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Ireland’s fee-paying schools consistently rank highly in Ireland’s secondary school league tables. Evidence also notes that the alumni of fee-paying schools represent a large proportion of those in leadership positions in business, politics and the legal professions. This paper examines the factors that affect the decision of Irish households to enrol their children in fee-paying secondary schools in Ireland. The paper uses Irish Household Budget Survey data that cover three waves from the period 2004–2016. We examine the head of household’s education, occupation, income, marital status, the location of the household and temporal factors on the school choice decision. The main results indicate that fee-paying students are more likely to come from higher income, better educated and Dublin located households. This research highlights the significant driver that affluence may have in determining secondary school enrolment in Ireland. This self-selected affluent group effect may explain the performance disparities between fee-paying and non-fee-paying schools. The results enlighten any discussion around whether or not the Government should consider a transition to a fee-paying market or eliminate fee-paying schools altogether.  相似文献   

Growing secularisation of the population and the arrival of new culturally and religiously diverse migrants are posing new challenges to schools in the Republic of Ireland (Ireland). These challenges are particularly acute in Irish primary schools, the majority of which are under Catholic patronage. Recent changes have necessitated an extensive consultation process about how to accommodate religious diversity and have resulted in some important policy changes. This article contributes to an ongoing debate about state-run denominational schools and the place of Religious Education in these. While set in the Irish context, the article is also relevant for educators and academics in other jurisdictions as it describes recent policy developments and steps taken in addressing cultural and religious diversity in schools.  相似文献   

There has been much international debate on the role of the university tutor in the supervision of student teachers during school-based work. This study focuses upon the Irish context, where there has been little research. It involves a comparative study of the views and attitudes of university staff, student teachers and class teachers from the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland. Data collection methods comprised questionnaires to university tutors, class teachers and students (n = 150), focus groups and one-to-one interviews. This project reveals a reservoir of goodwill between tutors, teachers and students, along with a willingness to engage in dialogue and collaboration. Importantly, this study concludes that it is the university tutor who should have the lead role in collaborative models of school-based work partnership, with significant consultation and input from the class teacher and consultation with the student in the evaluation process.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored teachers' perceptions of the inclusive education of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at the post-primary level, specifically those with Asperger syndrome. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight mainstream teachers in the Republic of Ireland. One of the main findings of the study was that the teachers' implicit model of inclusion was more consistent with integration than with inclusive education. Although systemic barriers to inclusive education were identified, the teachers' focus tended to be on managing within the system rather than on bringing about systemic change. Mainstream post-primary education was endorsed by teachers for their students with ASD, despite perceiving that these students were unhappy and socially excluded. The teachers were confident in teaching students with ASD, primarily as a result of their experience. The implications of the study for teacher educators and future researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

Assessment in the Republic of Ireland   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Internationally, there continues to be a rise in the popularity of home-schooling. Although the growth in the numbers of families choosing this alternative approach was evident prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic school closures, it appears to have impacted on the decision for some to home-school permanently. Using a scoping review of the literature, this paper considers the research evidence around home-schooling in the United Kingdom and Europe. It then focuses on home-schooling in the Republic of Ireland to assess the change and development of home-schooling over time. In line with trends internationally, Irish administrative data show an increase in the numbers of families engaging in home-schooling in recent years, particularly for students with disabilities. The paper situates these findings within the context of ongoing debates on inclusive and special education in Ireland and the capacity of mainstream schools to educate and include every student.  相似文献   


By reflecting on a variety of cartoon representations of teachers and their work, this paper outlines a semiotic approach to undertaking research on teachers’ professional cultures.  相似文献   

