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腾冲的地名中蕴含着丰富的历史和文化。腾冲地名反映了人们对地理的认识,反映了国家的控制与经营状况。这些地名中包含了丰富的民族史信息,集中体现了人们的思想和情感。因此,地名成为我们了解腾冲的一个窗口。  相似文献   

In the process of problematizing what intellectual work looks like, poststructuralist discourses have opened up new spaces through which to examine the processes of knowledge production. Our purpose is to engage with these processes of knowledge production as they attempt to tell particular truths about good pedagogy in Physical Education (PE). Indeed, there has been a long running debate between various forms of expertise claiming to tell the truth about what constitutes good pedagogy in PE. In this paper, we revisit this debate via a mobilization of Hall's (1985) theorization of articulation, and the reflexive modernization thesis of Beck, Giddens and Lash (1994). These lenses lead us to argue that a more reflexive modernity profoundly problematizes all forms of truth telling in Education.  相似文献   

浅谈利用计算机制作数学课件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用PowerPoint制作数学课件;利用《几何画板》辅助教学的图像教学;利用Word2000的公式编辑器编辑数学公式;利用Excel辅助数学的函数教学;利用计算机制作数学课件,辅助数学教学,提高课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

Leung and Lewkowicz remind us that the debate over the past two decades that is most relevant to ELT (English languge teaching) pedagogy and curriculum concerns test-task authenticity. This paper first reviews how the authenticity debate in the literature of second language acquisition, pedagogy and testing has evolved. Drawing on a body of research work on learner task-based language performance in recent years, the paper then discusses the four dimensions of test task that should help us locate and determine the relative degree of authenticity of a test task. It is further argued that these authenticity dimensions interact with each other, and may be variably manifested in a way that apparently involves a complex and dynamic process under different assessment conditions.  相似文献   

由于教育学没有创造出关于教育世界的新知识,因此教育学对于教育世界本无话可说。无话可说却非要说些什么,由此教育学的陈述体系表现出各种与严肃理论不相符的话语风格。这些话语风格包括:(1)说得对却说不准,具体表现为同义反复、含混用词和用“真正的X”来分辨真伪。这种只说对的、不说准的思维方式越来越不顾及教育学理论应该承担的理论功能,更不顾及教育学应有的理论品性。(2)重解释和宣传、轻逻辑论证,具体表现为夸大其辞、自相矛盾和口号体。教育学对所提出的教育主张、原则、方式方法在说理时缺少足够的逻辑论证,教育学文本中很容易充斥过度的解释、冗余的说明和武断的规定,这使得教育学表现出话语风格缺陷。(3)把“历史事实”说成“逻辑必然”、把“应然”说成“实然”。如果教育的世界真是这样,缘何有那么多针对教育的批判,缘何有那么多的教育改革呢?这样的教育学是一种“不讲实情、只讲善意”的教育学。(4)顾左右而言他--大谈理论基础和实践成果而不是自身。这不是科学范式的成功,而是科学范式的失败。(5)习惯性地将问题倒推。教育学所提出的教育原则等规范并不彻底,只是将问题倒推一次罢了。对于教育学自身的元研究也是如此。教育学陈述体系的缺陷只是表层现象,究其根本乃是学术内容的问题。  相似文献   

论教育学的三重视界   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
教育学的根本任务是什么 ?是揭示生活的智慧 !教育学只有在回答这个问题之后才能真正地展开自己的逻辑。为此 ,教育学必须首先对知识的内在意义进行辨析 ,告诉人们什么是最有价值的知识 ,这是教育学的最基础的工作 ,也是教育学要进入的第一重视界 ;第二重视界是探索知识内化或主体化的最有效途径 ;第三重视界是知识进入实践领域的命运 ,在这里 ,主体性转变成交互主体性。生活的真正智慧就在这个视界里得以实现 ,这也是教育学的归宿。  相似文献   

在高等数学教学中渗入数学史知识,能够从情感教育领域激发学生的爱国主义热情、培养学生的意志品质和科学精神、形成辩证唯物主义世界观;能够从认知领域帮助学生从整体上把握数学知识的发展脉络、加深对数学概念和思想方法的理解、培养学生的创新精神。以此为基础提出高等数学教学过程中渗透数学史知识需要遵循的三个原则:科学准确、以教学为主、生动有趣,并从教师自身素养的提高、数学史料的选择和渗透方式两个方面提出实践措施。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the pedagogy of the image text, a term that encompasses the graphic novels of Nakazawa and Spiegelman and the heavily illustrated novels of Sebald. Increasingly, artist-authors have turned to the image-text medium to represent catastrophic social events, and these three authors’ works are discussed as seminal documents of cataclysmic societal events, such as the bombing of Hiroshima or the Holocaust. All have provided a narrative visual framework that attempts to inform us of the lived experience of these traumatic moments, insofar as their medium will permit, and these methods are discussed and compared. The pedagogic impulse – the desire to inform a contemporary audience of such major historical events – is evident in all three selected authors’ works. Their diverse yet comparable visual methods, and the ways in which they seem to imbue us with authentic vicarious experiences arguably constitute a visual pedagogy of social crises.  相似文献   

The hierarchical human-centric paradigm has been criticized by various movements of posthuman philosophy because this paradigm forgets and dismisses nonhuman beings and entities: animals, nature, objects, and technology. When I developed a course called ‘Education and Adaptations of Animal Studies’ for university students in 2015, I learned two lessons in practice. First, many humans, pedagogues, and academics want to hold on to their anthropocentric worldview that separates them from other species. Second, in pedagogical practices humans prefer to avoid confronting the violence they do toward animals. In this article, I reflect on these two lessons learned and consider what they tell us about the dichotomies, anthropocentrism, and speciesism visible in pedagogical practices. I also discuss how posthuman pedagogy and posthuman ethics can help us ask uneasy questions that fracture the uncertain conception of human superiority.  相似文献   

