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This research was aimed at developing a university library management model that would support students’ learning. The research was conducted in three phases: 1) an investigation into the requirements of a university library service of instructors; 2) an investigation into the attitudes of librarians, libraries’ administrators, and university’s administrators toward the roles of library and policy concepts relating to university library management that promote students’ learning; and 3) the development of a university library management model for students’ learning support. A mixed research method was applied comprising qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data was collected using in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The findings have led to a proposal of a university library management model that supports student learning, which is comprised of five components: 1) management policy and system; 2) learning resources; 3) learning support services; 4) learning environments; and 5) the competency and roles of information professionals. It can be stated that studies into Thai university library implementation, strategic plans, and self-assessment reports under the quality assurance system showed that even though libraries have updated resources and services following changing situations in policies, technologies, and users’ needs, there is no clear indicator that Thai university libraries have any strategy for acquiring roles to support students’ learning with practical outcomes. Through reliable research work, this study into a model for university library management would result in a means of developing university libraries that truly supports university student learning based on information from instructors, library administrators, and librarians.  相似文献   

关于公共图书馆边缘化倾向及对策的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认为图书馆边缘化倾向已是不争的事实,主要表现在:①公共信息中心的地位已丧失;②其中介作用正在遭遇社会信息服务业的挑战;③被图书零售的业态变化所冲击;④职业文化优势正在消失;⑤核心价值受到挑战。在此形势下,公共图书馆应重新定位,调整发展对策,变革服务模式,强化图书馆能力和角色,成为集综合文化中心、信息整合中心、个性表现中心、社会生活中心和经济教育中心为一体的复合图书馆。  相似文献   

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The study evaluates the Community Outreach Library Service at Wirral Hospital National Health Service Trust (WHNT). It considers the information seeking behaviour and information needs of primary care staff, and service effectiveness in meeting those needs. METHODS: A literature review established the current context and areas of best practice. The investigative case study used postal questionnaires to 250 primary care staff and an interview with the Community Outreach Librarian. FINDINGS: Themes emerged from the literature regarding information seeking behaviour, information needs, and meeting user needs through effective service delivery. Outreach services have value in terms of improving information skills and providing services at point of need. Time is a major constraint for both users and service providers. CONCLUSIONS: Investment is needed from appropriate funding sources to support the provision and marketing of outreach library services. Librarians benefit from sharing best practice. The continued evaluation of outreach library services is recommended.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过探究面向科技智库决策咨询研究需求的多元化资源融合与服务路径,提升科技智库的决策咨询水平与课题研究质量,同时推动图情机构的服务创新和深化升级。[方法/过程] 首先对相关文献进行回顾,再通过专家访谈与问卷调查相结合的方法对科技智库的决策咨询研究需求进行分析,最终提出面向科技智库决策咨询研究需求的多元化资源融合与服务路径,即对多元化资源进行集成后,建立涵盖底层、中层、高层3个层次的多元化资源融合框架,重点阐述预测预警服务、智慧检索服务、精准推荐服务、个性化定制服务、智能传播推广服务5类服务路径如何在科技智库的决策咨询研究过程中发挥作用。[结果/结论] 多元化资源融合是图情机构服务创新与深化升级的重要驱动力。图情机构服务应以科技智库的决策咨询研究需求为牵引,以多元化资源融合为切入点,促进科学化与高质量服务实现,以此满足科技智库需求,突显图情机构的关键作用和潜在价值。  相似文献   

目前我国公共图书馆的设施总量、建筑面积总量和馆藏纸质图书总量三项基础性指标已居世界第一,一所设施平均覆盖人数和电子资源总量两项基础性指标已步入世界先进水平。与英、美、日、韩等国相比,目前我国存在短板,一是基层、农村公共图书馆质量水平低,二是基础资源人均拥有量低,三是体现服务效能的指标差距明显。英、美、日、韩等国公共图书馆步入世界先进水平的历程显示出一些基本规律:公共图书馆事业快速发展有赖于经济快速发展奠定坚实基础,公共图书馆整体跃升到世界先进水平一般经历10—20年,公共图书馆立法是推动事业快速发展的强大动力,加强基层、乡村公共图书馆建设是普遍重视的任务。我国公共图书馆迈向世界一流的重点举措包括:一是建设世界一流卓越公共图书馆群,打造100家主要共性指标处于世界领先水平、中国特色鲜明的标志性公共图书馆,拓展和深化"图书馆之城"建设;二是实施公共图书馆"强县馆"计划,主要包括县级公共图书馆资源保障和服务效能倍增"三步走"计划、县级公共图书馆数字服务能力提升计划;三是实施乡村公共阅读空间提质增效行动,推动农家书屋与县级图书馆总分馆体系融合发展,公共阅读广泛嵌入乡村文旅设施,新型公共阅读空间向乡村延伸。世界一流公共图书馆体系的中国特色主要表现在:公共图书馆事业纳入公共文化服务体系建设总体战略;满足人民文化需求和增强人民精神力量相统一;政府强有力主导公共图书馆体系建设;区域协作、对口帮扶,全国一盘棋促进公共图书馆均衡协同发展。  相似文献   

