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Education and Information Technologies - Among teacher beliefs, technology acceptance has a crucial role in effective technology integration into teaching. There is a need to examine the factors...  相似文献   

This study examined pre-service teachers’ self-reported behavioral intentions to use technology. Three hundred and fourteen participants completed a survey questionnaire measuring their responses to six constructs from a research model that extends the technology acceptance model (TAM) by including facilitating conditions and subjective norm. Structural equation modeling was used as the main technique for data analysis. This study contributes to the growing interests in using information science models to explain intention to use technology in educational contexts. The results of this study showed that the TAM constructs were significant in explaining pre-service teachers’ intention to use technology. Although facilitating conditions and subjective norm had significant effects on behavioral intention to use technology, they were mediated by attitude toward usage, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use. Overall, this study indicated the TAM has sufficient explanatory powers to explain pre-service teachers’ intention to use technology in an educational environment.  相似文献   

This study investigated the change in Singaporean pre-service teachers' epistemological beliefs and beliefs about learning and teaching over the course of a teacher preparation program. An online survey was administered during the first week of a nine-month program and the same survey was administered after the 413 participants had completed all their course work and teaching practice. Participants exhibited significant changes in epistemological beliefs and beliefs about learning and teaching – participants indicated more relativistic epistemological outlooks and less constructivism in beliefs about teaching. At the end of the teacher preparation program, they seemed to less value effort in learning and believed more in innate ability.  相似文献   

Preservice teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) development was investigated with respect to integrating technology. Four components of PCK were adapted to describe technology-enhanced PCK (TPCK). The study examined the TPCK of student teachers in a multi-dimensional science and mathematics teacher preparation program that integrated teaching and learning with technology throughout the program. Five cases described the difficulties and successes of student teachers teaching with technology in molding their TPCK. Student teachers view of the integration of technology and the nature of the discipline was identified as an important aspect of the development of TPCK.  相似文献   

In this study we created, implemented, and evaluated the impact of proportional reasoning authentic investigative tasks on the mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge and attitudes of pre-service elementary and middle school mathematics teachers. For this purpose, a special teaching model was developed, implemented, and tested as part of the pre-service mathematics teacher education programs conducted in Israeli teacher colleges. The conclusion of the study is that application of the model, through which the pre-service teachers gain experience of and are exposed to authentic investigative proportional reasoning tasks with incorporation of theory (reading and analyzing relevant research reports) and practice, leads to a significant positive change in the pre-service teachers’ mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge. In addition, improvement occurred in their attitudes and beliefs towards learning and teaching mathematics in general, and ratio and proportion in particular.  相似文献   

This study considers the potential for advanced mathematical studies to impact pre-service teachers' beliefs about mathematics. Results show that, after completing a degree which includes advanced mathematical studies, many prospective teachers' beliefs still reflect limited interpretations of key terminology and do not value the theoretical and conceptual network underpinning the rules and procedures of secondary mathematics. Many of their beliefs about the nature of mathematics also fail to recognise its capacity to stimulate analytical thought and creativity. In cases where pre-service teachers showed evidence of well-developed beliefs, the study explores the role of their advanced mathematical studies in this development.  相似文献   

This article analyses a case of action research collaboratively conducted by a university teacher and 50 students in a master’s course in teacher training. Its originality resides in the socio-economic, academic, and conceptual nature of the obstacles encountered in the module; in the meta-theoretical orientation of the action research that was chosen to overcome them; and in how triangulation strategies were devised to compensate for the limitations imposed by the academic framing of the course. In spite of the brevity of the research cycle, both the structure of the course and teacher–student interaction improved rapidly and significantly, as did the latter’s trust in the teacher. As a result, important advances in learning also ensued, and the pedagogical potential of this research method was thereby confirmed.  相似文献   

In England teachers of secondary school mathematics and science are in short supply and it is important to understand how pre-service teachers develop and maintain networks of support during their training year and the impact these networks can have on their training outcomes. The purpose of this study is to examine how changes to the size and composition of these support networks during the training year are associated with programme outcomes. The paper draws on social network theory to examine the nature of the support networks that develop around each pre-service teacher, and examines how supportive ties were initiated, maintained, and broken over the course of the training year. A survey design was utilised to collect data at four time points across the 2014–2015 academic year from a total cohort of more than 75 pre-service teachers. At all four time points, participants were asked to nominate those peers and others to whom they had turned during the previous month for different aspects of support. Results showed that the size and composition of support networks changed over time with significant differences in the development of the networks between pre-service teachers on school-led and university-led programmes.  相似文献   

