   

This chapter examines sport in Latin America in its social, cultural, and political contexts. An analysis of the development of sport in Latin America suggests that there have been a number of distinct phases influenced by the cultures of the Spanish, British and French. More recently, the games and pastimes of the United States have made a significant impact. It is suggested that the further development of sport in Latin America is hindered by a number of significant problems. It concludes that the problems faced by some countries are immense and that governments and international organizations in the developed world should offer help where appropriate.  相似文献   

当代中国竞技体育的非均衡发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国竞技体育的非均衡现实,利用非均衡发展理论分析了当前中国竞技体育中在项目布局、运动成绩、运动队建设、市场发育等方面存在诸多差异。根据我国竞技体育的实际以及面,临的主要任务,非均衡发展战略应当是我国竞技体育的科学选择。选择适合我国国情的发展模式应该是打造优势项目品牌、建设高校特色运动、形成“城市圈竞技项目”等发展形式。  相似文献   

运动教育模式对学校体育课程改革的启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈雁飞 《体育学刊》2005,12(3):92-94
引入当代西方著名体育学者西登托普先生的运动教育模式,从运动教育模式的含义、目的、目标、内容和特点进行研究。运动教育模式的引进为我国学校体育课程提供了学校体育课程改革可操作性及运动参与目标多元化和社会适应目标的模式,同时提供了人文化的体育教育与运动教育模式,为我国新课标的修改与完善,教师体育教学操作与创新和学校体育课程改革与实施提供参照。  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore some theoretical and methodological issues that have arisen in a wider study into sport, gender and sexuality. The study aims to bring together, in creative ways, different academic traditions of history, literature and gender studies through a common medium – the novel. My foundational assumption is that knowledge may be both generated and uncovered through fictional representations such as Tom Brown's Schooldays (1857), This Sporting Life (1960) and Fever Pitch ([1992] 2000). The questions the article poses are: what are the epistemological implications of reading sporting histories through fictional representations? How might we theorise about the lived reality of historical actors through a reading of sport novels? How can fictional texts be read alongside more traditional archival material? I argue that the novel allows access to theoretical thinking that enables an examination of human conditions such as the need for fantasy, intuition and myth, which other archival material might not reveal, thus enriching our understanding of the past.  相似文献   

我国农村根深蒂固的家族意识或家庭情结昭示农村体育的发展不能游离于家庭之外,以家庭体育为落脚点发展农村体育具有历史和时代的依据.传统文化规约着农村家庭的生活方式和农民的思维方式;家庭承包责任制的实施加深了家庭情结,并且凸现了家庭的体育教育功能;农民工返乡、家庭规模和结构的小型化赋予我国农村家庭体育更多活力.  相似文献   

Choking under pressure is a pejorative colloquial term (Clark, Tofler, & Lardon, 2005) used to describe a sub-optimal sporting performance under stressful conditions. In order to prevent its occurrence and enable performers to achieve their potential under pressure, a full understanding of the phenomenon is necessary. By reviewing critically the contemporary research, the aim of the paper is to examine the suggested mechanisms and potential moderators of choking in sport, and consider the interventions designed to alleviate it. In addition, the conceptual and methodological concerns that exist within the choking literature will be presented, and directions for future research that address such concerns will be recommended.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the processes underpinning the evolutionary development of sport climbing in recent decades, with a particular focus on the impact of its inclusion in the Olympic Games. New institutionalism and resource-dependence theory provide an analytical and explanatory framework for this study. The research adopted a qualitative method strategy comprising a series of interviews and the analysis of documents, reports, press and social media. The recent inclusion of the sport in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic programme has created challenges, primarily because of strong values inherent within the sport. The research, however, shows that the values of a sport can expand and develop in order to fit the regulatory legitimacy required by inclusion in the Olympic Games. Nonetheless, the research also shows that involvement with the IOC raises questions about who ‘owns’ the sport.  相似文献   

This review addresses personality in organised sport. We describe the extant literature that has explored personality effects on athletic success and population-based differences before hypothesising how sport participation may contribute to personality development. We then outline the role of personality in athletic interactions and group processes before considering the practical applications of personality research and avenues for future study. Our review shows that personality is an important determinant of long-term success in sport and identifies clear personality differences between individuals that participate in organised sport and individuals that do not participate in organised sport. We also observe important personality differences between sub-samples of athletes and outline the contribution of personality to intragroup relationships and team effectiveness in team sport. The interaction of genetic and environmental influences is presented as a promising avenue of inquiry that can strengthen our understanding of personality effects on sport and exercise participation and athletic success. We conclude by outlining implications for applied sport psychology.  相似文献   

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