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合理地使用惩罚是教师的专业权利和义务,然而,在全面推行赏识教育,呼吁尊重学生人格的教育背景中,许多人对因不当惩罚过激反应而完全否定了惩罚的教育作用。因而,对于惩罚已经出现了许多认识上的混乱和实践上的偏颇。本文从心理学理论相关研究的视角,探讨惩罚的心理机制、实施惩罚教育的心理学意义及心理策略,以加强教师对惩罚教育的理性认识。  相似文献   

客观真实性是历史的根本属性,也是历史解释的根本纪律性。历史研究者身处一定社会意识及政治因素中,使得历史解释不可避免地带上时代印记,从而在历史结论与历史真实之间,构建起一个适应时代的解释体系。历史解释随时代主题转换作适应性调整的特点,却给了一些不求甚解者篡改历史结论的机会。他们在割裂史料和缺乏严密论证的情况下,依据假设,甚至猜想,强行推导出某种选择性结论,进而实现其特定价值观念的传递。但不顾历史真实的任何妄断和猜想,因缺少了材料和学理的支撑,便难免滑向历史虚无主义。  相似文献   

洛克惩罚教育的心理学诠释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
惩罚教育是洛克教育思想的组成部分,他在《教育漫话》中对惩罚教育进行了相关的阐述。从心理学的角度诠释洛克对惩罚教育的态度及惩罚教育的方法,挖掘其中所蕴涵的心理学思想,对现今学校的品德教育有一定的启迪意义。  相似文献   

建立健全与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系,对提高党的领导水平和执政水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险能力这两大历史性课题具有积极意义.实践中需进一步强化建立教育、制度、监督并重的惩防体系的推进措施,着力解决建立教育、制度、监督并重惩防体系中出现的突出问题.  相似文献   

This article examines constructivism, a paradigm in qualitative research that has been propagated by Egon Guba, Yvonna Lincoln, and Norman Denzin. A distinction is made between whether the basic presuppositions of constructivism are credible compared to those of a competing paradigm and whether constructivism's beliefs are internally consistent. The latter approach, i.e. whether constructivism is internally consistent, is the focus of this article. The issues singled out for discussion are concerned with the constructivist ontology and epistemology. This article shows that constructivism's paradigmatic beliefs are internally in tension.  相似文献   

Seeking to contribute to recent attempts to rethink the deepest foundations of the field, this paper offers news ways of contemplating time, specifically its relations to self, nihilism, and schooling. We briefly review how some leading Western thinkers have contemplated time before detailing Japanese scholars who have offered divergent, original, and arguably more sophisticated, theoretical accounts. We then illustrate these ideas by sketching how Japan ‘borrowed time’ following the abrupt political rupture of 1868, showing how Linear Time came to be disseminated and diffused, largely through modern schooling. Last, we spotlight the nihilism that has arisen as consequence. Our primary aim is not empirical elaboration, however, but instead disclosure of a complex of relations that the field of comparative education has yet to discuss. We offer both the experience-cum-thought of Japan and this complex itself as reconstructive resources for the field which remains shallow in its parochial presumptions and unwillingness to engage ontologically.  相似文献   

通常,对于课堂管理往往是过分强调对学生消极行为的控制、惩罚,而不是着眼于创建一种激发学生积极行为的环境.本文从分析课堂中学生消极行为产生的原因出发,洞察激发学生积极行为的因素,探索全新的课堂管理策略创建以人为本、相互促进的课堂环境;满足学生学习的需要;采用将"3R"融为一体的学生自我管理的方法,即使学生认识(Recognition)自己的不良行为,悔恨(Regret)自己的不良行为或客观地理解该行为为何不当的原因,并且协调(Reconcile)、纠正自己的行为,以提高课堂管理的效率.  相似文献   

历史虚无主义思潮自传入中国以来,由于发展阶段的时代背景不同而呈现出不同的特点,作为与马克思主义的唯物史观相对立的历史虚无主义,有必要从历史的维度,通过比较的方法厘清历史虚无主义的非科学性,有助于人们深刻认识新时期历史唯物主义面临的挑战,加强人们对马克思主义唯物史观的理解、认识和信仰。  相似文献   

在我国的中小学课堂管理的实践中,很多教师的课堂管理仍然处于传统的管理模式,即过于注重课堂控制和通过奖惩制度达到纠正学生的消极行为的目的,忽略了对学生积极行为的引导和激发,这就难以促进学生的不良行为的转变。传统的课堂管理模式刚性太强而且缺乏创造力与活力,具有很大  相似文献   

