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This study aimed at investigating the relationship between intellectual, social, personal and personality variables of academically gifted secondary school students. A total of 297 tenth grade boys and girls were identified on the basis of three main criteria: 1. Academic achievement with special emphasis on Arabic language, science and math scores; 2. Behavioural traits; 3. General mental ability and general adjustment. Data related to socioeconomic status and personal characteristics were also collected. Results of the analysis of variance showed that there were significant differences between gifted and nongifted groups in general mental ability, achievement, general adjustment, behavioural traits, personal and social variables, in favour of the former.  相似文献   

With special reference to the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, the authors trace the development of the French universities from the élitist Napoleonic institutions that they still were in the early 1960's to the mass, diversified institutions of today. They stress the importance of the events of 1968 as a major turning point which had a particularly strong impact because they occurred during a period of prosperity. Thus the wide‐scale expansion, democratization, diversification, and massification which occurred led to a positive reaction to the call for increased vocationalization and co‐operation with industry which characterized the lean years that followed. Other stimuli for change and adaptation have been modifications in the legal structure of higher education, the need to increase offerings in continuing education, policies favouring decentralization and regionalization, and the influence of European Union higher education policies. The need to provide high quality higher education in a number of areas to a very large proportion of the age cohort is understood to be a social and economic necessity. The evolution of French higher education since 1968 could offer lessons and examples to the higher education systems of eastern and central Europe in their efforts to cope with transition. The role of universities in the modern world has been greatly enhanced. Important changes have occurred in French higher education over the past twenty‐five years, the resultpartly of the adoption of new laws, of social evolution, of economic needs and challenges, and of individual initiatives undertaken and voluntary policies adopted by universities.  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out to ascertain how 700 children aged seven to 15 (half boys and half girls), acquired the ability to define certain moral concepts, how they decided on whether an action was right or wrong, and what influenced the acquisitional process. The results showed older age‐groups gaining significantly higher mean scores in defining concepts, with a sex difference favouring girls, but no significant social class differences. However, even older age‐groups encountered difficulties with some concepts, e.g. ‘doing right’ and ‘being good’. In deciding whether an action was right or wrong, more older children claimed they decided for themselves, and a significantly higher number of older girls stated that they did so. The sample claimed that their mothers had been a major influence in acquiring moral concepts, much more so than peer‐groups. The mass media was not thought by the sample to be accepted uncritically, and the church was believed to help them most. Evidence from this research would suggest that the teacher's contribution, to the acquisition of moral concepts during the early school years, seems highly relevant.  相似文献   

长期以来,社会心理学领域一直存在着忽视伦理价值取向的“技术主义”倾向。从伦理学回归、学科、内容、研究方法、发展趋势等视角进行探讨,可以发现作为社会心理学研究对象的社会心理现象与道德有着天然的内在联系。因此,要把握好社会心理学与伦理学之间存在的结合区域,使两者相互结合,相互促进,共同发展。  相似文献   

改革开放以来我国社会阶层结构发生了显著变化。新的社会阶层的出现是经济发展和社会进步的必然结果。但社会转型期的社会分层具有明显的两重性,既有积极影响,又有消极影响。消除社会层化现象给社会带来的负面影响,全面实现小康社会的建设目标,必须深刻理解邓小平先富共富理论,最终实现共同富裕。  相似文献   

我国经济制度的变迁与社会经济的变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从中华人民共和国成立到十一届三中全会以前,我国经济基本上是高度集中的计划经济体制,中间虽进行过几次调整,但始终没有发生重大变化。改革开放二十多年来经济体制发生了根本的改变,社会主义市场经济体制初步建立并不断得到完善。这与过去的制度短缺、制度惯性、制度错位和以后的制度创新有关。在制度创新过程中市场经济发挥了应有的作用,并促使我国经济和社会生活发生了巨大的变革。  相似文献   

社会主义和谐社会建设与社会管理主体的培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者对我国社会主义和谐社会建设的动因进行了分析,认为我国提出建设社会主义和谐社会,一方面是因为解决各种社会问题的需要,一方面是实现社会稳定、持续发展的要求;社会主义和谐社会建设要以提高社会管理水平为基础,社会管理水平的提高以社会管理体制改革为前提,目前,首要的问题是培育合格的社会管理主体;社会主义和谐社会建设过程中社会管理的主体主要是政府、社会组织和社区自治组织。  相似文献   

剖析田径运动在群众体育、竞技体育及体育产业发展中的重要作用,所体现的社会功能。  相似文献   

民国时期安徽灾荒与农村社会经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民国时期安徽灾荒严重。无年不灾,多灾并发,危害面广,是这一时期灾况的基本特征。灾荒使民众的生命财产及农业生产遭到了巨大损失和破坏,民众的生存条件更加恶化,对农村经济发展、民众的生活、社会的进步带来了长久的负面影响,加重了农村的社会经济危机。  相似文献   

维护社会稳定,是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求.和谐社会的首要标志便是稳定和有序.但是,当前在我国还存在着诸多影响社会稳定的因素.本文从多角度、多侧面探讨了如何确保社会稳定,促进和谐社会的构建.  相似文献   

社会心理、经济基础和政治理念共同而有差别地制约着体育利益调整,社会心理制约体育利益调整的相对性、潜在性、复杂性等特点,决定了其在经济必然性要求下的一种深层次制约因素。任何体育政策的实施必须得到社会心理的支持才能发挥制度的预期效能。体育利益调整只有主动应对社会心理的影响和制约,才能够实现人们对待体育利益调整的心理状态由冲突走向更新,保障体育制度质量。  相似文献   

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