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童话的主要特征就在于幻想性.童话的幻想美具有特殊的功能:第一,童话通过幻想张扬与提升儿童的幻想天性,对儿童幻想天性的张扬实际上也是对一个民族创造力的张扬;第二,宣泄与补偿儿童的游戏精神,童话与儿童游戏有共同之处,它们都有未来实践的社会内容和释放心理能量的双重功能,使积淤于儿童内心中受到压抑的冲动得以宣泄,无法满足的欲望得以补偿.  相似文献   

试论低年级自然课中的科学游戏福建省福州师范附属第二小学林维超一、低年级科学游戏的作用和任务毛泽东同志曾经说过,要活动,要游戏.是儿童的天性。鲁迅先生也说过.游戏是儿童最正当的行为。中国现代教育家陈鹤琴也曾指出,小孩生来好动,是以游戏为生命的、陶行知先...  相似文献   

一、游戏识字,兴趣盎然 德国教育家福禄贝尔提出:尊重儿童的“自动”.给儿童的“自动”留下空间和时间。通过游戏来发展儿童的天性.使其在游戏中得到教育,用游戏体验去取代“说教”与“静昕”。游戏是孩子们最爱玩的.把识字贯穿在游戏中.孩子们兴趣盎然地玩着游戏.其中的生字也牢牢记住了。  相似文献   

假装、假扮看似儿童的游戏与胡闹,实际上是儿童学习的开始,是儿童戏剧天性的萌发。文章透过儿童的假装来思考儿童的戏剧天性。儿童早期的"动作(Acts)假装"是儿童戏剧天性的表现,同时假装游戏又为儿童实现角色扮演提供了载体。在假装游戏中,儿童的戏剧天性有了更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

【设计理念】1.顺应儿童天性。游戏永远是孩子的最爱,把游戏与习作结合,正是顺应了儿童的天性。2.丰富学生体验。教学设计时,注意创设让学生访问、观察、参与、交流的情境,加强习作内容与学生生活的联系,从而丰富学生的体验。  相似文献   

游戏是儿童喜闻乐见的活动,是儿童生活的主旋律,是儿童的天性。在游戏中可以激发儿童的兴趣,使儿童的各种能力得到培养,许多教育家认为游戏是低年级学生的一种很好的学习方法。  相似文献   

爱玩是儿童的天性。我国著名的教育家陈鹤琴先生曾说过:“小学生生来是好玩的,是以游戏为生命的。“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”(只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻)。游戏教学正好符合小学生爱说爱闹,喜欢玩耍,喜欢游戏的生理和心理特点.满足了儿童的天性,解决了儿童“学与玩”的矛盾。游戏使枯燥、乏味的语言操练变得生动、富有情趣,游戏使孩子们变得越来越要学,越学越爱学,游戏给孩子们带来了欢乐,带来了激情.带来了积极进取的动力。因此,小学英语教学中要充分发挥游戏的作用,  相似文献   

游戏精神是儿童文学的一种基本精神。儿童是在游戏中长大的,喜欢游戏是儿童永恒的天性,也是儿童原始状态心理的直接显现。游戏在儿童生理、心理和认知发展方面发挥着重要作用。游戏是儿童生活的重要内容,儿童文学要想迎合儿童的审美心理,得到广大儿童读者的认可,就应该把“游戏精神”放到儿童文学的重要地位上来。  相似文献   

爱玩是儿童的天性。我国著名的教育家陈鹤琴先生曾说过:“小学生生来是好玩的,是以游戏为生命的。“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”(只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻)。游戏教学正好符合小学生爱说爱闹,喜欢玩耍,喜欢游戏的生理和心理特点.满足了儿童的天性,解决了儿童“学与玩”的矛盾。游戏使枯燥、乏味的语言操练变得生动、富有情趣,游戏使孩子们变得越来越要学,越学越爱学,游戏给孩子们带来了欢乐,带来了激情.带来了积极进取的动力。因此,小学英语教学中要充分发挥游戏的作用,  相似文献   

世界儿童文学的历史源远流长,但它的真正成熟、繁荣,并取得独立地位的黄金时代是在本世纪。本世纪儿童文学具有迥异于传统文学的风采和思想文化特点,其主要表现是:1.对儿童天性的美化和崇拜;2.狂放的幻想与现实生活的交融;3.对当代社会热点问题的强烈关注;4.深厚的哲理意蕴;5.高度游戏、娱乐化。但在当前儿童文学出版物中,卡通化潮流是令人喜忧参半的现象,应把那些渲染暴力、恐怖和格斗的卡通画书视为一股浊流而予以抵制。  相似文献   

一个自闭症儿童辅导的行动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用行动研究的方法对一名自闭症儿童进行了研究。作者根据该儿童的情况,设定了干预计划,通过两个月的实施,结果表明:所制定的干预计划能够有效地缓解其不良症状,促进其语言能力的发展,但对其社会性发展方面作用不大。  相似文献   

“工作”是蒙台梭利教育理论中的一个基本概念,其实质和成人的工作是截然不同的,它是一种手脑结合,身心协调的活动。因其自由、自主、自助的特性,工作和游戏有着密切的联系,但它又不等同于游戏。工作能促进幼儿的生理和心理的发展,所以我们希望现实中的幼儿园活动能成为幼儿的“工作”。但幼儿园活动的实践并非如此。幼儿园里的活动要成为幼儿工作的关键是,幼儿园能为幼儿提供一个符合其需要的真实环境,以及在其中为幼儿提供满足身心发展的活动。  相似文献   

