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英国中小学学校治理董事会作为参与学校治理的关键主体,以及学校—政府—家庭—社会多方的统合组织,一直在学校发展改进中发挥重要作用。其完善的运作模式及所具有的民主性、合法性、公平性、公开性、责任性、效能性、回应性七个善治特征,对我国中小学校务委员会等学校治理机构的建设具有启示意义:通过建立学校治理委员会加强组织化,通过提升治理主体能力凸显专业化,通过完善评价体系和制度体系保障规范化。  相似文献   


Legislation over the last 10 years has increased considerably the responsibilities of school governors but there has been little research into their role in bringing about school improvement. This paper reports upon a pilot project designed to set the parameters and criteria for a more detailed and extensive study into this area. Based upon the data gathered, it is possible to suggest some ways in which governing bodies can enhance the conditions for improvement.  相似文献   

在当下“重智育”的教育教学实践中,德育视野中中学生“参与意识”的建构未能引起教育界足够的重视。通过以南洋模范中学为样本进行的问卷调查和分析发现,应试压力、学校集体活动设计的趣味性和年级针对性是制约学生参与集体活动的主要因素,而轻松、简约、开放、能够激发动机、满足爱与归属需要和能调剂学习生活的活动则将受到学生的普遍欢迎。相应地,这一现状的改善需要通过学校、学生和社会等多方努力:学校须改善现有的僵化不移的活动设计,并以适当的形式提高学生对集体活动的认可度,此外,以“智育”为中心的社会评价体系也有待进一步修正、完善。  相似文献   

Despite the powers that parents are endowed with regarding governance of schools in South Africa, they are not yet given sufficient room and space to deliberate on issues of school governance; instead they are still excluded by some teaching staff who deny them (explicitly or implicitly) from taking part in crucial decisions affecting education of their children. There are still issues excluding parents from participation in school governing bodies, namely: the lack of clear demarcation between the roles of the teaching staff and those of the school governing body (SGB), lack of time, lack of confidence from some parents, transport problems which result in non‐attendance of SGB meetings by some parents, poor communication of information, lack of training which results in lack of knowledge of the Act and roles and responsibilities, the language barrier, and the high turnover rate of governors as parents have to leave the SGB as soon as his/her child leaves the school. The findings of this research partly concur with Karlsson, who also found that SGBs perpetuate rather than prevent the apartheid‐era inequalities of race, gender and social class. Despite these discrepancies, the study found that SGBs operate according to the general intentions of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 and also help spread democracy in the school and to the wider society of South Africa.  相似文献   

大调曲是一种较古老的说唱音乐,有雅、俗两个流派,雅派追求典雅庄重,而俗派则力求贴近百姓生活、平易近人。清代中后期,大调曲以雅派为主;清代末年,随着大调曲逐渐流入民间,俗派产生。新中国成立后至“革”前,是雅、俗两派大调曲协同发展的时期,20世纪80年代后,大调曲逐渐衰落。挽救衰落中的大调曲,走一条以发展俗派、改良俗派为主的道路是非常可行的。  相似文献   

Various arrangements have existed to ensure the participation of pupils' parents in school life, in particular, parent committees, which are obligatory in public schools. Private schools merely had the obligation to permit parents to form such a committee. This distinction was abolished by the new law concerning participation in education that went into effect February 1, 1982. This law is equally applicable to private or public education, nursery schools, primary schools, special schools, secondary schools, and higher professional schools (for a provisional period pending the establishment of specific regulations), as well as to part-time instruction and evening schools.  相似文献   

Acknowledging the realities and responsibilities of power is a precondition to using it wisely. The claim that there has been a shift in power away from the formal providers of education towards the individual consumer is one that needs closer investigation. This paper uses the mathematics of cooperative multiperson game theory to analyse the relative strengths of the various representative groupings on three different models of school governing bodies. Only a basic knowledge of mathematics is assumed as the various coalitions are analysed and compared, and conclusions drawn about the relative power of major and minor factions. Voting strategies, suggested payoffs for winning coalitions and implications for committee-forming are fully examined. The paper is based on the author's direct experience of school amalgamations in the border region of Ireland. An extended consideration of the theory of voting in multiperson games can be found in his book Decision-Making and Game Theory (2002, Cambridge University Press).  相似文献   

确保党的执政安全与推进农民工政治参与这两个具有鲜明中国特色的事物间有深刻的内在联系:前者是后者的前提,后者对巩固前者的阶级基础、群众基础,壮大党员队伍等方面有重要价值。目前,虽然具有推进农民工政治参与的极大可能性,但在现实中农民工尚处于政治参与边缘地位。我们要在厘清障碍农民工政治参与因素的基础上,树立正确理念,在扩大农民工政治参与与保持有序政治参与的均衡中永葆执政安全。  相似文献   

公司治理结构与内部控制关系密切。公司治理结构是促使内部控制有效运行的前提和基础,是实行内部控制的制度环境;健全的内部控制也是正确处理企业的各利益相关者关系、完善公司治理结构、建立现代企业制度的重要手段。建立健全内部控制,应完善法人治理结构。  相似文献   

