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人类社会历来有各式各样的精英人物,各类精英的成长当然也离不开学校教育,那么,精英们都是从精英学校中毕业出来的吗?有些精英几乎肯定是精英学校培养的。像竞技体操或钢琴演奏方面的专门人才,不但需要从小在专门学校(或教师)的指导下严格训练,而且这类学校(或教师)又有着相当苛刻的招生选拔标准,虽然经过这种严格选拔、特殊培养的儿童未必都能成为本领域的顶尖人物,但是不经过这类童子功训练的人就很难在该专业领域立足。从这个意义上说,这种高难的技巧与艺术项目的精英离不开精英学校培养则是肯定的。还有些实践性很强的领域,似乎很难有专…  相似文献   

The changing forms and processes of social reproduction undertaken by Canada's elite independent schools are examined. Ideology, values, recruitment, and socialization processes and mechanisms in the member schools of the Canadian Association of Independent Schools are analysed. The focus is on reproduction theory (both the reproduction of the structure of classes and the intergenerational reproduction of families). The various forms of reproduction are examined in relation to class, ethnicity and gender. All have undergone considerable change; while the schools have remained critical agents for the reproduction of elites in Canadian society, the rise of meritocratic ideology and recruitment have had a paradoxical effect.  相似文献   

Teachers’ views on discipline in primary schools in metropolitan Adelaide, South Australia, were investigated using a survey instrument developed for the Elton Enquiry into school discipline in England and Wales. Results of the survey suggest that primary and junior primary teachers experience frequent but minor discipline problems in their classes and in the school yard, but that they cope with these problems reasonably well. Data are presented summarising and comparing primary and junior primary teachers’ most common discipline problems, which are the most difficult to handle, teachers’ perceptions of the seriousness of these problems, and their suggestions to improve their capacity to deal with these problems. Differences between public and teacher perceptions of discipline problems in government primary schools are exposed. The implications of several findings for teacher training and development are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

多样性统一的物质世界是由无数具体物质形态构成的,而每种具体物质形态都具有可知的属性。所以,在实践基础上发展起来的人类思维,能够将具有可知属性的客观事物转化为现实的已知事物。然而,客观世界从内容形式(时空)都是无限的,构成它的具体事物又是无限多样和不断变化发展的,而且每一具体事物本身还是多样性的统一,多种规定的综合。所以,人类的认识无论从广度还是深度上,都不能穷尽世界。否认人类认识能够穷尽世界不等于不可知论,不可知论的实质是怀疑科学知识的客观性和可靠性,不相信人类认识世界的能力。  相似文献   


The teaching of Chinese in Australian primary and secondary schools has a history of more than 40 years, but it has only been in the past two decades that it has become widespread. Nonetheless, until the last year, of the six most taught languages in schools, Chinese has had by far the smallest number of students. Several factors contribute to maintaining this situation, key among which are the greater time it takes students to master Chinese compared to other languages; the still underdeveloped pedagogy and resources for making learning Chinese an intellectually stimulating educational experience; and the impossibility of achieving good exam results due to the overwhelming number of students of Chinese background already proficient in the language. The result has been a uniform 95% drop out rate from early on. The factors involved in creating this situation are explained and concrete proposals made for improving the situation which take account of newly created gains and advocate collaborative work between those involved in teaching Chinese as an international language inside and outside China in helping to close the gaps.  相似文献   

记者:朱校长您好!我们是《教育信息技术》杂志的记者罗娅嫔、陈莎(下称记者),今天(9月15日)专程来采访您(下称校长)。今年秋季燕山第二小学顺利开学了,它与燕山小学实行一体化管理.是芙蓉区大力拓展优质教育资源、实施名校带动战略的又一典范之作,也是一所高起点、高规格、高标准的现代化配套小学。首先请您介绍一下。学校的基本情况。  相似文献   


The introduction of Philosophy and Ethics to the Western Australian Certificate of Education courses in 2008 brought philosophy into the Western Australian secondary school curriculum for the first time. How philosophy came to be included is part of a larger story about the commitment and perseverance of a relatively small number of Australian educators and their belief in the value of introducing philosophical communities of inquiry into school classrooms through a revised pedagogy which could sit comfortably with an outcomes-based education system.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法、访谈法对参加湖南省农村中学音乐骨干教师队伍的基本现状、参培动机、培训内容及形式等方面进行调查分析,全面、客观地反映音乐骨干教师的参训需求,提出有效开展农村音乐骨干教师培训的实施策略,为今后"国培计划"音乐学科培训项目的整体设计和实施提供有益的参考。  相似文献   