This article argues that engagement with religion is a key challenge for all leaders of schools in twenty-first-century multifaith societies. It outlines the historic and current context of the UK and the Republic of Ireland, and national and European policies that prioritise community cohesion in education. The functional and substantive roles of religion are considered as reflected in education, where they adjudicate power and shape values and behaviours. The article analyses data from nine schools in England, Wales and the Republic of Ireland to provide a snapshot of a range of leaders’ philosophies, policies and practice in relation to religion. The preferential attention and resources given to the dominant community are evident in some cases. It is argued that, irrespective of whether a school is affiliated to a specific religion or not, school leaders have some freedom in positioning religion. Their influence significantly shapes how religion and/or secular values are understood and enacted. The article concludes by suggesting that policy at national and European level that emphasises shared identities and community cohesion masks the differential power and struggles between communities that cannot be resolved by anodyne exhortation. Rather, leaders need to be selected, trained and supported to recognise the centrality of belief in the lives of many of their learners and their families and to engage with the inevitability of ongoing disagreement and struggle.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to build on John Greer’s systematic set of studies concerned with teenage beliefs and values conducted among samples of sixth form students attending County and Protestant voluntary schools in Northern Ireland in 1968, 1978 and 1988. The present study replicated the earlier surveys for a further time in 1998. The results provide a unique snapshot of the persistence of religious affiliation, belief and practice across the latter part of the twentieth century in a nation which has continued to resist the secularisation process so eroding the place of religion in the neighbouring nations of England, Wales and Scotland.  相似文献   


One thousand and seventy‐nine pupils aged between 13 and 16 years, from years three through five of Protestant and Catholic secondary schools in Northern Ireland, completed a survey of moral issues, together with a scale of attitude towards Christianity and a range of indices of religious behaviour. These data are employed to develop and to establish criteria of reliability and validity for a scale of traditional Christain moral values. Tentative scale norms indicate that pupils in Catholic schools hold more strongly to traditional moral values than pupils in Protestant schools, that girls hold more strongly to traditional moral values than boys, and that the acceptance of traditional moral values declines between the third and fifth years of the secondary school.  相似文献   

This article explores social class and gender differences in entry to the two main higher education sectors, universities and institutes of technology, among school leavers in Ireland over the period 1980–2006. A rational choice perspective is adopted, with participation hypothesised to reflect the costs and benefits attaching to attending the two types of institution. The initial expansion of higher education resulted in a widening of the participation gap between the higher professional and other groups, with some reduction thereafter as higher professional groups reached near-saturation levels. The removal of higher education tuition fees in 1996 was not sufficient to increase working-class participation in a context where other direct costs remained high and employment represented an attractive option. The period analysed saw a significant shift in the gender composition of higher education entrants, with young women now making up the majority. This article points to the value of taking a dynamic approach to analysing higher education participation, unpacking the effects of expansion in provision and of the costs and benefits attached to higher education entry.  相似文献   

This paper critically considers teacher education in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. It was stimulated by an exchange programme between student teachers from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland for a period of school‐based work in each other's jurisdictions. It examines recent curricular developments, partnership with schools, college requirements and cultural diversity. It also contrasts the effects these have had on student teacher preparation, classroom delivery and tutor involvement in student teacher development. The highly prescribed and assessed Northern Ireland curriculum will be contrasted with that of the Republic of Ireland, which appears to offer more in terms of freedom, flexibility and independence in planning. Different supervisory practices and responsibilities for the assessment of student teachers' practical teaching will be compared in both jurisdictions. The tutors in the Republic of Ireland exercise more control over student teachers' preparation and professional development for teaching, while in Northern Ireland the partnership arrangements have given more influence to schools. The paper illuminates the shift of locus of control and influence of Colleges of Education in Northern Ireland in the education of student teachers, while in the Republic of Ireland Colleges of Education have retained their influence. The curricular expertise of supervisors in the Republic of Ireland is recognized and accepted by the schools, while in Northern Ireland the rise in significance of curriculum expertise in the Curriculum Advisory and Support Service (CASS) of the Education and Library Boards has undermined the influence and expertise of college tutors.