The paper presents a qualitative case study of a Technology Enhanced Instruction (TEI) model called Technology Enhanced Secondary Science Instruction (TESSI). The implementation of TEI in TESSI classrooms resulted in significant changes in the educational beliefs, and the teaching and learning practices of those involved: a) classroom structures were modified to emphasize guided, self-directed learning; b) views of learning were transformed to regard skills such as time management, goal setting, self monitoring, and problem solving to be as significant as science knowledge; and c) teachers' roles were changed from transmitters of knowledge to facilitators of learning. These changes are illustrated through reflections by the teachers, students, administrators and researchers associated with the Project. TESSI resulted in a significant increase in enrollment and achievement as measured by government exams.  相似文献   

The notion of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) was posited in the context of school teaching and the knowledge used by teachers teaching school students. It has been examined for a number of discipline areas, notably mathematics. There are, however, other teaching contexts, including those of teacher educators, whose students are pre-service teachers (PSTs). The content these teacher educators teach is not subject discipline knowledge (or not solely), but the PCK for teaching a subject discipline. What knowledge do teacher educators use as they teach PCK? This paper presents a framework for the PCK required of mathematics teacher educators as they work to develop PSTs’ PCK for teaching mathematics. The framework builds on existing research into PCK and categorises aspects of the work of teacher education. The framework’s usefulness is examined by studying the PCK used by the first author in building PSTs’ understanding of mathematics teacher PCK.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the novel use of classroom videos by 71 pre-service teachers enrolled in a one-year graduate diploma pre-service teacher education program across three Australian universities. The classroom videos were of an experienced teacher delivering a Year-6 mathematics lesson. Students observed, discussed and debated practices that were evident. Data were collected via observation protocols and through recorded focussed discussions. Pre-service teachers, even at the early phase of their course, were able to articulate theoretical explanations for events occurring in the lesson. All students, irrespective of the progression in the course, lamented the absence of prior opportunities to engage in analysis and discussion of classroom lessons. The study reinforces the value of dialectical interactions focussed on authentic teaching scenarios.  相似文献   

Case studies of successful place-based education that involve international partnerships are rare. This article reports on an inclusive educational collaboration between pre-service teachers at an Australian university and primary and secondary school-aged children in a slum area of Delhi, India. Encouraged to undertake teaching that affirmed and extended the children's existing linguistic and cultural knowledge, the six teacher candidates collaboratively planned and implemented exemplary programmes geared to the children's interests and needs. This highly inclusive teaching and learning took various forms: a photographic project in the community, the collection of family portraits and stories, a dance and drama performance, and rich conversations on topics ranging from popular culture to politics. Using data drawn from observations of teaching, teacher candidate interviews and written reflections, and artefacts of student learning, this article analyses the processes and outcomes of this highly successful teaching. Essential to the success of this initiative was focused preparation that stressed cross-cultural awareness and sensitivity, a rejection of deficit notions about children and families living in slums, knowledge of Indian socio-political complexities, and a commitment to the building of equitable and ethical relationships with the Indian children and NGO staff. It is anticipated that this analysis will inform further attempts at place-based collaboration in the service of quality education.  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education - This paper reports a study of university students’ experiences of learning mathematics in an introductory differential equations course that takes...  相似文献   

