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Educators of children with special needs are required by law to employ “child find” to identify children with disabilities in their communities. Similar efforts to locate gifted children are required in a few states, but the practice is not mandated at the federal level. A rationale for child find is provided, as well as the guidelines of child find regarding locating gifted children among the states requiring this practice. Examples of current child find resources are provided, as well as implications for future research. Agencies that may participate in locating potentially gifted children are provided, along with suggested strategies for initiating a child find plan.  相似文献   

Psychologists working in schools are often the first contacts for children experiencing a potentially traumatizing event or change in status. This article reviews basic concepts in crisis counseling and describes the components of psychological first aid. This form of counseling must be developmentally and culturally appropriate as well as individualized. Effective intervention can prevent post‐traumatic stress syndrome and facilitate normal mourning processes associated with any losses experienced. These prevention activities are also discussed. Some children may need resources beyond those that the school can provide, and appropriate referrals can link children and adults to a variety of treatments such as psychotherapy and medication, also briefly outlined. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Conclusions Play is an important part of the life of the young child, both at home and in school. In designing a play environment for handicapped children who are attending a preschool along with their nonhandicapped peers, the teacher needs to be aware of the needs and limitations resulting from the child's particular disability. This knowledge can be put to use in making the environment as productive as possible and providing play opportunities that are fun, educational, and practical for each child. While it is important that we consider the particular handicapping condition, teachers should never lose sight of the fact that a handicapped child is first and foremost a child, whose basic needs are not too different from those of all children. These basic needs should be the primary concern of the teacher who is interested in guiding the child toward productive educational experiences and helping that child become an integral part of the school group.  相似文献   

In New South Wales, Australia, the Department of Youth and Community Services is empowered by statute to deal with cases of child abuse and neglect. Its child protection services include the Montrose Child Life Protection Unit which is designed to support and complement the work of both the Intake Service, Field Service and most importantly the work of child protective facilities in the community. The service has intake crisis counselling and call out resources; maintains a central register; provides a facility for crisis residential care for children and families, diagnostic assessment, and a day programme. The emphasis in service delivery in New South Wales in the area of child protection is on multidisciplinary intervention. The Department of Youth and Community Services is involved in promoting interagency cooperation and co-ordination. Over and above a philosophy that underlies service delivery is the Montrose Unit's involvement in sensitising the community to the difficult and often demanding role of parenting. Montrose represents an attempt to create an environment where parenting myths can be examined from a reality base and strategies implemented for reeducation.  相似文献   

Development economists and policy makers have in recent times focused attention on child poverty as a crucial aspect of poverty. The importance of the analysis of child poverty partly lies in the fact that children are the most vulnerable group in every society. This study used two poverty lines and the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke index to analyze extreme and overall child poverty headcount, depth and severity in Nigeria. The study also used the headcount ratio to analyze the extent of child deprivation in education, health, nutrition, child protection, water and sanitation. The study was based on the 2010 Harmonized Nigeria Living Standard Survey (HNLSS) and the 2011 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), obtained from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Abuja, Nigeria. The study revealed that 23.22% of children in Nigeria were in extreme child poverty while 70.31% of children in the country were in overall child poverty. The study further showed that there was pronounced child deprivation in education, health, nutrition, child protection, water and sanitation. Both child poverty and child deprivation were more pronounced in the rural sector than in the urban sector and in Northern Nigeria than in Southern Nigeria. Therefore, the Nigerian government should take adequate steps to eradicate child poverty and obliterate all forms of child deprivation in Nigeria – particularly deprivation in basic needs. In taking such steps, more attention should be focused on rural areas and Northern Nigeria.  相似文献   

Young children with autism benefit from various adaptations made to an early childhood classroom. This article includes modifications for both teacher‐directed and child‐initiated activities. Adaptations are given for the classroom environment, daily schedule, sensory needs, transitions and general teaching strategies. The techniques described are especially important when working with young children with autism, but are also helpful for all young children. The information provided is gained from several years of experience working with young children with autism in schools, homes and childcare.  相似文献   

创造适合孩子发展的教育,进而创造适合每一个孩子发展的教育,是思考未来基础教育发展方式的起点。"一个孩子就是一部教育史"的个性化教育理念是对区域教育发展方式转变的顶层设计,内涵着以"学习者"为中心,以个体"学习需要"为教育的起点、生长点和教育资源,以"终身发展"为导向的基本理念。面向未来基础教育发展形态的个性化教育改进框架包括改进领域、改进原则、改进方式、改进策略等组成部分。  相似文献   

