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Rearrange the words and match them to their meanings. 整理这些单词并和它们的意思相配。a.hfis animal living in water b.arbowni It is in the sky,and has seven colors. C.uertyk Americans eat it on Thanksgiving Day. d.loshoc the place we study in  相似文献   

高考英语试题中有15道单项选择题是易得分点也是易失分点,因为它是对词汇,语法,句型,情景交际等知识的全面考察,考生不妨从句子结构和意群理解入手,具体做法如下。 一、使用全语境切入法 把握具体语境,挖掘隐含的信息、关键词.如:His tie his shirt;they look very well together. A.suit B.fit C.compare D.match 此处是指领带和衬衫相配,所以应选D.  相似文献   

2008年天津卷高考英语有这样一道考题:Her shoes____ her dress;they look very well together.A.suit B.fit C.compare D.match此题答案选D,  相似文献   

问1:老师说“Thiscolourdoesn’tfityou”这句话不对,要把fit改为suit。fit和suit在词典上都有“合适”、“适合”的意思。为什么这句话一定要改?它们在用法上有什么差别?答:你的老师说得对。这句话确实要用suit而不能用fit,因为fit与衣物连用时是指长短、大小、形状上“合适”、“合身”、“适合”。例如:Thisskirtdoesn’tfitme.这条裙子我穿不合身。Thispairofshoesfityourfeetperfectly.这双鞋你穿很合脚。Thecapexactlyfitsyou.这顶帽子你戴正合适。而suit与衣物连用时多指款式、颜色等方面“相配”、“恰当”、“合适”。例如:Redca…  相似文献   

1.beat是动词,意思是"连续地打;打败;敲打"。beat与win、hit的区别: beat后可接入或队名。意思是"击败对手。"如:I can beat you at swimming.游泳我比得过你。The rain beatagainst the window.雨水打在窗户上。Win意思是"赢得某个项目",后面常接"match,game"。如:He won a game.他胜一局。We won a match.我们比赛得胜。The boys were winning 2-0.男孩们正以2比0获胜。hit意思是"击中"(有时可表示"打一下")。如: The mother hither child out of anger.妈妈生气,打了她孩子一下。2.deserve的意思是"应该得到、值得",其后可带名词或不定式作宾语。例:Good work deserves good pay.好的工作应得好的报酬。He has worked very hard and deserves to pass the ex-  相似文献   

1.问:Lightblueisthebestcolorme.A.thatfitsB.thatsuitsC.whichfitsD.whichsuits答案是B,我认为A也对,请讲析一下fit和suit的区别。(山东牟平四中闫康)答:答案是B。fit与suit作为动词,在表示衣服、鞋、帽“合适”的意思时,一般fit指尺码、大小;suit指颜色、款式。例如:Theseshoesdontfitme—haveyougotalargersize?Redandblackarecolorsthatsuitmeverywell.2.问:(1)Igettingtothecinemalate.A.amB.wasC.hateD.have答案是C,我对此不理解。(2)Itstimehishomework.A.forhimdoingB.forhimtodoC.hedidD.hedoes答案是C,但我认为B也正确…  相似文献   

正(2013年高考湖南卷)请以下列词语为关键词写一篇英语短文。内容:1.自己或他人的一次经历;2.你的感受。注意:1.必须使用所给4个关键词;2.词数不少于120个;3.不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。One possible version:Last week,a football match was held between us Class One and Class Two.The players from both sides were all excellent basketball players,so the match went on fiercely at first.At last the result was:the winner was Class Two while we match winner loser result  相似文献   

1.昨天我们赢得了那场篮球比赛。 [误 ] We beat the basketball match yesterday. It' We won the basketball match yesterday.  相似文献   

张玲 《海外英语》2011,(6):88-90
Teaching styles and learning styles play important parts in ESL/EFL classrooms. However, is it necessary for language teachers to match their teaching styles with their students’ learning styles?Is it feasible for the teachers to match their teaching styles to every individual student’s learning styles?Because of the incompatible learning and teaching styles, suggestions on how to deal with the difficulties in the matching of these two styles will be given.  相似文献   

