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While there has been a remarkable interest to make computer science a core K-12 academic subject in the United States, there is a shortage of K-12 computer science teachers to successfully implement computer sciences courses in schools. In order to enhance computer science teacher capacity, training programs have been offered through teacher professional development. In this study, the main goal was to systematically review the studies regarding computer science professional development to understand the scope, context, and effectiveness of these programs in the past decade (2004–2014). Based on 21 journal articles and conference proceedings, this study explored: (1) Type of professional development organization and source of funding, (2) professional development structure and participants, (3) goal of professional development and type of evaluation used, (4) specific computer science concepts and training tools used, (5) and their effectiveness to improve teacher practice and student learning.  相似文献   

本文对美、英、澳三国教师绩效工资改革的背景,教师绩效工资制度对办学质量的双重影响进行了分析和探讨。认为教师绩效工资制度实施对办学质量产生了一些积极影响:促进教师队伍建设、提升学生学业成就、提高学校管理水平、使学校获得了更多的外部支持。但同时也带来了一些消极影响:绩效工资对教师激励的有限性、应试教育之风重新盛行、学校变得行政化和官僚化。本文指出,当前我国在义务教育学校教师绩效工资改革中应对目标群体进行科学、合理、公正的绩效评价,建立有效的监督机制,并采取多种激励方式相结合。  相似文献   

This research study follows up on previous investigations of the ongoing curriculum reform in China and its repercussions (actual and potential) on the effectiveness of the teacher evaluation process there (Liu & Teddlie, 2004, 2005). With the full implementation of the new curriculum reform throughout the country, teacher evaluation is becoming more and more important in today’s China. Practitioners are exploring new methods for making practical reforms in teacher evaluation in individual districts and schools. There are two sources of information for this article, which focuses on events that have transpired in China beginning in 2004: a content analysis of academic sources related to teacher evaluation and interviews conducted with Chinese teachers at different sites and grade levels. Six themes were derived from an analysis of the academic sources. Interview results focus on issues such as (1) the utilization of student test scores in the evaluation of teachers and (2) “teaching to the test.” The article ends with eight suggestions for improving practices currently associated with teacher evaluation in China.
Shujie LiuEmail:

学术期刊是学术成果发布与交流的重要平台,对其所刊载的文章的研究,能从一个侧面反映该学科的学术研究动态。采用文献计量法和内容分析法,对CNKI中国引文数据库中收录的远程教育领域多家学术期刊自1990年至2011年期间刊载的全部学术论文,从文章所属学科类别、期刊所属类别、资助基金项目、研究层次、前40位高产作者、前40个高产机构的作者来源、各年份发表文章数量等角度进行分析,并对其中的高被引论文的来源期刊、发表年份、第一作者和作者的合作性、下载频次等进行分析。这些分析有助于远程教育研究者和实践者合理评价我国远程教育期刊、研究机构的学术实力,并从侧面反映我国远程教育学科学术研究现状。  相似文献   

The practical viability of performance-based pay programs for teachers depends critically on the extent of support the idea will receive from teachers. We present evidence on teacher opinions with regard to performance-based pay from teacher interviews conducted in the context of an experimental evaluation of a program that provided performance-based bonuses to teachers in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. We report four main findings in this paper: (1) over 80% of teachers had a favorable opinion about the idea of linking a component of pay to measures of performance, (2) exposure to an actual incentive program increased teacher support for the idea, (3) teacher support declines with age, experience, training, and base pay, and (4) the extent of teachers’ stated ex ante support for performance-linked pay (over a series of mean-preserving spreads of pay) is positively correlated with their ex post performance as measured by estimates of teacher value addition. This suggests that teachers are aware of their own effectiveness and that implementing a performance-linked pay program could not only have broad-based support among teachers but also attract more effective teachers into the teaching profession.  相似文献   

美国绩效标准本位教师教育课程理念与实践探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国绩效标准本位教师教育课程理念与实践的变革体现为四个维度:教师观,强调教师是从事复杂工作的专业者;知识观,认为教学知识是复杂的情景化知识;教学观,倡导教学要基于情境,以学生为中心展开;评价观,主张教学评价要注重个体发展和整体质量。美国教师教育相关院校和机构依据上述理念,基于自身特点选择并调适相应的教师教育标准,对教师的职责、教学理论及评价方式等进行多方面改革探索,实践中改革者在各维度所做的改变和尝试可为我国教师教育课程标准的优化和教师教育课程的构建与实施提供启示。  相似文献   

