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国内外学者围绕同伴群体与学生欺凌的关系开展了丰富的研究,却较少关注复杂同伴关系中欺凌的生成逻辑。基于对两所学校高中生的访谈和同伴提名数据,本研究发现:在社会遵从效应的影响下,青少年在亲密的友谊中选择“有难同当”,因不辨是非地帮助朋友而卷入欺凌;在“表面朋友”关系中,他们为了与群体成员保持一致行为风格而卷入欺凌。在社会比较效应影响下,亲密朋友之间因嫉妒而诱发欺凌;青少年因视“表面朋友”为竞争对手而成为欺凌他人的“亲密敌人”。同伴关系类型和同伴群体效应的交互作用影响着同伴关系网络下学生欺凌的生成逻辑。  相似文献   

本文基于同伴影响的相关理论,利用随机分配宿舍的自然实验,分析了某"双一流"大学两届全体本科生的室友同伴效应.研究发现:室友的平均学业成绩具有正向的同伴效应,室友学业成绩的方差具有负向的同伴效应;学生拥有的成绩优于自身的室友数量越多,对其后一年成绩的负向影响越大,这一负向影响甚至大于室友平均成绩及学生自身前一年成绩的正向影响;室友同伴效应具有性别异质性,男生受到"优秀同伴"的负向影响要大于女生.本文的研究发现说明:为了发挥室友的积极作用,在进行宿舍分配时应尽量避免同一宿舍内学生学业成绩差异较大;同时,应改变目前以"排他性竞争"为主要特征的学生评价体系,促进室友间的合作性竞争.  相似文献   

杨莉 《教育与经济》2021,37(4):38-47
本文基于2013—2014年中国教育追踪调查(CEPS)数据,利用OLS与分位数回归方法、控制学校固定效应,分析了班级同伴成绩高低及离散程度对初中生成绩的异质性影响.研究发现,不同分位点处学生均显著受益于班级同伴成绩的提升,且中间能力水平学生的受益程度最大;班级同伴成绩离散程度能显著提高优等生的成绩,但对差生成绩具有不显著的负向影响;与女生相比,不同分位点处男生受班级同伴成绩的影响更为一致;相较于弱势家庭,优势家庭学生从班级同伴效应中获益更多,受损更少.因此,学生与家长应该综合考虑学生学业基础及家庭社会经济背景,避免跟风择校;学校在进行混合编班的同时,还需采取一些有利于补偿差生的配套措施.  相似文献   

为了深化对同伴效应研究中内生性问题的认识,本文利用北京市三所初中的学生追踪调查数据对同伴关系的影响因素进行了实证分析.研究发现学生个体特征是影响同伴群体规模、良好同伴关系和同伴群体位置的主要原因,父母对孩子的关心与教育期望亦有显著影响,而学生家庭社会经济背景作用微弱且不显著.本文将同伴关系性质、自我效能、父母关心与期望等新变量引入教育经济学对同伴效应的研究中,扩展了分析视角.  相似文献   

本文探析了依托于同伴关系的“一对一”辅导模式在美国马萨诸塞大学语言文学文化学院的建构,并采用成绩测试和问卷调查等定量方法探析了该模式在汉语二语教学中对提高学习者口语交际能力的有效性。研究结果表明,实验组的学习者比控制组的学习者口语水平提高显著,而学习者参与辅导模式的频率与其测试成绩的高低呈现显著性相关,即越多参加辅导的学生测试成绩越高,而越少参加辅导的学生成绩越低。本研究验证了基于同伴关系的“一对一”辅导模式能显著提高学习者口语交际能力,并提出长期参与“一对一”辅导的必要性。  相似文献   

学生到了中学阶段,其重要他人已不再是父母或教师,而变为朋友。近年的研究发现,在同伴群体中建立良好的同伴关系有利于中学生社会能力的培养、学业的顺利完成以及认知能力和人格的健康发展,而不良的同伴关系可能导致学业、行为、情绪等学校适应困难。我校心理辅导中心跟踪的个案也发现,来访学生往往是没有朋友的学生。因此,对于初一刚入学的学生来说,如何与新同学交往,如何交到新朋友,如何和朋友相处,对他们是否适应中学的学习和生活尤为重要。因此,开展初一新生同伴交往适应的心理课堂教学研究有着重要的实践意义。本研究依照同伴关系的两个维度--同伴接纳和友谊关系以及自我同一性理论作为课程内容设置的理论依据,依照团体动力学理论进行课程的实施。  相似文献   

