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本文对机械臂运动规划的需求进行了合理分析,在最初以插补方式为主要控制算法的基础上进行了优化,使机器人在运动过程中尽量安全、无碰撞地绕过所有的障碍物。  相似文献   

This paper presents a discrete-time decentralized neural identification and control for large-scale uncertain nonlinear systems, which is developed using recurrent high order neural networks (RHONN); the neural network learning algorithm uses an extended Kalman filter (EKF). The discrete-time control law proposed is based on block control and sliding mode techniques. The control algorithm is first simulated, and then implemented in real time for a two degree of freedom (DOF) planar robot.  相似文献   

Dynamic path planning for mobile robots is an urgent issue that needs to be solved because of the growing use of mobile robots in daily life and industrial operations. This work focuses on avoiding moving obstacles in dynamic situations. The computational effort required by some current algorithms makes them difficult to utilize for path planning in dynamic situations whilst the computational effort required by other methods makes them simple yet prone to local minima. In this paper, an improved simulated annealing (SA) algorithm for dynamic path planning is proposed. To reduce its computational effort, the initial path selection method and deletion operation are introduced. Simulation results show the improved SA algorithm outperforms other algorithms and provides optimal solutions in static and dynamic environments.  相似文献   

A direct approach to path planning of a 2-DOFs (Degrees of Freedom) spherical robot based on Bellman?s dynamic programming (DP) is introduced. The robot moves in an environment with obstacles and employs DP to find optimal trajectory by minimizing energy and preventing obstacle collision. While other path planning schemes rely on pre-planned optimal trajectories and/or feedback control techniques, in this approach there is no need to design a control system because DP yields the optimal control inputs in a closed loop (feedback) form. In other words, after completing the DP table, the optimal control inputs are known for every state in the admissible region and the robot can move toward the final position without colliding with obstacles. This enables the robot to function well in semi- or even non-observable environments. Results from several simulated experiments show that the proposed approach is capable of finding an optimal path from any given position/orientation towards a predefined target in an environment with obstacles within the admissible region. The method is very promising compared to other path planning schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper a layer, Lie algebraic method of motion planning for nonholonomic systems is presented. It plans locally a motion towards a goal by searching for optimal directions in equi-cost spaces. The spaces are easy to determine via exploiting Lie algebraic properties of vector fields that define the controlled system. The method was illustrated on the unicycle robot and the inverted pendulum.  相似文献   

本文介绍了回弹仪特点及工作原理,阐述回弹仪使用和检定方法,分析故障产生原因,提出处理对策,对检定工作的顺利开展有积极的作用。  相似文献   

为了使信息用户能够高效、准确地从海量信息中获取所需信息。首先在总结相关用户行为理论研究的基础上,从5个方面对三大经典信息搜索过程模型进行比较分析,进而提出了新的信息搜索"三阶段"过程模型。最后,采用任务测试的方式,对"三阶段"过程模型运用Morae可用性测试软件设计情境展开实验,生成针对不同任务的搜索过程。验证了本文提出的新模型的科学性与普适性。  相似文献   

设计了一种改进的基于共面波导和带状线传输的超宽带平面巴伦.采用低介电常数材料作为介质基板,引入一段切比雪夫多节阻抗变换器,并改进了使共面波导两地等势的方式.这些措施有效地增加了工作带宽,降低了介质损耗.设计并制作了一种50Ω非平衡到100Ω平衡馈电转换的超宽带平面巴伦,在0.1~3GHz的频率范围内,测试得到的插入损耗小于1.5dB,输出端接匹配负载时电压驻波比小于2,实验结果和仿真结果吻合良好.  相似文献   

王曦 《科技风》2012,(2):245
城市用地竖向规划为城市各项用地的控制高程规划.城市用地控制高程如不综合考虑、统筹安排,势必造成各项用地在平面与空间布局上的相互冲突,用地与建筑、景观、道路交通、地面排水、工程管线敷设以及建设的近期与远期、局部与整体等的矛盾;只有通过用地的竖向规划才能避免和处理这些总是达到工程合理、造价经济、景观美好的效果.因此,城市用地竖向规划是城市规划的一个重要组成部分  相似文献   

对爱因斯坦关于“时间”“空间”论证的理论基础的正确性、论据(数据)的有效性、论证过程的规范性、在“环球航行原子钟实验”中选择定量与定性分析的依据问题、空间弯曲示意图的真伪性、日全食星星偏移照片的有效性等问题提出了相应的疑问,并提出了“不同纬度时钟实验”和“等效日全食实验”,作为验证爱因斯坦“时、空”观点的验证新方法。  相似文献   

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