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We discuss what document types account for the calculation of the journal impact factor (JIF) as published in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Based on a brief review of articles discussing how to predict JIFs and taking data differences between the Web of Science (WoS) and the JCR into account, we make our own predictions. Using data by cited-reference searching for Thomson Scientific's WoS, we predict 2007 impact factors (IFs) for several journals, such as Nature, Science, Learned Publishing and some Library and Information Sciences journals. Based on our colleagues' experiences we expect our predictions to be lower bounds for the official journal impact factors. We explain why it is useful to derive one's own journal impact factor.  相似文献   

略论正刊与增刊的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,虽然增刊的“口碑”不是太好,但各期刊社出版增刊已是一种普遍现象。这里有追求经济效益的因素在里边,但同时出版增刊也是有一定的意义和作用的。《辽宁师范大学学报》(自然科学版)出版增刊的实践说明只有正刊办得好,才能为增刊的出版提供可能的平台;同时,增刊是正刊的有益补充。  相似文献   

以《河南科技学院学报(社会科学)》2010~2011年的12期学报载文为调查对象,运用文献计量学的统计方法,对其载文、引文、第一作者及基金论文情况等进行计量学分析,从中归纳出该刊的载文特点,客观地揭示了该刊的学术质量,为进一步提高学报的论文质量提供量化依据。  相似文献   

应用文献计量学的方法,对《许昌学院学报(社会科学版)》2007~2011年间的载文、作者及引文情况进行统计分析,结果表明:《学报》载文量及栏目设置基本保持稳定,基金项目论文比例偏低,但逐年增加;作者主要来自高等院校,省内外分布相对均衡,在读和高学历作者所占比例高,且以中级和副高职称为主;引文数量合理,多以中文著作为主.  相似文献   

以《河北科技师范学院学报》1998—2005年正刊发表的全部论文为样本,对其刊发论文的引文与作者的情况进行了统计分析。结果表明:8年间学报共发表论文651篇,引文总数4929篇,篇均引文量7.57篇;自引文献146篇,自引率为2.96%。其中,引用中文文献3978篇,占80.71%,其次是英文文献,占18.81%,中英文文献占了总引文量的99.52%。引用科技期刊所载的文献数量最多,达3448篇,占总引文量的69.95%。引文的最大引用年限为2年,引用文献的半衰期为11年,引用文献的衰减系数为13.09。651篇论文共有346名第一作者。第一作者为校内人员的有547人次,占刊载论文总数的84.02%;第一作者中,中级职称和副高级职称人员占了刊发论文总数的80%以上;第一作者为博士或在读博士生、硕士或在读硕士生的接近刊载论文总数的1/3。第一作者年龄在31~40岁的有404人次(篇),占62.06%。发表论文数≥4篇的第一作者有36人,全部为本院作者。  相似文献   

2004年《环境科学》载文、作者及引文的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献计量学的方法对该刊2004年1-6期的载文、作者及引文进行统计分析.阐述了该刊的载文特点、作者特点及引文特点.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of various data for the papers published in Journal of Shanghai University (English Edition) from 1997 to 2004 was made. The issues examined include numbers of published papers, disciplinary distribution, constituents of anthors, proportions of collaborated papers contributed by multiple authors and papers based on cooperation between different institutions, publishing retardation, and citation of references. Suggestions are made for further improving the quality of the Journal.  相似文献   

This article outlines how learning objectives based upon science, technology and society (STS) elements for Palestinian ninth grade science textbooks were identified, which was part of a bigger study to establish an STS foundation in the ninth grade science curriculum in Palestine. First, an initial list of STS elements was determined. Second, using this list, ninth grade science textbooks and curriculum document contents were analyzed. Third, based on this content analysis, a possible list of 71 learning objectives for the integration of STS elements was prepared. This list of learning objectives was refined by using a two-round Delphi technique. The Delphi study was used to rate and to determine the consensus regarding which items (i.e. learning objectives for STS in the ninth grade science textbooks in Palestine) are to be accepted for inclusion. The results revealed that of the initial 71 objectives in round one, 59 objectives within round two had a mean score of 5.683 or higher, which indicated that the learning objectives could be included in the development of STS modules for ninth grade science in Palestine.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Journal of Shanghai University (English Edition) ,abbreviated as JSU,is a peer-reviewed comprehensivejournal started publication in June 1997 .Its ai mis topublish research findings in basic and applied sciencesand promote academic exchange…  相似文献   

章从具体的编辑实践经验出发,对《全国高校社会科学学报编排规范》(修订版)中存在的问题,诸如版式、条码位置、页码、作信息、内标题、注释与参考献等进行了探讨,并提出了一些可供参考的意见。  相似文献   

赵元任不但是中国现代著名的语言学家,也是中国最早、当时最有影响的综合性民间科学团体———中国科学社的主要发起人之一。1914年,他在康奈尔大学留学期间,与几位中国留学生一起创立中国科学社,创办《科学》月刊。作为社团领导者之一,他克服资金不足等困难,长期积极参与中国科学社的社务,是中国科学社多项活动的积极推动者和国际学术活动中科学社的主要代言人。作为《科学》早期主要的撰稿人之一,他在《科学》上的作品涉及科学、音乐、语言学、哲学等领域,为以自然科学为主的《科学》月刊增添了许多人文色彩。在赵元任等人的积极推动下,中国科学社在中国现代科学贫瘠的土地上播下了希望的种子,与中国数学、物理、化学、天文、生物、农学、工程等学科的建立和发展均有不可分割的联系;它的活动使科学学术交流机制日趋形成,中国科学日益走向国际学界。  相似文献   