Although the conditions for successful technology integration finally appear to be in place, including ready access to technology, increased training for teachers, and a favorable policy environment, high-level technology use is still surprisingly low. This suggests that additional barriers, specifically related to teachers' pedagogical beliefs, may be at work. Previous researchers have noted the influence of teachers' beliefs on classroom instruction specifically in math, reading, and science, yet little research has been done to establish a similar link to teachers' classroom uses of technology. In this article, I argue for the importance of such research and present a conceptual overview of teacher pedagogial beliefs as a vital first step. After defining and describing the nature of teacher beliefs, including how they are likely to impact teachers' classroom practice I describe important implications for teacher professional development and offer suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider the potential of multimedia cases as tools for teacher professional development. Specifically, we examined online and face-to-face discussions that occurred within groups composed of pre-service mathematics teachers, in-service mathematics teachers, mathematicians, and mathematics teacher educators. Discussions within these heterogeneous groups tended to focus on issues of classroom implementation of the tasks shown in the multimedia case. Secondary foci of discussion included task characteristics and appropriateness of tasks for engaging students in thinking about mathematical concepts and processes. Analysis of contributions to discussions across group member type revealed differences that suggest that the variety of backgrounds and experiences of group members can blend in ways that support rich and critical discussions of mathematics, teaching, and learning.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to validate a substantiated Teacher Change Beliefs Model (TCBM) and an instrument to identify critical components of teacher change beliefs (TCB) in Malaysian secondary schools. Five different pilot test approaches were applied to ensure the validity and reliability of the instrument. A total of 936 teachers from 47 high-performing secondary schools completed the survey. Structural equation modelling was applied to test the models. Exploratory factor analysis was employed to identify the underlying factors, whereas confirmatory factor analysis was applied to test the measurement models. The analysis yielded a three-factor TCBM: (1) discrepancy, (2) efficacy and (3) principal support. The results demonstrated a good fit of the model: normed χ2 = 3.156, Tucker-Lewis Fix Index = .987, Comparative Fix Index = .991 and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation = .048. The results also provided evidence for convergent validity, discriminant validity and construct reliability. The TCBM is an empirically tested model derived in a local Malaysian cultural education setting. It provides direction for practitioners in planning and designing training programmes of change management for school principals in the enhancement of TCB among teachers in schools. Besides, Teacher Change Beliefs Scale is a promising and welcome tool for both practitioners and researchers. With only nine items, it is easy to administer and not time-consuming.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined the contribution of morphological awareness to bilingual word learning of Malay–English bilingual children in Singapore where English is the medium of instruction. Participants took morphological awareness and lexical inference tasks in both English and Malay twice with an interval of about half a year, the first time at the end of Grade 3 (Time 1) and the second time at the end of the first semester of Grade 4 (Time 2). Structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses revealed that within both languages, morphological awareness significantly predicted lexical inference at Time 1 as well as Time 2, and the contribution also became strengthened over time. Cross-linguistic SEM analyses showed that concurrently at both Time 1 and Time 2, English morphological awareness only had a significant indirect effect on Malay lexical inference. The exact indirect relationships, however, varied between Time 1 and Time 2. In addition, an indirect effect of Time 1 English morphological awareness on Time 2 Malay lexical inference also surfaced. These findings suggest concurrent as well as longitudinal cross-linguistic transfer of morphological awareness from English to Malay.  相似文献   

In conducting this study, I sought to contribute to the scholarly discourse of understanding how North American elementary pre-service teachers experienced evaluation via teacher performance assessments. Through extensive interviews and thematic data analysis, this study generally supported the contention that the process of completing edTPA deepened student teachers’ understanding of their educational experience in a number of domains, which in turn suggested a broader awareness and appreciation of the complexities of learning to teach. Data from a larger study indicated that the identified ‘realms of understanding’ fell into four areas of insight related to education: Understanding Children, Understanding Instructional Strategies, Understanding via Collective Learning, and Understanding Self as Teacher. For the purposes of this paper, the identified area of insight ‘Understanding Self as Teacher’ is explored. These findings lead to several practical ways in which teacher education might be improved, particularly in the area of utilization of video in teacher education programs.  相似文献   


The quality of students’ learning experience depends on the learning activities that their teachers plan prior to classroom delivery. This article characterises the lesson planning practices of a group of 27 mathematics teachers. The questionnaire and the associated information coding and analysis procedures designed for that purpose may be applicable to lesson planning characterisation involving larger groups of teachers and of other disciplines. Some of the study group’s needs and difficulties are established. One of the observations discussed is that planning procedures and criteria tend to be generic rather than specific to the lesson at issue. Another is that these teachers’ vision of planning does not necessarily ensure a coordinated approach to all curricular dimensions.  相似文献   

The greatest benefit of teacher preparation programs is field-related training where pre-service teachers contextualize the learned knowledge and theories with tasks and students during training. This preliminary study is based on the collaboration between a teacher training program and an elementary school to investigate the effect that exposure to various sources of teacher efficacy has on pre-service teachers in Taiwan. The results of this study show some influences of classroom experience and group discussions on the teaching efficacy of this group of pre-service teachers. Pre-service teachers demonstrated a higher level of PTE after the classroom experience and group discussions.  相似文献   

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