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当代人格研究范式的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来,人格心理学在理论研究与实际应用等方面都取得了令人瞩目的突破。人格研究范式出现了许多新的进展:生物学研究范式关注遗传和进化的作用以及生物学在人格发展中的贡献;文化研究范式以多元文化观的视角探讨了文化与人格的关系;特质范式重视大五模型在不同领域内的应用及其未来发展;社会认知范式强调影响个体行为的认知、动机和目标变量,完善了以社会认知观点为基础的自我理论。  相似文献   

不同的心理学流派对儿童社会化有不同的观点和看法。精神分析理论强调本能对个体社会化的作用,新精神分析派则增加了对社会文化因素的重视,认知理论强调认知发展对儿童社会化过程的影响,而人本主义心理学关心的是人自身向健康人格的成长潜能。尽管这些  相似文献   

论儿童社会性教育的心理学依据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同的心理学流派对儿童社会化有不同的观点和看法。精神分析理论强调本能对个体社会化的作用,新精神分析派则增加了对社会文化因素的重视,认知理论强调认知发展对儿童社会化过程的影响,而人本主义心理学关心的是人自身向健康人格的成长潜能。尽管这些流派对儿童社会化问题的解释各有特色,也都有其局限性,但它们都从不同角度为我们进行儿童社会性教育提供了一定的心理学依据。 一、儿童认知发展水平是社会性教育的基础 皮亚杰认为,儿童的社会性发展依赖于儿童的认知发展,这一观点开拓了“社会认知”这一新的研究领域,将儿童的认知发…  相似文献   

贾鑫 《现代语文》2007,(3):80-82
认知心理学是西方现代心理学的一个重要流派,其核心内容是:“论述我们如何获得世界中的信息,这些信息如何作为知识得以再现和转换,他们如何被储存,以及如何用于指导我们的注意和行为。”加涅是认知心理学的重要代表人物,他坚持用当代认知心理学“信息加工”的观点来解释学习过程。他认为:学习应是个体作用于环境,而非行为主义者认为的环境引起人的行为。由此可见,加涅的认知学习理论要研究的是个体处理其环境刺激时的内部过程,而不是外显的刺激与反应。本文试就加涅认知学习论基本观点的阐述进一步具体分析其学习理论对语文阅读教学设计的启示。  相似文献   

从自我价值保护的观点来看自尊   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自尊作为一种人格变量,不仅影响个体对事件的情感反应,而且还影响着个体的认知和行为反应。自我价值保护动机理论认为,个体在潜在的威胁自我的情境下是否采用防御性的自我价值保护方式,一个很重要的影响因素就是个体的自尊。个体无论自尊水平高低,在不同的情境中都有可能运用自我价值保护。  相似文献   

试论人格形成的选择机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理学对人格的研究由来已久。许多流派都从不同的角度对人格加以界说和探讨。本文就人格的概念提出了自己的观点,论述了自我和人格的关系,并且认为在人格的形成中选择机制起着关键作用,指出个体进行选择的前提条件是人作为主体具有能动性和选择的必要性,阐述了促使个体进行选择的直接动力是社会需要和环境压力以及选择行为的特点等  相似文献   

论自我的统一功能与健康人格的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过全面回顾西方人格理论家关于自我与人格健康关系的理论观点,认为不同理论流派的人格心理学家都主张:(1)自我是人格结构中的重要组成要素;(2)自我对其内部以及对经验具有统一功能;(3)自我的统一状态是人格健康程度的标志。因此,形成一个积极、统一的自我概念系统就成为在人格教育乃至整个心理健康教育中的中心目标。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论是关于个体学习的内部心理过程的描述和解释,认为学习是建构性的,学习的本质是主体与外界的交互行为及其内部认知加工过程,是主体通过活动对体验的内化、知识意义的生成和人格精神的建构过程。建构主义学习理论主张,虽然世界是不以人们的主观意志而存在的,但是人们以自己的经验为基础来建构“现实”。由于每个人的经历和体验不同,人们对外部世界的理解和解释也迥然不同。建构主义学习理论批判了传统课堂学习中“去情境化”的做法,强调情境性学习的重要性。  相似文献   

创造性人格反映的是那些富有创造性个体的精神面貌,强调个体创造行为的人格因素所起的作用。幼儿创造力的培养,因其是在人的创造力发展的关键时期实施的教育,显得更为重要。幼儿教师创造性人格不仅有助于幼儿创造力的培养,而且对其自身创造力的发展也非常有益。在了解国内外创造性人格研究的基础上,结合幼儿教育实际,构想幼儿教师创造性人格特征是:富有探索精神,责任心强;和蔼可亲,有耐心,观察繁锐,思维灵活,想象丰富,富有才识;自信,独立,当机立断;适应性强;理想崇高,目标远大,好奇心强,求知俗旺盛,兴趣广泛;移情能力强,有正确的幼儿创新教育观。  相似文献   

自主学习理论历来是教育学和心理学关注的焦点。在国外,有以维果斯基为代表的维列鲁学派,认为自主学习本质上是一种言语的自我指导过程:有以斯金纳为代表的操作主义学派,认为自主学习本质上是一种操作性行为:有以班杜拉为代表的社会学习理论学派,主要从行为、环境和个体三者之间的交互作用来解释自主学习;有以弗拉维尔为代表的认知建构主义...  相似文献   

