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This article analyses findings from two studies conducted collaboratively across two educational settings, New Zealand and England, in 2001–2002. These studies examined the impact of national educational policy reforms on the nature of primary teachers’ work and sense of their own professionalism and compared these impacts across the two countries. Adopting a policy ethnography approach, using in‐depth interview data from samples of teachers in each country, it is argued that there have been discursive shifts in the meaning of the three key terms, autonomy, altruism and knowledge, embodied in the classical professionalism triangle. These shifts reflect policy‐makers’ moves from a ‘professional‐contextualist’ conception of teacher professionalism towards the ‘technocratic‐reductionist’ conception that accompanies neo‐liberal educational reforms in many countries. Teachers in both countries experienced increasing constraints on their autonomy as they became far more subject to ‘extrinsic’ accountability demands. Whether these demands were perceived as enhancing or diminishing teacher professionalism depended on the manner in which they were filtered through the profession’s defining quality, namely teachers’ altruistic concerns for the welfare of the children in their care.  相似文献   

Uswatun Qoyyimah 《Compare》2018,48(4):571-589
This paper describes research on how curriculum reform provides novel conditions for influencing teacher professionalism. It draws on Bernstein’s theories of the ‘classification and framing’ of curriculum and theories of teacher professionalism to investigate the impact of curriculum reform on teacher professionalism. The research was conducted in Indonesia during the implementation of a school-based curriculum that grants teachers greater autonomy to develop curricula appropriate to their context. A second concurrent reform introduced a character education policy that requires all teachers to address a specific set of values in all classes. Teachers working in public and Islamic private secondary schools were interviewed to investigate the degree of professionalism they exercised when implementing these reforms. Although theories of curriculum reform suggest that the higher degree of autonomy offered by a school-based curriculum has the potential to re-professionalise teachers, this study observed different outcomes for teachers in different workforce environments in Indonesia.  相似文献   

Vietnam universities have experienced remarkable changes brought about by their internationalization policies. The switch to English as a medium of instruction (EMI) for some academic programs was one of these critical changes. Literature has reported numerous issues related to EMI, including inadequate language proficiency of teaching staff. This paper looks at a qualitative research study on how a government university from Vietnam employs different strategies to enhance teachers’ English proficiency. The study reveals that the introduction of new supporting systems, assessment bodies, recruitment criteria and institutional strategies on training, monitoring and motivation have created cultural change within the teacher community. This cultural change, which includes elements such as self-directed learning, peer learning, professionalism, and ‘open-to-change’ attitudes, has been perceived by both leaders and teachers to be conducive to teachers’ language learning. The findings presented in this paper seek to contribute to the formulation or adjustment of policies related to educational reforms, such as curriculum reform, teacher recruitment and teacher professional development in non-English-speaking countries.  相似文献   

Policy‐makers' conceptions of teacher professionalism currently differ markedly in England and Finland. In England they are shaped by agendas associated with the drive to raise standards and ‘commercialized professionalism’ whilst in Finland they are influenced by notions of ‘teacher empowerment’. This article analyses findings on the theme of teacher professionalism derived from re‐interviewing a sample of English and Finnish teachers in 2001 as a follow‐up to earlier ethnographic research in six schools in each country during 1994–1996. Issues of professionalism are addressed through three broad themes: the impact of curriculum and pedagogical reforms; working together to implement these reforms; and accountability and control. It is argued that in each country teachers' conceptions of their professionalism were undergoing reconstruction. These conceptions were shaped by past and present ideology, policy and practice and displayed multiple and situational dimensions.  相似文献   

小学教师专业化已成为世界教师教育的共同发展趋势。从台湾几所师范学院课程改革可以看出台湾小学教师培养思想的调整趋向:(1)构建开放性、发展性的教师教育体系;(2)师范性与学术性相统一,促进小学教师专业发展。  相似文献   

Education policy-makers in the UK have repeatedly stated their central aim as transforming British education into a ‘world-class system’. Over the last 20 years, several large-scale education reforms have brought radical changes to the school curriculum, teacher professionalism and educational leadership. Explicit in these reforms, is the deployment of measurable standards of pupil attainment as a lever for achieving school improvement. However, despite this proliferation of policies, the claims to educational improvement made by policy-makers have been contested. Concerns about the unpredicted and damaging long-term effects of these policies can be linked to the limitations of systems thinking which underpins much of this education reform. A significant flaw of systems thinking is the level of simplification at which policy-makers operate on abstract categories such as standards, as if they were reality. Based on case study research conducted in two primary schools, this paper suggests that the systemic approach adopted by policy-makers may be contributing to an erosion of educational quality and placing potentially damaging expectations on children.  相似文献   

