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This paper makes use of career history data from 15 women developing professional engineering careers in a high technology industrial company to examine certain educational concomitants of a non‐traditional career choice. Using an interactionist theoretical perspective the focus is on subjective careers, that is how the women actually experienced becoming an engineer. The educational influences on career choice that are identified are those perceived by the women themselves to have been important.  相似文献   

在影响工程质量的五大因素中,人是第一因素。在工程质量控制中,所涉及的人有领导者、技术人员和工人。这三种人都应具备应有的思想素质和业务素质。  相似文献   

教师工程实践化是推进工程特色的复合型高素质专业人才建设的重要举措。文章重点探索了如何构建教师"工程化"培养体系从而培养创新型的师资队伍;如何探索"工程化"教学模式,达成"专业适应性-能力拓展-卓越人才"层层递进的培养目标;如何采取有效的实施路径并提供有效的制度保障从而最大程度地发挥教师工程实践化服务于人才培养质量的作用,进而在一定程度上有效地解决经济社会需求与高校人才培养不适应的问题。  相似文献   

Development of mechanical engineering curricula at the University of Minho   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The implementation of the Bologna protocol in the European Union has set new goals for the whole higher education system as: (a) a quality assessment for university courses; (b) a framework for the exchange of students and academics; and (c) an opportunity for changing the teaching/learning procedures and methodologies. Within the context, the mechanical engineering curricula at the University of Minho have been comprehensively formulated in order to meet these and future challenges and expectations. The whole process has been based upon various cornerstones: the legal framework for the higher education system; the introduction of new learning methodologies and an accurate survey and understanding of the existing strong and week points of the previous experience. For this purpose, a comprehensive evaluation has been carried out with former students and a detailed map has been formulated regarding their professional careers and experiences. Furthermore, a discussion has been carried out in order to define the mission of the graduate in mechanical engineering. In brief, such mission may be referred by his ability to participate in the wealth creation through technology based innovation. Within this context, the curriculum has been structured in order to meet such goals. In addition to strong foundations in physics and mathematics, new subjects are introduced into the curriculum. The whole education is based upon project development which stimulates the students' initiative, responsibility and their ability to integrate knowledge. Throughout the curriculum, students are enrolled into research projects developed in the department and it is expected that a few selected projects may be taken into a quasi industrial stage.  相似文献   

This paper relates to the development of non-technical education (and to ethics) in engineering curricula in Europe and particularly in France. Two projects being followed at the Centre de recherche en éthique de l'ingénieur (CREI) at the Catholic University of Lille (France) are discussed: the first is an engineering ethics course which has been running for 6 years in a state engineering school, where there is a strong emphasis on analysing the ethical issues of the students' first work experience. The second has to do with the writing of a European handbook on engineering ethics which gives us good insight into how engineering ethics as a discipline is shaped by the cultural background of those who develop it (dominant philosophical tradition, religious background, the way the engineering profession is organized and education). Two main approaches seem to be prevalent in Europe today: the first relates to professional ethics as discussed in the USA since the 1950s, the second relates to a new discipline that is developing in Europe, that of the ethics of technology.  相似文献   

This study used interviews with 18 women in positions of academic leadership at the University of Costa Rica to explore such questions as (1) why do women seem to have success attaining positions? (2) how did these women get to their current positions? (3) what obstacles did they meet along the way and what facilitated their journey? (4) what is the relationship of machmismo and institutional culture to women's professional choices and lives? A secondary purpose of the study was to provide insight into the lives of professional Latin American women, about which little is known. Traditional Western theories used to explain women's careers lead to the conclusion that Costa Rican women are oppressed and discriminated against in their quest for academic careers. An intepretivist framework focusing on the meaning women give to their lives suggests a different conclusion. Comparing themselves to women in the larger society, academic women described themselves as leading privileged lives in which rules are gender blind and women can achieve through hard work and dedication.  相似文献   

Concern continues to be expressed over women's difficulties in advancing their careers as academic scientists. Though some sciences may be numerically 'feminised', few women reach the upper echelons of science. Scant attention has been paid to issues of the progression of women from non–traditional backgrounds, such as those from ethnic minorities, who may be particularly disadvantaged. What research there is indicates a variation between the sciences in terms of women's careers and patterns that are replicated globally. Explanations are now focusing on how the scientific culture itself acts as a barrier to women rather than on the notion that women themselves lack the requisite skills. The Athena Project is a policy response to this issue. Future research and policy needs to look more closely at differences between the sciences, how women from diverse backgrounds experience the academic labour market and epistemological connections between employment and engagement with the scientific agenda.  相似文献   

Engineering is featured prominently in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and related reform documents, but how its nature and methods are described is problematic. This paper is a systematic review and critique of that representation, and proposes that the disciplinary core ideas of engineering (as described in the NGSS) can be disregarded safely if the practices of engineering are better articulated and modeled through student engagement in engineering projects. A clearer distinction between science and engineering practices is outlined, and prior research is described that suggests that precollege engineering design can strengthen children’s understandings about scientific concepts. However, a piecemeal approach to teaching engineering practices is unlikely to result in students understanding engineering as a discipline. The implications for science teacher education are supplemented with lessons learned from a number of engineering education professional development projects.  相似文献   