We examine a century of rhetoric on the home/school relation and investigate how current ideas about this relationship and associated parent involvement might inhibit the realization of justice, equity, and excellence in education. The phrase home/school relation refers to the actual and theoretical pattern of prescribed interactions and communication between families and schools, with an emphasis on optimizing children's development and achievement. Parent involvement, in the home and in the school, is defined as a set of behaviors that results from parents' and schools' understanding of the home/school relation. Excerpts from texts written by post-structuralist philosopher Michel Foucault guide the historical analysis of published rhetoric on the home/school relation. Ultimately, this review serves to refocus attention on the home/school relation and associated parent involvement to expand insight and opportunity for equity in schools.  相似文献   

Schools are currently suffering from considerable ‘innovation overload’ with multiple changes being demanded by the Education Reform Act and other sources. Tom Peters (1988) has argued that a similar turbulent situation exists in US business and industry and suggests that the most successful companies are those which are able to ‘Thrive on Chaos’. LEAs and schools need knowledge and skills about school improvement and this article attempts to provide research‐based information to help them cope with innovation and improve teaching and learning.

School improvement is seen as a combination of previous research on the management of change and school effectiveness. Eight factors which seem to be related to effective schools are listed and knowledge about the change process is used to consider how a school could be improved. In order to offer practical help to LEAs and schools a set of guidelines is provided and recent research findings are discussed under each heading. The article concludes with an outline of a possible LEA school improvement project, involving a set of stages.  相似文献   

The Committee on the Upper Secondary School has submitted its report to the Minister of Education. The report contains proposals which could result in a major restructuring of upper secondary education to take account of the new role being attributed to the upper secondary school, namely that of giving all pupils who have completed comprehensive school either vocational training or a basis for further studies at higher education level. In 1960, 24 percent of 17-year-olds continued in upper secondary education. Pupil numbers can be expected to go on increasing until 1985.  相似文献   


Several school-level variables thought to influence the degree to which parents are involved in their children's education were explored. The author sought to clarify, both theoretically and empirically, the meaning of parent involvement. Also, several statistical regression models were developed on the basis of school characteristics. The models help to explain the variance in 9 categories of parent involvement. The results of this study indicate that many forms of parent involvement, such as the structure that parents create for students in the home environment, are not easily influenced by school-level variables. However, several forms of parent involvement, including parent volunteerism and participation in parent-teacher organizations, can be increased when teachers attempt to contact parents.  相似文献   

Changing education philosophies and technological advancement have altered the way educational content can be delivered to students. One format growing in popularity is virtual institutions which allow students to complete their secondary education completely online. While the format has been in existence for two decades, little information has been presented regarding how the shift from a traditional brick and mortar environment to a virtual one impacts the physical activity of the students. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of school type on physical activity participation. One hundred fifteen high school age students attending brick and mortar and virtual institutions completed a survey regarding their physical activity participation. Results indicate students who attend virtual institutions are more likely to be physically active than their brick and mortar counterparts.  相似文献   

The ongoing ‘rationalisation’ of tertiary education in Australia is symptomatic, it is argued here, of the deeper tensions inherent in corporate capitalism. This paper examines one aspect of the rationalisation process — amalgamation — based on research carried out at two amalgamated colleges, with the aim of ‘demystifying’ the rhetoric of ‘efficiency and effectiveness’ underpinning current managerialist approaches to education.

The impact of amalgamation on college life — increased bureaucratisation and centralisation of power harnessed to a form of ‘entrepreneurial zeal’, resulting in administrative inefficiencies and increasing staff alienation — may be partly explained, it is suggested, by the contradictions and limitations of the ideological/economistic parameters within which the amalgamation policy was conceived, namely the ‘Razor Gang’ proposals of the former Liberal government. This in turn, it is suggested, reflects something of the interrelationship between education policy, the fiscal crisis’ of capitalism, and the ‘legitimation crisis’ of the State.  相似文献   

党的十六大报告提出:“要完善深入了解民情、明该问卷的信度指标良好。研究采用内容效度和结构充分反映民意、广泛集中民智、切实珍惜民力的决策 效度对问卷的效度进行检验。问卷的内容效度以专家机制,推进决策科学化民主化。”[1]同样,教育决策的 效度和各分量表与问卷总分的相关系数作为指标,问科学化、民主化也是知识社会、信息时代对教育决策卷的有关内容和题项经过有关教育统计、评价和教育的必然要求。民主是人们的永恒追求,教师也不例 管理的专家修改、审阅,具有良好的专家效…  相似文献   

参与式教学模式是针对传统封闭式教学模式而提出的一种"以人为本"的现代教学模式。探讨在党校教学中如何创设参与式的教学环境,运用灵活多样的教学方法和手段,以学员为中心,开发学员潜力,让学员参与其中,以参与式教学方式促进党校教学的改革与发展。  相似文献   

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