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In an increasingly complex global society, schools frequently have to re-examine their understanding of the social and cultural dimensions that constitute 'community'. One such dimension is the sexual orientation of individuals who make up this group. Historically, this has been a difficult task, given the tension that exists between sexuality and education and the heteronormative practices within schools. Consequently, individuals who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT), are thought to be LGBT or who are connected with the LGBT community, have frequently found themselves in a marginalized and vulnerable position. In the case of young people, the consequences of this include lowered self-esteem, absenteeism, underachievement and, in some cases, suicide. Given the mantra that Every Child Matters , schools now have a strategic opportunity to formulate new responses in supporting this group. A key question in this article relates to the ways in which the dimensions of strategy can be integrated into 'joined-up', effective action.  相似文献   

一、学生伤害事故的范围界定学生伤害事故是指在学校实施的教育教学活动或者学校组织的校外活动中,以及在学校负有管理责任的校舍、场地,其他教育教学设施、生活设施内发生的,造成在校学生人身损害后果的事故。学生伤害事故必须有学生伤亡,如果没有发生学生伤亡,只是建筑物倒塌或其他没有学生伤亡的事故,就不是我们分析的学生伤害事故。学生伤害事故必须是在学校管理的范围内发生的学生伤亡事故。比如上课、在学校内的活动以及学校组织的校外活动时发生的学生伤亡事故。学生伤害事故并不是学校都要承担责任。因此,确定学校责任是解决学生伤…  相似文献   

高职音乐专业面临的困境及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对音乐专业教育面临的困难及原因,高职院校要加强师资建设,改革专业教学模式与课程模式;要结合实际,明确音乐专业的定位与办学思路;要建立与市场相适应的艺术实践教学体系;要聘请专家教授,共谋专业发展;还要积极拓宽学生的就业渠道。  相似文献   

通用技术学科校本研修的基本形式有自主开展的研修、连环跟进式研修、校际联动式研修、专题式研修,研修实施的一般过程为明确问题,设计方案、收集资料、形成行动策略、总结与反思。  相似文献   

During the 1990s an African American university band director brought together Rosa Parks and Mark Camphouse for a performance of Camphouse's composition, A Movement for Rosa. Teaching the composition, the conductor and Camphouse communicated with language describing musical and lived realities that student musicians attempted to express and reproduce through their performance. Engaging students substantively with issues of social justice was constrained, because pedagogy dependent on representational language confirms the common sense of what everyone knows, and installs the good sense stabilizing knowledge that tacitly discourages challenges or critiques. Communication that is performative, by contrast, enacts pedagogies that create partial, multiple, and contingent understandings, moving students' responses to action. Beginning with a discussion of the limitations of representational pedagogy using Briankle Chang's model of traditional communication theory, I propose applications of performative pedagogy through Della Pollock's characteristics of performative writing.  相似文献   

Critical educational literature suggests that an increased reliance upon performative technologies is currently transforming the very foundations from which teacher subjectivities are constructed. Arguably though, the number of studies pointing to this risk or tendency is considerably larger than the ones theorising why this should be the case. Further, in those cases where the relationship between performative technologies and teacher subjectivities is theorised, the psychological mechanisms that the technologies appeal to are seldom brought to the fore. Based on this, the purpose of this article is to theorise the psychological mechanisms that performative technologies appeal to and work through, by means of identifying, systematising and elaborating extant understandings of such mechanisms in the critical educational literature. The results are presented in the form of a conceptual framework (referred to as the CMIS-framework) which suggests that one and the same performative technology may play many different roles, where each such role appeals to and works through a particular psychological mechanism. Importantly, depending on the type of psychological mechanism that is appealed to, the CMIS-framework suggests that this will lead to teachers (un)consciously conducting particular forms of subjectivising work upon themselves, here referred to as compliance, mirroring, identification and self-realisation (CMIS).  相似文献   

Critical educational literature suggests that an increased reliance upon neoliberally inspired management technologies transforms the very foundations from which images of the ideal teacher are constructed. The purpose of this paper is to add to this literature by (i) identifying and analysing a number of theoretical qualities associated with performative technologies, and (ii) discussing how such qualities contribute to the emergence of performative teacher subjectivities. Drawing upon the findings from a qualitative interview study into the extensive use of performative technologies in a Swedish upper-secondary school, we discuss four key roles of performative technologies—referred to as territorializing, mediating, adjudicating, and subjectivizing—and the intensity by which they play out such roles. A key conclusion is that the intensity by which performative technologies territorialize, mediate, and adjudicate educational practices affects self-reflection and internalization among teachers and, hence, is important for understanding the subjectivizing role of performative technologies.  相似文献   

Children and young people have the inalienable right to be part of a learning community. Nobody can learn on his/her own. Education is always a communal enterprise. In this article the concept of the “spiritual learning community” is developed as a contemporary answer to the socioeducational issues raised by Martin Buber and John Dewey in the 1930s. Cultural and religious diversity today stimulate education and schooling more than ever before to reconsider the narrative-communicative and spiritual dimension of every learning process. The spiritual dimension of the learning community relates to a specific habitus, namely of de-centration from the self and dedication to the other, and to a specific focus, namely on existential questions as content of the learning process. Insights from philosophy of education and from European religious education theory and concrete experiences of teacher education at the universities of Dortmund (Germany) and Wien (Austria) form the horizon for this reflection.  相似文献   

