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Transformative learning aims to awaken students to issues of injustice, and to promote their critical analysis of assumptions, beliefs and values that lead to and sustain social inequities, so that they may become agents of social change. This paper introduces the Sensitise Take Action and Reflection (STAR) framework, which encapsulates transformative learning principles, as a tool for educators to enhance student health professionals’ capacity and preparedness to address health inequities they are likely to encounter in their future practice. Using an action research methodology within a three-cycle process, STAR was trialled and evaluated by an interdisciplinary team of health educators (n = 25) in an Australian university. Disciplines included: nursing, nutrition and dietetics, public health, occupational therapy and paramedic science. Data were gathered via individual interviews, focus group discussions and field notes, and were analysed inductively, with member-checking of emerging themes to ensure interpretive rigour. The results of this research suggest that STAR is easily understood by users, has relevance for health professional education, and holds promise for producing desired educational outcomes within and across health disciplines. Furthermore, this project could be considered a model for fostering inter-professional collaboration in health education, research and practice.  相似文献   

With an increasing focus on knowledge mobilisation, there is a concomitant shift in how stakeholders, such as parents, ought to be engaged in the research process. The purpose of this study was to explore the research priorities of parents of Kindergarten to Grade 12 students with learning exceptionalities and disabilities in British Columbia, Canada. A cross-sectional survey design was employed. A convenience sample of 130 parents completed the survey. From a list of pre-selected variables, parents identified time to initial designation, high school graduation, and home-schooling/independent schooling as the three most important research priorities, with learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, and moderate behaviour support/mental illness as the three most important designations. In an open-ended response, parents recommended further areas for inquiry, including the effectiveness of inclusive education and school exclusion. Research priority setting can help create research agendas that align with the needs and interests of stakeholders.  相似文献   

Participatory Health Research is a collective term adopted globally for participatory action research in a health context. As an approach to research, it challenges current ways used within the health sciences to measure research impact as research, learning and action are integrated throughout the research process and dependent on context and participation. The literature on participatory evaluation is explored to see if it can offer some insights into how best to articulate impact. Similar debates are taking place particularly concerning the relationship between degree of participation and impact, how impact should be defined and the role of wider social forces on the evaluation process. A focus on core values, such as social justice, differentiates transformative evaluation from more pragmatic participatory evaluation, but this is poorly conceptualised in evaluation models.  相似文献   

目的:了解德州市乡镇防保站公共卫生基本服务开展状况.方法:采用整群抽样方法对德州市所辖7个县市的94个乡镇防保站近5年的公共卫生基本服务展开调查研究.结果:2005-2009年乡镇防保站各项公共卫生基本服务开展率均呈逐年上升趋势,有些项目开展率较高,远远超出山东省的目标任务,但也有少数项目工作效果低于全国平均水平.结论:政府需加大对乡镇防保站实质性投入,主管部门需加强对乡镇防保站工作的指导与监督,促进乡镇防保站公共卫生基本服务工作落实到位[1].  相似文献   

目的调查襄阳地区老年群体(60岁以上)的健康知识知晓率及生活习惯,以便为实施健康教育和干预提供参考。方法随机抽样500名老年人进行问卷调查。结果老年人获取健康知识的途径主要为报刊杂志(占64.1%),而老年人期望自己获得健康知识的途径依次为医生(占61.1%),健康知识讲座(51.2%);健康知识知晓率与文化层次有一定的关系;部分健康行为(如多吃水果、常喝牛奶、经常洗澡等)与经济水平有关;普遍患有老年常见慢性病。结论应该加强社区了卫生服务,多向老年人宣讲健康知识,增强老年人常见病的家庭保健与护理意识,从而提高老年人的生活质量与健康水平。  相似文献   

知识服务是图书馆服务与管理工作的最终目标,也是图书馆研究的核心课题。物联网环境下,图书馆知识服务过程中应用物联网技术进行技术创新、方式创新、管理模式创新以及内容创新,将给图书馆知识服务带来创新性的发展。物联网技术的应用,不仅为图书馆知识服务过程带来变革,而且为读者提供了创新的服务内容,深化了物联网技术时代下图书馆知识服务创新工作的内涵。  相似文献   

调查研究高职高专院校的公共卫生管理专业在建设过程中人才培养的定位与发展方向。采用问卷调查和座谈交流等方法收集全国范围内院校资料,主要调查内容为专业办学现状、产学研及就业情况等。目前该专业存在办学情况参差不齐,目标与实际社会需求间存在矛盾等一系列问题亟待解决。专业应着眼于健康管理和服务的角度,针对社会发展中新出现的岗位需求进行积极的探讨,实现从卫生领域到健康领域的延伸。  相似文献   

