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在美国国家宽带计划出台后,政府重视民众数字素养的提升,把公共图书馆作为数字素养教育的重要机构,给予政策、资金等多方面的支持。在政府的倡导下,与公共图书馆相关的行业协会积极对数字素养教育开展研究,并以此指导公共图书馆。行业协会与商业公司合作,以资源、项目支持着公共图书馆的数字素养教育。我国公共图书馆应重视数字素养教育,以社会弱势群体为重点服务对象,专业组织对此予以声援和引导,同时政府应加大投入,引导全社会支持公共图书馆的数字素养教育。  相似文献   

JOB LINK, an innovative 1 & R mutation at Nassau Library System, is a computerized job-listing service for youth. It is the library system's contribution to the collaborative efforts of the county government, business, education and non-profit community organizations, to address a paradoxical problem: the labor shortage for entry-level and service jobs which exlsts concurrently with youth unemployment. Businesses call in their job openings to a central phone number at NLS, where the information is put into a computer and immediately made available via terminals and modems in each of the 54 libraries in Nassau County. Nassau Library System may have developed a service with implications for other counties and states, indeed, the nation. It has also by the way, made the library a household word!  相似文献   

Recent studies show a growing sense of frustration for new library and information science (LIS) graduates who struggle to gain employment, as well as for hiring libraries who find the skills of entry-level employee candidates to be lacking. This study endeavors to discover the origins of this troubling juxtaposition by examining the perceptions of recent LIS graduates. The researchers administered a large-scale survey with over 575 respondents, analyzed and coded the data, and compared codes using a Cohen's kappa calculation. The responses indicate that LIS graduates feel that their LIS education would have been more valuable had it given them more opportunities to gain experience, more courses in technology and instruction, more guidance in which courses to take, and more mentoring opportunities with practicing information professionals.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] Study the service status of digital badge certification learning in American university libraries, and provide inspiration and reference for the related services of domestic university libraries.[Method/process] Through the search engine, the digital badge column of the official Website of the American university library was investigated, and the foreign language literature review and research was conducted through the professional foreign language database to investigate the basic status of the service of digital badge certification learning, and analyzed the American library. The digital badge identified the way and content of the learning service.[Result/conclusion] American university libraries pay attention to the design of "game-style" hierarchical digital badge mechanism, motivate students to learn, select and perfect the platform that matches the digital badge, find the cooperation institution to give digital badges more value. It is used for librarian business training to improve the professional quality and service level of librarians. Digital badges can promote the improvement of information literacy education in university libraries, and the application and promotion of digital badges is an opportunity for university libraries to enhance their status.  相似文献   

The emergence of the system of open and distance education is an inevitable development in the evolution of education internationally. With the increasing popularity of distance education, focus has turned to the role of libraries in the distance learning process. The library is an important tool for individuals' intellectual development. Academic libraries contain resources for research, teaching, and learning. This paper examines the efforts being made by Nigerian university libraries to fulfill the information needs of distance education students in their respective institutions.

This study was carried out in four Nigerian universities running distance education programs. The questionnaire method was used for data collection. The respondents used in this study were randomly selected from the distance learning (DL) students of the universities under study. It was discovered that DL students were not adequately catered for as far as the use of library resources is concerned. A student could graduate without having used libraries. The study recommends that adequate planning and financing should be made for DL students to be able to make use of the libraries and information resources. It adds that this would enhance their critical thinking and also enhance their degree of exposure to existing knowledge.  相似文献   

Special libraries, as differentiated from general public libraries and academic libraries, are devoted to specialized fields of science and technology, agriculture, medicine, social sciences, economics and the like. Such libraries are attached to research organizations, government departments, departments in universities, industrial organizations, professional societies and trade associations, etc. Special libraries customarily maintain a regular and systematic information service covering the immediate and future interests of the organizations of which they are part. This necessitates the development and management of an adequate collection of books, periodicals, reports, patents, standards, government publications, maps, audio-visual records, etc. issuing from a multitude of publishing bodies. In house publications, market surveys, data files, etc. are also brought together in these collections. All items are of course made available for consultation by being adequately classified or indexed and organised in a particular fashion and maintained for future reference.  相似文献   

