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荀子曾做过“兰陵令”,晚年在兰陵著书,死于兰陵并葬于兰陵。兰陵,具体位置应该是在今山东省苍山县境内。荀子提倡的“王霸并用,礼法双行”的治国方略在中国历史上有着重要地位,在当今也应该有重要的现实意义。人们应该重视对荀子思想的研究。  相似文献   

荀子是《春秋穀梁传》承前启后的关键人物。荀子学习和教授《春秋左氏传》当在与赵孝成王议兵于赵之前。荀子一生思想的发展是有脉络可循的,他早年学习儒家的传统思想,偏重于古代礼乐制度;中年居于稷下学宫开始创立新说,主张法后王;晚年见秦政之暴,弟子李斯相秦,荀子为之不食,荀子思想发生了一定的变化。荀子一生思想发展变化的脉络及其学习和教授《春秋》三传的先后顺序有利于认识《春秋》三传思想的差异。荀卿适楚,春申君以为兰陵令,因家于兰陵,在“亲亲上恩”的文化大环境之下传授《春秋穀梁传》,使《春秋穀梁传》“亲亲上恩”的文化因素得到进一步加强。  相似文献   

陈星 《基础教育论坛》2013,(Z2):140-140
<正>荀子(约公元前313年-前238年),名况,战国末期赵国人,著名思想家、文学家、政治家,时人尊称"荀卿"。西汉时因避汉宣帝刘询讳,因"荀"与"孙"二字古音相通,故又称孙卿。曾三次出任齐国稷下学宫的祭酒,后为楚兰陵(今山东兰陵)令。荀子的思想虽然与孔子、孟子思想都属于儒家思想范畴,但有其独特见解,自成一说。在自然观方面,他  相似文献   

荀子是中国古代最重要的思想家之一,他的思想可谓博大精深,其中有关社会政治的学说对后世影响尤其巨大。其主要内容包括法制思想、德治思想、尊先王、重后王等方面。从礼法关系和先王后王地位出发,探索荀子的政治哲学的主旨。  相似文献   

"叙述荀子生平"一事,始终要靠当代学者对历史资料的诠释和建构故事的一种"构想力"。在文献资料非常限制之情况下,勾勒出荀子的生平大概如下:荀子大约在公元前316年出生于赵国。他年轻时曾到齐国,当时应是15岁左右。荀子在稷下学宫研瓒到30岁左右,燕国战胜齐国迫使荀子离开齐都临淄,并在前286年到前278年间居留于楚国。后来秦军攻进楚国都郢城,齐襄王夺回临淄的事件让荀子回到稷下学宫,在这时期三度被任命为祭酒。在前265年,赵国由孝成王继位,应侯范雎在秦国掌政,荀子应该在这一年到前262年之间曾拜见他们以及秦昭王,此时也是秦赵争霸最后交锋的前夕。256年楚国灭鲁,荀子接受楚国春申君的邀请,接任兰陵令。我们无法确定前238年他被解任前是否曾一度离职赴赵国,但他在卸任后继续居住在兰陵直到去世。如果说荀子是在前237到前235年间去世的话,他的年纪应该是70岁后半到80岁。  相似文献   

荀子的义利思想,既包含孟子的重义理论,又有别于管子的功利主义思想,他是把义利统一的思想融入于荣辱思想的价值判断中,以先义后利为荣,先利后义为耻;同时, 又主张义对利的制约性、先导性,以义取利、以义克利.荀子把义利统一起来,强调道德与利益的一致性.荀子的义利思想对于当代建立社会主义荣辱观,构建社会主义核心价值体系仍具有重大的意义.  相似文献   

韩非师从荀卿考论——兼及荀、韩思想之"异"与"同"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩非师从荀卿的经历是其生平事迹研究中的重要问题之一。本文根据《史记》之《老子韩非列传》和《李斯列传》,以及《荀子》《韩非子》等材料,对韩非早年求学荀卿的经历作了考论:时间在前255至前247(荀卿重返楚任兰陵令)年间,地点即在楚之兰陵;其所学内容更多是有关“帝王之术”的内容。荀子的儒家学说对韩非也有着深远的影响,二者思想在这一点上又体现出了内在的一致性。在目前研究者更多看到荀、韩思想之不同、更多强调二者的对立性时,这种一致性更是我们所不能忽视的。  相似文献   

荀子(约公元前三一三年——前二三八年),名况,当时人称他为荀卿或孙卿,战国末期赵国人,法家学派著名的理论家和思想家。他为了宣传法家的政治主张,曾周游各国,东到齐、鲁,西入秦、陇,南至楚、汉,北及燕、赵,他在齐国稷下(今山东临淄北)讲学时,影响很大。著名的法家代表人物韩非和李斯都是他的学生。晚年曾任楚国兰陵令,死在楚国。  相似文献   

荀子(约公元前313——前238年)名况,尊号为卿,汉时称孙卿。赵人,战国末期的思想家、教育家。详细生平无可考。15岁游学齐国,后赴楚国。曾任兰陵令,著书终老于斯。著有《荀子》一书,共三十二篇。著名的弟子有韩非、李斯等。荀子总结与批判了先秦诸子的学术思想,是先秦诸子百家思想的集大成者。荀子的思想有许多新颖性、先进性。如肯定自然运行法则的客观性,“天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡”,  相似文献   