Cet article considère en critique l'éducation de professeur en Irlande du Nord et la République de l'Irlande. Elle a été stimulée par un programme d'échange entre les professeurs d'étudiant d'Irlande du Nord et la République de l'Irlande pendant une période d'école a basé le travail dans des juridictions de chacun. Elle examine des développements curriculaires récents, l'association avec des écoles, des conditions d'université et la diversité culturelle. Elle contraste également les effets que ceux‐ci ont eus sur la préparation de professeur d'étudiant, la livraison de salle de classe et la participation de précepteur dans le développement de professeur d'étudiant. Le programme d'études fortement prescrit et évalué de l'Irlande du Nord sera contrasté avec celui de la République de l'Irlande, qui semble offrir plus en termes de liberté, flexibilité et indépendance dans la planification. Différentes pratiques et responsabilités de surveillance de l'évaluation de l'enseignement pratique des professeurs d'étudiant seront comparées dans les deux juridictions. Les précepteurs dans la République de l'Irlande exercent plus de contrôle de la préparation des professeurs d'étudiant et du développement de professionnel pour enseigner tandis qu'en Irlande du Nord, les arrangements d'association ont donné plus d'influence aux écoles. Le papier élucide le décalage du lieu de la commande et influence des universités de l'éducation en Irlande du Nord dans l'éducation des professeurs d'étudiant, alors que dans la République de l'Irlande, les universités de l'éducation ont maintenu leur influence. L'expertise curriculaire des surveillants dans la République de l'Irlande est identifiée et admis par les écoles, alors qu'en Irlande du Nord l'élévation de la signification de l'expertise de programme d'études dans le programme d'études consultatif et le service de support (CASS) de l'éducation et des conseils de bibliothèque, a miné l'influence et l'expertise des précepteurs d'université.

Este papel crítico considerar profesor educación en Irlanda del Norte y república Irlanda. Fue estimulado por un programa del intercambio entre los profesores del estudiante de Irlanda del Norte y la república de Irlanda por un período de la escuela basó el trabajo en cada otras jurisdicciones. Examina progresos del plan de estudios recientes, sociedad con las escuelas, requisitos de la universidad y diversidad cultural. También pone en contraste los efectos que éstas han tenido en la preparación del profesor del estudiante, la entrega de la sala de clase y la implicación del profesor particular en el desarrollo del profesor del estudiante. El plan de estudios altamente prescrito y determinado de Irlanda del Norte será puesto en contraste con el de la república de Irlanda, que aparece ofrecer más en términos de la libertad, de la flexibilidad y de la independencia en el planeamiento. Las diversas prácticas y responsabilidades de supervisión del gravamen de la enseñanza práctica de los profesores del estudiante serán comparadas en ambas jurisdicciones. Los profesores particulares en la república de Irlanda ejercitan más control sobre mientras que la preparación de los profesores del estudiante y desarrollo del profesional para enseñar en Irlanda del Norte, los arreglos de la sociedad han dado más influencia a las escuelas. El papel ilumina la cambio del lugar geométrico del control e influencia de universidades de la educación en Irlanda del Norte en la educación de los profesores del estudiante, mientras que en la república de Irlanda, las universidades de la educación han conservado su influencia. La maestría del plan de estudios de supervisores en la república de Irlanda se reconoce y aceptado por las escuelas, en mientras que en Irlanda del Norte la subida de la significación de la maestría del plan de estudios el plan de estudios consultivo y el servicio de ayuda (CASS) de la educación y de los tableros de la biblioteca, ha minado la influencia y maestría de los profesores particulares de la universidad.

Sie dieses Papier betrachtet kritisch Lehrerausbildung in Nordirland und in der Republik von Irland. Es wurde durch ein Austauschprogramm zwischen Kursteilnehmerlehrern von Nordirland angeregt und die Republik von Irland während einer Periode der Schule gründete Arbeit in den jeder des anderen Jurisdiktionen. Sie überprüft neue Lehrplanentwicklungen, Teilhaberschaft mit Schulen, Hochschulanforderungen und kulturelle Verschiedenartigkeit. Sie kontrastiert auch die Effekte, die diese auf Kursteilnehmerlehrervorbereitung gehabt haben, Klassenzimmeranlieferung und Tutormiteinbeziehung in der Kursteilnehmerlehrerentwicklung. Der in hohem Grade vorgeschriebene und festgesetzte Nordirlandlehrplan wird zu dem der Republik von Irland kontrastiert, das scheint, mehr in Freiheit, Flexibilität und Unabhängigkeit in der Planung ausgedrückt anzubieten. Unterschiedliche Überwachungspraxis und Verantwortlichkeiten für die Einschätzung des praktischen Unterrichts der Kursteilnehmerlehrer werden in beiden Jurisdiktionen verglichen. Die Tutore in der Republik von Irland üben mehr Steuerung über Vorbereitung der Kursteilnehmerlehrer und Fachmanentwicklung für das Unterrichten während in Nordirland, die Teilhaberschaftsvorbereitungen haben gegeben mehr Einfluß zu den Schulen aus. Das Papier belichtet die Verschiebung des Ortes der Steuerung und Einfluß der Hochschulen der Ausbildung in Nordirland in der Ausbildung der Kursteilnehmerlehrer, während in der Republik von Irland, Hochschulen der Ausbildung ihren Einfluß behalten haben. Die Lehrplansachkenntnis der Inspektoren in der Republik von Irland wird erkannt und angenommen durch die Schulen, während in Nordirland hat der Aufstieg in der Bedeutung der Lehrplansachkenntnis im beratenden Lehrplan und im Beistandsservice (CASS) der Ausbildung und der Bibliothekbretter, den Einfluß und die Sachkenntnis der Hochschultutore untergraben.  相似文献   