本研究基于文化适应压力理论和情感理论,利用具有全国代表性的中国教育追踪调查数据,探讨同伴关系在转学行为与学生心理健康水平间的中介效应。结果表明:转学生群体的心理健康水平不容乐观,各种心理问题明显。转学后,女生、九年级学生和非独生子女以及寄宿生的心理健康水平更低;转学行为和同伴关系分别与心理健康总体水平呈显著负、正相关;同伴关系在转学行为与学生心理健康水平间存在显著的部分中介效应。为减缓转学行为对学生产生的消极影响,应以班级文化建设为依托,注重入学仪式,树立转学生的身份归属感;应以人际情感支持为核心,注重差异关怀,弱化转学生的身份疏离感;应以和谐同伴关系为路径,注重合作文化,强化转学生的身份融入感。  相似文献   

<正>【活动理念】初中阶段的青少年正处在自我同一性和角色混乱的冲突阶段。同伴在初中生人际关系中的地位明显高于其他重要社会他人。初中生渴望结交同龄朋友以满足其情感归属等心理需要。所以,拥有良好的人际关系对于初中生来说尤为重要。然而,据中国青少年健康人格工程调研报告显示,55.5%的中学生与同学、朋友交往时存在不同程度的问题。相关研究表明,在整个中学阶段,八年级学生的同伴关系问题最为严峻。  相似文献   

为考察中学生父母以及同伴依恋的特点,并探索三者对社会适应的作用,本文采用《青少年依恋问卷》和《青少年社会适应评估问卷》对527名学生进行调查。研究结果显示:学生对同伴的依恋程度最高,其次是母亲依恋,最低为父亲依恋;高一年级学生对父母和同伴的依恋程度最高;女生对同伴依恋的程度较男生更高,而对母亲和父亲的依恋没有性别差异;同伴依恋受到父亲依恋和母亲依恋的双重影响,与父母有良好依恋关系的学生也倾向于具有较好的同伴依恋关系;母亲和同伴依恋对学生的积极适应有直接的正向影响,对消极适应具有直接负向影响;父亲依恋对积极和消极社会适应的影响要通过同伴依恋来发生,母亲依恋对社会适应的总效应最大,既可直接预测社会适应,也能通过同伴依恋发生间接影响。  相似文献   

曾昵 《早期教育》2021,(3):34-38
良好的同伴关系对于幼儿的全面发展具有重要意义,本研究以“儿童本位”,基于儿童的视角来了解友谊。笔者在研究中,通过幼儿自己绘画、描述的朋友,了解大班幼儿朋友的数量与类型、成为朋友的原因、分析影响其友谊发展的因素,从而了解大班幼儿真实的友谊现状,并为教师和家长提供相关的教育建议。  相似文献   

We estimate the influence of classmates’ ability characteristics on student achievement in exogenously formed university student groups. The study uses administrative data on undergraduate students at a large selective university in Russia. The presence of high-ability classmates has a significant positive effect on individual grades in key economics and mathematics courses as well as on overall academic performance. While a simple linear-in-means model reveals moderate peer effects, non-linear specifications give strong evidence that students at the top of the ability distribution derive the greatest benefit from high-ability classmates. Less able students are not affected by peers and have no significant influence on peers’ outcomes.  相似文献   

The reported study investigated students’ perceptions of their high-performing classmates in terms of intelligence, social skills, and conscientiousness in different school subjects. The school subjects for study were examined with regard to cognitive, physical, and gender-specific issues. The results show that high academic achievements in particular school subjects lead to negative reactions in the peer group whereas high achievements in other school subjects result in positive peer reactions. In contrast, the respondents’ gender and the gender of the successful classmates had little influence on student perceptions of high achievers. The results are discussed in regard to their implications for gifted education.  相似文献   

本文使用社会测量法,测查小学阶段蒙汉儿童异性同伴相互交往的状况。旨在研究蒙汉小学生异性同学之间是否能建立正常的同伴交往。对测查的结果作t检验、方差分析等。结果表明,整个小学阶段,蒙汉、城乡儿童,异性同伴相互交往的程度远远低于同性伙伴相互交往的程度,异性同学之间缺乏足够的交往;异性同学相互交往的程度,存在着明显的年级差异,但不存在民族差异和地区差异。  相似文献   

Patterns of friendship in 66 ungraded primary classrooms were investigated. A sample of 1168 ungraded primary students participated in rating and nomination sociometric assessments which yielded independent information concerning overall acceptance by the classroom peer group and the presence of reciprocated friendship dyads. Analyses revealed that both peer acceptance level and age relative to classmates influenced whether children had friends, the total number of reciprocated friendships, and the numbers of friendships with children who were of different ages relative to classmates. Previous research had suggested that ungraded primary students who are relatively younger than their classmates are less well accepted by their classmates. Results confirmed and extended this research by demonstrating that relatively younger children in mixed-age classes also are less likely to have reciprocated friendships with classmates. These results suggest that teachers in mixed-age preschool and primary programs may need to implement practices which assist friendship formation, especially for the younger class members.  相似文献   

