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This paper examines the state of guidance and counselling in New Zealand specific to the needs of gifted and talented young people. It considers the policy and practices in education in this domain and guidance and counselling services in this context. Drawing on key literature in this field, it identifies the major issues and needs of the gifted and talented that counsellors should be aware of and be able to address. Finally, it looks at future developments in this increasingly important area of interest.  相似文献   

在一系列国家文件的指导下,新西兰的幼儿教育事业迅速发展,教育质量显著提升。新西兰政府通过制定幼儿园教师专业标准,包括幼儿园新教师专业标准,提升幼儿园教育质量。新西兰的幼儿园新教师专业标准对我国进一步完善幼儿园教师专业标准有启示意义。  相似文献   

教师素质是决定教育质量高低的主要因素。新西兰建立了较为严格和完善的教师资格标准和专业标准体系,以确保教师队伍的素质,提高教师质量。了解新西兰在教师资格认证与管理方面的做法以及新西兰中学教师专业标准、教师教育毕业生标准的主要内容,对我国认识教师专业素养、制定教学专业标准、建立教师质量保证体系都有着借鉴意义。  相似文献   

邓正容 《中学教育》2011,8(2):66-70,65
新西兰于1998年颁布了《中小学校长标准暂行条例》,随后又对其进行了修改;并先后颁布了修订后的《小学校长标准》和《中学校长标准》。新的校长标准包含文化构建、教学领导、系统管理以及合作和伙伴构建四个方面。新的校长标准关注每一位学生的学业成就和校长的教学领导职责等核心价值,这对我国校长专业标准建设具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

新西兰成人社区教育专业化发展趋势解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新西兰是个重视教育的国家,对成人社区教育也一直比较关注。随着21世纪要求建立学习型社会的呼声越来越高,政府也更加注重成人社区教育的作用。为了提高新西兰成人社区教育的质量,新西兰高等教育委员会于2006年提出了成人社区教育专业化发展规划和行动计划。文章试图从计划的提出、内容及意义三个方面对其进行剖析,以便更加全面地了解该计划的内容。  相似文献   

Assessment for learning in the accountability era: New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The requirements for valid assessment for learning and assessment of learning are reviewed and then the tensions between these two purposes of assessment are explored, first in general and then within two areas of the New Zealand education system. First, the nature of assessment for learning in primary schools is discussed and how it is, or might be, affected by four accountability pressures associated with assessment of learning. The second area is assessment for qualifications in the final years of secondary education. Here, some of the assessment of learning occurs at local level, within schools, and the remainder occurs at national level. These two assessment pathways create substantially different conditions affecting assessment for learning.  相似文献   

为了发展教育出口经济,也为了提升新西兰大学在国际上的地位,新西兰政府最近推出了一系列吸引海外留学生的新政策,加大了对海外留学生的资助力度,实行国际博士研究奖学金计划,下调海外留学博士生的学位费用,并特别出台了一些吸引中国留学生的新举措.  相似文献   

This article explores the issues of trust, control, professional autonomy and accountability in higher education quality assurance in the UK. The main part of this article is conceptual, but it includes results from semi-structured interviews with academic staff that were conducted at two “new university” business schools. Both institutions are broadly similar in their key characteristics and have experienced a transformation to university status in the early 1990s. The article argues that there has been a change from informal “light-touch” quality control systems based on local practices and a significant amount of trust and professional autonomy in the early 1990s to a highly prescribed process of audit-based quality control today. The article argues that accountability and transparency are important principles that academics should wholeheartedly embrace, but that the audit format adopted in the UK introduces a one-way accountability and provides “rituals of verification” (Power 1997) instead of fostering trust, has high opportunity costs and may well be detrimental to innovative teaching and learning.  相似文献   

专业自主权是幼儿园教师专业发展的核心、关键和动力。从教育教学自主权、学术研究自主权、参与决策自主权、专业发展自主权和教师影响力等五个方面对上海市示范性幼儿园进行的问卷调查结果显示,幼儿园教师的专业自主权整体期望值要显著高于现实状况,且两者呈正相关。幼儿园教师在个人层面上的专业自主权要大于在组织层面上的专业自主权。  相似文献   

This paper examines global citizenship as a way of thinking and behaving with understanding of the need to tackle injustice and inequality as a foundation for international peace and development. The conceptualized model was based on reality perspectives and eclectic counselling orientations for building global citizens in developing nations. Guidance and counselling as a crucial service for developing global citizenship, with a focus on Nigeria, is examined. Constraints and prospects for developing global citizens are analyzed. The paper concludes that integration of guidance and counselling as an educational innovation in developing countries would enrich global curriculum and instruction and contribute towards the enhancement of global citizenship.  相似文献   

