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语言文字一般由音、形、义三个基本要素构成.儿童书面语言阅读的心理过程即是对这三个要素的阅读加工过程.个体认知能力的发展状态和语言文字本身的特征都会对儿童的书面语言阅读产生影响.关于儿童书面语言阅读心理机制的研究还有待深化.  相似文献   

Fiction presents a unique challenge to the developing child, in that children must learn when to generalize information from stories to the real world. This study examines how children acquire causal knowledge from storybooks, and whether children are sensitive to how closely the fictional world resembles reality. Preschoolers (N = 108) listened to stories in which a novel causal relation was embedded within realistic or fantastical contexts. Results indicate that by at least 3 years of age, children are sensitive to the underlying causal structure of the story: Children are more likely to generalize content if the fictional world is similar to reality. Additionally, children become better able at discriminating between realistic and fantastical story contexts between 3 and 5 years of age.  相似文献   

发展认知神经科学视野中的学前第二语言教学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
幼儿园外语教学热方兴未艾.本文从发展认知神经科学的角度出发,通过利用脑成像技术得到的研究成果,分析了学前儿童语言习得的特点及第二语言学习和脑的关系,进而分析了发展认知神经科学对学前第二语言教学的启示.  相似文献   

知识是影响教师专业发展的重要因素。学科教学知识是教师知识结构中最重要的内核。幼儿园教师学科教学知识可以通过经验积累与反思、在职培训、园本教研、行动研究等途径得到发展。  相似文献   

研究者对幼儿园新教师的入职适应状况进行调查,结果发现,学前教育专业知识的弱分类和弱框架性质及其文化适宜性和实践转化都对幼儿园新教师的入职适应有影响.基于此,研究者提出,学前教育专业师资培养要关注区域生态,培养专业品质,提升实践技能.  相似文献   

以知识库为中心进行工科专业课程建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专业课教学是本科教学中的一个重要环节 ,承担着体现学校专业培养目标和专业特色的重任。本文分析了目前专业课程建设中面临的问题 ,提出了以知识库为中心的专业课程建设思路 ,以期使专业课程建设走上一条逐步积累、良性发展的道路。  相似文献   

Research Findings: As policymakers expand access to preschool, the sociodemographic composition of preschool classrooms will become increasingly important. These efforts may create programs that increase the concentration of children from low-income families or, alternatively, foster the creation of socioeconomically diverse preschool classrooms. What effect the creation of such contexts would have on very young children remains unclear. Using multilevel methods and data on 2,966 children in 704 prekindergarten classrooms, this study explores the relationship between socioeconomic classroom composition and children's social and cognitive development. The results indicate positive associations between the mean socioeconomic status (SES) of the class and children's receptive language, expressive language, and mathematics learning, regardless of children's own sociodemographic backgrounds and the characteristics of their classrooms. However, the analyses indicate no association between the development of social competence and class mean SES. Practice or Policy: The links between classroom SES and language and mathematics development were comparable in size to those associated with instructional quality and even children's own SES. Neither structural nor instructional characteristics of prekindergarten classrooms explained these relationships, suggesting the possibility of direct peer effects. The findings indicate that the composition of children's classrooms should be considered an important aspect of preschool quality.  相似文献   

Early mathematics knowledge is a strong predictor of later academic achievement, but children from low‐income families enter school with weak mathematics knowledge. An early math trajectories model is proposed and evaluated within a longitudinal study of 517 low‐income American children from ages 4 to 11. This model includes a broad range of math topics, as well as potential pathways from preschool to middle grades mathematics achievement. In preschool, nonsymbolic quantity, counting, and patterning knowledge predicted fifth‐grade mathematics achievement. By the end of first grade, symbolic mapping, calculation, and patterning knowledge were the important predictors. Furthermore, the first‐grade predictors mediated the relation between preschool math knowledge and fifth‐grade mathematics achievement. Findings support the early math trajectories model among low‐income children.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study investigated relations among preschool teachers' (n = 75) sense of community, classroom language and literacy instructional quality, and children's (n = 398) gains in vocabulary and print concept knowledge during an academic year. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) results indicated that teachers' language and literacy instructional quality significantly predicted children's gains in print concept knowledge. Also, HLM results revealed significant interactions among teachers' sense of community, language and literacy instructional quality, and vocabulary and print concept knowledge gains. Higher levels of teachers' sense of community were associated with greater gains in children's vocabulary and print concept knowledge when children were in classrooms with higher quality language and literacy instruction. Practice or Policy: Findings underscore the importance of evaluating both language and literacy instructional quality and teachers' sense of community when considering high-quality preschool education.  相似文献   

高职高专院校学前教育专业学生在语言素养方面存在自我认识模糊和心理素质薄弱等问题。培养学生语言素养的策略包括重视口语基本训练、注重词汇的规范使用、讲究学法灵活多样和培养学生的形象感受四个方面。  相似文献   

就学前教育中培养幼儿良好生活习惯的重要性展开调研,并就培养幼儿良好生活习惯现状做了初步分析,希望能够对在学前教育中培养幼儿良好的生活习惯,促进学前教育中培养幼儿良好生活习惯的相关工作有序展开。  相似文献   

