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Following a review of the existing literature on educational opportunities in institutions of higher education for retired persons. This article provides an overview of the experience in this area of three major Israeli universities over the past 5 years. Each program's development, organization, and current status is described. Data is then presented on the social and intellectual backgrounds of the retired participants, their motivations, course interests, satisfaction with the programs, and social relations to other retired participants. In conclusion, some of the unanticipated “payoffs” and potential relevance of the Israeli experience in higher education for the retired of other countries is discussed.

Rabbi Elazar ben Azaryah said: Where there is no Torah, there is no proper conduct; where there is no proper conduct, there is no Torah. Where there is no wisdom, there is no reverence; where there is no reverence there is no wisdom. Where there is no knowledge there is no understanding; where there is no understanding, there is no knowledge. Where there is no bread, there is no Torah; where there is no Torah, there is no bread.

Mishnah, Pirkei Avot 3 (21)  相似文献   

After presenting the essential principles relevant to the education of teachers, according to which the Israeli educational system is organised, the article examines teacher education patterns in the various institutions in Israel. These are divided into institutions for the education of teachers in nursery schools and elementary schools run by the State, and schools of education in the universities which train teachers for secondary schools.

Ideological concepts divide the institutions of both kinds into those that train teachers for religious and non‐religious nursery schools and elementary schools.

The teacher training institutions in Israel (together with the whole educational system) have been immersed, during recent years, in a process of reform which reflects the changes that Israeli society has undergone since the establishment of the State.  相似文献   

Throughout the 19th century, the French army supported and educated the sons of common soldiers known as “enfants de troupe”. The army's chief objectives were to tap this manpower pool for its own uses and to boost army morale by showing that it cared for the families of its defenders. However, during the period 1830‐1845, many officers became increasingly concerned with caring for the children's well‐being, and with providing them with an education beyond practical military training. This concern paralleled similar civilian movements to limit child labor and institute universal primary education, yet the differing cultures and needs of the army and of civilian societies resulted in different approaches to education. Ultimately, the army chose to embrace mutual education with a heavy emphasis on practical training in administrative duties. While officers placed increased emphasis on academic training and on the physical well‐being of the children, the army continued to exploit “enfants de troupe” as “child labor.”  相似文献   

The author was based at the Educational Television Centre in Tel‐Aviv with a remit to study the development of educational television in Israel from its inception in 1966. The article briefly discusses the political and technological factors which led to the development of an educational television channel in Israel. At that time television in Israel consisted solely of educational television broadcasts in the mornings and afternoons. This was extended when the Israeli Broadcasting Authority started to broadcast on the one Israeli channel in the evening slot. The article concentrates on the recent development of educational television and its bid for a new niche in the constellation of Israeli broadcasting. Inevitably the development and future of educational broadcasting is intimately linked with Israel's religious and political schisms and its military and cultural preoccupations. At the moment Israel still only has one television channel, although test programming has been piloted on a second channel. This article explores the future options open to the Educational Television Centre in the context of satellite and cable broadcasting and the development of a second channel. Evidently the factors affecting the future of broadcasting in Israel are not dissimiliar from those which now face the UK, given the publication of the 1988 White Paper on Broadcasting  相似文献   

湘军对晚清湖南文化教育发展的影响主要表现为四个方面:湘军将领重建和新建各种教育设施,为晚清湖南教育文化事业的兴盛提供了有利的环境;湘军集团以各种方式增加地方文武学额,促进了科举教育的兴盛;湘军将领以各种方式在湖南兴办文化事业,推动了湖南文化事业的发展;促进了湖南人才的兴盛。  相似文献   

美军法制教育的成功做法对我军的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美军把法制教育纳入军队教育训练计划,注重院校法学教学以提高军官法律素质,强调有效消灭军队中"违法乱纪的愿望",面向战争强化军人的相关法律意识,采取多种形式开展法制教育等成功做法,启示我军应进一步提高法制教育的地位,调整充实院校法学教学,强化教育的针对性,拓展教育的内容,积极探索教育的新形式和新途径。  相似文献   

部队委托地方高等职业院校定向培养士官国防生,对提高部队士官素质有着积极的作用,是军地人才战略合作的新尝试.军事体育是高职院校士官生面向军工职业教育训练的一项重要内容.在军事体育课程的教学中,应重视士官学员意志品质、观察力和自我锻炼能力等综合能力的培养.高职院校定向培养士官生是部队遴选高素质士官人才的重要渠道.  相似文献   

信息化战争背景下,我军军事新闻工作的任务发生重大变化,对军队新闻工作者提出新的要求。本文结合军队实际,把握时代脉搏,根据形势任务对新闻专业技术军官的能力要求,从理论素养、技能训练、军事实践三个方面,提出有一定针对性、操作性、建设性的新闻专业技术军官能力生成与培养建设思路。  相似文献   

程丽芳 《海外英语》2012,(15):16-17
复杂多变的当代世界军事局势要求我军培养出大批高质量的新型军事指挥人才,而指挥人才必须具备良好的英语水平。针对军事院校英语教学中出现的种种问题,该文将着力探索军校英语教学的有效方法与策略,旨在推进英语教学,为军队培养大量的高素质人才,适应现代化战争的需要。  相似文献   

