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文章对刚刚推行的农村中职免费政策的实施情况进行了实证考察。结果显示:该免费政策在实施的过程中有效达成了资助涉农专业的预期目标,但却在促进中职招生和资助贫困学生两个目标维度上存在严重失灵。进一步分析得知,前一失灵是因为广大农民受传统文化与现实制度的影响不偏好中职教育,后一失灵则是因为免费政策的助贫目标与中职学校生源竞争的组织目标相冲突。纠正上述失灵需要采取综合措施:一是通过制度改革和文化改造重塑人们的教育偏好,二是整合国家中职助学金政策和农村中职免费政策,对所有就读中职学校的城乡学生提供免除全部学费的公共财政资助。  相似文献   

咸宁市近几年来的职业教育发展,犹如股票市场的牛市,中职招生人数一路走高:2003年,中职招生10491人,高中阶段招生普职比为6.4∶3.6;  相似文献   

说明:以上招生人数为模拟数,最终招生计划眦省教育厅批准数为准。2003年各专业招生人数和生源结构  相似文献   

为了引导学校根据社会需求依法自主设置专业.河北省近日出台《河北省中等职业学校专业设置管理办法实施细则(试行)》,要求中职学校所设专业每年招生人数不得低于30人.未经备案与公布的学校和专业.原则上不得招生.  相似文献   

中职教育将转向免费教育近日,教育部在武汉召开落实中职国家资助政策及2007年招生任务中部片区座谈会,教育部部长周济表示,中职  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,在国家政策引导和扶持下,中等职业学校大量涌现,办学规模迅速扩大。但是近年来,公办中等职校的招生却每况愈下,在校生规模持续下降,永州市2005年中职招生人数占高中阶段学  相似文献   

以国家政策为导向,中等职业教育免费政策在全国各省市以各种形式相继出现.文章抽取具有代表性的东、中、西部各三省市,研究了其颁布实施的各类中职教育免费政策,总结了各省区免费中职教育政策的特点,并展望了我国免费中等职业教育政策的发展趋势.  相似文献   

2005年.我们认真落实教育部提出的扩大中等职业学校招生任务的要求,采取积极有效的政策措施,大力推进我市中等职业学校招生工作。实现了天津市中职招生工作跨越式发展,首次出现了中职招生人数超过普高的喜人局面。各类中等职业学校实际录取新生为73775人。占高中阶段教育招生总数的52.14%。超过普高招生人数4.28个百分点。比教育部下达给我市中职的招生任务超出8775人。在大力推进职业教育发展进程中,我们始终把与中西邮农村地区中职校联合招生合作办学作为一项重要工作。认真抓好、抓实。我们的主要做法是:  相似文献   

先让我们来看一组数据: --2002年,招生18222人; --2003年,招生21842人; --2004年,招生27519人; --2005年,招生45704人; --2006年,招生49764人. 这是衡阳市近几年中等职业学校的招生人数.短短五年,招生数增加了近三倍! 2006年,衡阳一跃成为全省中职招生总人数第一名,中职学校招生人数占到衡阳高中阶段招生总人数的50.61%.同年,衡阳64所中等职业学校的在校学生达到122968人,令人惊讶的是,这个数字在2004年才6万多.  相似文献   

<正>从2009年秋季学期起,政府开始对中等职业学校农村家庭经济困难学生和涉农专业学生免学费。随着时间的推移,对这一免费政策的质疑声渐起。职业教育研究者陈胜祥通过对浙、赣、青三省的1000多名学生的调查发现,免费政策"在‘促进中职招生'和‘资助贫困学生'两个目标维度上存在严重失灵",并提出解决前一个失灵要依靠制度变革和文化改造,而对于后者则"需要整合财政资助政策,实行全面免费"。许多研究者也赞同陈胜祥"免费政策失灵"的观点,但并不认为应实行"全面免费"。如职业教育研究者王星霞在利用自己的分析框架对中等职业教育免费政策进行评估后,指出了这一政策的诸多弊端,并提出"暂缓实施中职免费政策"。她的观点得到了其他研究者旗帜鲜明的呼应。在题为《应放缓全面实施中等职业教育免费政策》一文中,职业教育研究者王蓉用大量数字试图说明为什么"不赞成近期内以实施全面免费为加大中等职业  相似文献   

We estimate the effects of three sequential reforms undertaken between 2000 and 2006 on school enrollment for poor, rural families in China. Using difference-in-difference approaches and sample children from the China Health and Nutrition Survey 2000, 2004, and 2006 waves, we find that tuition control has had a minimal effect on primary and junior high school enrollment. Furthermore, a policy that includes tuition waivers, free textbooks, and living expense subsidies starting from 2003 had a significantly positive effect on school enrollment of rural girls, but not rural boys. This gender differential effect results from the improvement in the enrollment of girls who live in poor households. Finally, the provision for tuition waive for all rural children since 2006, although having no statistically significant effect on the overall enrollment, indeed improved the enrollment of children who were less likely to have enjoyed two-waiver-one-subsidy.  相似文献   