基于数字环境下图书馆与档案馆在文化遗产保护与继承、公共信息服务提供、政府信息管理等方面职责的一致性,通过战略规划文本的内容,分析国际组织、美国、英国、加拿大等发达国家图书档案事业的结盟、合作、合并态势,综述评价了国外图书档案战略规划及合作的若干经验。主要包括:公共文化服务机构的共同愿景与职责的定位与认知;应对数字技术与文化变革挑战的强烈的职业使命感;内涵丰富且注重实施绩效的规划体系;作为公共文化服务机构的图书馆与档案馆的实质性结盟与合并。国外图书档案事业结盟与合作的经验可供中国借鉴。参考文献44。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to assess the preparedness of libraries for digital preservation programs in terms of the availability of financial, technological, human resources, and policies and procedures. The sampling frame comprised of central libraries of 70 public sector universities and DAIs established till 2010. Out of the 70 targeted institutions, 63 participated in the survey with a response rate of 90%. Due to a lack of normality in the data, non-parametric tests (Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis H) were applied for exploring significant differences and variances between different groups. Overall, a passive level of preparedness was observed for digital preservation in these libraries. A lower level of preparedness was noted in terms of policies and procedures related to digital preservation (M = 1.79, SD = 1.039), training opportunities (M = 1.98, SD = 0.944), and skilled human resources (M = 2.07, SD = 1.110). The availability of funds for acquisition of technological infrastructure (M = 2.59, SD = 1.364) was the only area where libraries had a good level of preparedness. Libraries of Islamabad Capital Territory and the Punjab province showed better preparedness than libraries in other parts of the country. The study has theoretical implications for researchers and practical implications for university libraries, higher education administrative bodies, and university and library administrators.  相似文献   



The Medical Education Task Force of the Task Force on Vital Pathways for Hospital Librarians reviewed current and future roles of health sciences librarians in medical education at the graduate and undergraduate levels and worked with national organizations to integrate library services, education, and staff into the requirements for training medical students and residents.


Standards for medical education accreditation programs were studied, and a literature search was conducted on the topic of the role of the health sciences librarian in medical education.


Expectations for library and information services in current standards were documented, and a draft standard prepared. A comprehensive bibliography on the role of the health sciences librarian in medical education was completed, and an analysis of the services provided by health sciences librarians was created.


An essential role and responsibility of the health sciences librarian will be to provide the health care professional with the skills needed to access, manage, and use library and information resources effectively. Validation and recognition of the health sciences librarian''s contributions to medical education by accrediting agencies will be critical. The opportunity lies in health sciences librarians embracing the diverse roles that can be served in this vital activity, regardless of accrediting agency mandates.In response to reported closings of and staff reductions at hospital libraries, the Medical Library Association (MLA) and the Hospital Libraries Section of MLA agreed to study the state of hospital libraries and librarians under the auspices of the Task Force on Vital Pathways for Hospital Librarians. The task force''s Health Sciences Librarian in Medical Education Task Force (METF)* was charged with reviewing the accreditation standards regarding libraries for residency programs and with working with national organizations to integrate library services, education, and staff into the requirements for training medical students and residents.  相似文献   

公共图书馆精神的时代辩护   总被引:190,自引:4,他引:190  
公共图书馆精神的发展经历了平民化、社会教育和民主社会的保障三个阶段。公共图书馆精神实质是保障社会成员获取信息机会的平等,从信息知识角度维护社会公正。“收费对免费”的讨论是对这一精神的挑战。信息时代仍需要公共图书馆机构/制度来维护社会信息公平。公共图书馆精神在中国并没有真正形成,但理论界对之却很淡漠。今天,公共图书馆精神已成为推动图书馆事业发展的动力。参考文献25。  相似文献   