<正>There are a lot of smokers in the world, yet most smokers are young people. It is said that about 45%of the smokers in the world from~①China. Believe it or not, the smokers are becoming younger and younger in China, even including some middle school students.There are a few reasons for this. Some people think smoking keeps themselves refreshed.Some people believe it is a kind of fashion and they want to be cool. Others think it is of very~②  相似文献   

It is known to all that smoking is a bad habit, which is harmful not only to yourself, but also to others. However, there are still a larg enumber of smokers throughout our country, and the number is increasing year by year. The existing trend is that more and more young people begin to smoke. Statistics indicate that there are more than 60 million smokers who are are under  相似文献   

College counselors can play an important role in implementing brief strategies that will motivate students to stop smoking cigarettes. The authors provide an overview of motivational interviewing, a specific protocol that can be applied to college student smoking. The authors also present preliminary evidence of the success of this approach in promoting abstinence from smoking and a desire to change among college smokers.  相似文献   

Results from a survey of smoking prevalence and smoking beliefs among 10,579 pupils from 10 co-educational comprehensive schools from the Bristol conurbation suggest that there is more to adolescent smoking than a vulnerability to peer group pressure. Those adolescents who saw themselves as more addicted, those who anticipate more difficulty in stopping and/or reported more craving for cigarettes had more «external control» beliefs about their health, emphasized to a greater extent intrinsic enjoyment and the calming effect of smoking and rejected ideas that smoking by young people is motivated by the desire to look grown up or feel important. Young smokers appear to attribute their behaviour to the intrinsic benefits of smoking itself rather than to external pressure or to the desire to conform to peer group norms. The implications of these findings for health education programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

中国人吸烟历史悠久,并形成了一种特有的文化,受传统社会观念的影响,女性烟民常不被社会所接受。但在云南省边疆少数民族地区有不少女性烟民,其吸烟已成为一种很常见的社会现象。吸烟不但影响这些女性的生命健康,还影响到其家庭、社会的可持续健康发展。因此,应采取切实可行的措施来减少边疆少数民族女性烟民。  相似文献   

大学生吸烟作为一种社会现象,其起因在一定程度上受到吸烟者外在环境与主观认知两方面的影响,也折射出当代大学生的生活方式、交往方式和社会心态。本文以内蒙古师范大学在校大学生为调查对象,对于在校大学生吸烟现象(主动吸烟与被动吸烟)进行了问卷调查,并对样本结论呈现出的特点进行分析,提出了采取相应措施以控制和降低在校大学生吸烟率。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a smoking-prevention program—incorporated within a traditional science curriculum—was assessed in terms of attitude modification in such categories as health, peer pressure, and social image as related to smoking. The study indicates that most relevant attitudes, the emotionally intense in particular, are modifiable in the desired direction, although the changes are small. Some gender differences in the recorded changes suggest a difference in the dynamics of the response to smoking intervention between male and female high school students. A desired change of attitude frequency distributions (e.g., from less extreme to more extreme responses) has also been found. In addition, the tendency of the experimental students to actively act against smoking within family circles increased, although not significantly. All the above was accompanied by a decrease in the number of smokers in the experimental group and a significant increase in the number of smokers in the control group. These results suggest that it is educationally possible to modify attitudes in health education in the desired direction by means of a properly designed interdisciplinary science curricular unit implemented within ongoing traditional science teaching.  相似文献   

Motivational interviewing has shown some success as an intervention for college student cigarette smokers. We tested the efficacy and process of a two session motivational-interviewing-based smoking intervention compared to an assessment/information session. College student participants assigned to the motivational interviewing condition did not differ significantly from participants in the assessment/information condition on smoking outcome variables one month later. However, both groups reported significant decreases in self-reported smoking over time, suggesting that brief interventions for college student smoking can be efficacious. Consistent with theory, the motivational interviewing group reported a significant increase in self-efficacy over time and reported stronger perceptions of the therapeutic alliance after the first session compared to assessment/information participants.  相似文献   

Seip, A.K. 1982. Smoking Habits Among Teachers in Primary Schools in Norway 1977. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 26, 183‐195. A representative sample (N = 1988) of members of the two main teachers’ organizations in Norway, the Norwegian Teachers’ Association and the Association of Secondary School Teachers, were mailed a questionnaire in the spring of 1977 regarding their past and present smoking habits, and 92 % responded. The percentage of daily smokers among the teachers was approximately half of that found in the general population. Also in recent years the decline in smoking among teachers has been greater than in the general population. Answers given to questions concerning reasons for stopping smoking as well as certain attitudinal indicators show that the teachers’ reduction in smoking is related to their professional involvement and comparatively high level of knowledge about the health hazards of smoking.  相似文献   

The differential stability of state and trait test anxiety was investigated in two content areas (Psychology, n = 154; Method, n = 133). The structural model supported the hypothesis regarding differential stability of individual differences for state and trait test anxiety over a three-month interval, with trait test anxiety being more stable than state test anxiety. Contrary to the invariant stability of trait test anxiety across content, the stability of state test anxiety was significantly low in Psychology as compared to that in Method, indicating that more individuals in the Psychology group reported fluctuant state test anxiety over time. Although the stability of individual differences in state test anxiety was low, the factor structures of state test anxiety at two occasions were invariant, supporting the contention that even when the factorial structures are stable over time and the test-retest stability is high, individual state test anxiety may be unstable across time.  相似文献   

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