儿童照顾政策是日本应对日益加速的少子高龄化社会进程、提高社会成员生育意愿的重要环节。但"育儿支援新制度"、"幼保无偿化"等看似相当充裕的儿童照顾政策效果却未达预期:不仅新出生儿童数量没有实现增加,无法进入照顾机构的"待机儿童"也成为困扰日本政府与社会成员的新问题。由于日本儿童照顾体系中独特的保育所与幼儿园二元分立的历史构造,儿童照顾资源整合难度较大;更多女性参与劳动力市场导致家庭能够提供的儿童照顾减少,各类儿童照顾政策的实施又拉动了潜在的儿童照顾需求。日本的经验表明,应对少子化危机、解决待机儿童难题需要在增加儿童照顾供给总量、提高政策普惠性与公平性的同时,调整儿童照顾机构使用时间与使用限制等供给结构,提高儿童照顾对于社会成员的可得性与可及性。  相似文献   

Given the well-documented, long-term, negative mental health consequences of child sexual abuse, it is important that children receive counseling following abuse. Often, the social worker's responsibility is to insure that abused children are appropriately referred for counseling following disclosure of sexual abuse. There are multiple factors that could facilitate or hinder this process, and identification of these factors is important in assisting families in becoming engaged in therapy. The purpose of this study was to (1) determine the extent of the problem of sexual abuse victims failing to keep their first scheduled therapy appointment, and (2) identify factors associated with failure to attend. Subjects were 129 consecutive child sexual abuse clients referred to long-term therapy by counselors at a crisis intervention center. Those who attended their first therapy session (n = 84) were found to differ from those who did not (n = 45) on the basis of their race, the center to which they were referred (private or public), whether the family had a telephone in the home, and whether the child's mother agreed that the family needed counseling. Implications of this study for increasing attendance at therapy are presented and recommendations are made for further research.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a conference at which participants reviewed indepth the literature on child abuse prevention and child development, as it pertains to different cultural and ethnic population groups, and identifies alternative prevention strategies for these different groups. The efficacy of the following interventions are analyzed: perinatal support programs, education for parents, treatment for abused children, early and periodic childhood screening and treatment programs: social skills training for children and young adults; mutual aid programs and neighborhood support groups; family support services such as crisis care; public information about child abuse and community development activities such as employment assistance. The paper concludes that although treatment services for different groups may be quite similar, prevention strategies must take account of the individual and unique values, norms and socialization patterns of different groups.  相似文献   

A child welfare system is responsible for making difficult decisions. Child welfare workers are charged with assessing and determining when a child is in need of protection, including when it is necessary to intervene on behalf of children when their caregivers’ abilities and/or situation is deemed to put them at risk of abuse or neglect. Although the child welfare workforce in Ontario attended to an estimated 125,281 child maltreatment investigations in 2013, little is known about the skills, education, and experiences of these investigating workers. Notwithstanding assumptions about the qualifications and characteristics necessary for effective child welfare practice, few studies explicitly link the specific characteristics of workers to children, youth, and families achieving positive case outcomes. These assumptions have been shaped by a multitude of factors including knowledge of human resources, professional standards, and educational requriements. This study examined data from five cycles over twenty years of Ontario Incidence Studies (-1993, -1998, -2003, -2008, -2013) to provide a profile of child welfare workers. This is the first study to examine the changing profile of child welfare workers in any province in Canada and provides a foundation for developing effective recruitment and professional development strategies, and promoting a positive work environment. Policy and practice implications for the changing needs of these families are discussed.  相似文献   

There are child soldiers fighting with government forces and opposition groups in more than 30 countries worldwide. Although studies have been conducted on the impact of war-related trauma on children, very few have focused on those children who do not exhibit trauma-related symptoms after experiencing armed combat. The purpose of this study was to identify and understand some of the mechanisms and resources that resilient children draw upon to overcome the trauma of child soldiering. Six Colombian child soldiers were recruited through purposive sampling techniques to participate in a narrative study focusing on their lived experiences and their personal understanding of how they were able to overcome the effects of war trauma. Six narrative themes were identified and discussed in terms of the literature on trauma and childhood resilience and also related to counselling needs and services.  相似文献   

