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传统体育课程评价对高职体育课程评价存在弊端。运用文献资料法、归纳法对高职传统课程评价观进行分析与批判,提出高职体育课程评价理念,即量化与质性评价、真实性与情境性评价、过程与结果评价、生成性评价。这些课程评价理念的运用将有效促进高职体育课程的改革。  相似文献   

高职项目化课程教学质量评价探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
项目化课程改革需要与之相配套的评价体系与评价方法,及时发挥好诊断、指导作用。课程评价要遵循过程评价、柔性评价、定性定量结合、多元主体的原则,从课程条件准备、课程开发与设计、课程教学过程、课程教学效果等课程实施全过程进行课程管理和质量监控。  相似文献   

郭健 《广西教育》2012,(31):52-54,60
对工学结合课程和课程评价、课程评价类型与评价目的进行了界说,从规划性课程评价指标体系、过程性课程评价指标体系、总结性课程评价指标体系三个方面论述了高职工学结合课程评价指标体系的构建。  相似文献   

理工类专业文学教育课程在评价方式上普遍存在单一化、简单化现象,导致教师教学的投入性、学生学习的主动性严重不足,文学教育课程形同虚设。优化文学教育课程评价方式主要可以从过程性评价与结果性评价相结合、开放性评价与封闭性评价相结合、教师评价与学生自我评价相结合、定性评价与定量评价相结合并强化激励性评价四个方向进行。各课程在具体实施中需要作出更符合课程性质与要求的探索与运用。  相似文献   

课程评价是课程改革中的重要问题。当前我国的课程评价工作主要表现为:课程改革开始之前进行需求评价;对课程标准的事前评价与修订评价;深入开展教材评价研究;课程实施情况的评价。通过审视和反思这些课程评价工作,当前课程评价还存在诸如对课程评价的宽泛理解、缺乏系统的课程评价组织、地方和学校层面的课程评价缺失、过于强调行政意义上的评价等问题。为解决这些问题,促使课程改革良性发展,提升课程整体品质,未来的课程评价工作还要进一步加强课程评价理论研究,加强地方特别是学校层面的课程评价,建立有效的课程评价标准和合理的课程评价机制,加强课程评价过程中的对话与协商。  相似文献   

幼儿园课程评价是幼儿园课程建构、生成与发展的重要环节。文章从多元评价视角探讨幼儿园课程评价,从评价主体多元化、评价内容多元化、评价方式多元化三方面出发,提倡一种动态的多元化课程评价模式,以期对当前我国幼儿园课程评价有所借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

探索和研究中小学美育课程评价,是深化新时代教育评价改革的重要举措。中小学美育课程评价具有确证美育课程定位、推进美育课程内容完善、助力美育功能实现三个方面逐级递进的价值。构建中小学美育课程评价标准应遵循循证实践逻辑、实践范式逻辑、人的“未完成性”逻辑。通过协同多方评价主体,增强中小学美育课程评价的科学性与专业性;整合多元评价内容,探索中小学美育课程评价的全面性与系统性;制定多维评价标准,追求中小学美育课程评价的合理性与有效性;优化多种评价方法,探寻中小学美育课程评价的适切性与创造性,建构中小学美育课程评价体系。  相似文献   

社区教育课程评价指标体系是社区教育课程评价的核心构成。基于社区教育课程的特质与课程建设的一般流程,社区教育课程评价的一级指标包含需求调查、课程设计、资源建设、课程实施、课程推广与课程评价等六个项目。针对不同的评价项目设定了相应的评价标准和评分规则。作为一种综合性的课程评价模式,社区教育课程评价同社区教育工作者的课程建设能力息息相关,并有助于社区教育相关部门加强社区教育课程管理。  相似文献   

课程评价研究的发展趋势与高职课程评价实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课程评价是依据一定的评价标准,采用定性与定量相结合的评价方法,对专业课程体系构建的合理性与科学性以及课程实施条件与实施效果进行价值判断并寻求改进课程的活动。课程评价在其发展过程中所关注的对象越来越广泛,并呈现出评价标准、评价主体、评价方式以及对象的多元化的趋势。高职教育课程评价必须符合课程评价的发展趋势,并适应高等职业教育的特殊要求。  相似文献   