Teacher professionalism in England may be considered to have been shaped by the set of professional standards, and the accompanying statutory performance management system, introduced by the Labour government in 2007. More recently the coalition government's 2010 White Paper, The Importance of Teaching, announced reforms that will potentially re‐shape teacher professionalism. In this article I examine the ‘shape’ of teacher professionalism in England, as defined by the professional standards. I reveal it to be a lop‐sided shape, indicating a professionalism that focuses predominantly on teachers’ behaviour, rather than on their attitudes and their intellectuality. Presenting my conceptual analysis of professionalism, and examination of its link with professional development, I consider whether—and to what extent—teacher professionalism may in fact be shaped by government‐imposed reform. I conclude that ‘enacted’ professionalism may be quite different from ‘demanded’ professionalism, and shaping professionalism involves a complex and indecipherable process that is better understood by examining the process whereby individuals develop professionally.  相似文献   

期望中的教师专业性:政策文本分析的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师被认为是教育改革成败的关键.在变革的社会中,政府、家长、社会团体等利益相关者对教师素质的要求各不相同,同时对教师专业性概念也有不同的诠释.其中,政府颁布的各种教育改革政策对教师工作的影响越来越频繁、直接.本文运用文本分析的方法对我国相关教师政策加以梳理,以期揭示国家政策对教师专业性的规定及其内涵.  相似文献   

Teachers’ role in curriculum design is a broad question that inspires political educational reforms among European countries, a trend that even extends to higher education politics. The perspective on teachers’ role in curriculum, both at the level of the policies and of the practices, shapes recent educational reforms in Portugal. These are the concerns underlying our research that intends to substantiate school teachers’ involvement in curriculum development as it is experienced by them, and while comparing their views to the roles they are attributed in the political and academic dominant discourses. To reach teachers’ perceptions, we distributed questionnaires which were completed by 214 teachers in primary and secondary schools. We could conclude that the enactment of a professional identity on the basis of teacher assumption of their role as real curriculum designers is still far from being achieved.  相似文献   

The new institutionalism predicts that professionalism is a key element of organizations’ ability to be seen as legitimate. Emphasizing the professionalism and formal credentials of its members lends legitimacy to the organization, protecting it from scrutiny. What happens when this norm of professionalism is absent? How do schools legitimate themselves, if not through professionalism? This paper examines a population of small, secular non‐elite private schools that overwhelmingly hire uncertified teachers. Using data from 60 private school principals in Toronto, Canada, I examine the ways in which private schools tap into alternate means of legitimacy. This study finds that small, secular ‘rogue’ private schools fail to invoke norms of professionalism as a means to garner constituent support and legitimacy. I argue that these schools substitute an innovative, unconventional ‘caring consumer ethos’ in place of teacher professionalism.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on issues of the professional identity of teachers in Australia under conditions of significant change in government policy and educational restructuring. Two discourses, democratic and managerial professionalism are identified which are shaping the professional identity of teachers. Democratic professionalism is emerging from the profession itself while managerialist professionalism is being reinforced by employing authorities through their policies on teacher professional development with their emphasis on accountability and effectiveness. The second part of the paper examines the types of professional identity emerging from these discourses. The two identities identified are the entrepreneurial and the activist identity. While these identities are not fixed, nevertheless at various times and in various contexts teachers may move between these two professional identities.  相似文献   

湖北省特殊学校教师队伍建设已取得了一定的成效,但仍存在一些问题:专业化程度不高,学历层次差异较大,人事编制梗阻,培训效果欠佳。其中的原因主要有师资培训模式单一,责任与利益的不对称,人事制度改革受阻,经费欠缺。因此,特殊教育教师队伍建设要扩大特教师资培养的渠道,尽快推行特殊教师资格证书制度,积极推行教育人事制度改革,以培训促进教师素质提高以及努力改善特殊学校教师待遇。  相似文献   

