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Function(功能):Describing past activities with arelation to the present.Teaching points(重点):1.Past tense form of the verb"learn-learnt"  相似文献   

1.(表示人或物的特征)意为“带有”、“具有”。如:(1)I like living in aroom with two windows.我喜欢住在带有两个窗子的房间里。(2)He is a little man with thick glasses.他是个矮个的、戴着深度眼镜的男人。2.(表示工具、手段)意为“以……”、“用……”。如:(1)We lis  相似文献   

在被动语态结构中,如果要表明"被……"时.人们通常使用介词by.但在许多英语被动结构中.我们会看到使用介词with来表示"被……".因此.经常有学生为此感到困惑.这两个介词在用法上究竞有什么区别?主要区别在于:(1)在被动语态结构中.by既可以用来表示执行动作的工具.也可以表示动作的执行者,而with则仅仅用来表示执行动作的工具.(2)在过去分词作表语的"被动结构中",习惯上用介词with表示"遍及"之意.而不用bv.  相似文献   

Function (功能): Describing past activities with a relation to the present. Teaching points(重点):1. Past tense form of the verb "learn-learnt"  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.reject vt.1)丢弃(throw away;cast aside as use- less) He looked through the rejected suits.他在那些人家不肯要的衣服中寻找。All apples with soft spots were rejected.所有带烂斑点的苹果都被剔除。2)拒绝;拒不接受(say"no"to;not take something)  相似文献   

1.课本原句:People like Xiaowen and many other disabled people in our country have taught us the importance of giving everybody a chance to receive education.(P.51)考点:主谓一致"三要素"。透视:1)当主语是由介词like,with,together with,in,out of,except,besides,as well as,rather than,along with,including等连接的两个名词时,谓语动词的形式与前面  相似文献   

1 完形填空(10分) The wods in this dictionary (1) in listed in alphabeticalorder:this (2) that words beginning with A are listed atthe (3) of the dictionary, words beginning with Z are list-ed at the (4), and words beginning with M are listedaround the middle. So if you want to find the word"menu", you can turn straight to the in (5) thedictionary. To help you to find words (6), in the top corner ofeach page you will (7) the first or the (8) word on thatpage. So you can work through the dictionary rapidly.looking up these words, until you find (9) that begins  相似文献   

1.在正确答案下划线。1 .This is (Mary,Mary's) watch.2. John has taken his (brother, brothers, brother 's)bag.3.I am writing (with,off,on) a pen.4.The child is playing (with,at ,on)a ball.5 .Tony is going to the hospital (by,beside,with)his  相似文献   

1.In order to survive,Chuck develops a friendship with an unusual friend-a volleyball he calls Wilson.(Unit1)【考点】develop除意指"发展;开发"外,还可表示"形成;养成(习惯等)"。  相似文献   

Unit 13 The water planet 1.Work with a partner and see if you can come up with a good,scary story like the one about the mariner.(Listening)你与搭档一起看看是否能想出一个与这个水手相关的好的恐怖故事。本句中的come up with含有"发现/想出(解决办法、答案)"之意。  相似文献   

1.abound in和be rich in及abound with和be rich with的区别这几个短语有“很多”、“丰富”之意,但应注意其区别:abound是不及物动词,rich是形容词;另外,abound with有时有贬意。请比较:1)abound in和be rich in This region abounds(=is rich)in coaliron ore.这个地区煤和铁石很丰富。This is an art museum rich in paintings by the Dutch masters.这是座收藏很多荷兰大师绘画作品的美术陈列馆。2)abound with和be rich with This house abounded(was infested)with rats last year.去年,这屋子里有很多老鼠。The final scene of th…  相似文献   

你知道怎么把"无所谓"表达得更地道吗?我们一起来学习一下吧!1.be OK(fine)with对……无碍,不要紧Whatever you think is fine with me.随你怎么想,我无所谓。2.not give a damn不在乎,不感兴趣He couldn’t give a damn whether he passes the exam or not.他对考试及格与否满不在乎。  相似文献   

