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文法学校是中世纪英国中等学校教育的一个典型。它是中世纪基督教文艺复兴和英国本民族历史发展的混合产物。它孕育于基督教教会学校中,作为拉丁文法知识的教育而存在,又在12世纪文艺复兴的影响下,脱离教会学校的母体,走向独立发展的道路,并在教会办学的基础上出现世俗办学的趋势。此后,在英国的宗教改革和14~16世纪文艺复兴影响之下,人文主义和古典主义复兴,文法学校脱离罗马天主教廷的控制,走向世俗的繁荣,其发展达到高潮。中世纪英国的文法学校,与当时的教会学校和今天英国的文法学校相比,都有其独特之处。同时,它在英国有极高的社会地位,并产生了深远的影响。笔者对中世纪英国文法学校的发展历程、概况和特征及其对当时英国社会的影响进行初步探索,旨在使读者了解中世纪英国文法学校的发展状况及教育特色,认识到中世纪英国学校教育的另一面,即在宗教文化笼罩之下的中世纪英国,也存在着古典人文教育。  相似文献   

在法国高等教育的发展历程中,宗教文化发挥了非常重要的作用。法国的学校教育肇始于早期基督教的教会学校,巴黎大学这一高等教育组织便与主教座堂学校有着深刻的历史联系。在巴黎大学诞生前后,其发展常受到教会力量的干预,其精神特质深受基督教文化的影响;中世纪后期,宗教领域的变化也波及了巴黎大学,新兴教会在教育方式上给了巴黎大学一定的引导。据此,笔者认为巴黎大学乃至法国高等教育的历史本质是一种宗教文化。  相似文献   

在西方世界中,澳大利亚的私立中小学教育虽然比不上荷兰、比利时等国的发达,但私立中小学学生数的比例还是比较高的,近些年来,一直徘徊在30%左右,远远高出了英国(6%)和美国(12%)。私立中小学教育在澳大利亚的发展固然有宗教、传统和社会等方面的因素,但政府给予私立中小  相似文献   

自2004年10月27日,英国教育大臣查理斯查理斯·克拉克公布第一份全国性中小学宗教教育指导大纲之后,牛津郡就在2007年推出了第一份宗教教育大纲。牛津郡宗教教育大纲的教育内容为本地(或者一个学院开发)大纲,它必须反映这一事实:"英国宗教传统宗教为基督教,是从总体考虑到在英国教学和实践的其他主要宗教"。这份2015-2020教育大纲作为衔接,ASC(大纲组委会)要求:最小变化需要改变的内容(在原样上进行修正),同时自由计划询问,并以学习、反思为重点。学校宗教教育在制度中并不是教育学校的宗教教育,2004年的基本指导大纲上,很明确的指出这是为了让学生深入了解更广阔的世界。基于宗教是一种由文化作为载体的现象,而当今世界文化又具有多元性,而教学任务则是通过对于现象的认识做出发散思考,以便达到对于学生认知的提高,故,对于教育者的要求则更加特殊。  相似文献   

基督教会传教士为了传播基督教,在沂蒙创办了大量的教会学校。这些学校遍布沂州府所属各县,采用西方近代教育体制,招收教徒和非教徒子女授学,宗教是必修重点学科,此外开数,理化,外语,体育,实验等课程。初办时,少收或不收任何费用,后收费越来越多。教会粉学属于文化侵略的范畴,一些沂蒙人因到教会学校就读而信仰了基督教,很多教会学校的毕业生成了洋奴和帝国主义侵华的帮凶。但教会学校也扩大了西学在沂蒙的传播和西学对沂蒙的影响,培养了一批新式人才,客观上促进了沂蒙近代教育的发展。  相似文献   

本文拟从国际比较的角度,对国外私立中小学的发展动向进行分析和研究,以期对私立中小学有一种正确的认识和评价。回顾世界各国教育发展的历程,我们可清楚看到,私立中小学与教育中的许多现象一样,是各国社会政治、经济、文化和宗教等因素影响下的产物,伴随着这些因素的变化和发展,私立中小学也经历了不同的演变过程,在当今各国学校教育制度中的地位也不尽相  相似文献   

