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This article attempts to "situate" the various versions of constructivist theory by tracing their philosophical origins. Two of the constructivisms, schema and information-processing theory, represent traditional epistemologies and thus, by definition, are modernist in orientation. The remaining four constructivisms adopt a postmodern stances—which is to say they refute the assumptions that knowledge is primarily the property of individuals and that, if it is lo have any claim on our allegiance, it must be the product of a foolproof inferential system. Each of these social constructivisms evidences a unique approach to the mind-world dilemma. Each also evidences a unique stance toward the ideal teaching-learning environment.  相似文献   

Diverse forms of constructivism can be found in the literature today. They exhibit a commonality regarding certain classical positions that they oppose - a unity in their negative identities - but a sometimes wild multiplicity and incompatibility regarding the positive proposals that they put forward. In particular, some constructivisms propose an epistemological idealism, with a concomitant relativism, while others are explicitly opposed to such positions, and move in multifarious different directions. This is a potentially confusing situation, and has resulted in some critics branding all constructivisms with the charge of relativism, and throwing out the baby with the bath water. In addition, since the epistemological foundations of even non-relativist constructivisms are not as familiar as the classical positions, there is a risk of mis-interpretation of constructivisms and their consequences, even by some who endorse them, not to mention those who criticize. Because I urge that some version of constructivism is an epistemological necessity, this situation strikes me as seriously unfortunate for philosophy, and potentially dangerous for the practice of education.  相似文献   

修辞学史的研究应当坚持辩证法。对前人的研究成果 ,首先要求全面地把握 ,同时要求从特定的历史大环境中来理解它。  相似文献   

从社会学的角度来看,现代性框架下的“科学至上主义”情结,导致了教育学的科学性遭到质疑。教育现实的利益追求与教育学的生活价值追求正在发生矛盾。教育学本身理论的僵化,不能与时俱进,是教育学面临危机的主要原因。  相似文献   

本文从吉鲁批判教育学中的“对抗文本”和“对抗记忆”出发,反省教师的角色并结合吉鲁对知识分子的看法和分类,呈现出批判教育学中教师的理想角色。最后,文章从吉鲁的批判教育学思想中,对我国当前的教师角色进行了反思。  相似文献   

文化适宜性教学强调教学对文化的敏感性,尊重不同背景的学习者的不同世界观与认识论、不同民族的文化传统与文化多样性。文化适宜性教学得到了教育神经科学研究的支持。教育神经科学的大量证据表明,持续性的文化经验会改变脑的结构与功能,进而影响人们加工信息、理解世界的方式。因此,理解文化对脑功能与结构影响的普遍性与特殊性,对于教育者重视文化多样性与教育公平政策的制定与教育实践推广具有重要的意义。文化适宜性教学的主要目标是培养学习者感知文化差异与沟通文化差异的能力。  相似文献   

The general concept of energy is somewhat unclear as long as it is confined to physics, since every chapter of it defines its own particular concept of energy. The general concept can be elucidated in terms of the hypergeneral (philosophical) concepts of concrete thing and changeability. In this way one succeeds in crafting a minitheory that identifies energy with mutability, and that regards it, as well as its conservation, as a universal property of concrete things. The moral is that physicists and philosophers can learn from one another.  相似文献   

This article takes its retrospective lead from the oppressive schooling years during the Chinese Cultural Revolution to reflect on the educational significance of artistic activities through considering aesthetic virtues and moral agency cultivated in these activities. Describing an unconventional educational milieu where schooling was deliberately ‘dismantled’, I emphasize the important role that artistic endeavours can play in building a person’s aesthetic strength and moral power to overcome the adversity of life, hence for the fuller human development. By blending philosophical discussion with historical manifestation, I stress the less articulated educational discourse that makes dance relevant to the educational formation of epistemic virtues and moral sensibilities. Joining in the emerging efforts to improving the worlds of schools, curricula, and pedagogies, I argue that the contingent integration of different histories, life conditions, and social and cultural discourses are ‘transformative’ sites for pedagogy. Thus, I seek to shed historically fresh light on the ways of thinking of schooling, education, and the arts for hope and possibility to ultimately argue for ways that can speak to the diversity of global societies today.  相似文献   

教育现象学是教育学众多学派中一个独特的人文视域,其从现象学哲学中汲取了丰富的哲学思想和方法资源,但更强调人文性和实践性,它直面教育生活世界本身,去探寻“教育现象”(教育生活体验)的本质与意义.教育现象学不能用以解决技术性的问题,不把教育生活体验的意义变成实证主义的主题、理性化的概念、对象化的描述或抽象的理论,它旨在通过“描述教育生活体验——形成体验文本——组织焦点讨论反思”的研究框架,来探寻和理解教育生活体验及其意义,反思与教育相关的主题,从而促进教育者养成教育的敏感性与机智,发展教育智慧.  相似文献   

