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美国高校研究生教育模式与我国有很大不同.对伊利诺伊理工学院电气与电子工程领域电力方向的硕士研究生和博士研究生培养模式和培养要求进行分析,对电力系统研究生教学和科研融合典范的Robert W.Galvin电力创新中心进行介绍,对其研究生教育特点的总结,为我国电气工程研究生教育教学改革和科研建设提供借鉴和启示.  相似文献   

The Curriculum Working Group of SEFI has recognised a need for more comprehensive presentations on European engineering education systems in their group meetings. At the same time they should also be made available in SEFI publications. This article is intended to be such a contribution. It describes in detail Swiss engineering education and also shows therein the role of public enterprise, society, industry and the engineering profession. It also refers to the international context and finally touches some current educational issues. Since many characteristics of the present system can be more easily understood by looking into the past, a short history of the Swiss engineering education is appended

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die (Curriculum Working Group) der SEFI hat dem Bedtirfnis Ausdruck verliehen, in ihren Sitzungen vermehn umfassende Beschreibungen von europaischen Ingenieur–Schulsystemen vorzustellen. Diese sollten ausserdem in SEFI–Publikationen zuganglich gemacht werden. Dieser Artikel ist als solch ein Beitrag gedacht. Er beschreibt detailliert das schweizerische Ingenieur-Ausbildungssystem und zeigt darin die Rolle von Stoat, Gesellschaft, Industrie und Ingenieurstand. Ausserdem nimmt er Bezug auf das Internationale Umfeld und nennt schliesslich auch einige aktuelle schulische Anliegen und Probleme. Da die Eigenheiten des heutigen Aus– bildungssystems im Ruckblick besser verstanden werden, ist ein Abriss der Geschichte der schweizerischen Ingenieurausbildung angefiigt.  相似文献   

介绍了苏黎世联邦理工学院的外部论文项目。指出外部论文项目秉承注重合作、实践和协同创新的价值理念,并呈现出形式多元、绩效驱动、管理严格的特征,外部论文项目在促进研究生科研项目转化、强化对联合培养研究生的质量监管、建立有效的权责利划分机制等方面形成了较为完备的体系。  相似文献   

Changes have been occurring in the character of the present-day engineering product which require a review of the education for such engineering. A number of studies and reports have been made which seek to assess the needs and to suggest ideas for meeting the real challenge that exists. A separate study has been conducted by a group at the Case Institute of Technology along these same lines. This paper discusses the general educational problems and the broad philosophy which have been established to guide our subsequent curriculum development. The result is the need for a complete reappraisal of the existing curricula, with a degree of depth and integration among subject matter far beyond anything that has heretofore been attempted.  相似文献   

在高校实施快乐体育需要做五个方面的工作:对学生进行思想品德教育,注重学生在体育教学过程中的主体地位,建立和谐的师生关系,追求学生个性的和谐发展,提高高校体育教师的业务教学能力.  相似文献   

基于新时期学生的特点,结合新工科人才培养的契机,通过线上学习和课堂教学相结合的混合式教学方法进行课程的改革,使学生能够从根本上改变学生的学习思维方式,培养学生为主体的学习能力、问题解决能力、实践动手能力和合作沟通能力。  相似文献   

MIT新工程教育改革引发了全球关注,但已有研究对其课程改革缺乏有效分析.以项目为中心、采用串编方法、面向新机器和新系统人才需求开展课程组织,是NEET改革的精髓.本文采用文本材料与实地调研交互推进、交叉验证的形式,围绕NEET课程改革"面向未来与重大挑战的课程理念变革""以项目为中心的课程内容变革"及"以串编为模式的课...  相似文献   

Virtually all of us believe in the great importance of physics in engineering curricula and have fought for years to develop a strong and modern physical basis for instruction in engineering. From our observations, the basic question is no longer seriously disputed; the idea is generally accepted and only the details of local implementation seem to remain. If this is so, why does discussion continue on what should be a dead issue? Why do we continue to beat an academic "dead horse?" In searching for the answer, we have come to some disturbing conclusions which, theoretically, place the entire issue in a different perspective, establishing new directions in electrical engineering education.  相似文献   

The paper outlines the important differences between continuing education (CE) in the UK compared with that in many European countries. In addition, the role of Cranfield Institute of Technology in the provision of Continuing Engineering Education (CEE) is outlined  相似文献   

介绍了传统《电工与电子技术基础》课程教学现状与研究进展,分析了该课程与"新工科"建设的关系。提出了新工科背景下"电工与电子技术基础"课程的教学要求,以培养"新工科"人才为目标,强化专业特色教育,采用多样化的教学方式,积极开展课程创新教学、社会实践、科技服务等,促进不同专业学生的工程实践能力和专业认知能力提升。  相似文献   

介绍了洛阳理工学院电气工程及其自动化专业建设的思路与体会,着重阐述本专业的办学定位、专业方向的设置及围绕专业方向的理论和实践性教学环节的建设、产学研合作教育等方面的因素.  相似文献   

分析CDIO工程教育模式的人本主义哲学基础,结合现代教育理论,提出实施"卓越工程师"教育试点的基本途径。  相似文献   

近40年来,河南科技学院工程图学教育不同历史时期在专业、相关课程、教学内容、教学模式和方法、师资队伍、教学条件和课程建设等方面具有自身特点,但随着社会对人才要求的变化,未来五年我校的图学教育在师资队伍、课程体系、教学内容、教学模式和教学方等方面需要进一步进行改革和完善,以不断提高教学质量。  相似文献   

The modification of the various engineering curricula to permit adequate preparation of students in a four-year program for careers in a rapidly changing technology of ever increasing complexity is one of the chief concerns of the engineering educator. It is generally felt that a more scientifically oriented curriculum than has been customary in the past will provide a more efficient and more effective undergraduate program. The actual realization of increased efficiency and effectiveness requires a great deal of careful thought and some bold experimentation with curricula. Some considerations in this connection are set forth. In particular, it is held that unification of subject matter, whenever possible, is of primary importance in realizing greater efficiency and effectiveness, and means whereby the scientific bases for engineering may be employed to achieve unity are suggested. In this connection certain tasks that belong uniquely to the teacher are pointed out..  相似文献   

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