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This article attempts to provide clarity in the maze of international inter‐organisational arrangements in higher education. Developments that fuel the establishment of such linkages are identified. First, the changes in the production of knowledge, changes in resource dependencies and increased opportunities for interaction through new technologies, demand interaction with other universities and organisations, in activities that previously took place within the organisational boundaries of the university. In addition, universities increasingly cross national borders. Students, scholars and employers demand and value the experience gained through international experiences. Liberalisation of trade markets and new modes of delivery expand opportunities for transnational education and the need for inter‐organisational interaction. On the basis of several classifications of cooperation in higher education and using concepts from organisational and management studies, we develop a multidimensional typology of international inter‐organisational cooperation. Critical dimensions identified in this typology are size, scope, nature of integration and intensity.  相似文献   

内涵式发展是"城校互动"职教发展模式自身健康成长的需要,是参与职业教育市场竞争的需要,是区域经济社会发展对人才需求质量提高的需要."城校互动"职教发展模式内涵式发展应当加强战略观念、政府支持、质量工程、合作交流、研究咨询、城市氛围等六大系统建设.  相似文献   

远程继续教育和企业教育的新型关系与合作机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在许多大型企业中,企业培训部门向企业大学的发展和转变,改变了企业教育的理念、模式以及实践,企业教育与远程继续教育的关系也随之发生了根本性的变化,产生了前所未有的新型关系和教育合作机遇。本文旨在分析远程继续教育和企业教育的关系变革和教育合作的机遇及优势。文章分为四个部分,第一部分介绍企业大学兴起的背景和现状;第二部分阐述企业培训部门转向企业大学后,在教育目标、教育策略、管理模式、课程类型、教学模式、学习对象六个方面产生的变革;第三部分分析远程继续教育和企业教育产生的新型关系,表明企业大学和远程继续教育走向一致的发展趋势;第四部分分析远程继续教育机构和企业大学教育合作的机遇和优势,说明双方的合作能够达到优势互补,通过分享办学理念和优质教育资源,取得良好的社会效益和成本效益,最终获得远程继续教育机构、企业大学以及企业员工的三赢成效。  相似文献   

建设和谐社会必然要求农民工教育服务的多边合作供给。对农民工教育服务的多机构合作供给实质上是公共服务领域内的一场制度变迁,即在农民工的教育服务供给领域中引入市场机制,构建多个利益相关者互动的公共服务新秩序,以实现各机构之间功能的互补性贡献。制度需求与制度供给的不平衡是制度变迁的内在动力。  相似文献   

建设和谐社会必然要求农民工教育服务的多边合作供给。对农民工教育服务的多机构合作供给实质上是公共服务领域内的一场制度变迁,即在农民工的教育服务供给领域中引入市场机制,构建多个利益相关者互动的公共服务新秩序,以实现各机构之间功能的互补性贡献。制度需求与制度供给的不平衡是制度变迁的内在动力。  相似文献   

远程学习环境中的交互性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
讨论了远程学习环境中的交互性,描述和分析了学习者与学习环境要素之间的交互功能.  相似文献   

在高等教育规模持续扩大的背景下,财经类高校本科人才培养机遇和挑战并存.从转变人才培养观念,以内涵式理念为指导思想,指出人才培养模式改革的重要性和必要性.从课程设置、校校合作与校企合作、素质教育三个方面提出加快财经类本科人才培养模式的创新策略.  相似文献   

校企合作更是高职教育改革和发展的必由之路。高职院校与民营企业合作是教学与生产实践的结合,二者是双向互动、相互促进的。基于区域高职院校与民营企业合作的现状分析,针对存在的问题,提出对策建议:组建职教集团,整合教学资源;研究企业需求,以工学结合人才培养模式为突破口,推进高职教育教学改革;加强顶层设计,优化合作环境等来加强高职院校与民营企业合作。  相似文献   

中国建筑业的高速发展,引发了建筑行业对操作技能型人才的大量需求,高职建筑工程技术专业教育面临着前所未有的发展机遇和挑战。在分析目前建筑工程技术专业人才培养现状的基础上,对专业人才培养目标、教材建设、课程体系的建立、教师队伍建设、实行校企合作等方面对该专业的人才培养模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

订单式人才培养是高职教育适应市场需求和改革趋势而发展的新型校企合作办学人才培养模式,体现了产学结合、校企合作的深度融合。在推行订单式人才培养中,要准确地把握校企合作、订单培养带来的新特点、新变化,努力构建与订单式人才培养模式相适应的学生思想政治工作体系与机制,全面做好学生思想政治工作,培养出企业所需要的高素质高级技能人才。  相似文献   

The article examines the reasons for the high demand for higher education in Cyprus. At present, economic, societal, and cultural forces are widely accepted as responsible for the phenomenal increase in demand. A survey of secondary school final form students conducted in Cyprus by the author reconfirms the importance of these forces but also points to another demand influencing factor, namely, the students' psychological motivation in the pursuit of higher studies. The article discusses the policy implications of the findings and suggests the following as measures to help promote a better match between higher education choices and labour market conditions: the provision of greater and more accurate information to secondary school students on the employment opportunities available with a higher education diploma; the promotion of vocational nonuniversity fields of study among secondary school students; and the frequent and closer interaction between higher education institutions and the labour market.  相似文献   

