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Universities are famous for their resilience and longevity. Yet, when serious disputes arise, as in the University College of Swansea in 1989, their structures can be tested to the limit. Taking those events as a case study, this paper examines critically the option of choosing private sector approaches. It then develops its central argument: the most robust systems will be those that marry together academic and managerial values.  相似文献   

3—6岁幼儿家庭亲子冲突的现状及其处理策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究运用问卷调查法,对广州市3—6岁幼儿家庭亲子冲突的现状及其处理策略进行考察。结果发现,幼儿家庭亲子冲突以语言冲突和情绪冲突为主,并主要集中在幼儿的学习与行为习惯上;母亲与幼儿冲突的发生水平高于父亲;男孩与父亲的身体冲突显著地多于女孩;随着幼儿年龄的增加,父母与幼儿在学习习惯上的冲突频率与强度逐渐增强。在处理策略上,父母多采用协商策略,幼儿多采用回避与妥协策略;母亲比父亲更容易采取妥协策略;父亲倾向于对女儿采取妥协和协商策略。为改善亲子互动,父母应加强对亲子冲突功能的认识,尊重幼儿合理需要和独立人格,引导幼儿自我表达,形成稳定的家庭行为与交往规则,建立有效的亲子冲突处理机制。  相似文献   

The sources of conflict, its resolution, and additional conflict components were described for 16 preschoolers with mild disabilities. Conflict episodes were contrasted to those of a comparison group of 15 preschoolers without disabilities. Children were videotaped for two 15-minute freeplay sessions, which were categorized and analyzed using a procedure developed by Laursen and Hartup (1989). Results indicated that children with and without disabilities engaged in conflict on a relatively infrequent basis, and that it was of short duration. In general, there were few differences between the sources of conflict and how they were resolved for children with and without disabilities. There was a tendency, however, for children with disabilities to have more disputes over objects, and for children without disabilities to have more disputes over pretend play. Children resolved their conflicts largely through insistence, and in the majority of conflicts there was a clear winner and loser. Implications for intervention and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

老字号知识产权属性、冲突及解决   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从分析老字号知识产权保护的重要性开始,阐述了未商标注册的老字号,其知识产权性质归属于商号权,通过对现实中老字号存在的四种权利冲突的情况的归纳,进而分析了产生老字号知识产权冲突的原因,最后从立法、行政、司法等角度提出解决老字号知识产权冲突的具体建议。  相似文献   

大众教育与精英教育在现阶段我国高等艺术教育实践中已经凸显出种种矛盾,极大地影响了我国高等艺术教育的健康发展,解决这一矛盾势在必行。"融合"的理念及其手段不失为一种有效的思路和方法。基于以上理论,提出并重点探讨了实现大众与精英"融合"的理念和手段。  相似文献   

双语认知控制的神经基础及语言冲突解决能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人们在学习和使用第二语言时势必会出现母语(第一语言)对第二语言的干扰,这种冲突对于双语者和单语者产生不同的干扰。双语者能熟练解决冲突,选择正确的目标语的语言表征,这个过程也可被称做抑制控制(inhibitory control)。解决冲突的关键环节就是抑制冲突。在论述了双语制的研究现状、认知控制的神经基础上,着重探讨了双语制在语言冲突解决中的表现。  相似文献   

With the appearance of globalization,communication across cultures plays an important role in English learning.However,in the traditional English teaching of China,we have mainly focused on teaching grammar and language skills.In this paper,the author employs collaborative learning model with the author’s teaching practice to illustrate the conflict resolution and the importance of cultures from a dialogue of team work in the process of teaching.And in order to educate the consciousness of students in communication across cultures,the author puts forward some suggestions.  相似文献   

Conflict has frequently been hypothesized to play an important role in development, and yet, until recently, little empirical work has been conducted on preschoolers' social conflicts. The aim of this study was to investigate the types of social issues that produce conflicts, the extent to which children respond positively to protests from others, and how conflicts are resolved. Children were observed in two contexts: semi-structured peer groups in which adults did not intervene, and school-time free-play. The results showed that even when adults do not intervene, children are often responsive to protests from others and resolve conflicts on their own. Differences were also observed for the types of issues that generate conflicts in the two settings and the types of conflicts that children respond to most often. These results indicate that children's conflicts are not solely negative or aggressive and that children's social interactions and their social contexts are multi-dimensional. The findings point to interpersonal aspects of settings, such as the differential role of adults and peers, and to contextual features of settings, such as free-play and sustained play, that should be considered by teachers and parents when structuring social interactive opportunities for young children.  相似文献   

