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利用纤维材料对混凝土构件进行修补加固以提高承载能力是一种正处在试用阶段的先进增强方法,它在楼房,桥梁的防裂设计,维修和补强方面有广泛的应用前景。本利用有限元软件,探讨了带缺口的纤维薄板增强混凝土及素混凝土三点弯曲试件缺口端部分应力分布,计算出了两种试件的开裂载荷。分析结果表明,纤维薄板对增强混凝土试件的开裂载荷有明显提高。  相似文献   

孔德清 《西江大学学报》2003,24(2):14-16,55
利用Griffith准则和断裂力学原理,讨论了带缺口的素混凝土和纤维薄板增强混凝土三点弯曲梁试件的断裂扩展问题.初步的分析结果表明,纤维垮强混凝土缺口试件的开裂荷载比素混凝土缺口试件提高25.6%,而失稳荷载比素混凝土缺口试件提高112.56%.  相似文献   

研究了掺加聚丙烯纤维、矿渣及粉煤灰对C50高性能混凝土抗渗性、立方体抗压强度、干燥收缩变形以及抗氯离子渗透性能的影响,同时分析了聚丙烯纤维的合理掺量。  相似文献   

利用断裂力学方法对含有裂纹混凝土试件的断裂韧度进行了研究。通过预制不同裂纹深度的混凝土试件,采用三点弯曲试验方法对含裂纹混凝土梁的断裂韧度进行实验,同时利用ABAQUS软件,采用最大主应力牵引损伤开裂准则与线性软化损伤模型进行数值模拟。结果表明,实验结果和数值模拟比较一致,最大误差不超过15%,当初始缝纹长度为40~120 mm时,起裂断裂韧度KiniIC变化幅度较小,失稳断裂韧度KunIC有明显的减小趋势。  相似文献   

通过对聚丙烯纤维增强透水性混凝土材料性能的实验研究,解决了透水混凝土强度不足的缺点,为透水性混凝土铺装工程的应用打下良好基础,同时也为推广应用聚丙烯纤维混凝土技术开拓了一个新领域。该文是在多年实验实践的基础上,介绍了聚丙烯纤维透水混凝土的配合比设计、施工成型工艺、强度、透水性及相关性能等研究成果,阐述了透水混凝土铺装的优越性和应用前景,为今后的深入研究与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

通过聚丙烯纤维锂渣混凝土试件的中心拉拔试验,试验中聚丙烯纤维掺量分别为0、0.6、0.9、1.2、1.5 kg/m~3,锂渣替代水泥(质量百分数分别为0%、10%、20%、30%),共20组60个尺寸为150 mm的立方体拉拔试件。研究聚丙烯纤维锂渣混凝土与HRB500钢筋的黏结性能,分析聚丙烯纤维掺量和锂渣掺量对黏结性能的影响,并探索拉拔试件模具的制作方法。结果表明:聚丙烯纤维掺量与极限黏结强度大致成正比;随着锂渣掺量的增大,极限黏结强度呈"减小-增大-减小"的走势,锂渣掺量为20%时达到最大值;纤维掺量为0.9 kg/m~3、锂渣掺量为20%时为较优配合比,比无锂渣无纤维试件的极限黏结强度提高了32.7%。  相似文献   

To investigate the seismic behavior of connections composed of steel reinforced ultra high strength concrete (SRUHSC) column and reinforced concrete (RC) beam, six interior strong-column-weak-beam connection specimens were tested subjected to reversal cyclic load. Effects of applied axial load ratio and volumetric stirrup ratio on ductility, energy dissipation capacity, strength degradation and rigidity degradation were discussed. It was found that all connection specimens failed in bending in a ductile manner with a beam plastic hinge. The ductility and energy dissipation capacity increased with the decrease of applied axial load ratio or increase of volumetric stirrup ratio. The displacement ductility coefficient and equivalent damping coefficient lay between those of steel reinforced ordinary concrete connection and those of reinforced concrete connection. The applied axial load ratio and volumetric stirrup ratio had less influence on the strength degradation and more influence on the stiffness degradation. The stiffness degraded sharply with the decrease of volumetric stirrup ratio or increase of applied axial load ratio. The experimental results indicate that SRUHSC column and RC beam connection exhibited better seismic performance and can provide reference for engineering application.  相似文献   