By definition, children with autism have poor peer relationships despite age and ability. When children enter adolescence, social problems typically worsen and feelings of loneliness and isolation may emerge. Thus, the overarching goal of the current study is to examine the social–emotional relationships of adolescents with autism and their typically developing (TD) classmates. Participants included 20 adolescents, 7 adolescents with autism and 13 TD classmates. All participants were enrolled in a drama class at a regular education high school in the Los Angeles area. Results indicate that adolescents with autism experienced significantly more loneliness than their TD classmates, had significantly poorer friendship quality in companionship and helpfulness, and had significantly lower social network status than their TD classmates. In addition, 92.4% of TD adolescents had secondary or nuclear social network centrality, which means that those adolescents were significantly connected and recognised in their classroom social structure although 71.4% of the adolescents with autism were either isolated or peripheral in their classroom. These findings imply that although inclusion in regular classrooms may allow adolescents with autism to be involved in the social structure of their classroom, they experienced more loneliness, poorer friendship quality and social network status as compared with their classmates. These results suggest that, perhaps, more intensive social skills' interventions that focus on friendship development are needed in adolescents with autism.  相似文献   

With an increasing number of young children participating in preschool education, this study determined whether peer effects are present in this earliest sector of schooling. Specifically, this work examined whether peer effects were influential to preschoolers' growth in language skills over an academic year and whether peer effects manifest differently based on children's status in reference to their peers. Peer effects were assessed for 338 children in 49 classrooms. A significant interaction between the language skills of children's classmates and children's fall language skills indicated that peer effects were strongest for children with low language skills who were in classrooms that served children with relatively low skill levels, on average. Findings further showed that reference status, or children's relative standing to their peers, has the greater consequence for children with very low language skills in relation to their peers.  相似文献   

The extant literature on the social functioning of students with learning disabilities (LD) has indicated that whereas a majority belong to peer groups, a higher proportion are isolated and most have lower social status among peers in general than their typically achieving classmates. Although some work has examined these issues over short-term longitudinal studies, none to date have examined them over extensive time periods. Toward this end, the current study examined a sample of 1,361 students (678 girls and 683 boys; 55 with LD) using multiple measures of peer social functioning assessed each semester from spring of third grade through fall of sixth grade. The results indicated that whereas students with LD were similar to their typically achieving peers in terms of group functioning and characteristics, they were viewed as lower in social standing among their classmates as a whole. These effects were maintained over time, indicating that long-term inclusion may not substantially affect peer social functioning among students with LD.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, several state and federal policies have directed schools to mainstream English Language Learner (ELL) students into English-only instruction classrooms. While there is mixed evidence on the effects of these immersion policies on the ELL students, research examining potential peer effects on their non-ELL classmates is non-existent. This paper begins to fill in this gap by using a nationally representative longitudinal sample of children in early elementary grades. Results indicate that having an ELL classmate during kindergarten and first grade is associated with lower test score gains in reading but not necessarily in math for non-ELL students whose primary language is English, controlling for unobserved fixed school characteristics as well as individual characteristics. The negative peer effects on reading test score gain are sensitive to the frequency of within classroom ability grouping usage, gender, and household income level of non-ELL children.  相似文献   

Children with special educational needs are generally less accepted, more rejected and more likely to be victims of bullying than their typically developing classmates. However, they are sometimes treated more favourably than classmates, more like friends than acquaintances. In this article, based on her contribution to the Gulliford Lecture series, Norah Frederickson of University College London argues that attributional processes which appear central to the establishment of peer acceptance and supportive relationships are more likely to be triggered when a child's difficulties are severe or obvious, classmates are older and explanatory information is given to them. Schools are sometimes reluctant to discuss the special needs of a pupil with their classmates due to concerns about labelling. However, the literature on labelling suggests that such concerns have been exaggerated and that labels can sometimes serve a protective function. Norah Frederickson suggests that respectful, helping relationships between typically developing classmates and pupils with special needs are valued by young people, their parents and teachers, and can build to friendships within a context of positive opportunities for interaction.  相似文献   


The current study seeks to analyze university students’ perceptions of online peer assessment (PA) with regard to its effectiveness as a learning tool and as a contributing factor to motivation and interaction. Participants also responded to questions about self-perceived writing strength, attitudes toward peer review, and experiences with peer review. The survey was administered via link online for students who report having completed peer review in online courses. Results from participants revealed that students generally believe peer review to be effective, helpful to learning, increasing communication skills, and as contributing to a stronger written end product. Students also agreed that peer review increases interaction, participation, and a sense of community. Attitudes toward peer review indicate that female students are more intimidated by giving peer reviews than their male classmates, but they felt less intimidated online as compared to face-to-face. More experienced students and students farther along in their college careers are less likely to give peer reviews that are affected by the ones they receive. The results indicate that peer review is an important teaching and learning tool that merits more research with particular attention to gender and other demographic data.  相似文献   

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