This article tells the extraordinary story of the cooperation among adult educators in five Nordic and three Baltic countries (NB8) which began in 1991 – the year when Latvia regained its independence. According to individuals who experienced the evolution of this cooperation from the beginning and were actively involved in the process of developing contemporary theories, policies and practices of adult education in Latvia, this cooperation resulted in the creation of a range of unique opportunities for learning and development. Latvian adult educators were engaged in many activities; they learned themselves, taught others, did research on adult education and developed a new system of adult education. What had started out as a “donorship” grew into a “partnership”. With hardly any published information about this cooperation to rely on, the authors of this article build their case using (1) their own memories of participation; (2) the information gained through interviews with key experts; and (3) a number of largely unpublished documents indicated in these interviews. Tracing the evolution of this cooperation, their study seeks to understand how learning opportunities were created and how they were used by adult educators in Latvia. Adopting an ecological (in terms of learning environment, relationships, agency, motivation and identity) sociocultural perspective on learning and learning opportunities, the authors analyse the quality of the learning opportunities created in the context of Nordic-Baltic cooperation, aiming to identify what makes international cooperation successful.  相似文献   

Cooperation among organisations is a common practice in the area of continuing education. It is facilitated by education policy guidelines, initiatives and funding programs. However, it is still mostly unresolved, which specific advantages are realised by cooperation in the field of continuing education. The following article examines the effect of cooperation among adult education centres in increasing attendance in their continuing education courses. The examination is based on the statistics of adult education centres. The analysis is based on panel data, which help to identify causal connections between courses of cooperation and attendance. The results show that cooperation results in additional educational opportunities and thus increases the attendance numbers. In addition, cooperation among adult education centres holds the potential to attract previously unreached participants.  相似文献   

校企合作教育模式运行机制建设的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
校企合作是培养应用型人才的重要途径。现行校企合作教育在保障机制、合作观念、组织运作等方面都存在问题。要解决这些问题,在政府层面须建立校企合作教育的促进保障机制,在学校层面须建立校企合作的主动适应与调节机制,在企业层面须建立校企合作的内在需求机制。  相似文献   

This article introduces Frontiers of Education in China’s special issue on China-Europe higher education cooperation. It is more than simply an introduction to the five studies collected for the special issue. Rather, it provides an overview of higher education cooperation between China and Europe from the perspective of opportunities and challenges. Such background information will help readers not only better understand the studies included in the special issue, but also link these studies to a bigger picture of China-Europe higher education cooperation.  相似文献   

There are currently two views about the relationship between education and economic development. One rather narrow view treats education as an investment in people — in human capital — that raises productivity and national income just like investments in physical capital. Rational individuals invest in themselves when they see that private returns exceed private cost. Governments should invest in education that gives favourable social rates of returns. Their main function is to respond to the established pattern of demand for education. The second, and broader, view sees education not as a pure investment good, but as a powerful force that increases people's knowledge, changes their values and attitudes, and thus expanding their ability to absorb new technology. In this view, the expansion of educational opportunities is vital to the making of a modern society. Governments should provide education with the objective of creating a fully educated society — a society where everyone has at least six to ten years of formal education. They should create educational and training opportunities ahead of demand, with subsidies and compulsory schooling laws if necessary.  相似文献   

州际高等教育协定和州际学费互惠协议,是美国州际高等教育协调与合作机制的两种主要形式。其作用主要包括实现区域高等教育合作和资源共享,解决州际高等教育矛盾和争端,帮助制定和实施区域性高等教育政策,扩大高等教育入学机会。美国的做法对我国建立区域高等教育协调与合作机制具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

"互动",就是以教师为主导、以学生为主体,教学中通过教师的启发去引导学生发现,在学生发现的要求下,促使教师去启发,师生密切配合,在轻松的环境中实现培养学生交际能力的目的。探讨教师与学生应该如何形成有效的互动关系,能够促使学生在掌握知识的过程中积极思维、发展个性、互助共进,进而有效地推动英语素质教育的进程。  相似文献   

教学中的“互动”就是以教师为主导、以学生为主体,通过教师的启发去引导学生发现问题,在学生发现的要求下,促使教师去启发,师生密切配合,在轻松的环境中实现培养学生交际能力的目的。教师与学生有效的互动能够促使学生在掌握知识的过程中积极思维、发展个性、互助共进,进而有效地推动英语素质教育的进程。  相似文献   

随着经济和教育形势的发展,成人教育正向多元、灵活、开放的模式发展,随着社会对人才需求变化,根据需要实施校企合作是拓展成人教育的发展空间,是构建终身教育体系和学习型社会有效途径。本文是课题组在调查研究的基础上,总结了当前成人教育人才培养存在的问题,阐述了校企合作的意义和作用,分析了成人教育校企合作的现状和存在问题,对校企合作今后的发展进行了思考。  相似文献   

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