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藻类植物和人类的关系,主要谈谈藻类的贡献与危害。 三分田地七分水,这是地球上陆地与水的比例。显然,水是占了优势。生活在水中的植物也随着水的优势而占优势。如果从水中植物的数量上和光合作用产量上看,它更是占绝对优势。水中的植物很多,有高等的、低等的,但主要是低等的藻类。藻类的家族很多,现知有十大家族(门)约1500~3600种,它们对自然界和人类作出了巨大的贡献,但也带来了危害。  相似文献   

病毒在自然界广泛分布,人、动物、植物、昆虫以及真菌和细菌等均会因病毒寄居而引起感染,对人的健康和社会经济都有很大影响。人类急性传染病中约70%由病毒引起,有些病毒还能引起肿瘤。  相似文献   

可持续发展问题是由人引发、由人提出、由人来解决的 ,解决的目的也是为人。只有人逐步地走向现代化 ,可持续发展才能实现。要把人的现代化战略与可持续发展的战略紧密结合 ,使我国走向繁荣和发展。  相似文献   

浅议人的全面发展与社会进步   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会进步与人的全面发展是一个相互促进、相互制约的历史过程。实现人的全面发展是社会主义现代化建设的重要目标;人的全面发展是推进社会主义现代化建设的重要动力。  相似文献   

社会主义经济、政治、文化等方面的建设实践和人的全面发展是紧密结合、互相促进的统一的历史过程。江泽民同志的这一论述继承和发展了马克思主义的基本观点 ,为实现社会主义社会经济、政治、文化和人的和谐发展提供了理论指导  相似文献   

城市化最难而又最重要的是人的城市化。人的城市化的关键是全面提升人的综合素质。人的城市化要靠教育,特别是职业教育。职业教育能有效地提高城市劳动者的素质,从而加快实现人的城市化。  相似文献   

在《周易恒解》一书中,刘沅首先认为,人秉太极浑然之理气而有先天本然之心(性),人已生之后,因物欲的障蔽而产生后天之心,回复到先天之心(性)的惟一途径是复性之功。其次,他认为《易》之卦爻无不蕴含有天地万物之理,《易》之书万象咸包万理咸具,它是人们修德以复性的重要依据。由此,刘沅提出了一部《易经》无非教人修德的观点,并总结出了一系列德行修养之方法。  相似文献   

人是教育的中心和出发点,也是教育的目的和归宿,而人应当是全面而自由发展的。人的全面而自由发展的实现及其实现程度受制于诸多因素的制约,其中教育制度是重要的因素之一。只有“好的”、“善的”教育制度才能促进人的全面而自由发展。  相似文献   

1 Introduction 1 Myocardium enzyme includes Creatin Kinase (CK: EC2.7.3.2) and its isozyme (CK-MB), Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH: EC1.1.1.27), α-hydrxybutyrate Dehydrogenase (HBDH) and Glutamic Oxalic Transaminase (GOT: EC2.6.1.1). The black bear (Ursus thibetanus, black bear ) is a kind of animal of great economic and academic attraction, and is included in the List of Level 2 Endangered Species of Animals in China. Extensive research has been done involving the black bear in su…  相似文献   

研究主动吸烟以及被动吸烟对生物体的危害。在被动吸烟的研究中针对当地的4种生物,设计了对照组进行观察比较;在主动吸烟的研究时,制取烟草浸出液,观察其对4种生物的影响。通过此活动让学生认识到吸烟对生物体的危害,拒绝主动吸烟和被动吸烟。  相似文献   

治学育人 必正其风   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
大学应以"治学为基,育人为本",学生要有好的学习之风,教师应有好的治学之"风"与"育人"之"风",管理人员应有好的管理之"风"。为此,应大兴"四风":高度负责,实事求是,和而不同,与时俱进。为了正"风",大学必须深化改革,体制上应实行"党委领导,行政管理,教授治学",机制上应实行"依法治校,以德治校,民主治校",大兴好风,规范管理。  相似文献   

Patsy Allen has taught in and directed preschool, secondary, and college early childhood education programs. Currently she is writing, consulting, and practicing her parenting skills with her three children in Friona, TX.  相似文献   

With panic clearly showing in his eyes, Josh dropped to the floor, locked his dad's leg between both arms, and screamed. It was Josh's first day at school. While young children's fears may not always appear to be rational in the eyes of adults, every child's fearful response deserves to be acknowledged as a genuine reaction to an actual or perceived threat. Because fear has the potential to interfere with the young child's quality of life, it would seem important to understand the nature and normal developmental course of early childhood fears.  相似文献   

The Parenting Inventory: Young Children (PI) is a rating scale that measures the developmental expectations and behaviors of parents of children who are between the ages of 1 and 4 years, 11 months. Using a representative urban sample of 1,056 mothers, the PI was found to discriminate successfully between parents with children of different ages and to have substantial item-construct correlations (content validity). The PI was not strongly related to the Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory, a measure of parenting attitudes (discriminant validity). Reasons for this latter finding are discussed. Potential uses of the PI for practitioners working with parents in the schools are described.  相似文献   

Young children,gender and the heterosexual matrix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper I consider the adult focus of current mainstream gender theory. I relate this to how the concept of the heterosexual matrix originates in a social contract which excludes children from civil society. I argue that this exclusion is problematic both for theoretical reasons and from the perspective of children themselves. I start by discussing the nature of the heterosexual matrix and its foundations. I consider the implications for participation which arise from being named as a child, how that affects children's attempts to claim participation in civil society, and how this is related to children's naming of themselves as gendered. I then briefly consider the possibility that, because of their exclusion, children might also be considered to be exempt from the heterosexual matrix. However, I argue, there is considerable evidence that children are actively sexual beings who also work hard to claim inclusion in local practices of heterosexuality. I end by suggesting that there are three key reasons for this: that the discourses of normative sexuality provide children with a language to express sexual feelings; that self-insertion in the heterosexual matrix is a way for children to claim rights to participation; and that taking up heterosexual formations is a means whereby children can experience the power of naming themselves as part of the social world.  相似文献   

From an integrative approach, this work focuses on the role of conceptual mechanisms, such as comparison and conceptual-based inference, and sociopragmatic support in young children's taxonomic categorization. “Experiment 1” assessed whether 3-, 4-, and 6-year-old children succeed in detecting taxonomic relations on their own. A clear developmental trend was found: 6-year-olds succeeded, whereas 4- and 3-year-olds relied primarily on perceptually based categories. “Experiment 2” assessed if 3-year-olds are able to change their perceptual response into a taxonomic categorization as a function of the co-occurrence of contingent category information and feedback in an interactive process with an adult (experimenter). A pretest–posttest training study compared 3-year-olds' performance in four conditions: comparison, conceptual-based, information-only, and feedback-only. A perceptual–totaxonomic shift was found only in the comparison and conceptual-based training groups. Children who only received either category information or corrective feedback did not make such a shift. The results show that social interaction with supportive adults is a mechanism that drives conceptual understanding in early childhood.  相似文献   

Too often young children are hurried into formal academic tasks before they are ready. This push for abstract reading and writing skills in early childhood settings can actually inhibit young children's language development. However, teachers who allow children to naturally acquire reading and writing provide a print-rich environment that encourages experimentation with language.  相似文献   

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