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一、不定式的省略 1.(NMET 1995)The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him__ . A.not to B.not to do C.not do it D.do not to 答案为A。不定式在tell,ask,allow,advise,wish等动词后作宾补,并与前面的动词重复时,省略动词原形而保留不定式符号to。  相似文献   

1995年高考试题中有这么一道单项选择题:The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother toldhim__.A.not to B.not to do C.not to do it D.do not to其正确答案为 A,但不少考生误选答案 B 和 C。这是考生对起动词替代作用的 do 和 to 用法陌生或模糊不清所至。为了避免动词使用重复,  相似文献   

1995年高考英语试题第35小题:The boy wantedto ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother toldhim_____.A.not to、B.not to do C.not do it D.donot to,正确答案是 A.在英语中有时为了达到语言生动、自然、简洁的目的,经常把句中的一个或几个成份省略。  相似文献   

【考点一】It is good manners_____in public. A.not shout B.don't to shout C.not to shout D.to not shout 【思路解析】答案为C。本题说的是"在公共场合不大声叫喊是一种礼貌行 为"。句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语,当它表示否定时, not应置于to do之前,因而正确形式是not to shout. 【知识拓展】作主语的不定式短语可置于句尾,而用"it"作为形式主语置于句 首,以代替动词不定式。 It is necessary to make a plan for this course of study.制定 一个学习这门课程的计划是有必要的。 【考点二】Lin Jie kicked two goals in the football match.He____a hero by his classmates.  相似文献   

(一)动词不定式1.“M r.Zhu,you’d better too m uchm eat.Y ou are already over w eight,”said thedoctor.A.not to eat B.to eatC.not eat D.eat2.Internet bars m ustn’tlet people under18inor let anybody bad things.A.watchB.to watchC.watching D.w atches3.—D id you have anyone the trees?—Y es,I had the trees.A.to w ater;water B.to water;w ateredC.water;to be w atered D.w ater;watered4.I can’t send an e-m ail.W ould please showm e it?A.doingB.to doC.what to do D.how to do5.They preferred i…  相似文献   

请看下面这道高考题—Sorry,Joe.I didn’t mean to …—Don’t call me "Joe".I’m Mr Parker toyou,and___you forget it! (NMET 2003) A.do B.didn’t C.did D.don’t 上面这道题的答案是D,这道题考查的是带you的否定祈使句,提示对方注意。祈使句的基本句型通常是以动词原形开首,并省略主语。但也有例外,注意以下几种特殊结构的祈使句:  相似文献   

Ⅰ.语法复习 . 从 A 、B、C、D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.I think it’s going to be a big problem .I wonder we can do about it. A .if B.so C.what D .that 2.—I m issed the film last night. —Oh,what a pity.I wish you another chance. A .had had B.would have C.will have D.would have had 3. it rain tom orrow,the crops would be saved. A .W ill B.Can C.Could D .Should 4.—Is your friend com ing to the party tonight? — . A .I’m afraid she didn’t B.I’m afraid not C.I’m not afraid D .I’m afraid she doesn’t 5.—Are you still thinking about ...  相似文献   

胡扬朋 《初中生》2013,(3):52-53
Q:今年某市有道中考选择题: We must do everything we can__our earth cleaner and safer. A.made B.to making C.make D.to make 所给答案为D,但我认为应该选C.情态动词后面不是应该接动词原形吗?为什么能接带to的不定式呢?  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. — ____ CDs do you have,Dennis? —Sorry,I can’t remember the number. A. Which B. What C. How many D. How much 2. —Jason,I want to know the sports news. Go and ____ the TV,please. —OK,dad. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn to D. turn over 3. —Could you please _____ it again? —Sorry,I won’t . A. not do B. don’t do C. not to do D. to not do 4. —Which is ____ season in Zhengzhou? —I think it’s autumn. A. good B. better C. best D. the best 5. —Could you please g…  相似文献   

胡扬朋 《初中生》2015,(6):44-45
Q:下面这道选择填空题多数同学都选C,可所给答案为A,请问need to do与need doing有何区别? Don't throw away the waste paper.It needs____so that it can be reused. A.collect B.collected C.to collect D.collecting A:考查非谓语动词的用法.动词need意为“需要”,后跟动词不定式to do,意为“需要去做某事”.如: 例1:There is something wrong with my car,I need to repair it.我的车出问题了,需要修理. 例2:I don't need to see the doctor.我不需要看病. 动词need后跟doing,意为“需要被做某事”,含有被动的意思,相当于need to be done.如: 例3:My hair needs washing.我的头发需要洗一洗.  相似文献   