“体罚”是日常生活中常用的一个词,也是学校教育中屡“禁”而不“止”的一个问题。对于这一令许多教育实践工作者不得已而为之的“教育措施”,一直为人们所关注。本文试从不同学科的角度来审视体罚,以期为摈弃体罚的思想与行为提供理论依据,为解决该问题提供对策。1.法学角度看体罚我国制定的《未成年人保护法》、《义务教育法》、《教师法》等一系列法律文件中都明文规定:禁止教师体罚学生。具体而言,《未成年人保护法》第十五条规定:“学校、幼儿园的教职工应当尊重未成年人的人格尊严,不得对未成年学生和儿童实施体罚、变相体罚或者其他…  相似文献   

This article presents an understanding of listening as a performative and pedagogical act. Moving beyond existing theories of listening in communication and education studies that frame listening as a selective and incremental act, this article considers listening in terms of a performance studies and critical education studies perspective. An argument for listening as an embodied act is developed through the consideration of 3 classroom interactions and the critical reading of existing education and communication studies literature on listening. Six implications of the respecification of listening as a mode of embodiment are offered for critical education studies.  相似文献   

初中毕业学生升入高一级学校后,往往感到物理、化学等学科难学,这是由于初中自然科学(自1991年起,浙江省把初中物理、化学、生理卫生、生物等学科合并为自然科学)教学与高中物理、化学等学科教学之间出现了"台阶",由于"台阶"的存在,给初中毕业生适应高中段学习带来了很大的困难,造成学习成绩严重分化.因此,抓好初中自然科学教学,做好清除"台阶"的预备工作,具有重要意义.  相似文献   

自然学科的审美教育具有审美因素的内隐性、审美过程的间接性和审美评价的客观性等特点。培养审美能力包括审美感知、审美体验、审美鉴赏、审美表达等四个方面。自然学科的审美教育,应渗透在教学的各种因素和教学的全过程之中,随着自然学科课程的深度开发不断提升审美教育的水平。  相似文献   

美国高中主流《生物》课程与数学、物理学、化学、地球科学、健康科学、文学等12个学科进行了综合;综合的形式有隐性和显性两种,课程设置了"生物与社会"、"生物学与历史"、"词源"等8种显性综合栏目。《生物》与其他学科的综合具有如下特点:(1)分科与综合的折中;(2)生物学与其他学科的有机结合;(3)与自然科学和数学的综合为主;(4)学生"做综合"。  相似文献   


This paper examines a model of decision-making within the context of current and emerging regimes of accountability being proposed and implemented for school systems in a number of jurisdictions. These approaches to accountability typically involve the use of various measurable student learning outcomes as well as other measures of performance to do with teachers and schools in general, often having high-stakes consequences. Given this context of performativity, the paper proposes a model that uses an objective knowledge growth framework, where teachers can engage in their own professional learning through defined structures for solving the problems of their professional practice. The model is both empowering for teachers while being sensitive to the constraints of cultures of performativity.  相似文献   

While extensive discussion has been devoted to internationalising the curriculum in a response to the presence of international students, little is known about how academic staff members perceive the presence of this student cohort. Using data collected through semi‐structured interviews with 80 academic staff from four different faculties in one higher education institution, this study investigates staff understanding regarding international students, with particular attention given to how disciplinary differences shape their responses. Findings indicate that staff from ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ disciplines hold different instructional beliefs, which then affect their teaching and learning practice. Discussions are provided on how these differing conceptions of teaching fit into the context of academic development with respect to international education.  相似文献   

中学生物对话教学以建构主义教学理论、多元智力理论、教育交往理论为理论基础。对话教学分为师生对话、生生对话、师生与文本对话、师生与自我对话。为了确保生物对话教学的实施,需要重建对话型师生关系、创设对话情境、营造对话氛围、改变评价学生的原则。  相似文献   

我国传统的认知方式是通过具体的个别直接把握"道",因此而形成了具有中国特色的中小学数理化及其公式和原理的教学模式:即具体问题--公式原理--习题。事实上,只有依靠现象归纳法和问题假说法等西式思维机制和解释学原理,才能真正学好中小学数理化的公式和原理,才能从根本上树立起老师和学生的主体地位,才能除旧布新使学生走上自学成才之路。  相似文献   

张东娇  王颖 《教育科学》2012,28(4):15-20
学校文化评估是借助质性与量化两种方法及问卷、访谈等具体技术,对学校文化发展程度做出判断的活动,对学校文化建设以及学校改进有重要意义。学校文化评估主体包括制度主体和执行主体,学校文化评估模型包括类型评估和轮廓评估两种模型。学校文化驱动模型开发了有效的评估工具。  相似文献   

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