从碑刻和文献等史料出发,探讨清代闽安水师在加强和维护闽台联系方面的表现。清初,为了对抗郑成功,清政府增派水师驻扎于闽安镇,并在当地修建了大量各种军事设施。清政府统一台湾之后,闽安水师派出班兵前往台湾驻防,各级军事官员也在两地间流动。这些军事人员,平时在台湾海峡内巡防缉拿海盗,往返两岸运送班兵、兵米和台湾所需要的饷银;非常时期,为了维护台湾的安定稳定以及国家主权,闽安水师也参与涉台的相关军事行动。从现存的一些碑刻中还可看到闽安与台湾的一些水师人员为两地的公益设施建设做出了贡献。  相似文献   

3世纪危机是罗马帝国历史上的重要转折点。这一时期帝国内部政治、经济、社会等方面都出现了全面动荡,其时间之长,波及社会层面之广、危害之深在罗马帝国历史上空前绝后。纵观3世纪危机整个过程,我们不难发现,这时的军队不再单纯扮演军事角色,已经成为一支重要的政治力量。在3世纪混乱的状态之下,军队以其独有的军事控制力左右着国家的政治发展趋势,成为危机的主要制造者和参与者。军队整体性质从崇尚保家卫国走向关注国家内部行政运作,军队成员行省化、"蛮族化"现象普遍出现,并直接对罗马政局发生影响。军队势力突破了元首、元老院的限制,在国家政治生活中起着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

朱执信是近代中国杰出的资产阶级革命家和思想家 ,在十月革命前的 10多年的戎马生涯中 ,他确立了从思想上建军的原则 ,实现对会党和旧军队的领导 ,加强部队的军事和政治训练工作。十月革命后 ,他主张“以俄为师” ,用革命主义来武装士兵 ,以此作为建军的根本 ,实行官兵平等 ,建立“寓兵于工”的新兵制 ,创建一支革命军队———劳动军  相似文献   

清末大规模编练新军,需要大批掌握现代军事理论知识与技能的军官队伍,因此建立各种类型的军事学堂,培养和轮训各级新军军官,就成为清末新军编练的一项十分重要的内容.云南陆军讲武堂就是这样一所培养和轮训新军军官的军事学堂.不仅如此,该学堂还是一所存在时间较长(1909年9月28日至1928年)、规模较大、成效显著、影响远播海内外的军事学堂,不仅在中国近代军事学校教育史上具有突出地位.  相似文献   

日本防卫大学是唯一培育自卫队初级指挥干部的院校,本文在简述该校办学历史、定位和组织架构的基础上,分析概括了其在组训方式、培养理念、学科专业、文化学习和"防卫学"课程等人才培养领域的鲜明特色,并对照该校独树一帜的理念与做法,从三个不同侧面提出了启示与建议,以利于进一步推进我军院校创新发展。  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of intercultural education from the viewpoint of the dynamics of agenda building as a political process. In this analysis, particular attention is given to the theoretical and ideological assumptions on which the concept of intercultural education is based. The author contends that the employment of this concept serves the purpose of issue containment within the arena of conflict where educational policy alternatives are determined.


外军院校教员队伍交流制度已形成多年 ,积累了许多经验 ,但也存在一些问题 ;我军院校近几年来也逐步实行教员与部队干部交流制度 ,取得了一定成绩 ,但也暴露出了不少问题 ;应当借鉴外军交流经验 ,积极开展“柔性流动”,重视交流工作 ,简化教员与部队干部的交流程序和细化交流内容 ,解决好交流中动与稳的矛盾 ,尽快实现两个“纳入”,构建“筑巢引凤”的环境 ,加快和完善我军院校教员与部队干部交流机制  相似文献   

This article surveys the history of compulsory education for soldiers’ career advancement in the British army. It begins with an examination of the organisational context before analysing the rationale, syllabus, teaching and assessment of soldier education. It concludes that for members of the army education organisation their self‐perception as soldiers and educators is of crucial importance; that the justifications for soldier education have been debated constantly between the ‘liberal’ and ‘utilitarian’ groupings within the organisation; and finally that significant work remains to be done in this nexus between British military and educational history.  相似文献   

创新提出针对激励约束机制的RAP分析法,从角色、目标、途径等三方面对美军研究生教育激励约束机制进行了详细分析;阐释了对我军研究生教育的借鉴作用:军队研究生教育必须有效把握军队长远需要与现实需要的均衡,必须注重深化军事特色与学术水平的融合,必须更好实现军队建设需求与军官职业发展的统一,促进高层次人才培养质量提升。  相似文献   

练兵处是清末新军编练的领导机关,它对清末军事变革作出了重要贡献,成为中国陆军近代化的重要一环。练兵处设立的原因主要在于两方面:一方面,清朝中央政府欲统一事权、统一规划,加强中央集权;另一方面,日俄战争后严峻的国际形势使清政府从军事层面考虑应对措施,以缓解危机。练兵处的设立,虽取得相应的成效,但由于其内部的角力和争斗以及中央练兵处和地方尖锐的矛盾,因而削弱了其绩效的发挥,并最终对清末政局的走向产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   

高等学校国防生的培养应该充分开发利用学校和驻地的教育资源,尤其是部队的训练资源,以思想过硬、学业优良、身心健康、具有一定军事素养为培养目标,努力缩短国防生从大学生到合格军官的成长过程。营造有利于国防生成长的校园环境、强化国防生的军事素质培养、深入进行从军报国的思想教育和精心培养国防生的专业技术能力是主要的培养途径。  相似文献   

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