公共医疗服务手册的翻译有自身鲜明的特点,突出表现为三种知识运用的形式,即课题研究、术语规范和语言表达的文化因素,而非单纯语言交际行为。通过对中译英医学翻译文本的分析可知,三种知识运用的形式反复交叉出现,反映出医学翻译复杂性、灵活性和专业性的特点。对知识运用的了解和掌握,一方面有利于推进科技翻译的实践工作,另一方面也能为相关的理论研究提供新的角度。  相似文献   

从主体功能区的视角对广东省公共卫生支出及公共卫生资源配置状况进行分析,结果发现,虽然近年来各类主体功能区在公共卫生支出上的差异有所缩小,但是公共卫生服务资源非均等化程度却有恶化的趋势,重点开发区和生态发展区在公共卫生资源分配中明显处于弱势地位。为了促进实现公共卫生服务均等化,必须逐步缩小重点开发区、生态发展区与优化开发区在公共卫生服务上的差距,提高公共卫生资源配置的公平性。  相似文献   

Action research has been characterised as systematic enquiry into practice, undertaken by those involved, with the aim changing and improving that practice: an approach designed to have impact. Whilst much has been written about the process and practice of ‘researching’, historically ‘impact’ has been somewhat taken for granted. In recent years, however, the impact of all forms of research has become the focus of interest with many funding bodies now demanding that researchers not only articulate the prospective impact of their work, but what kinds of evidence will be proffered to demonstrate that impact. This has raised questions for action researchers, not about whether their work has an impact, but what form that impact takes, how it is recognised and by whom. This paper focuses on difficulties researchers find in both articulating the impact of participatory research and demonstrating links between such forms of research and impact. We draw on discussions about the notion of impact with authors that have self-reported and published their work as participatory. These discussions revealed that not only were there difficulties in clarifying the participatory dimension of their research but that whilst authors were able to discuss particular impacts of their work, articulating and evidencing that impact was often absent from their published papers. This paper offers insights into some of issues and barriers those who undertake participatory research face in explicating, for the external audience (and indeed sometimes for ourselves), the impact of this action-based form of enquiry.  相似文献   

Action research provides an opportunity to implement and understand the process of change in practice settings, as well as develop theoretical insights into complex social situations. The provision of mental healthcare for older people within the general hospital is one such situation, and this paper presents a discussion and reflection on the use of action research in this setting. The background to the project is described, followed by a discussion of three major issues that emerged for us: the extent to which we were able to promote democracy and maintain and demonstrate democratic behaviour, the problems and pitfalls of operationalising grounded theory methodology within an action research approach, and the challenges of developing an authentic and credible account of the care of older people with mental health needs. This paper aims to add to a discourse regarding action research and will be of value to researchers using this approach across a range of health, social care and educational settings.  相似文献   

大学的材料和基础是知识,因此,知识追求往往反映高等教育的理想。现今的高等教育处于一个非常确定的学术处境:后现代论说或后现代理念在高等教育领域引起的巨大浪潮,此波浪潮对高等教育的知识追求产生巨大的冲击,在冲击的过程中也不可避免将高等教育推向另一个尴尬境地。其中包括高等教育的知识认知、知识结构和知识运行等都出现了不同程度的转向,对这些转向的理性认知以及科学指引对高等教育的和谐发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Despite the increased interest in research impact, there is very little empirical evidence that educational research can inform practice directly, and furthermore, a body of literature which suggests that this is, in principle, impossible. This paper reports on a study in which secondary school teachers were given research findings about teaching gifted and talented students, and were supported, over a 12-month period, to incorporate findings into action research projects of their own devising. A theoretical framework from the research literature was used to investigate the process by which knowledge generated from research, was transformed into teachers’ pedagogical knowledge, thereby influencing the curriculum, pedagogy and provision for these students. Evidence suggests that teachers transformed propositional knowledge into practical knowledge by developing their conceptual understandings; they transformed abstract, impersonal knowledge into context-specific, personal knowledge by using cases from their previous experiences, and they transformed narrowly focused knowledge into broadly focused knowledge by imaginatively diffusing it into areas beyond those in the original research. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