虽然网络教学已成为世界高等教育领域一个备受关注的前沿和热点问题,但高校网络课程的推广和有效应用仍然是仟重向道远.本论文基于<学习科学与技术--信息时代大学生学习能力培养>本科课程多年网络教学及跨校协作的实践探索,总结了高校网络课程跨校协作共建共享的方法、策略及主要问题和障碍,以期抛砖引玉,共同推进我国高校网络教学的健康、快速发展.  相似文献   

挖掘科学教学中的生活元素,让科学教学回归生活,对科学教学有重要意义。就课前预习、课堂教学、课后练习等环节中如何融合生活化元素进行了一些探讨。  相似文献   

重新审视五四运动时期《科学》月刊传入的科学观念,为中国近代科学传播史研究提供新线索。研究结果从"智识而有统系者"、"思想者,事实之母"、"所谓精神,自科学未始之前言也"、"科学者,推广世界之利器也"、"科学广漠如此,则类而分之,于事必便"等角度论述了科学本质、科学分类、科学精神、科学功能、科学思想等观念。结论认为前期《科学》系统传入了不同于《新青年》的科学观念,与《新青年》一起成为一文一理、树起"民主"与"科学"两面大旗的代表性期刊,人们从《新青年》那里获得的甚至有些变异的自然科学知识在此变得充实和丰满起来,而且有了系统的和具体的认识。  相似文献   

自19世纪后半叶以来,我国的近现代科学教育,经过几代人的不懈努力,已基本形成了一套完整的制度和体系,为我国培养了大量的科学技术人才,促进了近现代科学技术在我国的传播和发展.特别是新中国成立以来,我国的科学技术更是进入了一个新的发展阶段,科学教育事业也得到了蓬勃的发展.但是,从科学的本质来看,我国的近现代科学教育还存在着科学精神、生活、科学方法和人文等一些基本价值的缺失.反思这些价值缺失,对于改革我国的科学教育内容,提高我国科学技术人才培养的质量,促进现代科学技术在我国的传播和发展,使科学技术的巨大力量在我国经济和社会文化建设中得到最大释放,保持我国经济和社会文化建设可持续发展,具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The article shows methods and concepts of analysis of the nature of science in science curricula through an exemplary study made in Portugal. The study analyses the extent to which the message transmitted by the Natural Science curriculum for Portuguese middle school considers the nature of science. It is epistemologically and sociologically grounded with particular emphasis on Bernstein's theory of pedagogic discourse and Ziman's conceptualization of science construction. The study used a mixed methodology and followed a dialectical process between the theoretical and the empirical. The results show that the nature of science has a low status in the curriculum with the exception of the external sociological dimension of science. Intra-disciplinary relations between scientific and metascientific knowledge are mostly absent. Recontextualization processes occurred between the two main parts of the curriculum. These results are discussed and their consequences in terms of scientific learning are explored. The mode of analysis used in the study has the potential of highlighting the level of a science curriculum, in terms of specific aspects of the nature of science.  相似文献   

Can high school students become contributors as well as users on the World Wide Web? This research explores a new Web-based curriculum idea, that of having students write and publish critical “reviews” of scientific resources. Writing reviews can be a means of both practicing critical evaluation of Web resources, and of making an authentic value-added contribution to the Web. This paper presents content analyses of 41 source documents and 63 critical reviews published by 11th grade students in a project-based science class. The source documents are described as to their publishing source, use of organizational elements, and use of graphics. Two aspects of student-written critical evaluation are analyzed: evaluation of organization and evaluation of graphics. While evaluations of graphics were somewhat thin in these reviews, this was due mostly to the lack of good content representations in the source documents. The on-line review form did successfully prompt students to make conceptual connections between organizational structure and their own sense-making process. Reviews also sometimes showed students engaged in perspective-taking related to potential readers. The literature review of this paper examines critical evaluation models and current social filtering models for large, distributed databases. A section on future directions for Web reviews describes a review-publishing system developed for the University of Michigan Digital Library system.  相似文献   

This longitudinal case study describes the factors that affect an experienced teacher’s attempt to shift her pedagogical practices in order to implement embedded elements of argument into her science classroom. Research data was accumulated over 2 years through video recordings of science classes. The Reformed Teacher Observation Protocol (RTOP) is an instrument designed to quantify changes in classroom environments as related to reform as defined by the National Research Council (National science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1996b) and the National Research Council (Fulfilling the promise: Biology education in the nation’s schools, Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1990) and was used to analyze videotaped science lessons. Analysis of the data shows that there was a significant shift in the areas of teacher questioning, and student voice. Several levels of subsequent analysis were completed related to teacher questioning and student voice. The data suggests a relationship between these areas and the implementation of scientific argument. Results indicate that the teacher moved from a traditional, teacher-centered, didactic teaching style to instructional practices that allowed the focus and direction of the lesson to be affected by student voice. This was accomplished by a change in teacher questioning that included a shift from factual recall to more divergent questioning patterns allowing for increased student voice. As student voice increased, students began to investigate ideas, make statements or claims and to support these claims with strong evidence. Finally, students were observed refuting claims in the form of rebuttals. This study informs professional development related to experienced teachers in that it highlights pedagogical issues involved in implementing embedded elements of argument in the elementary classroom.  相似文献   

学报是高校的学术理论刊物,它不同于通俗刊物,但是共同点都是追求高质量,质量是学报的生命。要保证学报的质量,学报编辑就必须严把政治质量关、学术质量关、编辑质量关和出版质量关,并且努力实现编辑手段现代化,信息畅通,使学报刊物紧跟时代,走向世界。  相似文献   

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