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结合研究生教育和"最优控制"课程的特点探讨课程建设和改革,提出课程建设目标、课程内容、课程教学资源体系、课程教学团队、教学方法等核心内容的建设方法。教学实践中采用多元化教学方法和实施研究性教学方法,使课程学习与科研相结合,取得较好成效。  相似文献   

传统的数据分析方法与应用课程的教学存在许多弊端,已很难适应当前大学素质教育的要求。近年来兴起的研究性教学为此提供了新的途径。总结了数据分析方法与应用课程研究性教学模式的意义和特点,重点探讨了该课程研究性教学的三种实施途径:加强案例教学和实践教学,运用现代教育技术,引入现代考核评价理念。  相似文献   

研究性教学是一种新的教学模式和方法,基于制药工程课程具有较强的工程特点,根据其有较强的实践性,结合研究性教学的要素,在制药工程课程教学中开展研究性教学能达到较好的教学效果。为评价在制药工程课程实施研究性教学的教学效果,需要建立相应的教学考核评价体系,及时反馈研究性教学的内容、方法,完善教学方案,优化研究性教学过程。通过建立、完善合理的考核评价内容和方法,既促进了学生研究性学习的有效实施,又有利于培养学生的创新精神,提高实践能力,适应国家工业化发展的需求。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展和进步,人们的生活水平也随之提高,因此人们对学生的关注度越来越高。在当今时代背景下,关于计算力学建设课程实施研究性教学的实践,吸引了大量学者的目光。因此,想要进行计算力学课程的研究性教学,就要针对计算力学的教学特点制定教学方案。就研究性教学的特点、计算力学课程教学中研究性教学的方案以及授课方式进行讨论和分析。  相似文献   

体育教学研究性学习的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究性学习既是一种学习方式,也是一种课程形态,它有开放性、问题性、实践性、过程性、应用性、差异性等特点. 体育教学开展研究性学习需要有一定的组织实施方法. 体育教学研究性学习中应注意研究性学习课程与研究性学习方式的区别与联系,解决好学生主体作用与教师指导作用的关系,合理利用校内外课程资源. 研究性学习具有评价主体多元性、评价内容丰富性、评价方法多样性等特点.  相似文献   

本文对比分析传统教学模式与研究性教学模式的区别,明确研究性教学的基本内涵与特点,分析《现代机械设计方法》课程的特点,在《现代机械设计方法》课程教学中实施研究性教学模式,深度发掘学生的自主学习与创新意识。本文在教学目标的确立、内容的精选、课堂教学模式的设计、教师学生评价体系的确定及电子资源辅助教学五个方面进行了有意义的实践探索。  相似文献   

文章在明确研究性教学的基本内涵与特点的基础上,对比分析传统教学模式与研究性教学模式的区别,从《项目管理》课程的特点出发,研究在《项目管理》课程教学中实施研究性教学模式,深度发掘学生的自主学习与创新意识。文章在教学目标的确立、内容的精选、教学环节的设计、评价方法的确定及网络辅助教学等五个方面进行了具体的分析。  相似文献   

大学实施研究性教学之策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学实施研究性教学,要转变教育理念,营造环境与氛围;要建立支持保障系统,具体包括制定促进研究性教学的教学管理制度、形成研究性教学的整体实施方案、开发研究性教学课程、弹性安排研究性教学计划、改进研究性教学评价机制、改善教师培训;要通过图书馆建设、实验室建设和“研究性教学支持网站”建设而加强硬件建设。  相似文献   

研究性教学模式是近年来大学教学方法改革的重点,系统设计研究性教学模式是当前面临的重要课题。文章在分析研究性教学特点和应用型创新人才的知识、能力和素质结构的基础上,系统设计了研究性理论教学方法、研究性实践教学方法、课外学研方法等应用型创新人才培养的研究性教学模式,同时也探讨了与实施研究性教学相配套的课程考核方式、教学平台建设、激励与保障机制。  相似文献   

作物栽培学是农学类研究生和本科生开设的应用型、实践型课程,研究性教学手段应用于该课程教学取得了一些进展。本文从作物栽培学课程特点出发,从学生关注度、实施形式、实施效果等方面分析了研究性教学在教学实践过程中的调研结果,提出了进一步深化研究性教学的建议,认为提高学生关注度和自主参与积极性、提升学生参与教学问题设计的主动性、构建多层次的研究性教学效果评价体系将有利于研究性教学的进一步深化。  相似文献   

通过调研美国加利福尼亚大学的生物信息教育情况,再结合我国专业课程体系建设的基本原则,文章介绍了同济大学生物信息专业本科教育课程设置.实践证明构建高效的模块化课程结构体系,对建立科学合理、符合专业需求的知识能力结构和特色专业人才培养模式起着重要作用.  相似文献   

This article draws on the notion of communal constructivism to explore its potential to frame and facilitate the development of evidence-informed practice. The explicit aspiration to nurture a research-informed workforce is prominent in discourse across policy makers, educational researchers and teacher professional groups in England; however, research evidence indicating how and why teachers might actually use research to inform their practice is limited. Furthermore, the vision for research engagement of itself is not necessarily shared between researchers and practitioners. This study examines the relationships between research and practice when academics and professionals work together. Drawing on data from the co-construction of an online research-informed guide for the teaching of English as an Additional Language (EAL), analysis highlights the complexities inherent in translating research into practice for different stakeholders. Discussion argues for the recognition of communal constructivism as a pedagogy of learning that can build understanding between researchers and practitioners for how practice might become research-informed.  相似文献   