教师要树立“为理解而教”的观念,根据微积分课程的特点和学生学习微积分的特点,采取“整体—局部—整体”的教学设计,不断提高学生的理解力,以达到深层次的数学理解。  相似文献   

教育学作为一门年轻的学科,在产生后经历了其"学科性质"和"理论基础"的争论,回顾教育学发展的历史和现实,展望未来,教育学需要在发展中变革和重构.  相似文献   

在对教育何以可能和教育学如何名副其实的思考中,教育学知识逐渐浮出水面。之所以教育成"学"的过程一波三折、教育学屡遭困境,是因为生活的、实践的教育学知识观并未能取代本质主义的、宏伟叙事的和规范描述的教育学知识观。教育学知识不是静止的、符号化的陈述,而是实践的、生成的智慧,是站在生活和实践的立场上对教育不断进行批判的一种教育学思维。在芜杂纷乱的教育实践中,只有站在教育学知识的立场上,才能真正把握教育学的发展方向。  相似文献   

This article takes as its starting point the ongoing downturn in student interest in, and engagement with, the enabling sciences. We make a case that embedding of creative pedagogies in science education has significant potential to arrest the flight from modern science. Five propositions are explored in order to argue the case: that young people are more engaged by active tasks than with a passive consumption approach to transfer of core knowledge; that it is boredom, not rigour, that disengages them––the difference is between static and dynamic sources of knowledge; that creativity is not the antithesis of scientific rigour but the core business of scientific thinking; that we now have new understandings of creative pedagogies that make teaching strategies visible and effective; and, that these strategies can build academic, digital and social capacity simultaneously and this is the new core business of the science educator. We conclude by flagging implications for leading such pedagogical change in science faculties.  相似文献   

教育学的性质除了理论性和实践性外,还有行动性。行动的教育学是提高教育学教学实效性的需要,是培养教育学教师教学监控能力的需要,是构建教师教育学的需要。教育学教师的行动要有良好的示范性,应做师德的表率、育人的模范和教学的专家,这是行动的教育学对教育学教师素质的规定性。  相似文献   

Metaphysics and learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Is it possible to learn and simultaneously articulate the metaphysical basis of that learning? In my contribution to the forum I tell of how I came to recognise that bilingual Yoruba children could articulate the contrasting metaphysical framings of Yoruba and English numbering. The story introduces an arena I call 'ontics' that recognises the contingencies of metaphysical commitments in the present. My claim is that learning to recognise and strategically articulate ontics as enacted metaphysical commitments in the present is useful in cross-cultural and transdisciplinary learning and crucial in inquiring into learning.  相似文献   

形而上学方法是人类认识世界的科学方法,是认识过程中的必经阶段。马克思、恩格斯、列宁明确肯定形而上学方法的认识意义。感知方法是绝对的,形而上学方法和辩证方法都是相对于感知方法而言的,是相对的,是真理相对性的方法论根源。形而上学方法的成果被绝对化,才转化为形而上学世界观。思想方法的发展有自身的规律,是人类共有的。反形而上学不辨方法论与世界观的差异,辩证法被异化为变戏法与诡辩法,是极左思潮的表现之一。正确认识辩证方法与形而上学方法,是关系党的思想路线与中国人民的思想方法的大问题。改革开放需要深入到认识论与方法论。  相似文献   


A total of 107 high-school bookkeeping students were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The groups were evenly matched in terms of I.Q. and pre-test scores. The students in the control group were taught in the traditional manner using conventional instructional materials. The students in the experimental group were taught by means of programmed instructional materials. Both groups were then given three identical posttests. The scores of the experimental group were significantly greater on all three tests at the > .025, > .001, and > .001 levels. The experimental group also experienced a reduction in learning time of 43 percent. The study indicates that the use of programmed materials can individualize instruction in the classroom and can also be used effectively as homework.  相似文献   

客观性是科学的特采   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客观性是科学的特采,而科学的客观性有三个维度--对象的客观性、方法的客观性和评价的客观性.在肯定科学具有和达到客观认识的可能性之后,从七个方面为科学客观性做了辩护.  相似文献   

Lacey  Hugh 《Science & Education》2020,29(1):199-201
Science & Education -  相似文献   

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