重点学科与高校图书馆建设研究概述   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
对重点学科与高校图书馆建设的研究从三方面,即重点学科与图书馆文献资源建设、重点学科与图书馆的服务、重点学科与图书馆的发展进行了概述。  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to identify: 1) usage of library e-resources by faculty and staff affiliation and status to identify research and teaching needs; 2) usage of library e-resources by student major, status, gender, registered disability and registered veteran to establish best outreach practices and areas that need service improvement and collection development in support of student learning; and 3) the correlation between use of library e-resources and student attainment as defined by grade point average (GPA). Demographic data was collected for these users based on their university NetID logins. The findings in this study conclusively document that students and faculty use library e-resources to a statistically significant extent and that a statistical relationship exists between student GPA and their use of e-resources. This information confirms the value of library resources to institutional teaching and research needs and can be used to document library value to the institutional mission.  相似文献   

Web网是个巨大的、杂乱无章的数据库,图书馆的任务就是要将其变为我们所需要的Web网--一个数字化的图书馆。它必须具备五个要素;有选择的馆藏,便利的、开放性的检索途径,组织化的资料,珍品收藏和用户助手  相似文献   


The role information plays in socio-economic development can not be over-emphasized. People need different types of information in their day-to-day life and their information seeking behaviour also differs from person to person. In India, 70 percent of the population lives in rural areas. The access the rural population has to information sources is very limited. Libraries, in addition to other sources, form a major source of information. However, the libraries in rural areas, as observed from earlier studies, are traditional in nature and not well equipped to effectively cater to the information needs of the rural people. Non-existence of library legislation in various states of India is one of the factors which adversely affected the development of a library system. This present study examines the status of rural libraries in four states of India, the information needs of the people in the study area, and their information seeking behaviour. The study also examines the role of the latest IT techniques in improving the present status of rural libraries.

This study concludes that the libraries existing presently in rural areas are in a poor state of affairs. Lack of adequate resources, financial and human, is identified as the major reason for the present status of rural libraries. As far as information needs, a majority of respondents look for information relating to development schemes, employment opportunities, education, health, etc. Mass media including newspaper, TV, and radio are the major sources of information, followed by relatives/friends, and government officials. This study suggests the transformation of existing libraries or establishing a new set up of dynamic information centres with the help of the latest IT to effectively cater to the information needs of the rural people.  相似文献   

公共图书馆的服务创新能力对其应对社会经济变迁具有重大意义。在简要回顾图书馆服务创新的相关文献基础上,本文从图书馆中高层管理者的角度出发,聚焦用户需求,全面考虑图书馆创新服务的整个过程,构建了公共图书馆服务创新模型,并从新服务创意产生、新服务选择和新服务评价三个阶段详细分析了上述模型,以期推动该领域的理论创新和实践创新。  相似文献   

Anthropology libraries are highly specialized scholarly repositories that provide breadth, depth, and coherence to an expansive, fragmentary literature. This article profiles three types of anthropology library—(1) governmental, (2) private or specialized, and (3) departmental or museum—and examines the needs and information seeking behavior of anthropology library users, most of whom are graduate students and credentialed researchers. Also described are particular versus general reference sources for anthropology, ethical issues, and the service requirements of this user population. The main conclusion of this article is that anthropologists rely heavily on printed books due to the comparative, foreign, rare, and sometimes antiquated nature of the resources they seek. For this reason, brick-and-mortar anthropology libraries continue to play a special role in ensuring the vitality of the profession.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(51-52):309-325
Students from different cultures are a significant and growing patron group in American academic libraries. Not only do their diverse educational backgrounds present barriers to library use, but cultural characteristics can affect communication and understanding with the librarians trying to assist them. A model which can be used to develop or expand library service for international students and which is adaptable to any size institution is presented. The model, which incorporates a review of the literature and survey results from Ohio institutions, includes five programs: (1) promotional, (2) instructional, (3) staff development, (4) written, and (5) purchase.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对国内产业整体面临转型升级发展的需求和图书馆为产业提供信息服务所面临的系列困难,通过研究已有创新型实践案例来为图书馆开展产业信息服务指明方向。[方法/过程] 通过文献调研、网络调研和实地走访,初步调研国内外目前已有的产业信息服务理论研究和实践探索现状,并详细介绍中国科学院文献情报中心近年来所取得的产业信息服务成果。通过综合分析所有的调研成果,在结合产业信息服务独有特点的情况下,思考图书馆开展产业信息服务的具体方向。[结果/结论] 从已有的创新性实践探索出发,为图书馆开展产业信息服务总结归纳出5个可取方向:以满足用户的具体需求为服务核心、以多元化的合作方式为服务策略、以管理模式的革新为服务保障、以服务方式的创新为服务动力、以产业平台的建设为服务途径。  相似文献   

This study highlights the unique accommodations integral to welcoming transgender library patrons. Research shows transgender people have unique needs which differ from lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) individuals, and experience substantial barriers to obtaining quality library service. Most studies in the past exploring the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender library users focused exclusively on LGBQ users. This study surveyed adult transgender individuals (n = 102) with an online questionnaire. The majority of participants were white, designated female at birth, and under 40 years old. Survey respondents needed libraries to make accommodations for them to feel safe (p < 0.001). The top 5 accommodations needed were recent transgender literature, gender identity or expression as part of library nondiscrimination policy, gender neutral, single-stall bathrooms where a key did not need to be requested, recent LGBQ literature), and an established remote process for name change.  相似文献   



This study examined the information-seeking behaviors of basic science researchers to inform the development of customized library services.


