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The article makes a case for the construction of narratives as major focus for career planning. Narratives can be seen as an appropriate compliment to the analysis of objective test data that has dominated our practice in the past. Narrative is described as an approach for career counselors to understand clients' vocational experiences and future plans. Subjective and objective aspects of a career narrative are explored, and emphasis is placed on co-authoring a career story that is subjectively meaningful and objectively sound. The client's subjective understanding of the career story is given importance as being pivotal information that must be considered in career counseling. Five key interventions are described from a narrative perspective.  相似文献   


The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to examine narrative responses of participants (n = 83) to the prompts of the career construction interview for manifest interests. We compared our analyzed results of narrative responses to participant Strong Interest Inventory-College Profile results to determine correlational strength. The results indicated a .27 overall correlation between the two assessments, demonstrating that some questions from the career construction interview are more and less effective in assessing manifest interests. Results from this study provide efficacy evidence for the combination of interest inventories and the career construction interview in assessing clients’ manifest interests.


There is significant policy interest in the issue of young people’s fractured transitions into the labour market. Many scholars and policy-makers believe that changes in the education system and labour market over recent decades have created a complex world for young people; and that this can partly be addressed by enhanced career education while individuals are at school. However, the literature lacks in-depth quantitative analysis making use of longitudinal data. This paper draws on the British Cohort Study 1970 to investigate the link between career talks by external speakers and employment outcomes, and finds some evidence that young people who participated in more career talks at age 14–16 enjoyed a wage premium 10 years later at age 26. The correlation is statistically significant on average across all students who receive talks at age 14–15; but remains the case for 15–16 year olds only if they also described the talks as very helpful.  相似文献   


Recent developments in Europe show that policymakers acknowledge the role of qualitative research in evidence building. A number of qualitative research studies, including narrative inquiry, have been contracted out to gather information into selected policy issues. The management of career transitions and lifelong learning has become a focus of research and policy interest in many countries. Based on the findings of two Cedefop studies, which included the collection of narrative interviews among mid-career adults in several European countries, this article argues in favour of narrative inquiry as a tool to inform policymakers and influences policies, for example in the field of career guidance and counselling and lifelong learning. A selection of narratives is provided as an example to show how unique situated knowledge within the context of mid-career adults’ life is influenced by existing policies or implies that policies need to be changed. By providing snapshots of the findings from these two studies and exemplify their informative value for policy, the article advocates for the usefulness of narrative inquiry. The presentation of qualitative data humanises the commonly found statistical representations of individuals’ life circumstances and enables imagination and meaning making.  相似文献   

Our longitudinal qualitative research program examining doctoral student, post‐PhD researcher and new lecturer experience is situated in an international literature documenting how early career academics learn through experience. In common with others, our work is framed within an identity perspective. What makes our view of identity distinct is a biographical focus: emphasizing individual agency; situating academic work within the personal arena; and encompassing transitions across roles. This paper demonstrates how the construct of ‘identity‐trajectory' which links a narrative approach with identity construction contributes to understanding how early career academics learn through experience and navigate their journeys.  相似文献   

赫尔曼·麦尔维尔一生的小说创作,大致可以分为前期的长篇阶段和后期的短篇阶段。《文书巴托尔比》是麦尔维尔的第一篇短篇小说,关于这篇作品与他前期创作之间存在的联系,以及这篇作品本身的叙述特点是研究麦尔维尔创作的关键点。借助巴赫金的对话理论,对《文书巴托尔比》叙述中的反讽做一个细致的分析,可以说明麦尔维尔悲剧性的世界观在长篇创作之后的发展,以及在写作中曲折的表现形式。  相似文献   

Most public school teachers in the United States now leave the classroom before reaching retirement. This study examined the accounts of certified, experienced teachers who left teaching after making significant investments in the career in order to better understand their exit decisions. Anecdotes told by these invested leavers as they described their career were examined through a narrative lens. The analysis indicated a shift in perspective: as the teachers moved through their career, the primary sources of frustration for these former teachers switched from students to adults.  相似文献   

This article describes the use of a narrative technique, StoryTech, in a career counseling class. Student evaluations, comments, and recommendations for the use of StoryTech in a career counseling class are included.  相似文献   

Teachers play an important role supporting young people to form their career identities and to make successful transitions into further learning and work. In England, there has been limited research that has looked specifically at the role of teachers and none of which has tried to establish a measure of teacher attitude toward careers work. This article details the development of the Teachers’ Attitudes toward Career Learning Index, which was created to measure attitudes and engagement in career learning on teachers in England. The instrument went through a survey design process which included content validity and construct validity components. The process identified five underlying factors in teachers’ attitude and engagement in careers work: (1) career learning and support practices, (2) school career strategy attitudes, (3) subject career learning attitudes, (4) career support attitudes, and (5) school career strategy practices. This process helped refined initial theoretical constructs regarding teachers’ roles in careers learning.  相似文献   