对高职课程建设与课程评价有关问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
课程建设与课程评价是学校教学中不可缺少的相互联系的两项工作,其目的是提高教学质量。本文结合本院课程建设与评价的实践,重点探讨高职教育课程建设与课程评价的目的和意义、评价标准和指标设计的原则、课程评价的指标体系及实施过程中应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

Nine limiting binaries of Al2O3-SiO2-Re2O3(Re=Nd, Sm, Gd and La) system are assessed. The binary diagrams or experimental information from Toropov, Mizuno, Aramaki, Bondar, Rolin and Coutures are optimized with the substitutional model of Kaufman and Nesor and the approximate formula of fusion free energy for rare earth element oxides of Wu and Pelton. The extracted Gibbs free energies of pure solid oxides and stoichiometric phases and the solution parameters are used to estimate the corresponding binaries, liquidus surfaces and a series of isothermal sections of four ternaries Al2O3-SiO2-Nd2O3, Al2O3-SiO2-Sm2O3, Al2O3-SiO2-Gd2O3, and Al2O3-SiO2-La2O3. In the Al2O3-SiO2-Gd2O3 system samples as fired at exact temperature with different compositions were analyzed by X-ray diffractometer and the detected results are fitted with the calculation of isothermal sections. Supported by State Key Lab of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Micro-structure (9517 and 9708)  相似文献   

Infrared (IR) absorption spectra and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterrns of sexpenfine cat's eye from Sichuan Province have been investigated, and infrared absorption bands of the serpentine have been assigned in this paper. The results indicate that the bands near 3 600 - 3 700 cm^-1 belong to the stretching absorption band VOH, the bands in 948 - 1 100 cm^-1 axe assigned to the stretching vibraling band Usvo, and the bands at 600 570 and 440 cm^-1 respectively belong to the bending vibration band VOH, δMg-O and δSi-O. The serpentine cat' s eye includes two types: chrysotile and antigorite. Chrysotile has a sharp and intensive band at 3 688 cm^-1 and a weak band at 3 643 cm^-1 , while antigorite has only one intensive band in the region. At vibration band VSi-O, chrysotile and antigorite have a similar feature at 1 071 cm^-1, but the band at 980 cm^-1 in anfigorite has been split into two bands in chrysotile - a strong one at 1 027 cm^-1 and a weak one at 949 cm^-1. In addition, antigorite has a characteristic bending vibrating band δMg-O at 570 cm^-1. Based on the analysis of the feature of crystal structure, their IR differences axe well explained.  相似文献   

Résumé De manière générale, l'évidence sensorielle et, plus particulièrement, visuelle constitue pour les étudiants le principal fondement du savoir scientifique: nul besoin de supposer pour connaître, tout est donné ou presque. Du point de vue de l'enseignement des sciences, cette croyance à saveur réaliste est particulièrement critique, notamment parce qu'elle conduit à penser que les concepts, lois et théories scientifiques procèdent d'un monde de matérialités plutôt que d'un monde de modèles et de relations. Au cours d'une recherche effectuée auprès d'un groupe-classe de 35 étudiants durant douze semaines, nous avons pu observer que, pour la majorité des étudiants, la compréhension du caractère construit et consensuel du savoir scientifique était facilitée par le développement d'une métaréflexion sur leurs propres productions de connaissance et les inévitables postulats et suppositions qui les fondent. Nous avons également pu observer qu'il découle de cette activité réflexive un modèle de science qui se distingue des modèles initialement tenus par les étudiants, par le pouvoir créateur et, surtout, le pouvoir de théoriser qu'il comporte: postuler, supposer, jauger collectivement de la plausibilité des résultats plutôt qu'en appeler à une instance occulte, voilà quelques-unes des conquêtes théoriques qu'ils ont effectuées et sur lesquelles nous allons nous attarder.
Sensorial, and more specifically, visual evidence is generally regarded by students as the basis for scientific knowledge: no need to postulate to understand, all is almost or practically given. From a science-teaching standpoint, this rather realistic approach is critical and leads to the belief that scientific concepts, laws, and theories stem from a world of materiality rather than from a world of models and relationships. During a 12-week study a group of 35 college students, we observed that for the majority of them, the development of metareflection on how they produce knowledge, with the inevitable and inherent postulates and conjecture, facilitated their understanding of the constructed and consensual character of scientific knowledge. We also observed that this reflexive activity facilitated the development of a new approach to science that differed from those models previously used by the students in its creative potential and, more importantly, in the power of its theoretics: to postulate, suppose, and collectively estimate the plausibility of results rather than calling up occult instances. These and other theoretical achievements will be discussed in this paper.