There is growing concern for corrosion damage in reinforced concrete structures with several decades’ service. Pullout tests and beam tests were carried out to study the effect of reinforcement corrosion on the bond behavior and bending strength of reinforced concrete beams. The bond strength of plain bars and concrete initially increases with increasing corrosion, then declines. The turning point depends on the cracking of the concrete cover. The bond strength of deformed bars and concrete increases with corrosion up to a certain amount, but with progressive increase in corrosion, the bond strength decreases, and the cracking of the concrete cover seems to have no effect on the bond strength. On the basis of test data, the bond strength coefficient recommended here, which, together with the bond strength of uncorroded steel bars and concrete, can be used to easily calculate the bond strength of corroded steel bars and concrete. The bond strength coefficient proposed in this paper can be used to study the bond stress-slip relationship of corroded steel bars and concrete. The bending strength of corroded reinforced concrete beams declines with increasing reinforcement corrosion. Decreased bending strength of corroded RC beam is due to reduction in steel bar cross section, reduction of yield strength of steel bar, and reduction of bond capacity between steel bar and concrete. Project supported by Cao Guanbiao Key Technology Development Founding of Zhejiang University and Construction Ministry of China.  相似文献   

为检验在役混凝土拱桥的承载能力与动力特性,对某净跨为134.7m的拱桥进行荷载试验。测试结构静态的应变、桥面挠度、拱肋挠度、吊索变形、吊索索力等结构静力反应。同时,测试了结构自振频率、动挠度及加速度等结构动力反应,根据动挠度计算得出冲击系数。将实测值与理论值进行对比分析。结果表明,应变校验系数在0.7~1.0之间,实测的挠度、吊索索力、频率及冲击系数均小于理论值,说明桥梁具有较好承载力和整体竖向刚度较好。试验方法与分析结果为今后评估与鉴定同类型桥梁提供理论依据和技术参考。  相似文献   

In order to research the bond properties between corroded reinforcement bars and concrete, reinforcement bars with different diameters and different types and concrete with different strength levels were treated specially with all soaking and impressed current method, and the bond properties were measured with the pull-out test. The comparative analysis of the bond properties of corroded reinforcement bars was carried out. The results showed that the types of reinforcement bars and concrete had great influence on the bond strength. The corrosion and volume expansion of reinforcement bars made concrete in tensile condition, which tended to produce cracks in parallel reinforced direction. The typical bond failure of plain reinforcement bars was pull-out, while the typical bond failure of ribbed reinforcement bars was split. The bond strength between corroded reinforcement bars and concrete increased with the increase of concrete strength. The bond strength of plain and ribbed reinforcement bars showed a decreasing trend after the first increase with the increase of the extent of corrosion. Through the test, the coefficients of the bond strength of plain and ribbed reinforcement bars were given, respectively.  相似文献   

为改善锈蚀钢筋混凝土柱的抗震性能, 利用碳纤维布与角钢对锈蚀柱进行复合抗震加固. 试验共对12根试件进行了低周反复加载试验, 研究参量包括钢筋锈蚀程度、轴向荷载、碳纤维布层数和角钢用量. 试验结果表明, 利用碳纤维布和角钢复合加固锈蚀柱可以显著改善锈蚀柱的承载能力、延性和耗能能力. 复合加固后, 加固柱的强度和延性与锈蚀柱相比, 可分别提高0.9倍和1倍以上. 基于试验结果, 提出了计算加固构件屈服荷载、最大荷载和位移延性系数的简化公式, 计算结果与试验结果极为吻合.  相似文献   

采用ABAQUS有限元软件对各种强度等级下各龄期钢筋混凝土梁的受扭性能进行分析。各龄期混凝土的本构关系采用塑性损伤模型,受拉指标采用断裂能。有限元分析结果表明:各龄期混凝土的抗扭承载力随龄期的增长而增长,开裂前早龄期混凝土梁的抗扭承载力主要由混凝土承担,钢筋的贡献很小;前3d是混凝土扭矩增长最快的主要时间段,开裂扭矩和极限扭矩达到28 d的60%左右。最后,根据有限元参数分析结果,在现行规范的基础上提出了早龄期混凝土梁开裂扭矩和极限扭矩的修正公式。  相似文献   

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