面对重大公共安全突发事件,公共图书馆该如何应对?如何建立起一个科学合理的图书馆应急服务体系和服务机制?魏大威和廖永霞介绍了国家图书馆在面对2019新冠肺炎疫情这一重大公共卫生安全突发事件过程中所采取的一系列应对举措,并提出应对重大公共卫生安全突发事件还需要图书馆不断健全应急机制、完善应对策略、强化自身能力,才能更充分地做好服务保障;柯平指出,建立图书馆应急服务机制,包括应急保障机制、联动机制和信息共享机制,并提出了关于图书馆应急服务机制的十个方面的建议;张智雄结合中国科学院武汉文献情报中心组织开展的以COVID-19科研动态监测为代表的应急情报服务工作的体会,总结了面对重大公共安全突发事件中专业图书馆应急服务组织的几点认识,强调在重大公共安全突发事件下专业化的情报组织整编有着重要的社会价值;王有强结合国际图书馆界相关实践经验,提出应该充分发挥图书馆文献信息资源优势,在重大突发公共安全事件应急管理的决策、研究、宣传等方面充分发挥文献支撑服务作用;滕五晓提出,图书馆是我国公共服务体系中的重要组成部分,需要用系统思维构建以读者为本、以能力提升为宗旨的图书馆应急服务;周璐调研报道了新冠疫情暴发后国内公共图书馆开展应急服务情况,指出公共图书馆作为市民服务的公共机构,建立起一个科学合理的应急服务体系至关重要。  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆社区信息服务的发展及其启示   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:13  
文章首先介绍了美国公共图书馆社区信息服务的产生与发展,其次说明社区信息服务在美国社区建设过程中所起到的作用,最后指出美国公共图书馆社区信息服务的发展给我国图书馆界的启示。作者认为,社区信息服务是我国公共图书馆向信息化发展的关键,而公共图书馆在开展社区信息服务的过程中应注重合作伙伴关系的建立、充分利用现有的信息技术,并注意服务的推广和用户的培训。  相似文献   

信息素养教育和高校图书馆的使命   总被引:51,自引:1,他引:50  
分析了信息素养的本质,指出文献信息业务工作与信息素养的内在联系,认为应当通过文献信息工作人员的业务素质,提炼和升华适合个人知识信息库建设需要的信息素养,作为高校信息素养教育的一个着力点,同时讨论了高校图书馆在全面普及信息素养教育中的作用和使命。  相似文献   

考察当前图书情报实践领域对MLIS专业人才的要求,结合美国MLIS教育和国内MBA教育成功的经验,强调应注重培养学生具备信息职业操守、现代管理理念、信息营销意识、信息服务意识及信息技术手段,倡导EMMS+IT人才培养模式。同时,专业硕士学位应注重培养学生的实践能力和理论素养,使他们成为既具本土化实践能力又具国际视野的新型图书情报人才。  相似文献   

中小学图书馆普遍资源不足、人才短缺,难以在中小学教育发展中发挥应有作用,而高校图书馆在信息资源、技术设备、专业人才、信息加工技术等方面拥有一定的优势。两者开展合作可以提高中小学图书馆的服务水平和质量。在中小学图书馆与高校图书馆合作的过程中,教育行政主管机构、中小学和高等院校及其图书馆各方应予以重视,转变思想观念,清晰认识开展馆际合作的必要性;高校图书馆应着力提高中小学图书馆队伍的专业素质;教育主管机构应加强必要的协调监管;政府应提供经费支持,以确保馆际合作稳定发展。  相似文献   

从组织管理、资金来源、指导思想、技术路线、质量保证、教育内容、信息提供、服务保障、实际效果和特色分析等十个方面,分析了悉尼大学图书馆生命科学部以兽医学教育与信息网为主体的教育与信息服务模式。提出了我国大学图书馆实施专业学科教育和信息服务的建议,以及联合共建共享我国草业教育与信息服务网的设想。  相似文献   

Librarianship has a long tradition of collaboration and cooperation between libraries, but the literature yields scant evidence of formal partnerships in practice in special libraries. This column explores the barriers to collaboration for special libraries, from organizational culture to legal constraints, as well as the potential benefits and how librarians can overcome the barriers to reap these benefits. Different types of collaboration, including among similar special libraries and between special libraries and other types of libraries and related organizations, as well as informal and formal cooperation, and short-term and long-term partnerships, are discussed. Collaboration and cooperation were part of the impetus to form professional associations. The column provides a brief history of professional library associations and their role in supporting library partnerships in the United States. The conclusion explores how the increasingly digital nature of information and library work affects collaborative library efforts and where the future of these efforts may lie, especially for special libraries.  相似文献   

This study investigates the current state of continuing professional development activities for information professionals in academic libraries, as well as their perceptions of the value of different continuing professional development activities. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 63 librarians and information professionals working at five Kuwaiti academic libraries, located in two public and three private universities. The findings of the study revealed that, generally, information professionals in academic libraries are of the opinion that they possess personal and professional skills that enable them to serve library users. Moreover, continuing professional development activities and programs are perceived as important for developing a professional workforce and maintaining professional competence.  相似文献   

高校图书馆对大学生进行信息素质教育的现状及分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
易斌 《图书馆》2007,(5):73-75
就当前我国29所高校图书馆对大学生进行信息素质教育的调查结果进行统计,在此基础上分析了高校图书馆信息素质教育的现状,并提出改进的若干措施。  相似文献   

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