The goals of the research were to determine the quantity, variety and quality of service, the extent to which certain marketing activities are applied in Croatian high schools, to explore the attitudes of teachers in respect to the need for marketing activity application in secondary schools in Croatia, and the knowledge teachers have about the marketing of services. In order to achieve these goals, we conducted a survey including 271 teachers of public, private and religious high schools. Even though the research confirmed that all schools apply numerous marketing activities, teachers in religious (85%) and public (72%) high schools believe these activities are not present at all. Teachers in public (26%) and religious (48%) high schools share the opinion that marketing activities should not be applied since they work in non-profit institutions. This opinion indicates a lack of knowledge about marketing and even a wrong attitude toward it.  相似文献   

Higher Education in the Republic of Ireland: Participation and Performance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper describes the expansion and diversification of higher education in the Republic of Ireland and examines some of the principal characteristics of higher education entrants. It is estimated that in 1995, some 43 per cent of the age cohort entered the full-time higher education system in the Republic of Ireland with a further 5 per cent enrolling in UK colleges. While these increasing admission rates have been fuelled by rising completion rates at second level they reflect, primarily, rising transition rates into higher education from those who complete the Leaving Certificate. The greater part of the expansion has taken place in the non-university sector which is characterised by a preponderance of sub-degree programmes, heavily concentrated in the areas of Business Studies, Engineering and Applied Science. A noticeable feature of higher education admissions is the low percentage of older students. The great majority come directly from school with increasingly high levels of attainment in the Leaving Certificate reflecting stiff competition for places, especially in the university sector. While there continues to be large disparities by socioeconomic group in access to higher education, the most recent data point to some reduction in equality. Western counties have consistently had higher third level admission rates with lower rates in eastern counties, including Dublin, and border counties.  相似文献   

Based on Ershov's address at the World Conference on Computer Education in 1981, Chinese educators decided that learning computer programming would prepare students for the information age. Accordingly, China introduced microcomputers into secondary schools to prepare students for widespread use of computers in all aspects of society. Microcomputers had already been used to facilitate administration, commerce, and other aspects of education. An optional computer-programming course was initiated in several secondary schools. The experiences in China parallel in many ways the experiences encountered by other countries when computers were introduced. This article reports on the selection, development, and evaluation of the first computer-programming courses in China.  相似文献   

分析莆田基督教会在19世纪70年代至建国前,处于当时大环境下,在“三自”(自治、自养、自传)方面所作的探索和实践活动,说明近代莆田教会在“三自”方面的努力,为建国后莆田教会的完全自立打下良好的基础,但由于缺乏优秀人才、一般信徒素质不高以及经济落后等方面因素,成就不够理想。  相似文献   

This paper is set against a background of Ireland’s endorsement of a ‘unique’ social partnership model wherein educational policy measures are being shaped by emergent change factors in a so‐called new era of lifelong learning. Despite a number of policy responses focusing on the need for greater social inclusion, the paper highlights how the Irish education system continues to mirror and produce notions of ‘advantage’ and ‘disadvantage’. It is argued that while educational strategies appear extensive in addressing this social stratification, serious questions remain concerning their far‐reaching impact. In particular, the paper points to a critical concern for how notions of ‘disadvantage’ and ‘social exclusion’ are ideationally conceived and used within an Irish policy context. It is contended that the inadequate treatise of this concern impedes real progress towards meeting the needs of disadvantaged groups in society. A case for reassessing the ideological treatment of social exclusion is therefore made in the interest of promoting effective educational measures for social (and cultural) inclusion.  相似文献   

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