Current social and economic changes have created a challenging context for career counsellors. Within this context counsellors are being asked to view their role from different perspectives. There is recognition of the importance of lifelong guidance and also the need to view guidance from a broader social context with greater emphasis on social responsibility and ethics. New forms of delivery are also emerging. These include an emphasis on client centred and holistic counselling, an affirmation of narrative methods, and a more dynamic counselling approach. Lastly, there is the development of a number of new methods of service delivery. Some examples include one stop counselling centres, virtual counselling services, mentoring, career coaching, and the inclusion of social enterprises as part of the counselling process. The implementation of these changes has implications for training, specialization and for accreditation.  相似文献   

This paper considers the career concerns experienced by some comprehensive school headteachers when promotion ladders in teaching in schools apparently come to an end. Using career history data from 20 headteachers, 10 men and 10 women, the age and gender differences in the experience of career concern are illustrated. The concept of career in sociological analysis is examined and the linking of actions and structures in the formation of career patterns is demonstrated. It is then argued that, in a time of rapid educational change, new positions will be created and the rules defining who gets particular positions might be altered. In this way, the career expectations of, and new career structures for, headteachers could be developed.  相似文献   

刘庆邦来自民间,关注民间底层人民生存的尴尬、人性的裂变,创作了大量底层叙事小说。刘庆邦的小说坚持民间叙事立场,直面底层社会真实,贴近底层人物灵魂,表现出强烈的生命意识和深切的人文关怀。  相似文献   

本文一方面通过对教育叙事研究的历时性进行追溯,区分了叙事、教育叙事及教育叙事研究三个概念,并阐述了教育叙事研究是实现教师专业发展的有效方法之一,另一方面认为教师教育叙事的过程可以被看成为身份认同的三个过程:自我呈现、自我理解与反思、自我改变,教师专业的发展贯穿在整个过程中。  相似文献   

For people with refugee backgrounds, pursuing a meaningful career in their country of resettlement is important for their successful integration. However, for many, achieving this is a challenging process. Career counsellors may have a role to play in facilitating the transition and integration of people with refugee backgrounds, and narrative career counselling has much to offer. This article discusses the impact of prolonged transition under difficult circumstances on people with refugee backgrounds, and the potential contribution of narrative career counselling in assisting them. In particular, it identifies cultural considerations for narrative career counsellors who work with people with refugee backgrounds.  相似文献   

从叙事学的角度来解析兼具修辞学者和古典小说研究专家身份的吴礼权教授创作的史传小说《冷月飘风:策士张仪》,该文本在叙事修辞上呈现了三个特征:以线性时间串连块状空间的叙事结构,以全知的视角进行情节补缀和细节描写,在深层叙事理想的指引下围绕传主的主导特征进行详略调适。  相似文献   

On the concept of career transition – a theoretical discussion with regard to Super's theory of career development.The aim of this article is to promote a differentiated concept of career transitions. First, Super's theory concerning this topic is analysed. The conclusion is that Super considered career transitions as being processes that occur every time an individual is destabilised by socio-economic and/or personal events. In this respect, transitions from one life-stage to the next are not to be regarded as something special. Second, a general career transition model is outlined based on Super's approach and including theory elements developed by other researchers. Some dimensions of transition strategies are discussed using cases from an ongoing study. Finally, some implications for research and career counselling practice are formulated.  相似文献   

Narrative career counselling is a growing force in career guidance and counselling that offers a direction for the field to respond to the needs of increasingly diverse client groups. In this article, we review established and emerging approaches to narrative career counselling, then focus on the emerging story telling approach. We offer examples of how career counsellors may facilitate narrative career counselling through three levels of story crafting questions, as well as mapping and scaffolding, which are illustrated by a case example.  相似文献   

生涯混沌理论认为,生涯是一种复杂系统,是动态的、开放的,具有独特性、目的性、关系性、分形性和突创性等特征;生涯发展是一种自我组织的、非线性的、阶段转换的变化过程。在生涯辅导和研究中,生涯混沌理论主张采取以叙事为主的辅导方法和个案等其他质的研究方法。  相似文献   

Few studies in the existent empirical literature explore the career transitions of performing artists. First, we provide working definitions of career transition and of a performing artist. Thereafter, we peruse empirical studies, from the 1980s onward, that delineate the career transition process in terms of three main types of transition: transitioning from training to professional work, transitioning due to voluntary or involuntary factors, and transitioning due to retirement. We examine the process and psychological consequences of these career transitions. We then discuss empirically informed ways by which performing artists cope with career transition, and conclude with considerations for future studies.  相似文献   

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - Combining quantitative career assessment with narrative career counselling is a career counselling challenge. The Integrative...  相似文献   

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