重庆作为近代中国长江上游重要的通商口岸、西南地区经贸中心,较早地吸引了传教士来此布道,逐渐成为基督教会在华西地区的传教中心。传教士在重庆创办了数量不菲的教会学校——幼稚园、教会小学、教会中学乃至各类专门学校,形成了重庆近代教育史上特殊的教育类型。近代重庆教会学校在传播宗教神学、扩张文化宗教势力的同时,对科学技术的传播,学校教学课程、组织管理及教学方法的现代转型都客观上发挥了作用,并由此在一定程度上促进重庆近代新教育的发展。  相似文献   

英国工业化期间,工人阶级生活状况的恶化引起了社会各阶层的关注。传播福音主义的热情和强烈的道德责任感,鼓舞着一些福音派上层人士去关怀工人阶级的境遇。从18世纪末到19世纪初,福音派上层从宗教信仰理论出发,将各种关怀工人阶级的思想付诸实践,在推动工厂改革、学校教育、贫困救助等方面给下层劳动者带来了福音。在自由放任思潮盛行的年代,福音派的思想和行动在改善工人阶级境况的同时,也对英国"渐进式"发展道路乃至走向国家干预产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

王安 《考试周刊》2008,(48):232-234
19世纪的美国经济发达,基督教在社会中的影响日渐增长,人民的宗教热情不断高涨。在美国社会中形成了向世界推广基督教,传播美国现代文明的热潮。在这样的时代背景下,卫三畏在家族、学校、社区等因素的影响下成为了一名虔诚的基督徒,他在美国文化传统中形成了独立、坚韧的个人品质。这一切促使卫三畏成为一名传教士,来到中国传播美国现代文明和基督教福音。这也成为他观察中国的出发点。  相似文献   

任淑艳在《史学月刊》2009年第6期撰文指出,民国时期,欧美国家在华创办教会学校,深涵为基督征服之目的,在学校管理中实施全方位的宗教灌输。无论天主教还是基督教学校都设立专门的宗教课程,编辑宗教教学资料,一般由传教士亲自授课。对学生参加各项宗教活动,学校都做出具体规定,强迫学生参加祈祷、礼拜、忏悔等宗教仪式。以契约的形式“买断”学生的自由,利用课外活动挤占学生的业余时间和精力,使之在“忙而无暇”中被操控。  相似文献   


This article uses the biographies of three German teachers to explore nineteenth century German immigrants' efforts to provide education which upheld their ethnic traditions and prepared their children to take their place in the British colony of South Australia. Lutheran schools, German state schools and private schools initially performed these functions in both rural and urban areas. Once compulsory schooling was introduced in 1875, however, German state schools were marginalised as English became the only language of instruction in the rapidly expanding state school system, and many private schools closed. Rural Lutheran schools maintained their role as nurseries of the church but also accommodated the demand for English language and culture by using state school courses of instruction in many subjects. In essence, by 1900 schools were no longer the key sites for the maintenance of German language and culture in South Australia  相似文献   

中国学校发展史上.于19世纪中叶由教会学校发端,开始了班级授课的学校阶段。较之史上的“私学”和“书院”阶段,它的出现更能适应近、现代工业生产发展的新的历史时期。西方传授士创办和执教的教会学校,至少在客观上曾经对中国的文明、进步起了积极的作用,“西学东渐”与书院有着一定的联系和交流,最早的教会学校亦多有称做书院的。  相似文献   

美国州政府遵从“政教分离”和“儿童受益”原则,对义务教育阶段私立学校进行资助。其内容包括以提供交通服务、教科书为主的服务性资助和以减税、发放教育券为主的鼓励教育选择的资助。政府资助私立学校以服务性资助为主,但鼓励教育选择的资助逐渐增加;实行分类资助,但主要资助非营利性私立学校;在资助的同时加强对私立学校的管理。  相似文献   