There is now considerable support in the higher education literature for research-informed teaching as a means of improving student learning, particularly where this involves students as co-investigators. Such an approach, however, comes with a number of risks that have received little pedagogic attention. This paper addresses that knowledge gap by advocating a novel approach to research-informed teaching which adopts a risk-management philosophy. We review the literature surrounding the challenges of this style of teaching and identify why a risk-management approach might be appropriate to address some of the inherent issues of research-informed teaching previously reported. Our findings indicate a range of potential risks associated with either the delivery, or non-delivery, of research-informed teaching. We offer a broad framework categorising these risks. Forming the basis of a wider risk-management approach, this framework could promote increased reflection and enhancement of teaching practice.  相似文献   

Challenges of today's engineering education (EE) are emergent, necessitating calls for its reformation to empower future engineers function optimally as innovative leaders, in both local and international contexts. These challenges: keeping pace with technological dynamism; high attrition; and most importantly, quality teaching/learning require multifaceted approaches. But how can EE respond to the growing demand for relevant teaching? What can we do for engineering faculties to leverage on quality teaching? How do we embed quality teaching in EE? Scholarship of teaching and learning is advocated as one viable approach. It uses evidence-based teaching (EBT) strategies, and research-informed evidence to guide educational decisions regarding teaching and learning. We review the theories underpinning EBT, the scientific evidence on which it is based, and innovative instructional strategies that enhance active learning. Some of these issues have been discussed already, largely through developing countries lens. Nevertheless, linkages to equivalent global perspectives are presented here.  相似文献   

The value of research-informed classroom practices is well recognized and thus this qualitative study was designed to explore, from multiple perspectives, the experiences and influences of classroom practices for students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). The inductive analysis of 11 focus groups and three interviews involving 60 individuals working closely with this student population—31 teachers, seven administrators, 16 allied professionals, and six caregivers—generated three themes: understanding the whole student, responding within dynamic environments, and optimizing student-centered programming. This study provides an essential step toward better-prepared educators for meeting the learning and developmental needs of students with FASD as well as other complex populations. The implications for developing professional learning opportunities reflective of intentional, reflective, and assimilative classroom practices are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine teacher perceptions regarding their experiences in a research-informed continuous professional development (CPD) initiative and its influence on their professional readiness to implement innovative content in physical education (PE). Participants included four PE teachers who engaged in a series of hands-on workshops and collaborative activities related to the design and implementation of a mountain biking unit in two middle schools. Qualitative data were collected through post-workshop surveys, semi-structured interviews, and a focus group. Data were analyzed using inductive content analysis, and results revealed four themes: (a) igniting change, (b) transferring to the classroom, (c) student response, and (d) sustaining beyond a single unit. Findings from this study reinforce the need for research-informed CPD efforts in PE and highlight its role in generating a sense of teacher empowerment and promoting systemic change within school-based PE.  相似文献   

兴趣对儿童的课程学习极为重要。传统教育采取了大量的兴趣培养方式,而杜威把这些方式归结为两种:训练、奖励与惩罚,并建议培养儿童对课程的兴趣应从外在强化手段走向课程自身。文章根据我国的教育实践分析了这两种课程兴趣培养方式,并结合教学案例论证了培养儿童对课程本身的兴趣需要从两方面入手:即关注儿童的经验和教材心理学化。  相似文献   

河南科技市场的建设经历一个从小到大、稳步的发展过程.已建立了较为健全的经营和管理体系,呈现多元化发展格局,科技贸易日益活跃,农村科技市场有了长足发展,大中型企业已成为科技开发、辐射的主体,管理人员素质不断提高,法制不断健全.但从总体来看还存在发育滞后、管理不健全、中介机构不成熟等问题,还应该继续深化改革,完善发展战略,大力开拓农村市场,加强常设市场和网络建设,培育技术经纪人队伍等.  相似文献   

生物信息学作为新兴的交叉学科,已经成为生物学研究的强有力的辅助工具之一。本文针对目前非专业研究生生物学信息学教学实践中的一些问题,提出在教学目的、教学内容、教学方法方面的思考,希望能够有助于推动非专业研究生生物信息学课程教学的开展。  相似文献   

One of the principal objectives of engineering education is to prepare graduates for the practice of engineering in industry. Industry involvement in the educational process can be very helpful in devising programs to meet this objective. Yet, engineering education has a number of other stakeholders including students, faculty, academic administrators, and others. Identifying and meeting the needs and wants of these various stakeholders is essential in developing educational programs and learning activities that are effective and sustainable. Stakeholders in engineering education are identified, including their wants and needs. Alternative approaches to developing a Capstone course, with input from these stakeholders, are proposed and evaluated in light of stakeholder needs and wants. A case study for developing a two-semester senior design capstone course at Brigham Young University is presented. In this example more than 300 industry sponsored, design and build, projects have been completed by cross-functional student teams over more than ten years. Feedback from alumni on the success of this course in meeting desired educational objectives is also presented.  相似文献   

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