《雪国》作为川端康成的代表作品,是一首美丽而有充满哀伤意味的梦幻曲。这部作品不仅反映了川端康成对美的执著追求,而且还体现了他浓郁的虚无主义思想。  相似文献   

安抚、批评、惩罚与表扬、奖励等激励方法一样,都是幼儿教育中可用的重要手段,但幼儿毕竟是幼儿,安抚、批评、惩罚必须讲究科学,如安抚孩子不宜进行负诱导,批评孩子不能一"批"了之,慎用惩罚手段,这都是幼儿教育中的一些基本原则。家长和老师要从孩子的生理心理特征出发,按照幼儿教育的规律,避免因安抚、批评、惩罚不当,而造成对孩子的身心伤害。  相似文献   

作为对学生越轨行为的规治手段,“教育惩戒”源于学界对体罚、惩罚现象的批判。伴随教育惩戒的权力失落与呼吁回归,其发展经历了戒尺文化阶段、人道主义阶段、全面抵制阶段,到目前的立德树人阶段。这一历程不仅受制于社会进步和先进教育思潮的作用,历史发展和社会结构变迁也成为教育惩戒权失落与回归的浓厚底色。如今,教育部已出台《中小学教育惩戒规则(试行)》纲要并正式施行,学界也从心理学、伦理学等多学科视角对教育惩戒的价值性和必要性进行论证,但教育惩戒仍缺乏实践土壤,面临惩戒手段失当、惩戒程度失准、惩戒对象失变和惩戒干预失重等多重困境。而要促使“惩戒”向“教育惩戒”转变,真正实现为教育而惩戒,使惩戒遵守教育目的和教育规律,需要促进教育惩戒的合法化、加强教育惩戒的合目的性、规制教育惩戒的合伦理性、追求教育惩戒的艺术性。这些或将成为教育惩戒落地生根的可能路径。  相似文献   

Students have to be punished if they have made a serious transgression. Avoidance of punishment will lead to serious complications. But punishment is inseparably linked with guilt and forgiveness. The inability of individuals to forgive themselves was regarded by Kierkegaard to be an emanation of individual false pride, a kind of vanity. This type of despair, a psychological and spiritual disorder, is a serious and debilitating problem. The inability to escape this despair of forgiveness can lead to a loss of genuine humanness. Unchecked, this despair can lead to unrelatedness of self to itself and fear of the possibility of freedom. Thus the self-knowledge attainable in despair over the forgiveness of an offense would lead to what we would call a successful rehabilitation of the individual and his or her conjunct reintegration into society. Kierkegaard's ideas on punishment are interesting — historically and philosophically speaking — because they represent a softening of a harsh view of punishment by stressing the humanizing aspects of guilt and forgiveness.  相似文献   

奖惩使受教育者有德行善便有福,而缺德作恶便有祸,无疑符合同等利害相交换——等利交换与等害交换——的公正原则,因而是公正的、道德的、应该的、善的。诚然,奖惩的直接作用是使受教育者为了得到奖赏而遵守道德和欲求美德,是为了利己而求美德;但奖惩的最终作用却能够使受教育者为了美德而求美德:奖惩甚至是使受教育者达到为美德而求美德的崇高道德境界的唯一途径和方法。  相似文献   

对于未成年学生的教育惩戒问题,国内外教育学界早有关注。总体上经历了从绝对惩戒教育到“无批评式教育”再到强调惩戒合理性的演变过程。学界对教育惩戒的认识还存在一定的分歧。法学界学者一般将《教育法》《义务教育法》等教育法律法规中规定的学校“处分”学生的措施视为教育惩戒;而多数教育学界学者则将教育惩戒与纪律处分区分开来,教育惩戒强调教师惩戒学生的权利。在教育相关的立法层面上试图区分教育惩戒与纪律处分,并将二者结合使用,细化教育惩戒和纪律处分的具体措施,分梯次使用惩戒与处分,进一步规范中小学纪律处分措施,构建未成年人惩戒与处分等学校不良记录封存的制度。  相似文献   

论教育与惩罚   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育与惩罚之间有着紧密的关系.教育本质与目的、教育对象身心发展的特点均对人的发展提出要求,惩罚是保障教育要求的有效手段.当前,学校教育陷入了惩罚认识的误区.如何走出当前惩罚在教育中的误区,实现惩罚之教育意义,是理清教育手段及方法的一个重要现实问题.  相似文献   

Can concerns relating to the care and support of pupils and those with punishment and blame be reconciled? Much is written on the former but today even when discipline and control are the focus there is little consideration of punishment and blame. Indeed, we might think that discussion of these issues can be excluded from the educational debate. In this paper John Wilson argues to the contrary. He posits that our backgrounds and experience may make us disinclined to punish and that what we can do is significantly limited by the law. Wilson suggests that this situation means that we lose contact with a whole set of basic concepts that underpin human life and are essential for any form of moral, personal and social education. Punishment is not just an unpleasant necessity but an essential part of education and perhaps even care.  相似文献   

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