In the last decade there has been a shift in the discourses around professional staff in higher education that has been influenced by neoliberal agenda that focused on driving education reforms. Earlier discussions centring around nomenclature variations have progressed to those about creating and developing borderless professionals operating in the third space – a notional space where professional staff and academic staff with diverse and valuable skills work as equal professional partners on complex and multifaceted projects. This article looks at the evolution of the debates around professional staff. It considers how the notions of professionalism and professionalisation are being reconceptualised in the third space. Discussion progresses towards capability building and developmental opportunities of aspiring third space professional staff in higher education settings. Possible pathways of engaging with and empowering professional staff in designing their future careers and professional identities are considered. Building a community of research practices under the auspices of the Association for Tertiary Education Management (ATEM) and engaging postgraduate students in the university third space project work are proposed as potential areas for further research in the field of professional staff capability building.  相似文献   

Infusing engineering design projects in K-12 settings can promote interest and attract a wide range of students to engineering careers. However, the current climate of high-stakes testing and accountability to standards leaves little room to incorporate engineering design into K-12 classrooms. We argue that design-based learning, the combination of scientific inquiry and engineering design, is an approach that can be used to meet both K-12 educators’ and engineering advocates’ goals. This paper describes an 8-week high school curriculum unit, the Heating/Cooling System, in which engineering design is used to teach students central and difficult chemistry concepts such as atomic interactions, reactions, and energy changes in reactions. The goals of the paper are to (1) describe this successful design-based unit, (2) provide guidelines for incorporating design-based learning into other science topics, and (3) provide some evidence of its value for teaching difficult chemistry concepts and increasing interest in engineering careers.  相似文献   

科研训练是生物医学工程专业培养过程中极其重要的实践教学环节.针对生物医学工程专业本科生科研训练课程设置中存在的问题,通过梳理并重构课程体系、优化教学内容和考核方式、促进专业骨干教师深度参与、指导管理全过程定制化,并充分与大创项目、竞赛项目等具体实施结合,从多个方面推进该课程的改革与实践.这些探索与实践在培养学生创新思维...  相似文献   

综合性工科院校地质专业,通常教师数量较少,办学规模不大,实践平台等综合力量都难以与地质院校相媲美。如何扬长避短,充分发挥综合性工科大学的综合优势,将地质类研究生培养成既有坚实的理论基础和较强的实践能力,又具有学科渗透、方向交融、产学研结合这种社会亟须的复合型人才是更好的选择。本文就合肥工业大学地质专业研究生培养实践进行了总结,包括加强研究生的基础教育,进行学科交叉和方向融合,打破二级学科界限进行专业学位课程建设,建立研究生野外实践创新基地等。  相似文献   

从人才培养质量标准的基本内涵出发,分析了我国高职教育应以促进学生的全面发展和适应经济社会需要作为人才培养质量的根本标准。以工程测量技术专业为例,在深入广泛的社会调研基础上,构建了工程测量技术专业学生全面发展应具有的基本素质标准,适应区域经济社会发展需要应具有的职业能力标准和职业素质标准。  相似文献   

地球物理勘查工程技术人才培养改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国家级特色专业平台的支撑下,桂林理工大学对地球物理学和勘查工程技术专业人才培养进行了一系列的改革与建设。提出“基础性、实践性、能力性、创新性”的专业特色培养目标,充实和丰富了专业课程体系,出版多本专业特色教材。强化实践教学环节,把探索式、讨论式、参与式等教学方法运用到专业教学实践中,建立了科研促进教学的互动机制。实践证明,专业学生的动手能力、创新能力得到明显提高,就业能力持续增强,逐步形成金属矿产勘探和工程水文地质勘探方面的特色与优势。  相似文献   

目前国内有少数工科高校开展了工程伦理教育与教学,但与发达国家的先进做法相比,现状仍不容乐观。本文基于系统论的观点,从制度支持、专业认证、课程建设及社会保障等方面构建了工程伦理教育培养体系,这将有助于培养高质量的工程人才,并推进和谐社会和可持续发展的进程。  相似文献   

化工类专业大学生素质教育培养模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
素质教育是21世纪教育教学改革的旗帜和行动指南,但对于化工类大学生如何从理论教学和实践教学两个方面切实实行素质教育,是人们一直思考的问题,为此对化工类大学生素质教育培养模式进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

素质教育是21世纪教育教学改革的旗帜和行动指南,但对于化工类大学生如何从理论教学和实践教学两个方面切实实行素质教育,是人们一直思考的问题,为此对化工类大学生素质教育培养模式进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

高校教学改革正从以教师教学为中心向以学生为中心转化,以未来市场化为目标,培养市场需要的人才;土建类院校主要培养具备工程师基本训练,具有创新精神的高级工程技术人才。土建类院校包含的专业较多,各专业又相互关联,BIM技术由于它的可视化、精确化,在建筑设计、施工及后期运营方面正得到大力应用及推广。通过教学研究项目,希望摸索出一条培养具有BIM技术知识的复合型应用人才的有效路径。文章通过教学实践、BIM技术的学习及实践,使学生提高了学习兴趣,增强了本专业及相关专业知识,具备了一定的动手能力,提高了就业竞争力。由于课程设置限制,本项目未大面积推广,但为以后进行深入改革提供了经验。  相似文献   

武汉纺织大学高分子材料与工程专业在"新工科"理念及工程教育专业认证标准的指导下,对专业的培养方案、人才培养模式、课程体系、多元化学业考核评价体系、持续改进体系、师资建设等方面进行改革与实践。通过这些改革举措,学生的专业基础知识越来越扎实,解决复杂工程问题和创新创业能力得到提高,就业情况明显好转,人才培养质量越来越好,满足了服务区域经济发展和纺织行业转型升级的需求。  相似文献   

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