对于初中生来说,掌握动词不定式的用法,是学好英语口语和正确表达书面用语的重要途径之一.动词不定式是一种非限定性动词,是由to+动词原形构成,其中to没有实际意义,在不定式后也可加其他词构成一个不定式短语.动词不定不定式有肯定和否定两种形式.不定式的否定只要在to的前面加上not就OK了.例如: Please ask him not to do it. Tell them not to play football on the street. 动词不定式可以在句中作除谓语之外的任何成分.动词不定式在句中的具体用法如下:  相似文献   

首先请看一道试题: Isn’t__rude__him to talk to his teacher like that? A.that;for B.he;of C.it;for D.it;of 该题考查不定式的复合结构,答案为D。当不定式需带上自己的逻辑主语时,须用介词for/of引出其逻辑主语sb.,即for/of sb. to do sth.(不定式的复合结构)。具体表现在句型“It is adj. for/of sb. to do sth.”中。透过下图,你会明白何时该用介词for或of引出sb.。  相似文献   

首先请看一道试题: Isn't_______rude_______him to talk to his teacher like that? A. that; for B. he; of C. it; for D. it; of [解析]答案为D。该题考查不定式的复合结构,当不定式需带上自己的逻辑主语时,须用介词for/of引出其逻辑主语sb.,即for/of+sb.+to do sth.(不定式  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空 1. be sent to work there? A.Who do you suggest B.Who do you suggest that should C.Do you suggest who should D.Do you suggest whom should 2.We wouldn’t obey the local government’s order that all the houses along the street . A.were broken down B.be broken down C.should be broken out D.broken up 3.—I don’t mind telling you what I know. —You .I’m not asking you for it. A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t D.needn’t 4.— would you like your coffee, black or white? —White,please…  相似文献   

一、考点难点精讲(一)动词不定式动词不定式的基本形式是:“to+动词原形”,有时可以不带to。不带to的不定式与动词原形同形,但它不是原形,而是一种语法形式。除基本助动词do和情态动词外,英语动词都有不定式形式。1不定式有时态、语态变化(以do为例)2动词不定式的句法作用(1)动词不定式短语作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数。有时可用先行词it作形式主语,把动词不定式短语放在谓语动词后面。如:To obey the laws is everyone’s duty.=It is everyone’s duty to obey the laws.服从法律是每个人的职责。To learn English well is not ea…  相似文献   

1.(重庆卷)Isn’t it time you got down to_____the pa-pers?A.mark B.bemarked C.beingmarked D.marking【陷阱剖析】由于to常作不定式的符号,后接动词原形,所以答案选A。答案为D。其实本题考查短语getdowntodoingsth.的用法,意思是“开始认真对待某事”。这里的to是介词,后面跟动名词或名词作宾语。2.(江苏卷)Apoet and artist_____comingtospeak tousaboutChineseliteratureandpaintingtomorrowafternoon.A.is B.are C.was D.were【陷阱剖析】一些考生看到and后,认为表示的不是一个人,所以感觉B正确。答案为A。若选择B,则应将句…  相似文献   

【考点1】对引导词that的考查(有下划线的选为正确答案)1.There is much chance Bill will re-cover from his injury in time for the race.(2006天津)A.that B.which C.until D.if2.—Don’t you think it necessary that heto Miami but to New York?(2005江苏)—I agree,but the problem is hehas refused to.A.will not be sent;thatB.not be sent;thatC.should not be sent;whatD.should not send;what3.fashion differs from country tocountry may reflect the cultural differencesfrom one aspect.(2002上海春)A.What B.T…  相似文献   

一、从下列各题的四个供选择的答案中选出一个正确的答案,并在该答案的题号上划圈,多划者无效。(每题1分,共20分) 1. Nobody's watching the television.Could you____? A. turn on it B. turn off it C. turn it off D. turn it on 2. There____a bus stop near ourvillage. A. uses to be B. use to be C. used be D. used to be 3. I want to have my watch____. A. repaired B. repairing C. repair D. to be repaired 4. I would have visited my teachers if it  相似文献   

.单项选择1.We hepled the farmers the harvistthe farm last week.  A.on;with     B.to;in  C.in to D.with;on2 .It's dangerous to skate on ice.  A.heavy B.thin  C.thick D.strong3.— Can you come to the evening party? — .  A.Yes,I'd love to  B.I hope you'll do well  C.I'm very busy  D.I don't like it4 .We went for walk after supper.  A.some  B.the   C./   D.a5.— May I speak to Ann,please? — .  A.I'm not Ann  B.One moment,please  C.Certainly not  D.L et me tak…  相似文献   

请看下列高考题: NMET2003第24题: -sorry,Joe,I didn’t mean to... -Don’t call me"Joe".I'm Mr.Parker to you,and___you forget it! A.do B.didn’t C.did D.don’t NMET1999第10题: -Alice,you feed the bird today____? But I fed it yesterday. A.do you B.will you C.didn’t you D.don't you 上述两题的答案是D、B。从形式上看,前者易误解为  相似文献   

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