Evidence from the field indicates that many good candidates are not applying for principalships in Australian Catholic schools. Research aimed at developing an instrument to assess their reasons for not applying was conducted in New South Wales, Australia. A sample of 977 assistant principals, religious education coordinators and other coordinators were used in the evolution of a survey instrument. Scale development procedures resulted in a 32-item questionnaire with 8 underlying scales (namely, Unsupportive External Environment, Systemic Accountability, Lack of Expertise, Personal and Family Impact, Explicit Religious Identity, Gender Bias, Interview Problems, Loss of Close Relationships). Validation data indicated that this instrument--the Impediments to Leadership Succession Inventory--has sound structural characteristics. Use of this instrument revealed that respondents who perceived clear disincentives and systemic and societal devaluing of the work of principals were less inclined to apply for a principalship.  相似文献   

评价是实施中小学公民教育的一个重要环节.为了解决缺乏系统的检查、评价而导致难以评估中小学公民教育绩效的问题,澳大利亚制定了详细的公民教育评价内容,设计了合理的评价体系,并在全国范围内予以实施.澳大利亚中小学公民教育评价内容的整合性、评价指标的科学性、多维度评定学生成绩的特点,这些成功的经验为我国的中小学公民教育提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

英国公学英才教育的主要特点探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对英国公学英才教育的主要特点进行了探析,包括独立性、封闭性、严酷性和全面性。公学的英才教育办学模式是成功的,值得借鉴。  相似文献   

澳大利亚通过在初中阶段开设职业与职业指导课程、在普通高中实施VET in Schools计划以及创办技术学院,使普通教育阶段的职业教育得到和谐而健康的发展.作为TAFE教育的重要补充,这个阶段参与职业教育的课程学习和实训并经考核合格的中学生能够获得国家承认的职业教育技能证书,为他们进入劳动市场增强了就业能力,为中学毕业生提供了就业与升学双重渠道.  相似文献   

操演理论是最近二十年新的理论领域,虽然是近二十年的产物,但是追本溯源是二十世纪五十年代J.L奥斯汀发表的著作首次提出的操演话语这一概念。之后多位学者为操演理论的发展贡献了自己的力量。其中以朱迪斯·巴特勒的性别操演最为有代表性。本文将梳理操演理论的发展历史,以及操演理论下其他领域的操演理论建设的活力性。  相似文献   

Fifty primary and 52 secondary teachers were interviewed about their concerns and fears as first‐year teachers in Catholic schools. Teacher variables of gender and maturity, as well as school variables such as socio‐economic status (SES), non‐English speaking background (NESB), school size and primary/secondary level were examined as sources of difference in expressed concerns and needs. Ranked concerns associated with meeting individual differences were ranked highest followed by ‘Content’, ‘Control’ and ‘Motivation’, ‘Teaching Migrants’, ‘Record Keeping’ and ‘Communication’. Open‐ended responses differed from ranked responses with ‘Efficacy’, ‘Control’ and ‘Content’ the most frequently mentioned fears. In general, no significant differences were found between rankings of concerns for primary/secondary levels or for teacher gender. However SES, NESB and teacher tender were significantly related to concerns for certain subsets of data.  相似文献   

安吉拉·卡特的代表作《新夏娃的激情》既否定了父权文化下的两性关系,也不推崇母权文化激进派所向往的“安息地”,而是表达作者希望通过变性和变装的方式来说明并没有绝对的男性女性之分,生理性别、社会性别和身体都是社会建构的。本文从朱迪斯·巴特勒的性别表演角度解读《新夏娃的激情》,进一步论证性别构建、性别表演在小说中的体现。  相似文献   

本文采用文本分析的方法,以泰勒经典课程理论为视角,对60所美国英才高中的使命陈述进行分析,试图从微观去掉的层面归纳出美国英才高中学生核心素养的要素。研究的结果显示:样本中所有的英才高中在使命陈述去掉中都包含了具体的学生核心素养要求,统计显示,约有75%的学校在使命陈述中强调了3-10条核心素养。这些素养按照编码频次多少排序依次为认知发展、学会学习与终身学习、服务他人、领导力、伦理道德、勤奋努力、责任感、身体素质、品格和创新、创造素养。本研究建议我国示范性高中应以国家提出的学生核心素养要求为依据,从学校实际出发,有针对性地重点关注未来杰出人才成长最为重要的素养。  相似文献   

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