对西方自然主义教育思想的研究集中在天性、自然、自然教育、自然适应性原则、教育与儿童等核心问题上.自然主义教育家认为,儿童的天性源于自然,有其发展的自然规律;天性是教育的前提,教育要适应自然规律、遵从儿童的天性;儿童具有发展的主动性,在教育活动中居于中心地位.自然主义教育思想对当代教育改革依然具有启迪意义和指导价值.国内近十年的相关研究呈现"三多三少"的特点.  相似文献   

Resilience in child maltreatment victims: a conceptual exploration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While many child maltreatment victims suffer serious negative emotional sequelae, others do surprisingly well. Resilience in children is a relative concept which can change over time and is affected by environment and genetics. Resilience is fostered by protective factors which ameliorate or alter a child's response to the hazards of maltreatment that usually predispose to maladaptive outcome. Personal characteristics or skills that may foster resilience include (1) rapid responsivity to danger; (2) precocious maturity; (3) dissociation of affect; (4) information seeking; (5) formation and utilization of relationships for survival; (6) positive projective anticipation; (7) decisive risk taking; (8) the conviction of being loved; (9) idealization of an aggressor's competence; (10) cognitive restructuring of painful experiences; (11) altruism; and (12) optimism and hope. There are also generic life circumstances, such as having access to good health, educational, and social welfare services, that foster resilience in children regardless of the specific nature of the stressor. Additionally, there may be abuse-specific protective factors in the environment. Examples might include the quick and full acknowledgment of an offender regarding abuse, or timeliness and permanence of legal actions affecting a child's custody. The life stories of three well-known survivors of various forms of child maltreatment illustrate how protective factors contribute to resilience. A caution is noted regarding how personal characteristics developed for survival may become maladaptive if overused and/or not given up when the stressor no longer exists. Characterological problems are most likely to develop when a child's life circumstances fail to change and the environment never becomes secure.  相似文献   

Diagnosing a learning disability in a hearing-impaired child. A case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the past, the learning problems of hearing-impaired children have been attributed solely to the child's hearing loss. A hearing impairment and its associated language deficit make it difficult to determine whether an underlying learning disability contributes to the hearing-impaired child's learning problems. This report describes a case study that used an interdisciplinary diagnostic approach to determine whether a hearing-impaired child had a learning disability and to determine the type of disability. The approach included teacher observation, standardized assessment procedures, interpretation, and subsequent recommendations. Applying this approach to various educational settings is also discussed.  相似文献   

With panic clearly showing in his eyes, Josh dropped to the floor, locked his dad's leg between both arms, and screamed. It was Josh's first day at school. While young children's fears may not always appear to be rational in the eyes of adults, every child's fearful response deserves to be acknowledged as a genuine reaction to an actual or perceived threat. Because fear has the potential to interfere with the young child's quality of life, it would seem important to understand the nature and normal developmental course of early childhood fears.  相似文献   

幼儿的学习是一个主动建构的过程,孩子探究和学习的特点是我们教育活动构成的依据,教育应从孩子的兴趣、需要和原有水平出发,不断调整和生成与教育目标相适宜的教育内容,从而促成幼儿的兴趣、需求和原有水平与教育目标的结合,最大限度的实现幼儿主动的、合乎教育目的的发展。为此,教师要通过提供幼儿探究的材料、环境及表达和交流的机会,为幼儿创造自主探究学习的条件,促使幼儿的主动建构。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This article provides a clinical perspective on the combined impacts on children of spousal violence in the home and the absence of attuned parental thought that accompanies it. METHODS: This article takes the form of a commentary, drawing on clinical case studies and research literature to illustrate the child's experience of "unthinking," nonreflective parental states of mind, from the point of witnessing violence through to contact arrangements post-separation. Parallel dynamics and impacts are discussed with caregiving and legislative systems. RESULTS: The article suggests that "unthinking" states of mind in parents can be as damaging for a child as the overt witnessing and experiencing of violence. CONCLUSIONS: The prevention or early overturning of unthinking states of mind, in and out of the home, greatly influences the nature of a child's recovery from domestic violence.  相似文献   

This study was designed to clarify findings from the parents' beliefs literature concerning the nature and the effects of parental accuracy. Subjects were 60 second- and fifth-grade children (mean ages = 8–5 and 11–5, respectively), their mothers, and teachers. Each child responded to 4 cognitive tasks, predicted how he or she would perform on each task, made self-assessments of preferences and personality traits, and predicted the response of 2 peers to all of the measures. Both the child's mother and the child's teacher were shown the tasks and made similar predictions of the child's probable response. As in previous studies, mothers were above chance but far from perfect in predicting their children's cognitive performance and preferences and traits. Teachers were as accurate as mothers in judging cognitive abilities; they were less successful, however, on the preference and personality items. The children's predictions, whether for self or peers, were less accurate than those of the adults on all tasks. The accuracy of the mothers' predictions correlated positively with external measures of the child's cognitive performance. This finding is compatible with the Hunt "match hypothesis," although other bases for the correlations also exist.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that conceptual development must, to an extent, be constrained by the conceptual structures a child already possesses. Yet this conclusion raises a problem, for a given conceptual structure can only constrain the discovery of elements that are already implicit within itself. Thus it cannot constrain the discovery of structures that are qualitatively different from itself. And yet, qualitative change in conceptual structures does occur. It is proposed here that conceptual change is constrained not only by conceptual structures in the child but also by structures inherent in the tasks in which children deploy their skills. The dynamic interaction between the strategies children bring to the task and the detailed structure of the task in hand acts to redirect the child's attention to new aspects of a problem, opening up the possibility of new discoveries that were not prefigured in the child's original approach. This process is explored first in a microgenetic study of ( N = 30) children aged 5 to 9 years completing a bridge building task, focusing particularly on a case study of the problem solving of a 5-year-old child; and also through examining predictions as to the incidence of within-session change in problem solving in 5-year-olds playing the "Twenty Questions" game, using group data ( N = 62).  相似文献   

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