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The career maturity of a private school group of adolescents with learning disabilities was assessed. Significant differences emerged in the affective dimensions but not in the cognitive variables. The implications for career decision making were discussed.  相似文献   

高职院校开展创业教育的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校开展创业教育不仅是严峻的就业形势的需要,而且是教育改革和发展的要求,对于打造高职院校的核心竞争力具有积极的推动作用。高职院校开展创业教育需转变传统教育观念,科学安排创业教育教学内容,创新教学方法和评价机制,设立创业教育基金和创业教育中心。  相似文献   

高职院校毕业生就业状况是学校办学水平和人才培养质量的客观反映,毕业生就业数量、质量是实现学校可持续发展的重要保证.为提高毕业生就业率,国家采取了一系列促进就业的政策.但高职院校职业指导、就业指导与服务仍存在问题.为此要采取健全职业就业指导管理机制,贯彻落实国家、地方政府就业政策,实现职业指导、就业指导与学生政治思想教育、商务社交礼仪教育的有机结合等措施,促进相关工作的有效开展,推动学校可持续发展.  相似文献   

Science career preferences of junior high school-aged students, while not stable predictors of ultimate career choice, do serve to direct and maintain individuals along the paths to careers in science. In this study, factors relevant to science career preferences of black eighth grade students were investigated. This issue is of particular import to blacks since they are severely underrepresented in the scientific fields. The sample consisted of 113 males and 148 females in an inner city junior high school. The Science Career Preference Scale, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, and the Self-Concept of Ability Scale (Form B-Science) were administered. Mathematics and science grades were obtained from class rating sheets. Treatment of the data involved multiple regression analysis according to a hierarchical model. Results showed that of all the independent variables, sex was the strongest predictor of science career preferences, accounting for 25% of the criterion variance. The findings suggest that early adolescent science career preferences are related more to interests that are consonant with sex-role considerations than realistic assessment of mathematics or science achievement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which Lebanese Baccalaureate II students' (Freshmen in american colleges) perceptions of their academic abilities match their actual achievements in both school and government examinations. A population sample of 2999 students were selected from a representative school sample (n = 122) throughout Lebanon. Students' demographic data, occupational choices and perceptions of their achievement were collected by a three-part questionnaire. Their cumulative grade averages in school and in government examinations were standardized and used to assess their career maturity. Findings indicated that most students wanted to become engineers or physicians while their actual achievement scores in school was average and in the government examination below average. Most correlational values between perceptions and actual achievement scores were either negative or insignificant. Students were found to make immature career decisions mainly because of the lack of any formal guidance programs in schools.  相似文献   

【目的】比较不同年级五年制高职护生的职业成熟度有无差异,为进行针对性职业辅导提供依据。【方法】主要采用高职生职业成熟度量表对我校1250名学生进行调查。结果:发现高职护生职业成熟度总体处于中等水平(3.25±0.74),其中职业价值维度远低于低于中等水平(2.48±0.81);不同年级职业成熟度各维度上均存在差异(P<0.05),整个发展趋势呈"U"型曲线。【结论】应针对不同年级护生职业成熟度特点,进行相应的职业辅导,以提高职业适应力。  相似文献   

分析了职业教育的功能,指出服务是其基本和重要的功能;提出“职业人才成长服务”的职业教育新理念,认为它是职业教育的核心功能;解析了职业人才成长服务的主要内涵:突出职业目标、对接产业行业,激励自主成长、主导主体互动,实施全程服务、内部衔接立交.建议从人才培养模式的角度进一步设计和探索,从教育信息化的角度建立数字化平台,给予支撑和推进.  相似文献   

高职学生认清自身条件,寻找适合自己的职业发展方向;在寻找工作之前,如何提高职业成熟度;顺利就业;  相似文献   

In the year-and-a-half since the College Board released detailed tables on SAT scores by race, much of the heated reaction has now abated. This study explores the data behind those tables and seeks a fuller explanation of the observed differences in SAT scores among racial and ethnic segments of college-bound test takers. It highlights a social psychological correlate that mediates between environmental factors and SAT performance, beginning with the finding that blacks at the same level of test performance exhibit greater self-esteem than whites on a series of self-rated abilities. Implications of the analysis are discussed and directions for further research suggested.Presented at the 24th Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Fort Worth, Texas, May 1984.  相似文献   

职业生涯规划有助于学生明确自己的职业需求、提升就业竞争力、实现学校与社会的衔接。从目前的实际状况看,高职生职业生涯规划存在着缺乏规划意识、自我认识模糊、职业目标定位不清等问题。为帮助高职生尽早做好职业生涯规划,主动适应市场,顺利就业,提出了针对性的建议。  相似文献   

Conclusions Several conclusions can be drawn from this study: 1) At midterm there was no difference in self-concept or ideal self-concept factors clearly attributable to the videotape experience. 2) At midterm there was a significant difference on the Pleasantness factor of self-concept between videotaped males and videotaped females. 3) Females videotaped during the first half of the semester significantly increased on the Strength factor of self-concept during the second half of the semester. 4) At the end of the semester there were no significant differences in self-concept or ideal self-concept scores attributable to the time in the semester of the videotape experience. But there was a sleeper effect for females on the Strength factor that began about seven weeks after self-viewing and led to enhancement of self-concept. 5) At the end of the semester females videotaped early in the term had significantly higher scores on the Pleasantness factor of self-concept than did either group of males. 6) The significant interaction of factor x time x sex X time of videotape on the factors of ideal self-concept could not be explained. In future studies of self-concept and ideal self-concept, as related of self-viewing, males and females should be in separate treatment groups. Further research might profitable explore the sleeper effect on the Strength factor for females, the tendency of Strength factor of self-concept scores of males and females to equalize during a speech communication course, and the possibility that the lapse of time between self-viewing and measurement may influence self-concept scores.  相似文献   

职业教育在一定意义上是一种就业教育。从就业教育的角度去观照职业教育,则其本质属性、研究内容、研究范式等均需进行重新阐释。  相似文献   

职业教育在一定意义上是一种就业教育。从就业教育的角度去观照职业教育,则其本质属性、研究内容、研究范式等均需进行重新阐释。  相似文献   

Nineteen elementary teachers were observed for the frequency with which they modeled self-praise for their students and taught their students to praise and evaluate themselves. Measures of student self-concept, anxiety, and achievement responsibility were taken at the end of the year. It was found that teacher modeling of self-praise correlated negatively with boys' selfconcept and positively with girls'. Teacher encouragement of students to praise other students correlated positively with boys' anxiety and negatively with girls'. Teacher modeling of self-praise and teacher encouragement of students to praise other students were the best predictors of self-concept.  相似文献   

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