Committed for life? Variations in teachers’ work, lives and effectiveness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is based upon a unique mixed methods 4-year research project which focused upon the variations in teachers’ work, lives, and effectiveness of 300 elementary and secondary school teachers in a range of 100 schools across seven regions of England. Its findings challenge linear conceptions of teacher development and expertise and provide new understandings of the effects of personal, school and broader policy contexts upon professional life phase trajectories and teachers’ emotional identities. It finds connections between these and teachers’ commitment, resilience, and effectiveness. This paper discusses these in relation to the school standards and teacher retention agendas.
Christopher DayEmail:

Due to the modernization of the medical curriculum and technological advancements, anatomy education has evolved beyond cadaveric dissection alone. Plastination techniques, three-dimensional (3D) modeling, and 3D printing technologies have progressively gained importance. However, there are limited valid and reliable surveys to evaluate students' perceptions of these new anatomy tools. Hence, this study aimed to develop a validated instrument to measure students' learning satisfaction, self-efficacy, humanistic values, and perceived limitations of plastinated and 3D printed models. A 41-item survey (five-point Likert scale, 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree) was administered to Year 1 undergraduate medical students following a randomized controlled crossover study that evaluated plastinated and 3D printed cardiac and neck models. Ninety-six responses were received, and a factor analysis was performed with the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin sampling adequacy of 0.878. The confirmatory factor analysis yielded a 4-factor, 19 items model that had a good fit with the latent constructs of x2 (147) = 211.568, P < 0.001, root mean square error of approximation = 0.068, root mean square residual = 0.064, comparative fit index = 0.946, and Tucker Lewis index = 0.937. The Cronbach's alpha for the individual factors ranged from 0.74 to 0.95, indicating good internal consistency. This demonstrated a psychometrically valid and reliable instrument to measure students' perceptions toward plastinated and 3D printed models.  相似文献   

In Skellig, Kit’s Wilderness, and Clay, David Almond employs various types of intertextuality to enrich his narratives. Through the use of allusion, adaptation, collage, and mise-en-abyme, he encourages his adolescent readers to seek out precursor texts and to consider the interrelationships between these texts and his own. By so doing, he demonstrates the respect he has for his readers and empowers them to become active makers of meaning.
Don LathamEmail:

Consider the positive d-dimensional lattice d (d≥2) with partial ordering ≤, let {XK; K ∈ d } be i.i.d. random vari- ables taking values in a real separable Hilbert space (H, ||·||) with mean zero and covariance operator ∑, and set partial sums SN =∑K≤NXK, K , N ∈ d . Under some moment conditions, we obtain the precise asymptotics of a kind of weighted infinite series for partial sums SN as ε 0 by using the truncation and approximation methods. The results are related to the convergence rates of the law of the logarithm in Hilbert space, and they also extend the results of (Gut and Spǎtaru, 2003).  相似文献   

In this response we address some of the significant issues that Tony Brown raised in his analysis and critique of the Special Issue of Educational Studies in Mathematics on “Semiotic perspectives in mathematics education” (Sáenz-Ludlow & Presmeg, Educational Studies in Mathematics 61(1–2), 2006). Among these issues are conceptualizations of subjectivity and the notion that particular readings of Peircean and Vygotskian semiotics may limit the ways that authors define key actors or elements in mathematics education, namely students, teachers and the nature of mathematics. To deepen the conversation, we comment on Brown’s approach and explore the theoretical apparatus of Jacques Lacan that informs Brown’s discourse. We show some of the intrinsic limitations of the Lacanian idea of subjectivity that permeates Brown’s insightful analysis and conclude with a suggestion about some possible lines of research in mathematics education.
Luis RadfordEmail:

This response draws from the literature on adaptive learning, traditional ecological knowledge, and social–ecological systems to show that Brad’s choice is not a simple decision between traditional ecological knowledge and authentic science. This perspective recognizes knowledge systems as dynamic, cultural and historical activities characterized by diverse worldviews and ways of constructing and legitimizing knowledge. Brad’s decision is seen as an example of adaptive learning, identity development and personal/collective agency oriented to increasing tribal influence in resource management decisions and policies. I will conclude that science literacy for all is not served by a transcendent, universal, Western modern view of science.
Pauline W. U. ChinnEmail:

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