在简要概述兰陵文化内容资源、以兰陵古镇景区规划为主的兰陵文化开发现状的基础上,对兰陵文化的深层内涵挖掘从价值理念诠释、旅游口号提炼、荀子文化的精确定位、内容资源的排查筛选几方面展开具体论述,并探讨兰陵古镇文化的创新开发,以期为兰陵古镇的文化旅游提供有价值的学术借鉴。  相似文献   

梁《律》、《令》的修订在南齐立法的基础上完成,实为齐、梁两代的立法成果。梁《律》、《令》以晋《律》、《令》为蓝本制成,但在篇目上有一些改制,有关内容也较晋《律》、《令》完备。梁《律》、《令》对陈、北周、隋、唐《律》、《令》都有重要影响,是隋、唐《律》、《令》的重要渊源,其中梁《令》是隋、唐《令》的主要渊源。梁《律》、《令》是汉、魏、晋《律》、《令》向隋、唐《律》、《令》发展过程中极为重要的环节。  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the reasons for excessive optimism concerning the potential of ICT to enhance levels of pupil achievement. After a review of evidence concerning the potential of ICT, a small-scale survey is reported that shows continuing problems in the adoption of ICT by teachers. It is concluded that more research is needed to improve the expectations and effectiveness of ICT provision and utilisation.  相似文献   

Variations in phenotype reflect the influence of environmental conditions during development on cellular functions, including that of the genome. The recent integration of epigenetics into developmental psychobiology illustrates the processes by which environmental conditions in early life structurally alter DNA, providing a physical basis for the influence of the perinatal environmental signals on phenotype over the life of the individual. This review focuses on the enduring effects of naturally occurring variations in maternal care on gene expression and phenotype to provide an example of environmentally driven plasticity at the level of the DNA, revealing the interdependence of gene and environmental in the regulation of phenotype.  相似文献   

In this article, Dominic Griffiths reflects upon the current cultural gap between those who locate themselves as working ‘on the inside’ of the world of ‘special educational needs’ and the ‘inclusion movement’ and those who might be describe as ‘mainstream classroom teachers’. Griffiths warns of the dangers of the dangers of ‘enculturation’ of the ‘insiders’ which can lead to communal visions of mainstream teachers as ‘barriers to inclusion’. Equally, from ‘outsider’ perspectives, the world of special and inclusive education may be perceived as ‘mysterious’, hidden in a fog of arcane acronyms and populated by specialist ‘experts’. The author calls for a conscious demystification of this world and an active reaching out to and nurturing of mainstream colleagues without whom, he argues, the inclusion project cannot succeed.  相似文献   

舍伍德·安德森的《小镇畸人》一直备受文学界的关注。评论家们从结构、主题、语言和女权等不同角度解析过这部小说。一些评论家将畸人们的悲剧归因于现代人的语言障碍。实际上,畸人们并没有"失语",他们的话语中存在着对话性;畸人们悲剧的根源并不是语言的障碍,而是他们所拥抱的"真理"。  相似文献   

本文从"新历史主义"理论的视角出发,分析英国十六世纪亨利八世统治时期广为流传的一首童谣《胡巴德大妈与小狗》中影射的历史事件与相关人物,通过对比相关史料和传记,找出文学创作和历史叙述之间的联系与差异,从中发现看似荒诞不经的童谣,其中隐含的信息比历史记载更能真实的反映现实,是对都铎时期政治斗争的曲折而真实的折射,体现了无权无势的大众话语对权力话语的颠覆和解构。  相似文献   

This article examines China's senior high ‘Thought and Politics’ (sixiang zhengzhi) texts, analyzing how these seek to legitimize the regime's developmental strategy. It is argued that their overriding emphasis on the strengthening of the state is premised upon the imperative of securing China's position within global order conceived in Darwinian terms. While the school curriculum cannot be seen simply as an instrument with which the party-state shapes and moulds popular consciousness at will, it is assumed here that it does play a significant role in the political socialisation of young people. ‘Thought and Politics’ serves as a benchmark of ideological correctness within what remains a highly centralised system of curriculum development. The article begins by briefly analyzing the shifts and continuities in China's developmental strategy, and of the roles assigned to education within that strategy. The importance traditionally attached to schooling's moralizing function is noted, as is the relatively elitist character of the audience for the ‘Thought and Politics’ course – senior high school students. After considering how and why a discourse of state-centred patriotism has become central to the Communist Party's efforts to legitimise its authority, the implications of the ‘Patriotic Education Campaign’ for the broader school curriculum are reviewed. The main discussion then focuses on the way in which the current texts for ‘Thought and Politics’ justify the national developmental strategy in terms derived from this patriotic discourse. Some potential implications of this combination of patriotic political socialisation with a highly labour-repressive developmental model, setting the case of China in comparative and historical context.  相似文献   

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