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应修人(1900-1933),浙江慈溪人,原名应麟德,字修士.14岁时,应修人便到了上海福源钱庄做学徒,三年学徒期满,在钱庄做账房工作,这奠定了其以后谋生吃饭的职业技能.1919年五四运动爆发时,19岁的应修人在上海福源钱庄工作,有着一份相对稳定的职业和不错的收入.1920年下半年,他到中国棉业银行任出纳股主任.1920到1925年,他创作、发表、出版新作,创办和主编文艺刊物.1925年,他加入了中国共产主义青年团,并很快转为中国共产党正式党员.  相似文献   

The development of Regional Medical Program legislation is summarized and the activities of the new Division of Regional Medical Programs of the National Institutes of Health are described. The first grants for regional medical programs were activated 1 July 1966, and as of 30 June 1967, forty-nine had been awarded out of a possible total of fifty-five. The importance of excellent medical library facilities within each region, especially in all major teaching hospitals, with extensions down to the level of the community hospitals, was emphasized, and the concept of the community hospital as a learning center utilizing the most modern library concepts and teaching devices was commended. The Medical Library Association was asked whether training programs were being developed which would produce the numbers of personnel needed to staff the increased number of medical libraries of the future and whether new training programs were needed for service at the community hospital level.  相似文献   

电视连续剧<五月槐花香>在审美多元化的文化背景下产生,但它不追踪流行时尚,而是通过对百姓生活的深切关注、对人的内心世界的真诚关怀、对现实生活的诗意阐述、对地方风味和地域文化的准确把握,赢得了市场和观众.本文从现实主义的回归、风格化的审美形态、诗意化的人文关怀等方面阐释电视连续剧<五月槐花香>的审美品格,揭示其独特的艺术魅力.  相似文献   

This study utilizes panel regression model to explore the relationships between corporate performance and the patent performance measured from patent H index, current impact index (CII), and essential patent index (EPI) in the pharmaceutical company. The results demonstrate that patent H index and EPI have positive influences upon corporate performance. Furthermore, this study developed a classification for the pharmaceutical companies to divide them into four types, and provided some suggestions to them.  相似文献   

"五四"精神与新时期新闻改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
今年是"五四"运动90周年,本文从新时期新闻改革的视野,思考如何传承"五四"的民主、科学传统,如何创造性地发展"五四"的民主、科学精神,从而保证新时期新闻改革在健康、正确的轨道上继续运行,推进新闻改革持续深入开展.  相似文献   

高校图书馆面向社会服务中可能产生的侵权问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校图书馆面向社会服务是新形势下的一项重要业务,已经写入经修订后的《普通高等学校图书馆规程》。然而,若弄得不好,极易产生侵权问题。为此,本文从五个方面对其进行了阐述。  相似文献   

"五四"新闻理念在新时期新闻改革中的承续   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从宏观角度对作为"五四"精神有机组成部分的"五四"新闻理念进行了梳理,认为"言论自由"、"新闻本位"、"社会公器"、"商业经营"、"职业范型"是"五四"新闻理念的突出要点,并认为这些理想追求在新时期新闻改革的不同层面有所承续,表现在以人为本,构建公民的知情权、表达权、参与权、监督权:坚持新闻本位,贯彻贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众的方针;张扬公共性,为公众提供最广泛的表达渠道;肯定商品属性,走传媒事业化与产业化并举之路;培育新闻职业精神,塑造现代新闻职业理想和新闻队伍等方面.  相似文献   

徐跃权  于宁 《图书馆杂志》2006,25(11):11-14
对V.布什的科技名篇《As We May Think》的篇名汉译情况进行分析和总结,给出新译法《我们可以这样设想》及理由;剖析该文的主题内容;就其在图书馆学、情报学、信息管理、以及计算机领域的科学地位与影响做出客观评价。  相似文献   

一人力车在现代的大中城市已基本绝迹,但它曾经是民国时期广泛流行于城镇的主要交通工具。它是一种人力挽拉的、供人乘坐的单座车辆,以拉人力车为职业的人就是人力车夫,或叫黄包车夫。  相似文献   

Verbal aggressiveness is the tendency to attack the self‐concept of another person with the intent to inflict psychological pain (Infante & Wigley, 1986). This study focused on how low and high verbally aggressives differ in the television sitcoms they watch and how enjoyable they find those shows. Participants (N = 555) first completed the Verbal Aggressiveness Scale. Then they were asked how often they watch particular television sitcoms and if they watched a given sitcom, how entertaining they found that show to be. The sitcoms included in this study were those that were televised in April 1996. Of the 33 shows included in the analyses, low verbal aggressives differed from high verbal aggressives on 8 shows for frequency of watching and on 11 shows for entertainment value.  相似文献   

五卅殉难烈士墓碑,用花岗石制成。碑文由蔡元培撰写,谭延 抄录。1925年上海爆发了五卅反帝爱国运动,沉重打击了帝国主义,振奋了全国人民的革命精神,为了永远纪念五卅烈士的不朽功勋,同年11月,上海各马路商界总联合会、全国学生联合总会、上海学生联合会和工界代表会推派代表,组成五卅烈士丧葬筹备处,专办购地建墓事宜。1926年3月,在闸北宝兴路方家木桥北首(今广中路668号)附近,购置荒地,筹建五卅殉难烈士墓。1926年5月29日,各界群众5000多人在此举行烈士公墓奠基礼。1928年春工程告峻,同年5月30日五卅惨案三周年,各界群众…  相似文献   

The relationship between managers' communication behaviors (openness and nonverbal immediacy) and subordinates' motivation were examined. Wharton MBA candidates were videotaped participating in an organizational simulation to resolve interpersonal conflict. Subordinates completed self‐report measures regarding openness and motivation; independent coders rated managers' nonverbal immediacy behaviors. Analysis indicated that communication openness was positively and significantly related to motivation, while nonverbal immediacy and motivation was slightly related although not significantly. The positive, yet tentative relationship between openness and immediacy, indicated that these variables occur together. Results of the multiple regression reveals that openness was more predictive of motivation, while immediacy had a more indirect impact.  相似文献   

The likelihood of use in Rusbult's (e.g., Rusbult & Zembrodt, 1983) typology of exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect responses to romantic relationships was assessed for its general applicability to unpleasant work relationships. Correlational analysis revealed that one's own orientation to an unpleasant work relationship and the perception of the other person's orientation to the problematic relationship were associated with the voice response. Loyalty was associated with one's own orientation to the problematic relationship, as was the neglect response. Status relative to the unpleasant person was found to shape one's responses to the relationship as well. Some correlations varied by gender.  相似文献   

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