文章主要研究了美国私立教育财政资助诉讼,诉讼的焦点是政教分离问题,诉讼的宪法依据是美国宪法第一修正案的立教条款,法院审查的标准由莱蒙托准则演变为政府中立性标准,并最终导致了教育券项目的合法化。  相似文献   

唐山的近代教育有许多办学方式,这些办学方式的种类具体包括官方办学、教会办学、民间办学和企业办学等。同时,唐山近代教育办学方式的种类不仅多种多样,而且每种办学方式均有自己的鲜明特点。  相似文献   

The “mushrooming” of private schools for low-income families has been widely noted in the literature; however, very little is known about the quality of these schools. This research explored the relative quality of private unaided (recognised and unrecognised) and government schools in low-income areas of Hyderabad, India. A preliminary census to locate unrecognised private schools – not on official lists – was conducted. Data were collected on achievement and background variables for 3,910 pupils from a stratified random sample of schools. Using multilevel modelling shows that pupils in private unrecognised and recognised schools, when controlled for age, pupil's IQ, and class average IQ, achieve higher scores in mathematics and English than equivalent pupils in government schools. There is no significant difference between private and government schools in pupil achievement in Urdu. The achievement advantage for private schools did not arise because of greater resources available, at least in terms of per pupil teacher salaries.  相似文献   

Over recent decades, educators have recognized the crucial importance of teaching environment and contextual factors in teaching and learning outcomes. Public and private schools are among those teaching contexts that have been in competition for teaching quality and effectiveness for many years. This study investigated the effectiveness of some English teachers in these two school contexts in a foreign language setting, Iran. Seventy-six public and private high schools in a small city in Iran were selected, and their English teachers’ performance was evaluated by an external observer and self-evaluation using a high-inference observation instrument and a questionnaire. The result of the data analysis showed that English teachers who worked in private schools were more effective teachers than their colleagues in public schools. The results also revealed that teacher effectiveness and their years of teaching experience and age were weakly but significantly related. Furthermore, it was found that teachers’ type of university degree and the location of schools (disadvantaged vs. privileged areas of the city) were not related to teachers’ effectiveness.  相似文献   

Education policy in England has explicitly aimed to remodel state schools in the image of independent, private, schools. However, the body of research evidence on the operation of private schools is very small. Critics have frequently argued that, in contrast to state schools, private schools use resources efficiently because their autonomy gives them freedom to make efficient choices in response to market pressures. We investigated the resource allocation decisions of income private schools using data from their financial accounts. We report the associations of private school spending and performance and teacher and non‐teacher numbers, teacher salaries and regional earnings. Schools with higher fees had more teachers and non‐teachers per pupil, but similar average staff wages to schools with lower income. Yet we found little evidence that achievement was associated with resource use in English private schools. That is, we found no evidence to support the view that financial autonomy enabled flexibility in using resources to promote higher achievement.  相似文献   

This synthetic review aims to unite a seemingly disjoint collection of studies over the past 3 decades around their shared examination of sexism in an often overlooked U.S. population, namely girls attending private Christian schools. This undertaking reveals substantial harms that I categorize as those of immediacy and potentiality, which are occurring behind the protective wall separating church and state. Contra the majority of philosophers of education and researchers in this area, these studies lead me to argue that the state has the obligation and legal ability to intervene in this private domain. Notably, this study begins to flesh out a notion of educational harm that may be robust enough for state policy making and legal action in private schools. Based on a legalized understanding of sexist harm, I conclude with a detailed analysis of Constitutional provisions and court decisions relative to state intervention and freedom of religious practice.  相似文献   

Making use of material written by British prime ministers, a case is presented for understanding church schools and religious education in a way distinct from that normally utilised in academic discourse. Politicians in democratic countries depend on attracting votes to assume power. They therefore integrate church schools and religious education within existing political positions. Conservative politicans see church schools as being an example of parental choice and religious education as being an aid to moral education. Labour politicians see church schools as contributing to a pluralistic society and aiding the cultural identity of ethnic groups.  相似文献   

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