Conflict has frequently been hypothesized to play an important role in development, and yet, until recently, little empirical work has been conducted on preschoolers' social conflicts. The aim of this study was to investigate the types of social issues that produce conflicts, the extent to which children respond positively to protests from others, and how conflicts are resolved. Children were observed in two contexts: semi-structured peer groups in which adults did not intervene, and school-time free-play. The results showed that even when adults do not intervene, children are often responsive to protests from others and resolve conflicts on their own. Differences were also observed for the types of issues that generate conflicts in the two settings and the types of conflicts that children respond to most often. These results indicate that children's conflicts are not solely negative or aggressive and that children's social interactions and their social contexts are multi-dimensional. The findings point to interpersonal aspects of settings, such as the differential role of adults and peers, and to contextual features of settings, such as free-play and sustained play, that should be considered by teachers and parents when structuring social interactive opportunities for young children.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine Japanese preschool children's social conflicts and methods of conflict resolution in order to shed light on existing cultural characterizations of Japanese preschool education and social development. Japanese preschool-age children were observed during school-time free-play and they and their mothers were interviewed about teacher methods of conflict resolution in the preschool setting. The results showed that Japanese children's conflicts stemmed from a wide range of issues, including concerns about justice, rights, and fairness. Moreover, teachers encouraged children to work out conflicts on their own, stressing self-reliance and autonomy. Japanese children and mothers chose resolution choices which pertained to the intrinsic consequences of the acts. Japanese children and mothers, however, preferred teacher-directed nonintervention over punishment as a form of teacher response. This was in contrast to previous research which has shown that American children and mothers prefer punishment over nonintervention. The results indicated that issues of independence (e.g., autonomy) and interdependence (e.g., group orientations) were both present in Japanese children's social interactions and in children's and mothers' judgments about teacher methods of conflict resolution.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine Japanese preschool children's social conflicts and methods of conflict resolution in order to shed light on existing cultural characterizations of Japanese preschool education and social development. Japanese preschool-age children were observed during school-time free-play and they and their mothers were interviewed about teacher methods of conflict resolution in the preschool setting. The results showed that Japanese children's conflicts stemmed from a wide range of issues, including concerns about justice, rights, and fairness. Moreover, teachers encouraged children to work out conflicts on their own, stressing self-reliance and autonomy. Japanese children and mothers chose resolution choices which pertained to the intrinsic consequences of the acts. Japanese children and mothers, however, preferred teacher-directed nonintervention over punishment as a form of teacher response. This was in contrast to previous research which has shown that American children and mothers prefer punishment over nonintervention. The results indicated that issues of independence (e.g., autonomy) and interdependence (e.g., group orientations) were both present in Japanese children's social interactions and in children's and mothers' judgments about teacher methods of conflict resolution.  相似文献   

马克思主义利益观有着十分丰富的内涵,至今仍闪耀着时代的光芒。用马克思主义利益观透视非直接利益冲突,不难发现:“非直接利益冲突”根源于现实利益冲突,本质上是一种现实利益的冲突博弈;大力推进社会建设,着力改善民生,切实解决好关系群众切身利益的现实问题,化解“非直接利益冲突”背后的利益矛盾,实现利益和谐,才能从根本上化解“非直接利益冲突”。  相似文献   

从法律文本上看,法院的院长和庭长是审判职务,负责相关诉讼事务和程序问题的处理,但从实践来看,院庭长又是典型的行政官员。院庭长从审判职务演变为行政职务,原因在于我国司法逻辑与行政逻辑混同,司法组织建设落后,法官素质受到怀疑。应当从机构上进一步分离司法行政和审判,制定院庭长权力清单,减轻司法行政权对审判权的不当影响。  相似文献   

为了能够检测普适计算环境中的上下文冲突并自动进行冲突消解,在对上下文冲突原因深入分析的基础上,提出了上下文冲突检测和消解算法.该算法根据语义对新到达上下文进行分类,定义冲突触发器来检测上下文冲突,并根据上下文的相对优先级主动进行冲突消解.实验结果表明,该算法能够有效地检测和消除上下文冲突,提高应用程序的性能.  相似文献   

渠道逆向控制冲突是渠道冲突的一种特殊形式,其形成的主要原因是分销商拥有渠道资源优势.使用强制性控制战略。制造商和经销商建立共同的超级目标和关系营销等策略是化解冲突的较佳选择。  相似文献   

道路交通事故致死损害赔偿是生命体因受到道路交通事故非法侵害而遭受死亡时,法律要求死亡侵害人以货币的形式对死亡权利人予以赔偿的一种救济制度,是在生命价值不可评估与生命权受损不可救济的传统理论之下,民事立法的一大创新点。然而,现行道路交通事故损害赔偿制度因民行责任混同、民刑程序冲突、城乡赔偿差异等导致法律适用突出,亟待在立足实践调研的基础之上,从理论层面厘清赔偿的本质与功能,从立法层面规避“命”“价”结合的阻碍,衡平民、行、刑三者责任的划分,从实践层面探寻集自我预防、交通监管、司法审判、社会保障于一体的全方位解决路径,真正维护权利人的合法权益。  相似文献   

This study examined conflict resolution strategies (CRSs) resorted to by sixth, seventh, and eighth grade primary school pupils in Turkey and identified gender differences in the resolution strategies typically resorted to. In addition, the study aimed to find out what actual conflicts students asked assistance for from teachers and what strategies students thought teachers used in dealing with their conflicts. The data for this research were collected via a questionnaire involving mostly open-ended items. Results supported the notion that three main groups of strategies (problem-solving, avoiding and aggressive) typically get implemented in solving conflicts. Problem-solving strategies were observed to be most frequently employed by the participants. There was a significant gender difference in terms of the use of CRSs, in that girls were more likely to use problem-solving strategies than boys. The majority of the participants tended not to ask for assistance from teachers in resolving their conflicts. However, students from low SES schools were more likely to ask for teacher assistance than students from middle and high SES schools. The participants also stated that teachers typically used two main strategies in helping them resolve their conflicts: problem-solving and aggressive strategies.  相似文献   

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