This study employed qualitative research methodology to explore the experiences of mothers who self-directed their learning following their child’s stroke diagnosis. Paediatric stroke, although rare, is among the top 10 causes of death in children in the USA, but information about the cause, treatment and long-term impact are difficult to find. Parents struggle to locate resources to help them understand the significance of the stroke, and little research has been conducted to help them identify what to expect as their child grows and develops. Seven women whose children had suffered a stroke participated in individual interviews about their experience for this study. The findings reveal how efforts to learn independently can be challenged by a dearth of information and resources, and how parental roles may change as a result. Mothers shared how they became a subject matter expert and a partner with their physician in terms of decision-making. They also discussed how their learning was continuous, an unremitting process based on each new health challenge that resulted from the stroke. One of the most significant findings is how important facilitators and human resources can be to the success of self-directed learning efforts, especially during a medical crisis.  相似文献   

The developing world has continually faced tremendous challenges in providing social security and safety nets for its vast populations culminating in wider educational inequalities and extreme poverty. It is not uncommon in Sub-Saharan Africa to find rapacious wealth in the hands of a few co-existing with mass poverty. As a consequence, the majority of children in education have continually experienced low attainment levels and poor prospects in life. This paper discusses interrelationships between child poverty and educational inequalities since these aspects are critical to child development and social mobility and are poignant for developing nations if they are to re-align their economies competitively at a global level. The paper used an analytic review of existing survey data and literature on contemporary contexts in Sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on establishing understanding on child poverty and its impacts on children’s education and well being. In using data from the World Bank and United Nations agencies, the paper has been able to ascertain poverty indices affecting children; inadequate education investment levels; educational inequalities and how these have negatively impacted childhood education and development. Indications are that child poverty and educational inequalities continue to exist despite rising education investments in some countries. The paper posits strategies that developing nations may apply to improve childhood experiences and harness human capital, despite challenging levels of poverty.  相似文献   

The early identification of young children's special educational needs (SEN), as well as the development of specific strategies to support those children identified with special needs, are increasingly recognised as crucial to facilitating good adjustment to school and to ensuring that such children are helped to reach their full potential in education. Using a large national sample of young children in England whose developmental progress was followed up from pre‐school, this study investigates which child, family, home and pre‐school factors can be viewed as risk or protective factors for later SEN‐status at age 10. The experience of high‐quality pre‐school education is shown to reduce the likelihood of a child being identified as experiencing SEN in the long run. Teachers’ assessments of SEN are found to be strongly related to children's reading and mathematics attainment, but other factors also predict SEN, including a child's age within a year group.  相似文献   


Conventional assumptions about how children should be brought up seem no longer tenable in the face of recent trends. Yet policy makers and professionals as well as parents of young children must establish criteria for judging the boundaries of adequacy. Identifying children's needs is one commonly used strategy, which appears both objective and authoritative. But this is deceptive. ‘Need’ statements project decision criteria on to children, and disguise complex implicit assumptions. Four different bases for identifying children's needs can be distinguished. They can be thought of as reflecting: basic qualities of human nature; prerequisites for mental health; processes of cultural adaptation; or conformity with dominant social values. A more explicit specification of the empirical and evaluative basis of judgments about early child rearing is called for.  相似文献   

Children's exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) is increasingly recognized as a type of child maltreatment that has a level of impairment similar to other types of abuse and neglect. Despite advances in the area of IPV, the safety planning strategies recommended as part of the overall response to IPV need to be examined in terms of their implications for children. This article discusses these strategies within the context of child safety, comparing IPV safety planning with approaches aimed at reducing exposure to other types of violence such as child sexual abuse, as well as general child safety strategies. Despite the emphasis on safety planning in information available on responding to IPV, the actual effectiveness of such planning in improving safety and reducing violence is unknown. Safety planning provided to children by a parent experiencing IPV, especially when IPV is ongoing and not recognized by anyone outside the home, may lead to confusing messages for children, particularly if there is an emphasis on secrecy. While awaiting evidence about the effectiveness of specific safety planning strategies for children, we suggest basic principles and general strategies that emphasize universality in terms of education about any type of violence or abuse in the home being unacceptable, as well as the need to focus on safety in general.  相似文献   