冉伶 《教育与教学研究》2011,(12):96-98,113
新西兰的护理教育在其护理教育理念及临床护理教育模式下,已经发展出一套完整的适合国情的护理教育体系。通过对新西兰护理教育在课程设置、课程实施、课程评估以及执业护理考试等方面的调查,发现在其良好的护理教育环境下,具有全新的教育模式,灵活多变的教学方法及评估措施,且与临床护理实践紧密相关,很好地体现了护理特色,满足了临床护理需求。新西兰护理教育模式为我国的护理教育在课程设置、教学方法、评估手段方面提供了借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

Sexuality education is a compulsory part of The New Zealand Curriculum for state-funded schools. In 2015, the Ministry of Education has published an updated revision of their official guidelines for schools on the teaching of sexuality education. This paper employs Foucauldian discourse analysis to argue that this policy document, Sexuality Education: A Guide for Principals, Boards of Trustees, and Teachers, reflects and reproduces particular ways of knowing which constrain possibilities for socially just sexuality education. These discourses include the adoption of an intellectual approach to teaching sexuality, the mandate to measure learning objectives, and a narrow emphasis on positive sexuality. Intentions for the curriculum to deliver a holistic, socio-ecological vision of sexual health as well as one which embeds Māori values are undermined by dominant understandings of individual action which shape approaches to both sexuality and pedagogy. Furthermore, the liberal recognition of cultural, ethnic, sexual and gender diversity in the curriculum unintentionally reinscribes an unmarked white, secular, heterosexuality as the norm. This paper reflexively critiques the discursive tensions that inhibit the realisation of sexuality education in schools which meets the needs of diverse students and offers it as a possible site for social justice.  相似文献   

This paper examines the process by which all post‐compulsory education in New Zealand has become integrated under one administrative structure, the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC), with the intention of developing a single coordinated system of tertiary education. In particular, adult and community education (ACE), the least formal and organised sector, is required to develop programmes that align with an externally conceived set of priorities, which themselves arise from the Tertiary Education Strategies. Using Popper’s concepts of ‘holistic’ versus ‘piecemeal’ change, it is argued that such large‐scale change is potentially dangerous as there are likely to be unintended, damaging consequences of such policies; consequences which are difficult to fix in modern, complex societies. In particular, ACE which is built on an insider, community‐focus ethos, able itself to identify and respond to community‐learning opportunities, is likely to be changed fundamentally so that the very characteristics that have made ACE effective in the past will be lost in the process.  相似文献   

新西兰基础教育具有完善的教育体制、促进均衡发展的教育政策和健全的保障体系,教育均衡程度很高。新西兰教育理念是以学生为本,并切实落实在校园环境、课程设置、教学内容、教学方式、学生管理中,促进学生适应未来社会的全面发展。剖析新西兰基础教育制度及特色,提出通过宏观调控政策推进教育均衡、以学生为本的教育理念落到实处、教育资源配置在达标基础上中融入教育理念等思考,以期为我国基础教育的质量提升提供启发。  相似文献   

The publication of Trading in Futures and When Schools Compete helped give empirical support to the view that choice policies increased differences between schools. However, dispute about this research and changes in policy mean that our understanding of the impact of school choice policies in New Zealand remains partial. This paper aims to address continued uncertainty about the impact of school choice policies in New Zealand. It presents the results of a study that drew upon qualitative data gathered in interviews with school principals and on administrative data on the enrolment patterns in the same competition space explored by the Trading in Futures research. The data show that periods of greatest instability in enrolments occurred around the time of change in regulations.  相似文献   

Teachers are increasingly engaging in inquiry through questioning, investigating, reflecting, and using data about their own practice and the functions of their departments and schools. The purpose of this study was to explore how inquiry is conceived in the literature and how it was enacted and experienced by New Zealand high school teachers. The literature on inquiry often conveys conflicting advice, competing demands, and contradictory purposes. Using interviews with a purposive sample of educators, this paper suggests that inquiry is a central, yet contested, concept; teachers feel tension when enacting inquiry; and their inquiry processes occasionally slip into accountability.  相似文献   

新西兰建立了较为完善的教师资格标准和教师教育发展体系,通过对新西兰教师的准入资格标准、晋升资格标准、语言能力要求、语言/文化教师的能力标准以及教师培训等内容的介绍,能够为我国教师教育及专业资格标准的实施与改进提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

Recent restructuring of research funding for New Zealand’s higher education institutions is ‘outputs‐driven’. Under the Performance Based Research Fund, units of assessment of research quality are individuals, every degree teacher receiving a confidential score of A, B or C (if deemed ‘research active’) or ‘R’ (‘Research Inactive’). Despite its relatively high number of A and B rated individuals, Education’s collective ranking was low. I interviewed staff and draw on Bernstein to explore how this process affects professional identity formation, a process involving engagement with changing ‘official’ external identities. I overview Bernsteinian concepts, historicise Education’s changing official identities and illustrate how these enabled and constrained participants’ self‐definitions before, during, and immediately after, the quality evaluation. The imposition of audit culture reproduces old theory/practice binaries.  相似文献   

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