李大忠 《新高考》2007,(Z2):120-128
第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。21 .—Are you satisfied with his performance ?—.Totell youthe truth,I have nev-er seen a better program.A. Not a little B. Not a bitC. Not really D. Not at all22 . Todaythe help of advanced machinespeople are producing more and more daily necessitieswhich used to be madehand.A.by;by B. with; withC. with;by D.by; with23 . How c…  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.manv.(1)给……配备人员(to supply with men)We can man ten ships.我们可给10艘船配备人员。The management manned the ship with experienced hands.  相似文献   

英语中,表示“用”这一含义时,我们常常使用with,by,in,on,over,through,out of等介词来表达。那么,这几个介词有哪些区别呢?下面分别谈一谈。 1.with表示使用有形的工具。例如: Of course they could not look at him with their eyes.当然,他们不可能用眼睛来看大家。(SBI,L3) Ⅰ chopped the tree down with my hatchet.我用斧头把树砍下来。(SBI,P.99) It strikes a cow bug'S back with its forelegs and feelers.蚂蚁用前腿和触角敲打蚜虫的背部。(SBI,L14)  相似文献   

A route for the synthesis of nefazodone is reported. Nefazodone was obtained with an overall yield of 37. 2% from phenol. The key steps involve the improved synthesis of 5-ethyl-4-(2-phenoxyethyl)-1, 2, 4-triazol-3(2H)-one, a key intermediate in the synthesis of nefazodone. The phenol was etherified with 1, 2-dichloroethane (75%), followed by iodination-amination with Nal and CH_3OH-NH_3(85.7%), acylation with ethyl chloroformate (95.7%) and cyclization with propionyl hy-drazine (83.6%).  相似文献   

In the red Affleck (shown here with a dying Elektra, played by Gamer) could have used some womanly advice on the look of his costume. 1. LEGAL PROBLEMS 法律问题 Justice may be blind, but "Daredevil"' s sloppy (随便的) take on the legal system is just jaw-droppingly dumb. Ben Affleck's Matt Murdock must be the ditsiest(愚蠢的) lawyer since Ally  相似文献   

Newspapers embrace a multimedia future. The exodus(大批的离去) of readers from newspapers to the Net spells (招致,意味着) the end of print jour-nalism, say trend watchers and technophiles (技术爱好者) . But New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. responds to naysayers (反对者) with a flip, "Who cares?"That's because Sulzberger, along with other major industry players, believes print's convergence (集中) with broadcast and online  相似文献   

1. The expression, "for example", can be used with greater freedom than the expression, "such as" . (for example使用的范围比such as要广。)You can say, "in the tropics-for example, in Kenya or Indonesia..." "For example" can come at the beginning of a sentence, or at the end, or in the middle. It can introduce instances of a general concept, (for example 可以出现在句首、句末或句  相似文献   

我校学生社团建设以"幸福教育"实践研究和"构建自主开放的课堂"理念为指导,以拓宽学生的知识、开发智力、培养能力、发挥特长、激发潜能为主要目的,学生在各具特色的社团活动中体验幸福学习生活,提升综合素养,涵养心灵,实现多元化成长. 因地制宜,开设多种社团活动 学校的社团活动力求多元,张扬学生的个性,激发学生的潜能.目前,学校共有社团29个,包含艺术、科技、体育与健康、数学四大类,每个学期大约有900人次参加.其中,艺术社团包括书法、电脑绘画、漫画、剪纸、男童舞蹈、女童舞蹈(5个班)、管乐团(2个班)、合唱团(1个班)、古筝社团(1个班),体育社团包括篮球(5个班)、足球(1个班)、乒乓球(2个班)、武术(1个班)、独轮车(1个班)、象棋(1个班),我校社团的"大户".  相似文献   

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