This paper uses the introduction of tuition fees in seven of the sixteen German states in 2007 as a natural experiment to identify the effects of tuition prices on enrollment probabilities. Based on information on enrollment decisions of the entire population of high-school graduates between 2002 and 2008, I find a negative effect of tuition fees on enrollment behavior. The effect is larger than in existing studies for European countries, but of a similar magnitude as effects identified with U.S. data. A potential spill-over effect of the policy intervention to the comparison group is accounted for by using the estimation results to calibrate a structural model of the enrollment decision.  相似文献   

In 2001, the Texas state legislature passed House Bill 1403. With the passage of the law, Texas became the first state to offer in-state tuition rates at public universities for non-citizens (including illegal immigrants) who attended high school in the state for three years. As a result of the policy change, the cost of attending college at public universities in Texas fell dramatically for non-citizens. Using administrative data from five universities in Texas, we employ a quasi-experimental design to identify the effects of the policy change on the probability of enrollment at each of the universities. The results demonstrate a large and significant positive effect of lowering tuition on the enrollment of non-citizens at the University of Texas at Pan American and the University of Texas at San Antonio.  相似文献   

从我国高等师范教育的百年历程中可看到,学费政策经历了从"免费"、"收费"再到"免费"回归的嬗变过程,通过对不同时期高师教育学费政策的描述,分析了师范教育"收费"政策的动因,并对新颁布的"师范生免费"政策进行解读。  相似文献   

印度自独立以来随即宣布实行免费基础教育。但是,由于国力有限,在实行所谓的免费基础教育时,家庭在很大程度上承担了教育所需的费用。文章就农村家庭在教育支出方面的决定性因素和支出特征以及其影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

This paper studies whether the introduction of tuition fees at public universities in some German states had a negative effect on enrollment, i.e., on the transition of high school graduates to public universities in Germany. In contrast to recent studies, we do not find a significant effect on aggregate enrollment rates. Our study differs from previous studies in three important ways. First, we take full account of the fact that tuition fees were both introduced and abolished in the German states at different points in time. Second, we consider control variables, which are absent in previous studies but turn out to have a significant impact on the evolution of enrollment rates. Third, we allow for state-specific effects of tuition fees on enrollment rates. We conclude that there is no evidence for a general negative effect of the recent introduction of tuition fees on enrollment in Germany.  相似文献   

This study explored the responses of students in different academic majors to tuition increase, with a particular focus on the relationship between tuition increase, and future earnings and college expenditures. We analyzed effects of tuition increase on enrollment in six academic majors—Engineering, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, Business, and Education—where disciplinary enrollment data were available. The main findings are that students are elastic to tuition level in Physics, Biology, and Business, but not in Engineering, where the rate of return is the highest among the six majors and the college expenditure are the highest. The findings suggest that student enrollment in various academic majors is affected differentially by tuition. Further, the findings support a cost-related tuition policy, one designed to charge students higher tuition for higher-cost majors and lower tuition for lower-cost majors.
Sande MiltonEmail:

改革开放三十年来,中国高等师范教育走过了由免费到收费,再到免费的辉煌历程.探究三十年来高等师范教育学费政策变迁的原因,展望未来高等师范教育学费政策改革和发展的趋势,具有重大的理论与实践意义.  相似文献   

截止目前,广州市番禺区中等职业教育仍以公办教育为主,优质学位比较充足;计算机应用、会计、汽车运用与维修、幼儿教育、文秘、物业管理等专业招生规模较大;加工制造类、商贸与旅游类所设专业数最多,信息技术类专业招生规模最大,对应第三产业的专业数及招生规模较大;大部分学校办学条件能满足人才培养需要;学校能积极适应企业需要,进行人才培养工作改革,并积极开展双证书教育;毕业生就业状况较好。但是,番禺区中等职业教育发展也存在一些问题:部分专业设置重复,造成资源浪费;中职的办学定位仍有待明确;中高职合作缺乏必要的沟通和政策引导;校企合作机制有待健全;职教发展的社会环境与政策环境仍不尽理想。  相似文献   

This research was initiated to explore the effects of changing tuition rates on the open‐door policy of U.S. community junior colleges. Tuition trends in the two‐year colleges of 50 states were assessed using data gathered from the 1975 and 1980 editions of the AACJC Directory, 1980 Fact Book for Academic Administrators, and recently published journal articles. The relationship between tuition rates and enrollment levels in each state were analyzed. The analyses point to a trend of continuous increase in tuition rates for U.S. public two‐year colleges since 1951. Even though the percentage of increase in tuition for recent years has been higher for two‐year colleges than for four‐year colleges, there remains a substantial difference between the average annual tuition of the two types of institutions. There appears to be a negative correlation between tuition and enrollment at two‐year colleges for 1974‐1975 (—.27) and for 1979‐1980 (—.21). Based on these findings, it would appear that further increases in tuition might serve to close college doors for those not able to afford the rising costs of education. Suggestions are offered for internal and external actions to help maintain open access despite rising tuition costs.  相似文献   

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