评价是高校教师管理的重要环节。美国圣马特奥社区学院教师评价制度由以"教师专业发展、学术自由"为重点的评价目的、以"终身制教师"为核心的多类教师评价对象、以"一般标准为基础、具体标准为补充"的标准、以"超出预期、达到要求、需要改进、不满意"为评价等第、以"期待改进、提高绩效"为目标等五个方面构成。其经验启示我国高校教师评价应考虑教师权利、尊重教师个人差异、注重教师绩效改进和挖掘评价结果的价值。  相似文献   

Influential research on African American students has examined their school failure in terms of students’ opposition to school achievement. Only a few studies have explored school engagement and success among these students, and even fewer have examined the experiences of high achieving black students. This study illustrates the school context and school processes that high achieving African American students identify as contributing to their academic success. The findings reveal three main school effects impacting the students’ performance: 1) teacher practices, engaging pedagogy versus disengaging pedagogy; 2) participation in extracurricular activities and; 3) the state scholarship as performance incentive. According to the students, teacher practices were the most instrumental school effect benefiting their outcomes. Recognizing the processes that promote high achievement among African American students can help to improve our understanding of student performance, while promoting success among these students. The author wishes to thank Ron DePeter and Tekla Johnson for their comments on a previous draft of this article  相似文献   

Political and societal pressures are influencing kindergarten teachers and their classroom practices on a national level. Teachers’ receptivity to reforms depends to a large degree on their buy-in to the change effort. Drawing on analyses of interviews with kindergarten teachers across school and districts, this study examined teacher buy-in to an increased academic focus in kindergarten and in turn the factors that influence buy-in. Research Findings: Analyses revealed that kindergarten teachers in the same schools and districts had qualitatively different responses to the increased academic focus in kindergarten. Teachers’ professional identity, sense of control, and interactions with school leaders emerged as factors influencing teacher buy-in. Practice or Policy: The role of teacher buy-in as a crucial component in times of change is discussed. Specifically, situating reforms in the context of implementation science and teacher well-being is discussed.  相似文献   

当前的学术失范和不端行为在学术期刊中大量出现,其主要表现为抄袭丈、关系丈、重复丈、假冒伪劣文、赞助文等多种形式.学术评价机制的失范、相关法律法规的不够健全、期刊管理的失范以及期刊编辑法制意识的缺失是造成这种现象大量出现的原因.因此,完善相关的法律法规和学术评价机制,加戈对违规行为的惩处力厦和加强期刊自身的管理势在必行。  相似文献   

This study investigated the changing feedback practices of teachers in an elite university in China. Drawing on teacher cognition theory and recent research developments in effective feedback practices, fourteen teachers were invited to reflect and explain their feedback practices in semi-structured interviews. Which identified three trends: their use of feedback practices appear to change: (1) from addressing specific tasks with detailed comments to addressing a combination of issues within and beyond task level, (2) from providing feedback at the end of a learning cycle to instructing on common problems at the beginning, and (3) they appear to make their feedback more timely and interactive by using social networking software and new course formats. Teachers seem to be willing to experiment with a wide range of feedback. They constantly evaluate the effectiveness of these practices based on two criteria: improving student academic performance and teaching all the content from the curriculum as scheduled. Recommended or experimental feedback practices were unlikely to be sustainably adopted by teachers unless they were confirmed to be effective by the teachers’ own evaluations.  相似文献   

The article proposes that an electronic academic journal be established. The creation of such a journal would expand the potential of the academic journal in that it would provide for live action, vocal and music articles as well as for printed articles. Problems of cost and implementation are discussed as are problems stemming from opposition groups. Methods of production and of marketing are discussed, predictions are made about the future of literacy and the form for cultural presentation.  相似文献   


Research on recently adopted methods for teacher evaluation are largely focused on issues of validity and pay less attention to the consequences of implementation for the everyday practices of teaching and learning in schools. This paper draws on an ethnographic case-study to argue that the joint tasks demanded by neoliberal teacher evaluation policies structure interactions among teachers and between teachers and administrators in ways that erode professional culture. Implications for policymakers, school leaders, and teachers are considered.  相似文献   