幼儿时期,虽然幼儿具备了语言表达的基本能力,但还处于语言表达的初步阶段,幼儿学会把自己的表达的内容通过书面或口头的形式表达出来,是与他人正常交往,接受知识和经验的前提,本文结合笔者多年的幼儿语言教育经验,从五个方面谈谈笔者在培养幼儿语言表达能力方面的经验总结。  相似文献   

在我国的教育系统中,学前教育是儿童心智系统和神经系统得到迅速发展的最重要的时候,也是儿童发展智力和潜力的关键期。学前教育对儿童实施教育的过程中,对儿童实施有目的性、有规划性的教育内容是非常有必要的,尤其是对学前儿童注意力的培养方面。本文主要概述学前教育应如何培养孩子的注意力的方法手段以及注意力的相关特点,希望可以为相关人员提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   


This paper will argue that skills development need be neither low-level nor mechanistic, but can be concurrent with, rather than detracting from, any typical English studies curriculum. It contextualises an innovative approach to teaching and learning, which has been developed at Anglia Polytechnic University over 3 years (January 1997 to December 1999). In particular, it describes a practical course entitled Varieties of Speaking and Writing, which aims to raise the standard of students' language awareness and use through the study of a variety of extracts from literary and non-literary writing. It addresses some fundamental pedagogical issues: how to improve undergraduate writing skills; how to train and assess undergraduates' speaking skills; and how to ensure that the acquisition of these advanced skills is relevant and enjoyable to undergraduates studying English Literature. Skills development viewed this way embraces fundamentally sound pedagogical principles, which are concerned with encouraging student autonomy and an appetite for life-long learning.  相似文献   

教育与教育学应属于两个位面的概念,前者强调操作,后者着意研究;前者重在实践,而后者落于抽象。由此而产生了教育知识与教育学知识的区别与教育学科的分化。教育知识为教育工作者提供可供参照的行动方案,具有经验性和操作性,是一种实践知识,属形而下;教育学知识以价值观的引领为主要参照系,具有论理性、抽象性的特点,是实践哲学的理论范畴,属形而上。而且区分教育知识与教育学知识有着十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Poor emotional competence has been identified as a precursor to later social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties in children. Aspects of parenting, including modeling, reactions to and coaching of children's emotions, have been associated with the development of emotional competence in children. In this paper, a parenting program with this theoretical basis is outlined and a pilot study of the program is presented. The six-session parenting program was delivered in preschool centers to 47 parents with a four or five year old child, and data were collected about parenting and children's functioning twice prior to program commencement, following program completion, and at three month follow-up. Pre and post program teacher assessments were also collected. Following the program parents reported that they were more encouraging of their children's emotional expression, used emotion-focused approaches more frequently in interactions with their children, and were less critical and dismissive of their children's emotional expression. Their children showed less emotional negativity and had significant reductions in difficult behaviors, especially those who had behavior problems prior to their parents' participation in the program. This program offers a promising approach to fostering the development of children's emotional competence and consequently enhancing social and behavioral functioning.  相似文献   

研究旨在探讨学前儿童颜色偏好及其与创造力的关系。颜色偏好选用红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫六种标准颜色,运用对偶比较法;创造力采用创造性想象测验的中文修订版作为测量工具,并通过同感评估技术对被试创造力的流畅性、变通性和独特性进行评分。结果发现,学前儿童颜色偏好的顺序依次为红、蓝、黄、紫、橙、绿;学前儿童的创造力随年龄的增长而提高;学前儿童颜色偏好总体上与创造力之间没有显著关联,但喜欢紫色的幼儿具有一定的创造力优势。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate longitudinally preschool children's conceptions of badness. Forty children from the Block and Block study of personality and cognitive development were interviewed at ages 3, 4, and 5 years. When asked to generate things children do that are “bad”, preschoolers predominately generated events entailing negative consequences to others, that is, moral transgressions. They also mentioned events pertaining to conventional violations, emotional expressions, prudential situations, and punishments, but these were comparatively rare. The moral transgressions generated involved physical harm, property violations, and inter- personal trust violations. Physical harm was referred to significantly more often than the latter two moral categories. These findings were stable across the preschool years.  相似文献   

幼儿抗挫折能力的发展特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
幼儿抗挫折能力是幼儿适应社会环境所不可缺少的一种生存能力,是儿童健全人格的重要组成部分.本研究采用问卷调查法对507名3~5岁幼儿抗挫折能力的发展特点进行调查,结果表明:幼儿抗挫折能力的发展存在极其显著的年龄差异,表现出随年龄增长而不断增强的发展趋势,3~4岁可能是幼儿抗挫折能力发展的关键期;幼儿抗挫折能力的发展不存在显著的性别差异.  相似文献   

自20世纪出现“语言学转向“以来,朱光潜、钱钟书等学贯中西的诗学大家对脱胎于儒道佛三家的古典诗学语言工具论进行了有力的批驳.他们或从区别哲学意义与艺术意义的言意关系入手,或从生理心理学的言意一致性入手,来论证语言不仅是工具,更具本体意义.在艺术创造活动中,艺术语言不仅与审美物象须臾不可分离,就是与审美意象和审美体验也是密不可分的.  相似文献   

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