Theoretical and political perspectives on the nature of professionalism in teaching are abundant, but little is known about the views of teachers themselves. We asked primary and secondary school teachers in England what teacher professionalism means to them. We explored what teachers think about professionalism, on what dimensions their thinking varies, and how much it varies. We researched how successful the government had already been, and how successful it would be in the future, in changing teachers’ conceptions of professionalism. Two large‐scale national surveys were conducted, with a longitudinal element. We found that teachers’ thinking about their professionalism may be construed as consisting of an inner core of strong, shared beliefs and commitments; an intermediate set of coherent but contested components of professionalism; and an outer layer of disparate elements which are generally highly disputed and which remain unintegrated into broader ways of thinking.  相似文献   

This article explores the restructuring of education in England and Spain. Against a presumably homogeneous global streamlining of educational systems according to competition‐driven goals, the comparison of teachers’ work‐lives and professional knowledge evidences a variety of experiences under‐represented in discourses on global restructuring. Our argument highlights how in England political reforms have worked their way deep into the working lives of professionals, giving rise to a ‘managerial’ model of professionalism, whereas in Spain reforms are more loosely coupled with teachers’ work, favoring a ‘social service’‐oriented model. However, despite the different professional ideals, teachers uniformly stressed the challenges they face were predominantly due to broader social transformations for which policy reforms provided few if any remedies. Our study emphasizes the variety of educational reforms and teachers’ experiences in the European context and argues further educational change should be bound to the historical trajectory and the concrete needs of the professionals in question.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the use of English and indigenous languages in creating contexts for understanding primary level science in Kenya. Through an ethnographic study of instruction in three rural schools, it was found that important ideas were more easily conveyed when teachers did not adhere strictly to the English‐only language of instruction policy. Explanations of culturally foreign concepts were given along with concrete, familiar examples through a complex pattern of code switching, including the near exclusive use of the local language. The paper underlines the importance of sociolinguistic study of the instructional process itself for educational planning, teacher training, and other reforms that are meant to increase the educational foundations of national development.  相似文献   

In this paper I critically examine the changing nature of teacher professionalism in relation to educational policy-making, specifically, the new national policy for values education in Australian schools, and a newly endorsedCultural Understandings syllabus for teaching in New South Wales' secondary schools. I argue that these policy changes connect teachers' work to a broad citizenship agenda, where values formation is increasingly seen as a core responsibility of teachers, and intercultural education is proposed as a domestic strategy for social cohesion.  相似文献   

随着新课程的进一步修订和实施,对中小学英语教师专业发展提出了更高、更紧迫的要求。教育叙事是教师对其专业生活事件的反思性描述,它易于中小学英语教师操作,是其专业发展的有效途径。本文阐述了教育叙事的含义、特点、类型,以及中小学英语教师进行教育叙事的途径,以期给中小学英语教师更为具体的指导和帮助,使其不断地提高自己的专业素养。  相似文献   

教师教育学术性与职业性融合的理念和策略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
学术性和职业性是高等教育的两种价值取向,二者的融合是教师专业发展的价值追求。教师教育学术性与职业性的论争历史与融合现实表明,在高等教育大众化与教师教育改革进程中,教育体制的开放性与层次结构的多样化,专业目标的全面性与培养模式的多元化,职前规格的超前性与培育体系的一体化,以及教学科研的互动性与专业发展的自主性等理念与策略,为教师教育学术性与职业性融合和教师实现专业发展提供了实践基础。  相似文献   

自《中小学教师继续教育规定》实施以来,各级政府和教育行政部门加大资金投入,建立起各级中小学教育继续教育网络,中小学教师队伍整体素质的提高起了很大作用。目前从数量上我国中小学教师队伍已经基本满足基础教育的需求。但从质量上讲,还存在一定的差距。如何提高教师素质,实现教师专业化,这一问题已现实而迫切地摆在面前。  相似文献   

This article addresses constructions and redefinitions of teacher professionalism by focusing on the discursive negotiations between the government and the teachers’ union in Norway. Based on an examination of three white papers on teacher education from the past 15?years and policy documents put forth by the Union of Education Norway during the past decade, the authors argue that new constructions of teacher professionalism are produced both by the government and from within the teachers’ union. However, there are differences between the government and the teachers’ union concerning what the main aspects of teacher professionalism are. The government emphasises teacher accountability, research-based practice and specialisation. By contrast, the teachers’ union highlights research-informed practice, responsibility for educational quality and professional ethics. There are three main areas of discursive struggle focused by the teachers’ union: the resistance to accountability policies, the redefining of research-based practice and the lengthening of teacher education. The authors argue that the teachers’ union is adopting an increasingly more active approach, thereby also challenging the idea that the teachers’ union is less interested in developing and taking responsibility for the quality of school education.  相似文献   

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