While it is generally recognized that teacher research can be a very beneficial form of continuing professional development (CPD), there is still relatively limited research available on the impact this activity has on teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, which are of interest to educational psychologists because, while being open to constant change, these beliefs influence the way in which knowledge is transformed into action. There is also a relative lack of available research into how teachers develop as researchers; the processes whereby they gain practical knowledge and more positive self-efficacy beliefs in planning, conducting, analysing, presenting and writing up research require further exploration. This qualitative multi-case study addresses these issues, exploring the development of three in-service teachers of English on a foundation programme at a Turkish university. Findings reveal that engaging in CPD which directly benefited their learners helped all three teachers develop positive teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and deeper practical knowledge in relation to the specific tasks that concerned them. Furthermore, from a starting point of having low self-efficacy beliefs in conducting practical research, which reflected their lack of prior knowledge in this area, they all became more efficacious as they gained research experience and developed practical knowledge of research. This study highlights the benefits, then, of helping teachers become more efficacious through CPD that engages them as knowledge-generators. Enthusiastic mentoring, autonomy support and the opportunity to present their research more widely all helped the teachers in this Turkish context to develop.  相似文献   

李刚  李树英 《成人教育》2022,43(2):31-45
城乡二元分割的体制催生了“农民工”,农民工教育对国家多项战略的实施具有重大意义。为了解我国农民工教育研究的全貌和趋向,基于中国知网1064篇论文数据,利用文献计量学共词分析方法,借助CiteSpace、UCINET和SPSS等软件绘制知识图谱进行可视化和聚类分析。研究结果表明,我国农民工教育研究可分为四大热点主题:农民工特定教育内容研究、教育对农民工市民化的效用及教育模式研究、农民工人力资本及政策供给研究、农民工教育现状与对策研究;未来几年将开展以职业技能培训为重点关注领域的研究、以青年农民工和返乡农民工为对象的研究、以社区为载体包含健康教育内容的研究。针对当下研究现状,提出了构建研究学术共同体、挖掘研究的深度、加强实证研究中的质性研究等建议。  相似文献   

论教育学识的习得与教育学派的创生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对教育学科学习者来说,学习是解构的过程,因此教育学派成为学科成熟的标志;对教育研究者来说,研究是建构的过程,因此教育学识的科学性与实效性才是学科成熟的标志。但教育理论科学性与实效性评价标准的缺位,既为社会大众利用个案对教育理论体系进行证伪提供了机会,也为教育研究个体利用个案对自己的研究成果予以证实提供了机会。走向教育实践,既是确定教育理论研究科学性与实效性评价标准的过程,也是教育研究者在实践问题的解决中,逐渐达成研究共识并进而形成学派的过程,也是通过教育学派间的理论竞争并最终形成教育研究范式的必然选择。  相似文献   

教育知识动员即知识动员在教育领域的运用,其核心在于协调和融合教育研究和教育实践之间可能存在的差异。在对教育知识动员进行概念界定的基础上,引入利益相关者的理论框架,将我国教育知识动员中所涉及的各类利益相关者分成确定性利益相关者、预期性利益相关者、潜在性利益相关者三类,并分别进行了分析。处理好与不同利益相关者的关系,采用不同的策略进行沟通和协调、管理,调动各方的积极性,可以为我国教育知识动员的未来发展提供更科学的保障。  相似文献   

纳米科技的飞速发展对人们的生活产生了重要的影响。纳米材料为人们生活提供便利的同时,也对人类的健康、生态和环境造成潜在的负面影响。由于公共卫生与预防医学专业处于保卫人类健康的重要位置,高校应当顺应社会发展需求在预防医学本科生教学内容中及时普及纳米毒理学专业知识。而目前国内绝大多数高校公共卫生与预防医学专业的本科生并没有接受纳米毒理学知识的系统教育。因此,亟须在教学中开展“纳米毒理学”课程,为未来纳米毒理学的研究奠定坚实基础,并为纳米毒理学的发展提供人才储备。  相似文献   

应用锻炼诱导情绪问卷、POMS问卷和SCL-90问卷调查进行研究,探索运动类型、城乡、性别、独生子女因素对警院学员课后体育活动后心理情绪影响的相关因素.研究中利用一定的生理监控手段检测各类体育锻炼活动运动强度,分析警院课后体育锻炼对警院学员心理健康情绪影响机制,以期为警院学员课后自我体育活动提供科学化服务和建设性参考,为警院学员心理健康教育提供相关基础性研究.  相似文献   

针对已有的教育研究内部知识缺乏综合、联系实际不够两大问题,有必要在目前的教育科学体系中形成专门、独立的教育学研究。这样的教育学研究,一方面是汇通之学,通过问题的筛选、知识的汇聚、关系的沟通来建构教育学的知识形态;一方面是启智之学,通过挑战常识、廓清问题、熟悉方案、重建经验来实现教育学的现实功能。  相似文献   

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