A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted on a sample of basic science researchers employed at a university medical school.


The basic science researchers used a variety of information resources ranging from popular Internet search engines to highly technical databases. They generally relied on basic keyword searching, using the simplest interface of a database or search engine. They were highly collegial, interacting primarily with coworkers in their laboratories and colleagues employed at other institutions. They made little use of traditional library services and instead performed many traditional library functions internally.


Although the basic science researchers expressed a positive attitude toward the library, they did not view its resources or services as integral to their work. To maximize their use by researchers, library resources must be accessible via departmental websites. Use of library services may be increased by cultivating relationships with key departmental administrative personnel. Despite their self-sufficiency, subjects expressed a desire for centralized information about ongoing research on campus and shared resources, suggesting a role for the library in creating and managing an institutional repository.


  • Basic science researchers rely on a small network of individuals in their institution and at other institutions to satisfy their information needs.
  • Basic science researchers tend to ignore institutional boundaries when searching for information and do not necessarily view the library as the primary source of scholarly information.
  • Basic science researchers use the interlibrary loan service regularly but otherwise rarely use traditional library services such as mediated literature searching and instruction.


  • The library must establish a presence in researchers'' work environments, rather than expect them to seek out library resources and services.
  • The increased emphasis by funding agencies on clinical translational science may impact the information needs of basic science researchers in the future.
  • Libraries have an opportunity to capitalize on their positive reputation and basic scientists'' desire for more centralized information to create new information resources and services such as institutional repositories.



How can a library-based bioinformatics support program be implemented and expanded to continuously support the growing and changing needs of the research community?


A program at a health sciences library serving a large academic medical center with a strong research focus is described.


The bioinformatics service program was established at the Norris Medical Library in 2005. As part of program development, the library assessed users'' bioinformatics needs, acquired additional funds, established and expanded service offerings, and explored additional roles in promoting on-campus collaboration.


Personnel and software have increased along with the number of registered software users and use of the provided services.


With strategic efforts and persistent advocacy within the broader university environment, library-based bioinformatics service programs can become a key part of an institution''s comprehensive solution to researchers'' ever-increasing bioinformatics needs.  相似文献   

公共图书馆作为政府举办的公益性图书馆,是区域性文献信息资源收藏与提供的中心,在政府信息公开中具有天然的、不可替代的优势;同时作为公共文化服务体系中的重要环节,也责无旁贷。本文阐述了公共图书馆在政府信息公开中的作用以及政府信息公开对公共图书馆提出的要求,并指出应当注意的问题和对策。  相似文献   

乡村图书馆是乡村文化的重要组成部分。文章回顾乡村图书馆的历史,讨论乡村图书馆参与乡村文化振兴的理论依据、发展中存在的问题、重新复活的方式、目前的实践经验等,总结出乡村图书馆发展中的两种原动主体及其优劣之处,揭示出乡村图书馆在乡村文化振兴中的地位,提出了乡村图书馆自身健康发展、服务能力提升的可行方案。认为乡村图书馆具有保存乡村记忆、传播人类知识、培养地方认同感的功能,是实施社会教育的第二课堂、交换信息意见的公共空间、从事休闲娱乐的文化场所。其外部效应也很大,如扶助村民致富、成为美丽乡村文化标志等。乡村图书馆的建设应提倡“自下而上”的内生方式,其可持续发展的四种有效途径是:(1)政府分级投资、整合多方资源创办乡村图书馆;(2)政府通过购买乡村图书馆服务的方式促进乡村文化发展;(3)鼓励新乡贤或社会力量创办乡村图书馆,支持乡村文化建设;(4)图书馆专业力量介入乡村图书馆业务活动,提供专业指导及各种资源。  相似文献   

Wde assault is an important social problem that needs to be addressed by librarians and library and information science (LIS) re:;earchers concerned with the way in which battered women search for information. This paper reports on two studies in which the social1 service network is viewed as a type of information system and which question the effectiveness of community responses to the information needs of battered women. The results of these studies suggest several ways in which LIS professionals can better assist three client groups: individual battered women, social service providers, and public policy or decision makers.  相似文献   


Ask the Librarians-LIVE is a South Dakota collaborative virtual reference service that began in September 2002. Serving a large rural state with a small population, Ask the Librarians-Live has grown to six members, which include five academic libraries and the state library, from three members initially. This article addresses the challenges of providing such a service to not only distance students, but also other library users who do not walk into the library. While all members share a common philosophy of service, there have still been numerous challenges in making the collaboration work.  相似文献   

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