This article has its roots in the basic contradictions, which go back to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, between the self-interest and the care of others, exemplified by the delegation of responsibility for the care of children and other vulnerable persons. This splitting of human life-supporting activities has sealed women's dependence on men by setting off the lucrative area from the private, non-lucrative sphere of activities. These contradictions become paradoxical as soon as we consider the delegation of responsibility for the care of a child to someone not related to the child. This article addresses the question of how the child's developmental needs can be met without damage to his/her sensitivity, and his/her perception of others or of the cooperation involved. As soon as it is born, the child, a thoroughly interactive being, discerns the relationships it entertains with those who are in charge of him/her. The persons - mostly women - who take care of the child are not interchangeable, since they bring their own subjectivity into their dealings with the child and this is reciprocal. The women's skills, frequently thought to be “undefinable”, but which many women, whether related or not to the child, have developed or should develop, are brought into play and are either transmitted or acquired in the course of their care of the child; these skills are not by nature “feminine skills”, but they require a great deal of reactivity and sensitivity and therefore, many child professionals, mothers' aids and children's care-takers in the home are hurt and insulted by the low esteem in which they are held. These skills and human qualities, which are the result of feelings more than of formalised knowledge, techniques or theories - albeit these are also necessary - make child care and child rearing an art. These skills seem to be in total contradiction with those that are current in the world of labour, where the tempo of work, flexibility of working hours, the evaluation criteria and anxiety are conditioned by economic considerations and rest on purely monetary factors. Finally, a recognition of these sensitive qualities - when it is given - must of necessity be inter-subjective but also be societal. The latter requires a new, different organisation of the labour world, one which recognises the diversity of human activities, where each can find a sense of social usefulness by contributing to the satisfaction of others' social needs and having one's own needs satisfied by others - by many others. This would presuppose reversing the meaning of the division of labour and of life-maintaining activities by placing greater emphasis on “interest in others”.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Children with special health care needs are known to be at increased risk of all forms of child maltreatment when compared to children without such needs. We describe a health care team's experience providing medical evaluations for suspected child maltreatment to children with special health care needs. METHOD: Consecutive cases seen as outpatients in the Abuse Referral Clinic for Children with Disabilities were abstracted and analyzed. Mail and telephone follow-up contact was attempted after the medical evaluation to determine adherence with treatment recommendations. A subsample of cases for which complete financial information was available was reviewed to determine a reimbursement rate. RESULTS: During the study, 49 children received complete outpatient evaluations. Ages ranged from 3 to 16 years old, and 54% were males. Special needs spanned a wide range of physical, developmental/cognitive and behavioral conditions. The largest number of referrals came from child protective services (42%) followed by referrals from physicians (27%). After the team's comprehensive evaluation, 18% of the children were found to have a history or physical examination that was diagnostic for child maltreatment, 13% were thought to be at high risk, 25% were thought to be at low risk and 44% were thought to have non-abusive etiologies. The collection rate was 14% for an average reimbursement of $38 per case. Only 29 caregivers could be found at follow-up and 22 remembered the recommendations made by the team. Of the 25 cases that were referred for outpatient mental health counseling, 12 (48%) complied. CONCLUSION: Children with a wide range of special health care needs were evaluated in an outpatient special health care needs clinic that offered comprehensive medical evaluations for possible child maltreatment. Medical evaluation services for this group of children were poorly reimbursed. Mental health services were frequently recommended but often not accessed. Child maltreatment teams seeking to serve children with special health care needs will need to plan for service delivery to a potentially diverse group of children and families who may experience difficulty in carrying through on the team's treatment recommendations.  相似文献   

Earlier research by the author indicated that many below average attainers do not remember number facts and use alternative strategies to obtain solutions to basic arithmetical problems. These alternatives were frequently seen as the best way of finding a solution.This paper considers the relationship between the various strategies used by mixed ability children aged 7 to 12. An analysis of alternatives suggests that the selection is not underpinned by regression through the learning sequence, but by regression dominated by the child's preference for certain strategies over others. Through the evaluation of a hierarchy of preferences, divergence between the strategies available to the less able and the more able child is revealed. The alternative strategies used are based either on counting — procedural strategies, or on the use of selected known knowledge — deductive strategies. Above average children have both available as alternatives; evidence of deduction is rare amongst below average children. The more able child appears to build up a growing body of known facts from which new known facts are deduced. Less able children — relying mainly on procedural strategies — do not appear to have this feedback loop available to them.The paper contends that, for some children, procedural methods do not encourage the need to remember; the procedure provides security. On the other hand, deductive methods initially enhance the ability to remember other basic facts and eventually help children make extensive use of facts that are known to remove the need to remember new ones. More able children appear to be doing a qualitatively different sort of mathematics than the less able.  相似文献   

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