编辑在出版物出版过程中始终处于主体地位,学报编辑同样如此.为此,编辑应充分发挥其主体性.在对文稿处理过程中应注意以下几个问题:(1)正确区分文稿中的政治问题与学术问题;(2)把好关,正确履行编辑职责问题;(3)了解和掌握学术文章的语言特点问题;(4)编辑处理过程中应掌握的基本要求问题.  相似文献   

高校教师绩效管理:问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前我国高校实施教师绩效管理存在以下问题:目标和定位上存在偏差;"自上而下"单方面的管理,忽略了沟通的重要性;侧重于绩效考核,忽视了绩效管理的其他环节;注重绩效评价的奖惩功能,忽视教师队伍及其个人的发展等.本文提出了解决问题的基本对策和途径:认真做好教师岗位工作分析,明确绩效管理目标,制定合理可行的绩效计划;进行持续的绩效辅导与绩效沟通,做好绩效信息的收集与记录;实施全面可行的绩效评估,切实反映出教师的能力水平;注重绩效评估结果的应用与绩效反馈,促进教师职业发展.  相似文献   

本文基于东中西部13省四学段各类相关人员的调研,采用问卷调查、访谈和文本分析的混合研究方法,对高中绩效工资政策实施现状、困境和改进等问题进行了调查研究,得到了如下结论:当前高中绩效工资参照义务教育学校绩效工资制度实施效果不佳,绩效工资激励存在多方位欠缺,尤其不能有效保障高中优秀骨干教师的工资待遇,导致优秀骨干教师流失加剧。本研究从绩效工资总量水平、考核指标设置、绩效工资经济激励单一性等方面,分析了产生上述问题的原因,并提出了如下改进建议:完善高中教师绩效工资制,提高高中绩效工资总量,并形成增长机制;释放高中绩效工资经济激励效应,推行高中教师新绩效工资制度改革;结合学生综合素质评价法的运用,努力增强教师绩效考核的科学性和公平性。  相似文献   

美国高校教师教学评价经过近百年的发展已形成了自己的特色,具有教学评价过程全面丰富,重视教学评价的形成性功能,注重教师自我评价和学生评价,强调教学的学术地位等特点。我国高校教师教学评价应充分借鉴美国经验,在高校教师教学评价中实施发展性教学评价,进一步改进学生评价,重视教师的自我评价,坚持教学学术的价值取向。  相似文献   

In this article, we describe the history, current practice and future of teacher evaluation in The Netherlands. After a short introduction describing the Dutch educational system, we present information about teacher evaluation practices performed by persons outside the school (the Inspectorate) and inside the school (the principal). We then pay attention to the progress of teacher and school effectiveness research in The Netherlands and the relatively weak links between research and evaluation practices in schools. Finally, we outline some potential future developments in the field of teacher evaluation in The Netherlands.  相似文献   

基于对99篇研究中国基础教育的SSCI高被引论文的主题分布、对中国基础教育研究价值的表述以及被引用情况的分析,发现这些高被引论文通过凸显中国学生的优异成绩、揭示与他国教育存在的共性问题等方式吸引了国际学界关注,但对有中国特色教育实践的描述分析以及对中国基础教育独特研究价值的发掘尚有不足。相关成果对中国基础教育研究价值的建构方式需要实现从成绩到经验、从问题到方案、从数据到理论的转变,才能进一步提升中国教育研究的国际学术影响力。  相似文献   

This qualitative case study explores how a teacher directed himself in implementing assessment for learning (AfL) among his students in a constrained context (i.e., a lack of institutional support in offering effective teacher education programs). The data included a Chinese college English writing teacher’s reflections over two courses, interviews, and dialogues with the students, coupled with field notes. The qualitative analysis shows that in a constrained context, self-directed AfL was buttressed by the teacher's existent pedagogical knowledge. In the process, the teacher’s self-agency empowered him in synergizing existent knowledge with external resources and revamping his teaching based on the students’ needs as reflected through AfL. These student-centered practices contributed to reduced complexity of AfL implementation, and yielded a more or less beginning cycle: the students echoed the teacher’s purpose of assessment, which considered knowledge appropriation as pivotal, and the teacher felt professionally rewarded from self-directed development using assessment-based information to improve his instruction and benefit his students.  相似文献   

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