I .Good News and Bad NewsA football fan asked God, "Is there a football field in Heaven?"God thought it over for a moment and said, "I'll tell you tomorrow."The next day God said to the football fan, "Half of the news is good while another half is bad."Football fan:Please tell me the good news at first.God:There is a first-class football field in Heaven.Football fan: What about the bad news?God:There will be a football match tomorrow morning. You are on court at first.  相似文献   

Q:老师让我们翻译一个句"虽然下着大雨,但是足球赛仍然继续进行。"我翻译为:Thoughit was raining hard,but the football match still went  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warming up1.Greetings.T:Good morning,children.Are you ready for class?OK!Howare you?…2.A Guessing Game-What can I do?The students speak out what the teacher has done.(引导学生准确地输出短语:run fast,jump high,swim fast,throw far,fly high)3.Review Part B(1)Look and match Show the pictures of Part Band the phrases,ask the students to match them(CAI).  相似文献   

44 years!That’S such a long timefor Chinese. But, in 2002, we rushedinto the final circle in Korea JapanWorld Cup. We all hoped the Chinese team could surprise the worlk,just as Senegal won France. On June 4th,during the two hours before the match which beganat 2:30p.m,I couldn’t sleep.I was thinking of the first match forChina in Team C all the time.We had to win it because it’s veryimportant.Fortunately,the first class was P.E.My classmates were so  相似文献   

1.课本原句:How close to each other did the man and the woman live?(P.51)要点:close与closely的区别。透视:close可作形容词,意为"亲密的、势均力敌的";又可作副词,意为"靠近地",常构成的短语有:get close to/stand close to等。而closely常表达抽象的概念,意为"仔细地、密切地",多修饰动词或过去分词。例如:  相似文献   

1. on the tip of one's tongue 就在嘴边上A: Who's that man over there? I've never seen him before. B: You mean the middle-sized man by the window talking with Mary? A: Yeah. The man in a gray suit. B: Let me think. Well, his name is just on the tip of my tongue. He's... Well, he's Tony. He's from Canada.  相似文献   

一、“看”1.看报read a newspaper(含“阅读”之意) 2.看电影see a film/go tothe cinema 3.看电视(比赛)watchTV/the match(表示仔细“观看”)  相似文献   

1.a/an与the a/an与the都是冠词,都可放在名词前用于修饰名词。其区别是:a/an为不定冠词,用在单数可数名词前,泛指某人或某物,常译成"一……",a用于辅音前,an用于元音前。而the为定冠词,可用于单、复数名词前,特指某人或某物。常可代替this/ these(这个人/这些),that/those(那个/那些)。  相似文献   

The biggest difference between Star and Trados and DéjàVu is that Star has no translation memory.When working with Trados or DéjàVu,the user will always build up the translation memory.During the translation,user can click"Set/Close Next Open/Get"in Trados translation workbench or"Add Pair to Translation Memory"in DéjàVu to send the translated sentence pair to the translation memory.In that case,translation memory is like a big storage,the more translation work the user does,the more translation units the memory has and large memory usually requires large storage space.However,Star develops a distinct function of alignment.With alignment,users can match source text and its corresponding target text as reference language pairs.This is a flexible solution of translation assistance,but it may not be as systematic as translation memory is.  相似文献   

Test 6     
Part One: Quick Responses Please make a quick response to the sentence you will hear. 1. What do you think of the book you have just finished? 2. You are not going to believe this but our team lost the football match. 3. I don't think I will pass the exam.  相似文献   

Armani for Oscar fashions in the late’80s.and the designer sin-gle-handedly elevated the entire event,replacing Vegasy costumes withelegant couture(服装设计). Why It Still Matters:Armani is Hollywood’s power suit by dayand its designer of choice by night.The biggest names(Kevin Cost-ner,Sean Connery,Ben Affleck,Robin Williams,Jodie Foster,Michelle Pfeiffer)wear Armani to the biggest events(the Academy  相似文献   

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