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Unit 15 Destinations1.E very now and then,w e get the itch to travel.我们时不时地想外出旅游,想得心里发痒。every now and then意义上相当于from tim e to tim e,at tim es,oncein a w hile或now and again,意思是“不时地”、“常常”。例如:Every now and then the sl  相似文献   

一、课文导读 I.Read the text,and finish the following cloze. Every now and then,we get the __ to travel.If you really want to go travelling,you may consider one of the following two__ .Rio de Janeiro is the second laargest city in __.  相似文献   

D ear E arthm en,I have enjoyed m y stay on your inter-esting unusualplanet.I think I understandthe life on the earth now and I would liketo give you m y im pression(印象).First of all you live in boxes.E verym orning you leave your big boxes and getinto sm aller boxes on wheels(轮子).A ll these sm all boxes race(疾驶)around and finally stop to rest.Y ou then leave these boxes on wheels andgo to very large tallboxes.A fter working all day you get back in your little boxes and return toyour …  相似文献   

I have two clocks in mybedroom.One is red,theother is blue.Every morningthe red one rings at seven o’clock,then I get up and readChinese or English.Abouttwenty minutes later,the blueone rings,I have breakfastand go to school,so I havenever been late for school. One day I went to bed solate that I couldn’t wake upthe next morning.When the  相似文献   

来来往往To and fro 断断续续Off and on 时时刻刻Every now and then 挑来挑去To pick and choose 寿命不长One’s days are numbered. 半身入土To have one foot in the grave 水底捞月To fish in the air 原形毕露To show one’s true colours 海底捞针To look for a needle in a haystack 半斤八两Six of one and half a dozen of the other 趁热打铁Strike the iron while it is hot. 岁月不待人Time and tide wait for no man. 无风不起浪There is no smoke without fire. 打开天窗说亮话To put all one’s cards on the table  相似文献   

The Internet     
PerhaPs you have heard a lot about theInternet,一1一-what 15 it,do you know?TheInte二et 15 a network.It一卫‘the telePhone tojoinmillions of colnPuters together around the world. Maybe that』一sound very interesting.Butwhell止七arej01nedtothelnltenlet,山ele‘iwelotsofthings you can do.You ean一互‘E一mails to yourfriends,and they can get them inee-2一seeonds.You can also一卫一with all kinds of infotmationon the W6rld WldeW七b(WWW). There are many different kinds of eon1Putersnow.They al…  相似文献   

Leo and Sam exited and locked the car in a hurry,forgetting to remove the key which was in theignition.Realizing the mistake,Leo asked,“Why don't we get a coat hanger to open it.”“No,that won't work,”answered Sam.“People will think we're trying to break in.”So Leosuggested,“What if we use a pocket knife to cut around the rubber,then stick a finger in and pull up  相似文献   

1.三思而后行。Think twice before you act. Look before you leap. 2.积少成多。Many small makes a great. Many a little makes amickle. 3.智者千虑,必有一失。Homer sometimes nods. A fool must now and thenbe right by chance. Every man is a foolsometimes,and none at all  相似文献   

My School-life     
I'm a middle school student. I'm in Class One, Grade One. Every day I get up at six. Then I dress myself, clean my teeth, wash my face and have my breakfast.I often go to school at seven o'clock. After I get to school, I read English for  相似文献   

Sun and Moon     
俗话说得好:一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。Dear kids,please get up early and do morning exercises now!  相似文献   

Every year millions of Americans and other people around the world watch the great American football match, the Super Bowl(超霸杯). But what do you know about the players?  相似文献   

撇嘿嘿撇蝙熊姗麟腻麟徽姗徽罐麟撇 请根据提供的首字母及图画给下面短文填上适当的词。 Kate finished sehool when she was18,an、It}len}zer father said to her,“You’ve Passed your exams(考试)now,Kare,公iem.and you即tgood marks(成绩)inNowgee~生we一~Some goodthe bankof moxiey Af1n90 and:12the townfor elever peoPle at.The clerks(职员)there get quite al_旦n0w-庄建efo hethlwent to the bank and aswork there.些‘days later,Kate A man took her6a small roomsolne questlons onaPaPer,and then shePieee ofl〕…  相似文献   

1.Every guest who is present at the dance will get a beautiful present.每位出席舞会的客人都将得到一份漂亮的礼物。  相似文献   

The ground shakes. Dishes fall off shelves. Houses collapse. Cars topple over bridges. Every year, earthquakes destroy homes and schools, and they kill many thousands of people around the world. Even scarier, it's impossible to know exactly when and where the next one will strike.  相似文献   

Every one of us expects success in our daily life and work. However, we can't avoid various kinds of failures. Some people will persist in their effort and finally get suc- cess, while others will lose their hearts easily for not having achieved what they have aimed at.  相似文献   

A卷阶段评估自测题(共50分)I.完成句子(本大题由A、B两部分组成,共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)A.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。(15分)1.—What t__________is it now?—Oh,it’s around10o’clock.2.I usually e__________hamburgers and French fries for breakfast.3.—Does he usually l__________to the radio at6:30in the morning?—No.He has no time.4.Every day,Li Ming t__________a bus to go to school and go home.5.—How many classes do you h__________every day?—About seven.6.My father goes to be…  相似文献   

Every autumn, as families across the United States get ready to send their kids off to college,the economics of higher education receive renewed attention. College is expensive and becoming more so in the US. The situation raises two questions: Why does it cost so much, and how can students and their families afford it?  相似文献   

The passing period. A bell that notifies all that there is five minutes to get to your next class. These are routine(日常琐事) in daily highschool life for me. The bell rings, I go to my locker I go to class, I fall asleep and forty five minutes later it starts all over again until two fifty in the afternoon. But every now and then, I have a passing period worth writing about.It w as the third w eek of m y junior year. Septem ber tw elfth tw o thousand and six. A Tuesday ifIrecall. This is…  相似文献   

在英语中,有许多介词、名词或时间/地点副词等由"and"连接而形成英语习语,你知道它们的意思吗?请看: 1.now and then: 不时 2.first and last: 总的说来  相似文献   

宋京华 《中学生英语》2013,(14):19-21,48
一、完形填空Mary was seven years old.Her parents recently moved to a new town,and so Mary was going to a 1 school,which was a few kilometers from the house they lived in now. A school bus going around picked up 2 every morning and brought them back to their 3 every afternoon,and as both of Mary’s parents 4 to go to work,she al- ways went on this bus. Mary’s parents always 5 their alarm clock for seven o’clock so that none of them would be 6.But one morning the alarm 7 to go off,and it was not until a quarter past eight that Mary’s mother suddenly 8, looked at the clock and said,"What’s ever happened to that clock?" and then 9 into  相似文献   

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