张俊洪  陈铿 《成人教育》2013,(11):126-128
夸美纽斯是一位对17世纪西方近代教育理论和教学研究贡献最大的划时代人物。他的教育实践经验十分丰富,教育理论著作众多。由于夸美纽斯的教育理论对我国教育实践具有重大的启示作用,因而探究夸美纽斯教育理论的历史作用以及其对教育思想史的影响,有着巨大的现实意义与理论意义。  相似文献   

There are both temporal and socio-political dimensions to the idea of the university. Higher education in Canada has evolved to the point where there is a Canadian idea of what a university is and should be. This idea includes the notion of the university as a public, autonomous, secular, degree-granting institution. Given the nature of external pressures and the vulnerability of the university, it is important to discuss and debate those principles that tell us what the Canadian university should or could be.  相似文献   

数学教育学不是简单的教育学加数学.正确地认识理解数学教育学与教育学的关系及其规律,用以指导数学教育,对提高数学教育质量至关重要.  相似文献   

Postmodernist and poststructuralist discourses have, in the process of problematising what intellectual work looks like, opened up new spaces in which an examination of the processes of intellectual knowledge production can be located. Our intent in this article is to explore the problems and possibilities which emerge for particular forms of educational truth-telling under these conditions. While we examine these processes at a general level, our discussion is also grounded in an analysis of various attempts to tell particular truths about 'good' pedagogy in Physical Education (PE) in the transformed intellectual spaces of the contemporary university. There has been a long-running debate between various forms of expertise claiming to tell the truth about what constitutes good pedagogy in PE. This paper revisits this debate via a mobilisation of Hall's theorisation of articulation, and the reflexive modernisation thesis of Beck, Giddens and Lash. We argue that a more reflexive modernity profoundly problematises all forms of truth-telling in education.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the mathematical body as an assemblage of human and non-human mathematical concepts. We argue that learners’ bodies are always in the process of becoming assemblages of diverse and dynamic materialities. Following the work of the historian of science Karen Barad, we argue that mathematical concepts must be considered dynamic material, and we suggest a “pedagogy of the concept” that animates concepts as both logical and ontological. We draw on the philosopher of mathematics Gilles Châtelet in order to pursue this argument, elaborating on the way that mathematical concepts partake of the mobility of the virtual, while learners, in engaging with this mobility, enter a material process of becoming. We show how the concept of virtuality allows us to look at mathematical concepts in school curriculum in new ways.  相似文献   

加强干部教育,是继承历史宝贵经验的正确选择,是提高干部执政能力、促进社会科学发展的现实需要,是大力提高国民素质教育水平的现实需要。加强干部教育,应该首先教育干部带头树立终身学习理念,合理制订长远规划和近期安排,切实创新教育培训方式,建立健全教育学习制度,加大干部和骨干力量的教育培训力度,促进各项工作科学发展。  相似文献   

“教育学”这一名称究竟指代什么样的教育学存在,这就是教育学的范围问题。搞清楚教育学的范围对于人们确立明确的学科意识和清醒地进行教育学术研究很有价值。我们考察了“教育学”名称的应用情形和教育学学者对教育学范围的理解,在此基础上认为,史、论、用,就是教育学的基本层次和范围。换言之,当我们提到“教育学”的时候,应该意识到它包含这三种类型的研究,即历史研究、理论研究和应用研究。其中,历史研究是理论研究的基础,理论研究是应用研究的基础。通过考察教育学的范围,我们可以更深刻地理解教育学的名与实。  相似文献   

In this paper I investigate ‘the confessional’ as an aspect of Wittgenstein's style both as a mode of philosophising and as a mode of ‘writing the self’, tied explicitly to pedagogical practices. There are strong links between Wittgenstein's confessional mode of philosophising and his life—for him philosophy is a way of life —and interesting theoretical connections between confessional practices and pedagogy, usefully explored in the writings of the French philosopher, Michel Foucault. The Investigations provides a basis and springboard for understanding the notion of ‘writing the self’ as a pedagogical practice which encourages a confessional mode compelling us to tell the truth about ourselves and, thus, creating the conditions for ethico‐poetical self‐constitution.  相似文献   

现阶段一些师范院校数学教育专业设置的数学教育学,所用教材无论指导思想、内容体系还是编排结构,在新课程改革如火如荼开展的今天,都显得陈旧落伍,因此需要在教学中对这门学科进行更新和完善。笔者作为这门课的任课教师和新课标的培训者,就自己的认识和教学中的体会阐述一二。  相似文献   

李欧纹 《海外英语》2014,(10):199-200
Season of the Witch is one of the great productions with all these characteristics which were introduced during August around China.The story was told during the final historical period of the Crusades.The Crusades were a series of religious wars.The crusaders comprised military units from all over Western Europe.During 14th century Black Plague was threatened the Whole Europe.The Plague destroyed the Crusade and each town.People began to suspect some women which abused as witches should be take responsibilities.They put some women to death.The movie not only tell us a story,but lead us to find out lights from the dark world during the black age.  相似文献   

现代杭州绸缎布庄业的报纸广告,既反映了杭州绸缎布庄业的繁盛,又为我们提供了一部营销谋略和广告技巧的教材。尤其是,如何利用广告在激烈竞争中立于不败之地——杭州绸缎布庄业的经营智慧给予我们深刻的启示。  相似文献   

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